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从1919年马克斯·韦伯在<以政治为业>的演讲中第一次提出"责任伦理"概念,到1979年德裔美籍著名哲学家约纳斯出版<责任原理>(1987年获德国图书业和平大奖),再到2001年底在法国里尔召开的第一届世界公民大会上通过<人类责任宪章>,短短的80年时间里,西方责任伦理研究从萌芽到成熟,从反应强烈的显学,到影响全球的<人类责任宪章>通过,发展之快,影响之大,均属罕见.责任伦理在西方乃至在全球,之所以有如此巨大的发展和影响,乃因为责任伦理是面向高科技、面向世界、面向未来的伦理,责任伦理是全球化时代的普世伦理.  相似文献   

<周易>的"象"有悠久的历史,其源头可追溯到上古文献<三坟>.卜筮在商朝时已成熟,早在商朝时就有官方易学和民间易学之分,所谓组成数字卦的数字应该是符号而不是筮数,在<周易>之前有<商易>,<商易>是商代巫咸结合远古文化与筮数而成.在商周时期有官方<易>和民间<易>,<周易>是对商代官方易学<商易>亦即<坤乾>的损益.从各种文献看,今传本<周易>的成书是比较晚的,<周易>形成后有很多不同的传本,亦有义理<周易>和卜筮<周易>之分.  相似文献   

论程大昌的易学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程大昌是南宋时期图书学派的重要代表人物,著有<易原>、<易老通言>两部易学专著,他以刘牧所论的黑白点图式的河图洛书为<周易>之原,以"太极"为制变之祖.本文指出,在尚未对河图洛书的来源与内容上进行理性求证的情况下,程大昌提出"卦画之智发于图书",并将圣人作<易>看成是天地用心"以数发智"的结果,为<周易>的源起抹上了浓厚的神秘色彩,而他解"易有太极"为"变易之道有立乎其极者焉",释"四象生八卦"为四气生八卦"出震终艮"更迭之序,将<周易>之"太极"与<老子>之"一"贯通理解,则拓展了<周易>文本的诠释空间.  相似文献   

<易传>是现存系统解释<周易>古经的最早典籍,对后世历代学人诠解<周易>产生了深远的影响.由于<周易>古经由卦爻符号和卦爻辞组成,卦爻符号与卦爻辞之间的关系便成为后世<周易>研究的关键问题.在<易传>作者看来,<周易>的卦爻辞是由圣人"观象"而来,圣人通过"观象系辞"来揭示易道.换句话说,<周易>所阐发的义理乃以象数为基础,象数蕴含着义理,义理脱胎于象效,二者如水乳之交融而不可分.而<易传>象数与义理合一的模式是以"三才之道"为其理论架构的.开天道以立人道,法天文以立人文,成为<易传>立论的理论支撑.  相似文献   

<周易>之"井"卦,<周易>作者乃取日常汲水之象而设卦,令人睹井水之利养于人,而思济人利物,广施德泽.由此,以井喻人,即修井是反身修德,井水养人是以德育人.尤其经<易传>的诠释和阐发,"井"卦成为人生德性修养、安身立命的重要内容之一.本文考察、辨析了历代注家关于"井"卦之释义,并结合出土文献的最新研究成果,重新诠释了"井"卦所含蕴的人文价值.  相似文献   

处在由汉唐经学向宋明理学转型过程中的胡瑗,在经学的视域下,对<周易>一经作了独到理解.依他之见,<周易>为圣者、王者通天而理天下的经典,为居首的王者之书.该经上以通天,下以贯人贯物,开显出"极天地之渊蕴,尽人事之终始"的宏大向度、根本宗旨与深厚底蕴.开示通天者有二,一为圣人,一为王.前者从生命人格意义上言,后者从拥有统御天下之大位意义上言.<易>所集中昭示的,是圣贤君子遥契超越之天而通天的整体天下意识下的应然价值自觉与使命担当.通天而高标王道,引领人生,平治天下.而圣贤君子所高标之王道,约而言之,即为一法天而正定的礼乐刑政之道.胡瑗的上述理解,既体现着汉唐礼乐文化的基本精神对于他的历史文化语境方面的内在深层影响,又昭示出士大夫层新的文化主体意识、天下平治引领性主体意识之自觉.  相似文献   

<周易>的希望品格是指<周易>在时间之维中展现出的对未来昂扬自信、积极乐观的精神气象和文化面貌,对其充分认识对开掘<周易>的文化内涵具有基础性意义.<易经>卦爻辞中的吉辞明显多于凶辞,凶转吉的现象显著,在事实上彰显出对未来的自信与希望.<易传>进一步在哲学理路上,从天道、人事、愿景等方面系统展现出<周易>的希望品格.从<周易>希望品格的视角考察中国式的终极关怀和民族精神,能获得新的认识.  相似文献   

本文立足于哲学视域,对<周易>诠释中的一些基本问题进行了探讨.其一,在<周易>的性质问题上,认为从发生意义上看,它是一部卜筮之书;从内涵意义上看,其意蕴精微广大,乃天人之学;从历史发展来看,它自身有一个学术品格转换、提升、发展的历程.其二,初步揭示了占筮中所具有的哲理意蕴,指出占筮与<周易>的天人整体之学之间有甚深之诠释关系,占筮所蕴具的天地人物一体融通的终极境域乃是易学无穷意义的来源.其三,认为深入挖掘文本,澄清<周易>的表达方式,乃是易学研究的基础,就此本文主张回到<易传>以开显易学活的精神,辞、变、象、占四圣道的确立为解读<周易>精微之蕴开辟了道路.  相似文献   

本文考察了<周易>古经的成书及流变过程,提出了解释<周易>古经应该遵循的五个基本原则.据此,笔者对<周易>古经中的<离>卦、<兑>卦作出了新的解释.作者认为,<离>卦以狼群袭击人类喻异族入侵.其中的"离"就是狼.狼很可能是异族入侵者的图腾,也是对该族人的称呼.笔者认为,<兑>卦反映了先秦比较常见的巫术之——"说"."说"是向神灵祈祷的一种巫术.从出土的占卜材料来看,占卜时若遇到有"忧"或有"祟",贞人往往建议人们进行"说"以除之.  相似文献   

<周易>是中国文化史上最古老、也是地位最显要的一部典籍.因为它年代久远,就自然对中华传统文化的形成起到了源头活水的作用;由于它地位显要,因而中国传统文化的诸多方面都受到它的影响而与之交融会通.探讨<周易>与太极拳的关系,有助于人们从根本上深刻认识太极拳的文化内涵.太极拳的名称受<周易>的深刻影响;太极拳的理论源于<周易>的阴阳学说;<周易>思想指导着太极拳内功的修炼;太极拳体现了<周易>"天人合一"的思想;太极拳蕴含<周易>"仁义诚敬、刚柔并济"的道德标准.  相似文献   

在社会公共生活日益扩张的今天,工作伦理成为社会价值的源点。工作伦理因其可操作性的践行力,命令性的强制力和广泛的辐射力使其强化了员工的责任意识、营造了良好的社会道德环境并改变着员工的道德思维、养成着良好的德性修养。加强工作伦理建设是社会道德改善的最有效途径。  相似文献   

生命科学家的社会伦理责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生命科学的发展导致了复杂的伦理道德问题,对传统的社会道德观念形成了强烈的冲击.为了最大限度地避免和消除生命科学技术的负面效应,必须制定相应的科技政策和强有力的社会伦理道德规范来约束生命科学家的行为,增强生命科学家的社会责任感,使生命科学更好地为人类造福.  相似文献   

The experience of agency refers to the feeling that we control our own actions, and through them the outside world. In many contexts, sense of agency has strong implications for moral responsibility. For example, a sense of agency may allow people to choose between right and wrong actions, either immediately, or on subsequent occasions through learning about the moral consequences of their actions. In this study we investigate the relation between the experience of operant action, and responsibility for action outcomes using the intentional binding effect (Haggard, Clark, & Kalogeras, 2002) as an implicit, quantitative measure related to sense of agency. We studied the time at which people perceived simple manual actions and their effects, when these actions were embedded in scenarios where their actions had unpredictable consequences that could be either moral or merely economic. We found an enhanced binding of effects back towards the actions that caused them, implying an enhanced sense of agency, in moral compared to non-moral contexts. We also found stronger binding for effects with severely negative, compared to moderately negative, values. A tight temporal association between action and effect may be a low-level phenomenal marker of the sense of responsibility.  相似文献   

Scientists’ sense of social responsibility is particularly relevant for emerging technologies. Since a regulatory vacuum can sometimes occur in the early stages of these technologies, individual scientists’ social responsibility might be one of the most significant checks on the risks and negative consequences of this scientific research. In this article, we analyze data from a 2011 mail survey of leading U.S. nanoscientists to explore their perceptions the regarding social and ethical responsibilities for their nanotechnology research. Our analyses show that leading U.S. nanoscientists express a moderate level of social responsibility about their research. Yet, they have a strong sense of ethical obligation to protect laboratory workers (in both universities and industry) from unhealthy exposure to nanomaterials. We also find that there are significant differences in scientists’ sense of social and ethical responsibility depending on their demographic characteristics, job affiliation, attention to media content, risk perceptions and benefit perceptions. We conclude with some implications for future research.  相似文献   

企业伦理:意涵及其功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业伦理从日常伦理衍生而来,但也具有自身的场域逻辑;企业伦理主要涵括企业之于社会系统的责任伦理和企业中“利益相关者”之间的职业伦理;企业伦理的功能渐次演绎为“约束效用”、“工具效用”以及“价值效用”;在一定情境下,企业伦理与其组织功效、经济绩效其实还存在着一种“兼容性”。  相似文献   

Max Weber's distinction in "Politics as a Vocation" between the ethic of conviction and the ethic of responsibility is best understood as a distinction between mutually exclusive ethical worldviews. Interpretations that correlate the two ethics with Weber's distinction between value-rational social action and instrumental-rational social action are misleading since Weber assumes that both types of rational social action are present in both ethics. The ethic of conviction recognizes a given hierarchy of values as the context for moral endeavor. The ethic of responsibility acknowledges value obligations, but assumes the absence of any given hierarchy of values and the inevitability of value conflict as the context for moral endeavor. When interpreted in the context of his multilayered understanding of value conflict, Weber's ethic of responsibility emerges as a coherent ethical perspective.  相似文献   

A Great Plains land ethic is shaped by an intimate knowledge of and appreciation for the evolution, ecology, and aesthetics of the plains landscape. The landscape evokes a sense of wonder and mystery suggested by the word "sacrament." The biblical concept of "covenant" points to God as a community-forming power, a creative process that has evolved into the earth community to which we humans belong. In contrast to an anthropocentric ethic which emphasizes human dominion over nature, a Theo-centric land ethic seeks a balance, reflected in Genesis 1–3, between humans who are members of the earth community and moral agents accountable to God for the earth. A land ethic identifies concrete practices of metanoia and healing: agricultural practices to address the loss and degradation of soil; conservation and protection of water sources; utilization of wind and solar energy; and prescribed burning to restore processes vital to the prairie ecosystem. The concept of subsidiarity suggests that practices of metanoia and healing are a combination of wise public policy balanced by personal, family, church, business, and community responsibility.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT There are many points of similarity between the views of pacifists and those of people who argue that sentient non-human animals have absolute rights. Both positions ultimately rest on the assertion that the consequences of a violent action which is intended to preserve some lives by terminating others are more far-reaching than we generally suppose. When the total net consequences of such actions are considered, it can be seen that an ethic of complete non-violence might turn out to be optimific in the long run. Hence, absolutist moral positions of this sort should not be seen as irrational, or self-serving, and are worthy of respectful consideration even if we finally decide that we ourselves cannot accept them.
Until we have firm evidence as to whether non-violence has positive or negative net consequences, the choice between absolute and situationist ethical positions must remain one which depends very largely on personal character. Absolutist positions do serve a valuable 'conscience-pricking' function for the rest of us. They stand most chance of becoming more widely accepted if they are incorporated within a general ethic of positive helpfulness, rather than being presented as purely negative prohibitions.  相似文献   

突发事件发生后, 通过责任归因对事件原因和责任归属进行推断是民众心理活动的重要特征之一。从民众心理需要来看, 突发事件带来的不确定感驱使个体寻找事件的解释来实现认知闭合, 控制感的不足则会让个体更加强调外部世界的秩序性, 这两种需要也是事件中阴谋论传播和替罪羊效应的心理基础。相应地, 在事件中负有责任的组织主体, 也应当基于民众的心理需要采取适当的应对策略, 来重塑组织形象和民众的信任, 避免责任规避带来的负面效应。未来研究可以进一步从心理学视角补充整合性的实证证据, 对突发事件的不同类型进行区分, 关注责任归因与其他社会心理学变量之间的联系, 以及探索适合中国社会的有效应对措施。  相似文献   

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