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正一、历史上对中国化经学思想探索中国伊斯兰教在发展过程中,对中国传统文化的吸纳是一个重要的特点,中国传统文化已经成为中国伊斯兰教经学思想的重要元素。特别是从明代之后,中国化经学思想逐步产生、丰富和完善,影响深远。(一)产生了一批有影响的经师。其中最有代表性的是胡登洲,胡登洲开创了以培养我国伊斯兰教经师为目的的经堂教育,成为我国经学思想建设的重要环节。赵灿所著《经学系传谱》,比较详细地记述了明清之际自胡  相似文献   

正《经学系传谱》(以下简称《系传谱》)记载了明末清初,胡登洲中兴伊斯兰经学开创经堂教育,与其弟子共七传的师承体系,较为全面地呈现了中国伊斯兰经学教育的经籍科目、授学方法、教学特点、历史脉络等内容。它是胡登洲及其传人,历代经师共同推动伊斯兰教教义理论和宗教礼仪等中国本土化,逐渐形成明清以来回族经学范式的第一手历史资料(1)。同时还是中国  相似文献   

<正>中国经堂教育的开创者胡登洲在明代伊斯兰教衰微,中国本土伊斯兰教经师十分稀少和伊斯兰典籍极度缺乏的社会大背景下,以追随域外来华经师游学为获得伊斯兰教学问的主要  相似文献   

<正>汉文伊斯兰教著述是个很大的论题。国内的阿訇、经师、学者,从事伊斯兰教著述的,不仅有汉文的,还有阿拉伯文、波斯文、维吾尔文的作品,这里仅涉及汉文方面的伊斯兰教著述,下面简称为汉文著述。一、汉文著述兴起的社会历史条件伊斯兰教于7世纪初创立后,有个自我发展、自我完善到宗教体制定型的过程。(1)伊斯兰教发展过程中,苏菲主义具有宣教布道的特点。其后来华的苏菲传教士把苏菲神秘主  相似文献   

本文通过实际访谈和问卷调查,对中国伊斯兰教经堂教育的主流思想、课程设置与教材使用、经堂人才培养机制、汉语和传统文化课程的设置、课程和教学方法改革、经师经生现状及经堂教育的转型、与现代教育的关系等现实问题做了较为详细的研究。认为中国伊斯兰教经堂教育应始终坚持哈奈菲教法学的根本思想和传统,始终坚持马图里迪教义学派的根本思想和传统,始终坚持经过历代先哲、经师总结和传承的、具有中国传统文化元素的中国伊斯兰教的根本思想和传统,秉持温和适中、不偏不倚的主流思想。传统经堂教育应放眼世界、与时俱进,适时调整有关学科,重视后继人才培养和地区经堂教育健康、良性的发展,巩固并完善中国伊斯兰教经学思想的这一重要成果。  相似文献   

陕西是经堂教育的倡兴地,并形成了影响深远的陕西学派。经学兴盛,经师辈出,诸大经师亦设帐任教,涌现出不少经学世家,其中马道真经师及其经学世家就是其中之一。一、心真教真马道真马道真是其家族中已知最早的经师姓名,在家族文献中被尊称为始祖,因而以“马道真经学世家”称其家族较为恰当。  相似文献   

<正>陕西是经堂教育的倡兴地,并形成了影响深远的陕西学派。经学兴盛,经师辈出,诸大经师亦设帐任教,涌现出不少经学世家,其中马道真经师及其经学世家就是其中之一。一、心真教真马道真马道真是其家族中已知最早的经师姓名,在家族文献中被尊称为始祖,因而以"马道真经学世家"称其家族较为恰当。据《大皮院清真寺始建碑》(以下简称《始建碑》)可知,马道真为明朝初期人士,  相似文献   

从思想内容来看,谶纬与今文经学关系更为密切,而其与古文经学的关系则给人以相互敌对的印象。其实,谶纬与古文经学的关系非常复杂。在东汉之前,古文经师对于谶纬基本上持赞同态度,在思想上还影响了谶纬,如刘歆的很多思想在谶纬中都有体现。王莽一方面利用"符命"和谶纬为自己篡夺政权积极制造舆论,另一方面在政治改制上则主要依靠古文经学。到了东汉,谶纬取得了"国宪"的地位,虽然遭到一些古文经师的批评,但由于其不可置疑的地位,古文经师也积极从图谶中寻找资源以争取上层的认可。  相似文献   

内地伊斯兰教经堂教育的话语体系,是指内地伊斯兰教经堂教育在发展过程中,对教育目标、理念及表达方式共同建构起来的体系。从《经学系传谱》来看,内地伊斯兰教经堂教育的目标就是经师的培养、经书的引入与阐扬,培养教门意识。这些内容有助于推进伊斯兰教中国化。  相似文献   

<正>内地伊斯兰教经堂教育的话语体系,是指内地伊斯兰教经堂教育在发展过程中,对教育目标、理念及表达方式共同建构起来的体系。从《经学系传谱》来看,内地伊斯兰教经堂教育的目标就是经师的培养、经书的引入与阐扬,培养教门意识。这些内容有助于推进伊斯兰教中国化。一、经师的培养有助于穆斯林与主流社会的沟通从明朝开始,除信仰之外,内地穆斯林的建筑、姓氏、语言、婚姻、服饰等方面,更具有中国气派与中国风格。那么,内地穆  相似文献   

Jacob Neusner 《Religion》2013,43(1):58-68
Scripture, in particular the Pentateuch, forms the natural starting point for any inquiry into origins in Judaism. The question answered here derives from a simple fact: the Pentateuch is privileged within the Rabbinic system, which links as much of the Halakhah to the Pentateuchal law codes as it possibly can. So it is quite natural to treat Scripture as the base-line and the Halakhic category-formations as the variable, in seeking the origin of the system. But what happens when we treat the system as the base-line and Scripture as the variable? Then we see that the Halakhic system viewed as a coherent statement does not originate in Scripture. Scripture is not the origin of the Halakhah. Why not? Because of this paradox: Scripture is necessary for the Halakhic system. But Scripture is insufficient for the Halakhic system. The Halakhic system is necessary for Scripture. The Halakhic system is sufficient without Scripture. It requires only Scripture's facts ‐ and these on their own form no system.  相似文献   

Scripture, in particular the Pentateuch, forms the natural starting point for any inquiry into origins in Judaism. The question answered here derives from a simple fact: the Pentateuch is privileged within the Rabbinic system, which links as much of the Halakhah to the Pentateuchal law codes as it possibly can. So it is quite natural to treat Scripture as the base-line and the Halakhic category-formations as the variable, in seeking the origin of the system. But what happens when we treat the system as the base-line and Scripture as the variable? Then we see that the Halakhic system viewed as a coherent statement does not originate in Scripture. Scripture is not the origin of the Halakhah. Why not? Because of this paradox: Scripture is necessary for the Halakhic system. But Scripture is insufficient for the Halakhic system. The Halakhic system is necessary for Scripture. The Halakhic system is sufficient without Scripture. It requires only Scripture's facts - and these on their own form no system.  相似文献   

The traditional view that Richard Hooker argued for the religiousauthority of Scripture, reason, and tradition, in that order,has come under sustained criticism in recent years, especiallyfrom those scholars who assert that Hooker was in fact an orthodoxReformed theologian. Although Hooker placed a distinctivelyhigh value on the role of reason in authenticating Holy Scripture,it is claimed that this is fully compatible with the Protestantprinciple of sola Scriptura, and reflects wider developmentsin the Reformed tradition on the role of reason in proving thatScripture is divine revelation. This article seeks to refutethese claims by examining Reformed thought on the religiousauthority of Scripture and reason in matters of Christian doctrine,looking at representatives from the Reformers, early orthodoxy,and high orthodoxy. This is then compared with Hooker's work,where, it is argued, the Reformed doctrine that Scripture isthe principium cognoscendi theologiae, with reason merely anancillary ‘handmaid’, is replaced by the radicalposition that Scripture and demonstrative reasoning are bothprincipial authorities in matters of Christian doctrine. Inpropounding his triple-source theory of religious authority,therefore, Hooker is concluded to have broken fundamentallywith the principle of sola Scriptura.  相似文献   

This article argues that the concept of autopistia offers a helpful perspective for theological reflection on the authority of Scripture in the present context. It explains the concept by eliminating some misunderstandings and offering a definition of the autopistia of Scripture from its theological sources. It faces the objections that the idea is inutile because it is too specifically Protestant and outdated because it rests on pre‐modern presuppositions. Finally it draws some implications of this perspective for the role of the church, for the communication of the authority of Scripture in the postmodern context, and for the proper place of the doctrine of Scripture in systematic theology.  相似文献   

Scripture is somehow normative for any bioethic that would be Christian. There are problems, however, both with Scripture and with those who read Scripture. Methodological reflection is necessary. Scripture must be read humbly and in Christian community. It must be read not as a timeless code but as the story of God and of our lives. That story moves from creation to a new creation. At the center of the Christian story are the stories of Jesus of Nazareth as healer, preacher of good news to the poor, and sufferer. The story shapes character and conduct and enables communal discernment.  相似文献   

Despite a growing literature on social support networks in religious settings (i.e., church-based social support), little is known about mosque-based support among Muslims. This study investigates the demographic and religious behavior correlates of mosque-based social support among a multi-racial and ethnic sample of 231 young Muslims from southeast Michigan. Several dimensions of mosque-based support are examined including receiving emotional support, giving emotional support, anticipated emotional support and negative interactions with members of one’s mosque. Results indicated that women both received and anticipated receiving greater support than did men. Higher educational attainment was associated with receiving and giving less support compared to those with the lowest level of educational attainment. Moreover, highly educated members reported fewer negative interactions than less educated members. Mosque attendance and level of congregational involvement positively predicted receiving, giving, and anticipated emotional support from congregants, but was unrelated to negative interactions. Overall, the study results converge with previously established correlates of church-based emotional support.  相似文献   

In the last half century (pious) Muslims and their communities have become integral parts of German cities. They are creative cultural producers and religiously inspired urban citizens. Mosques are central nodes in urban Muslim religious and cultural geographies where believers negotiate pious identities and lifeworlds, configure pious public personae and modes of civic participation. In this paper I introduce the Al-Nour Mosque as a unique node in the religious and cultural geography of the southern German state capital of Stuttgart. I examine this mosque as an urban space where individual and communal religiosities and religious cultures are discussed, formulated, tested and practised. My central question is how urban culture and religion are negotiated in the context of a mosque community. I argue that urban culture and religion are negotiated not only in mainstream public spaces or established churches but also in invisible places like mosques. Based on several years of ethnographic fieldwork in Stuttgart, I analyse the creative role of the Al-Nour Mosque in the construction of religious subjectivities, negotiations of urban religiosities and religiously inspired urban cultures. Analysing exemplary events, activities, cultural and religious negotiations in the Al-Nour Mosque, I demonstrate that places like the Al-Nour Mosque are dynamic elements of the urban religious and cultural geography.  相似文献   

As he approached the monumental task of writing his own systematic theology, John Webster gave strategic attention to constructing a doctrine of Scripture that was adequate to support such a project. In contrast to some well‐respected modern systematic theologies that got by with less robust bibliologies (those of Pannenberg and Jenson), Webster saw the need to establish from the outset a more fully elaborated doctrine of Holy Scripture. He framed that doctrine of Scripture by appealing above all to his central dogmatic commitment, the doctrine of the Trinity. The trinitarian contours of Webster’s doctrine of Scripture are most conspicuous in his treatment of the missions of the Son and the Spirit. Webster understands the entire Bible as the self‐testimony of the risen Christ (mission of the Son), and explains its cognitive effectiveness in terms of the full range of the work of the Holy Spirit in inspiration and illumination (mission of the Spirit). The trinitarian grounding of his doctrine of Scripture enabled Webster to retrieve the Protestant orthodox doctrine of Scripture’s inspiration.  相似文献   

Current attempts to understand Scripture theologically typically appeal either to modern hermeneutics or to more traditional doctrines of Scripture – but not to both together. It is argued here that hermeneutics can help to identify and resolve certain problems bequeathed to posterity by the characteristic sixteenth‐century equation of Scripture with ‘Word of God’. The problems in question relate to the past and present modes of divine speech, the relation of text to community and the fundamental significance of the ‘Word of God’ concept itself.  相似文献   

Winston Persaud 《Dialog》2010,49(2):123-132
Abstract : In this article, I argue that Lutheran doctrine of Scripture is rooted in a christological centre, a centre that is coherent with Lamin Sanneh's thesis that the missionary experience must encompass both the work of the missionary who comes from ‘outside’ and, more especially, the reflections of the ‘indigenous’ peoples on Scripture in its witness to God's coming in Jesus Christ. This essential mutuality of ‘receiving’ and ‘giving’ in reading Scripture christologically undercuts imperial biblical hermeneutical practices that privilege certain cultures, languages, ethnic, racial, and class groupings as bearers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  相似文献   

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