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和平队是肯尼迪政府对发展中国家文化外交的重要举措之一.肯尼迪建立和平队的初衷是利用美国在经济、技术和文化上的整体优势,同苏联争夺广大的中间地带.他的手段是通过和平队志愿者的工作,为受援国公众在经济、文化、医疗等方面带来切实的好处,赢得这些国家公众对美国的理解及好感,从而向发展中国家展示并传播美国的文化及价值观念.这一过程本身加强了美国对外部世界的了解,并为美国的涉外部门培养了大量的人才,使得美国的对外决策更具针对性.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the predominant repetitive activities in which a large group engages to maintain and/or repair its identity. These repetitive activities constitute large-group rituals and can be divided into two general categories: (1) rituals that occur within a society that do not involve an active relationship with a contemporary other large group; and (2) rituals that occur through and depend upon the interaction with an opposing or enemy large group, usually a neighbor. Because others are used as reservoirs for unwanted parts, both at individual and group levels, and are needed to support aspects of identity and a shared sense of sameness, the first type of ritual may also include reference to shared images of others from the large group's past. They therefore may not be strictly domestic or indigenous. Furthermore, the intensity and content of both types of rituals occur across a spectrum depending on whether a large group is at peace, in a hot conflict with an enemy group, or otherwise destabilized due to crises.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of primary prevention in the community by offering illustrations of model programs from across the county  相似文献   

Alexander George was a towering figure who made path breaking and enduring contributions to political psychology, international relations, and social science methodology. I focus on George's closely related research programs on deterrence and coercive diplomacy, with special attention to the importance of the asymmetry of motivation, strategies for "designing around" a deterrent threat, the controllability of risks, images of the adversary, signaling, the sequential failure of deterrence, the role of positive inducements along with coercive threats, and the need for actor-specific models of the adversary. In the process, I highlight other elements of George's theoretically and methodologically integrated research program: his conceptions of the proper role of theory; his emphasis on the infeasibility of a universal theory and the need for conditional generalizations that are historically grounded, sensitive to context, bounded by scope conditions, and useful for policy makers; and the indispensability of process tracing in theoretically driven case studies.  相似文献   

By comparison with the prevention of terrorism, the prevention of acts of organized crime might be thought easier to conceptualize precisely and less controversial to legislate against and police. This impression is correct up to a point, because it is possible to arrive at some general characteristics of organized crime, and because legislation against it is not obviously bedeviled by the risk of violating civil or political rights, as in the case of terrorism. But there is a significant residue of legal, moral and political difficulty: legislation against organized crime is hard to make effective; the harm of organized crime is not uniform, and so some preventive legislation seems too sweeping and potentially unjust. More fundamentally, the scale and rewards of organized crime are often dependent on mass public participation in markets for proscribed goods, which may point to a hidden public consensus in favour of some of what is criminalized. For all of these reasons, I argue that existing preventive policing and legislation against organized crime may be harder to justify than their counterparts in counter-terrorism, at least in the UK.  相似文献   

A content analysis of material generated by the 1994–1995 foreign policy review process in Canada was conducted in an effort to understand how culture came to be officially constituted as the third pillar of Canadian foreign policy. The analysis showed significant differences among actors in terms of modes of legitimization of cultural diplomacy. State agents, by refusing to consider culture as a referent object in a broadened notion of security and by assimilating it into a system of civic values, resisted pressures from academics and groups that favored introducing societal conceptions of culture as relevant for the making of foreign policy. The result is nevertheless a new, albeit defensive and still ambiguous, form of implication of foreign policy in the cultural mission of the state in Canada.  相似文献   

Bertram D. Cohen 《Group》2002,26(3):189-204
The group self, an individual's self-perception as a member of a group, is distinguished from the group's self, a personification of the group as a person with a self. The perceived group's self of an opposing other group is often a repository for attributes group members are not ready to recognize in their own group's self. Theoretically, the need for an adversarial other to hold one's own group's unwanted attributes—and thus to complete one's own group's self—contributes, however unconsciously, to the apparent intractability of intergroup disputes. In dealing with these issues, I compare intergroup conflict resolution (ICR) groups with therapy groups, on the one hand, and advocacy groups on the other. All of this sets the stage for a presentation of two ICR projects and their analysis in group-developmental terms.  相似文献   

Starting with Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysts have written on a variety of topics relating to the diplomatic and political realms; but thus far their contributions primarily have been theoretical in nature, and have offered little of practical use to most diplomats and politicians. Various psychoanalytic theories have been applied, resulting in diverse conceptualizations: Wars are inevitable because of our inherent aggressive drives; a nation-state serves a maternal function for its members; certain large groups exhibit behaviors similar to those of adolescents. Yet these ideas do not significantly help us understand day-to-day events around the world, practical political issues, or international relations and diplomatic decisions.  相似文献   

Preventive interventions have historically focused on reducing risk factors for psychological difficulties. Recent research has found that prevention programs are more effective when they enhance strengths, rather than merely reduce risk factors. An increased focus on strengths is consistent with a positive psychology perspective. In fact, hope has been found to be a central human strength in the positive psychology literature. Hope is associated with better adjustment, lower anxiety, lower depression, greater academic performance, and greater athletic achievement. In addition, individuals with high hope are able to respond more adaptively after traumatic events and physical illnesses. Intervention studies have shown that hope can be increased in individuals, and hope has been shown to predict more positive outcomes in psychotherapy. Future directions for research are outlined, including investigating hope as a preventive intervention for members of stigmatized groups, including ethnic minorities and lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals.  相似文献   

环境基因组计划(EGP)对预防医学发展的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1998年美国正式启动环境基因组计划,该计划旨在探讨环境-基因的交互作用,寻找对环境因素损伤的易感基因及环境反应基因的多态性在疾病病因和发病过程中的作用,因而该计划的实施将对预防医学的发展产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

Correlational analyses examined the effects of value "availability" and "relevance" on the relation between people's values (Rokeach, 1967) and their directrisk (DR) and indirect-risk (IR) health behavior (Langlie, 1977). The DR behavior of 181 female undergraduates was more strongly associated with their valuation of "an exciting life" than of "health"; a measure of "relative health value," in which the value of health was evaluated relative to the value of an exciting life, showed the strongest covariation with both their DR and IR actions. Thus, compared to health, an exciting life appeared to be more consciously available to these participants. Further, whereas the value of an exciting life and the measure of relative health value seemed to be regarded as relevant guides to both types of behavior, the value of health did not. Hence these results suggest that a two-value model of health behavior, based on the measure of relative health value, may be the best predictor of the health behavior of younger people. Among a sample of 113 older adults, the values of health and an exciting life were equally able to account for DR, but not IR, actions, suggesting that these values were equally available to these participants. Only the value of health, however, appeared to be regarded as a relevant guide to their IR actions, thereby suggesting that, whereas the two-value model may account for the DR behavior of older adults, the value of health alone may be a better predictor of their IR actions. The. implications for health research and education are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the pervasive influence of Realpolitik over government and the study of international relations, and some inherent difficulties within the field of psychoanalysis, it is not surprising that political science and psychoanalysis remain distant cousins. Part III in this series on diplomacy and psychoanalysis discusses obstacles against collaboration between these two disciplines, but also points to areas where collaboration is possible and can be useful.  相似文献   

新世纪预防医学发展方向的浅议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代预防医学所面临的主要研究内容从传统的传染性疾病向以社会、环境等因素所导致的疾病转移,不仅需要研究人类的生物属性,而且在人类的社会属性以及和种因素对人群健康的影响、消除和控制这些方面有更为广泛的研究任务,并且需要从预防的理论、技术加以拓展。  相似文献   

预防性抗生素使用的策略与决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨预防性抗生素使用时应考虑的一些问题,包括循症医学、诱导细菌耐药性、药效学和药物经济学等,供临床医生在使用预防性抗生素治疗前进行决策时参考,以期达到最佳的治疗目标。  相似文献   

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