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A trait-oriented job analysis technique based on a checklist of 33 a priori carefully defined traits that encompass elements of the physical, mental, learned, motivational and social domains of the work world is described. The analysis identifies the relevant traits, their levels and weights, in relation to overall job performance. Results of discriminability tests were supportive of the job analysis technique and indicated that incumbents of jobs requiring a particular trait scored higher on measures (predictors) of that trait than incumbents of jobs not requiring that trait. Implications of the results for personnel selection and placement are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and validation of a physical performance test battery to select high pressure cleaning workers at Tennessee Eastman Company. The research uses a concurrent, criterion-related validation strategy to demonstrate the relationship between test performance and job performance. The study proceeded through four stages, with data collected in one stage used in subsequent stages. The two types of predictor measures included ability tests and work sample simulations. For some analyses, the work sample simulations were also used as criteria. Four samples of incumbents (N=63) were tested on all experimental measures. Using criterion groups of successful incumbents and unsuccessful former incumbents (N=33), all of the work simulation tests and the ability-referenced tests were significant predictors of successful versus unsuccessful job status. In addition, the ability tests predicted performance on the work sample simulations, particularly for those requiring strength and endurance. A battery of three ability tests resulted in R=.68 for job status and in R=.43, .73, .80, and .84, respectively, for each of the work sample simulations. Two of the three ability tests in the final test battery are likely to result in adverse impact against females. However, data collected on female maintenance technicians indicated women, as a group, would not be screened out categorically as a result of implementing the physical ability test battery.  相似文献   

Three Occupational Information Network (O*NET) instruments (Generalized Work Activities, Basic and Cross-Functional Skills, Work Styles) were administered to 1,007 job incumbents, from 369 organizations, performing 1 of 3 jobs (first-line supervisor, office clerk, computer programmer) in New Zealand, China, and Hong Kong. Data from these countries were compared with archival data collected from 370 incumbents holding similar jobs in the United States. Hypothesized country differences, derived from cross-cultural theory, received limited support. The magnitude of differences in mean item ratings between incumbents from the United States and the other 3 countries were generally small to moderate in size, and rank-orderings of the importance and level of work activities and job requirements were quite similar, suggesting that, for most applications, job information is likely to transport quite well across countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which direct judgments of similarity by supervisors and incumbents could provide the same job classification results as a more elaborate job analysis procedure involving measures of task overlap among jobs. To accomplish this, 8 foreman jobs in a chemical processing plant were analyzed and compared on 237 task statements. In addition, 15 foremen incumbents and 17 supervisors evaluated the similarities among the same 8 foremen jobs in a paired comparisons rating task. The task-oriented job analysis required hundreds of man-hours to complete; the rating task took 15 minutes. Results using hierarchical cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis revealed that the global judgments and the task-oriented data led to identical conclusions. Also, it was found that incumbent ratings produced the same results as ratings from supervisors. Uses, advantages, and disadvantages of the procedure are outlined.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of job analysis reliability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

It is common for job analysts to solicit information from incumbents and supervisors (Subject Matter Experts or SMEs) when conducting a job analysis. These SMEs are asked to provide ratings on salient dimensions (e.g., frequency and importance of tasks that comprise the job). In constructing samples of SMEs for this purpose, it is reasonable to consider any possible influences that might bias or systematically influence the task ratings. The present paper considers the possible influence of SME demographic characteristics on task ratings of frequency. The tasks comprising the job of patrol officer in a large city were rated for frequency by approximately 700 incumbents. These ratings were gathered in two different years, 1982 and 1984. The total data set was used to conduct a components analysis of the 444-item task inventory. The first eight principal components were considered the dependent variables and four demographic characteristics the independent variables in an analysis of the 1982 data set. Analysis of variance and follow-up tests indicated that incumbent experience had a substantial influence on task ratings. Educational level and race had minimal effects on ratings. The sex factor was confounded by the experience factor, making interpretation of the sex effect equivocal. Mechanisms that might account for the experience effect are discussed. It was concluded that incumbent experience is a salient issue in job analysis using SME groups.  相似文献   

The present study is an examination of the influence of rater characteristics as a source of bias in job characteristics information, as gleaned from the Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS). Participants (N=133) completed an initial JDS for own job characteristics. Non‐incumbents (n=104) then completed a secondary JDS in order to rate incumbents' job characteristics. Non‐incumbents' personality dimensions, own job characteristics, job satisfaction level, and incumbent satisfaction level were hypothesized as predictors of ratings of job characteristics of incumbents. Results indicate that two characteristics, job autonomy and dealing with others, were influenced by non‐incumbents standing on these characteristics, and demonstrated evidence of the false consensus effect. Limitations and implications for interpreting job information are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper compares two job classification methods for showing the appropriateness of cognitive tests in settings that were not involved in supplying data for a validity generalization analysis. One approach was an elaborate quantitative procedure that involved a lengthy job inventory and a multivariate item analysis. This approach was shown to be highly successful when applied to the responses from 1179 job inventories collected in 54 petroleum-petrochemical plants from 30 different companies. The other procedure involved simple job classification judgments by supervisors and incumbents. This latter approach was shown to be as effective, but was much less time consuming and costly. Professional and legal implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a unique application of a synthetic validation technique to a selection system development project in a large organization. Job analysis data were collected from 4,725 job incumbents and 619 supervisors, and were used to identify 11 job families and 27 job components. We developed 12 tests to predict performance on these job components and conducted a concurrent validation study to collect test and job component data for 1,926 incumbents. We created a test composite for each job component and then chose a test battery for each job family based on its relevant job components. Synthetic validity coefficients were computed for each test battery and compared to traditional validity coefficients that were computed within job families with large sample sizes. The synthetic validity coefficient was very close to the within-family validity coefficient for most job families and was within the bounds of sampling error for all job families. Validities tended to be highest when predictors were weighted according to the number of job components to which they were relevant and job component criterion measures were unit weighted.  相似文献   

内部分配改革的职务评价技术探新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立工资标准系统的关键是确定职务工资率。职务间可比价值成分变异越大,对确定职务工资率的贡献也越大。根据以上研究设想采用方差分析方法进行职务评价。评价步骤包括:职务描述;对职务要素作主成分分析;对职务样本作聚类分析和判别分析;通过方差分析为可比价值各成分建构权重系数ωi。ωi‘满足:(1)ωi≥0;(2)Σωi=1;(3)ωi,间可直接比较;(4)ωi的大小与对应的可比价值成分变异一致。最后将职务评价值线性变换为工资率。在线性方程中配一个常数。和调节系数α以适合组织的管理约束条件。配合两个企业内部分配改革的研究结果显示了方差分析法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

We examined Work Behavior to knowledge, skill, or ability linkage ratings for 9 jobs to determine the degree to which differences in the ratings were due to rater type. We collected ratings from incumbents and 2 types of job analysts: project job analysts (analysts knowledgeable of the job) and nonproject job analysts (analysts with very little or no knowledge of the job). In our analyses of the data, we calculated means, standard deviations, effect sizes, and correlations for each rater type, as well as compared the reliability of the ratings. We also estimated variance components for each job by conducting generalizability analyses ( Brennan, 1983 ; Shavelson, Webb, & Rowley, 1989 ). Our findings indicate that the level of linkage ratings is similar across rater types, that it is important to obtain ratings from multiple raters regardless of rater type, and that ratings from job analysts may be more reliable than those of incumbents.  相似文献   

Building on the spillover and crossover literatures of work–family conflict and the theoretical framework of Conservation of Resources Theory (Hobfoll, 1989) we examine the effects of conflict on production deviance. Using a two-study constructive replication and extension design, we examine how partner work-to-family conflict contributes to job incumbent family-to-work conflict and subsequent engagement in production deviance. In addition, we examine the moderating role of gender on the incumbent family-to-work conflict to production deviance relationship. Study 1 of 344 job incumbents supported the positive relationship between incumbent family-to-work conflict and deviance. In addition, this was moderated by gender such that men engaged in more deviant behaviors in response to family-to-work conflict. Study 2 consisted of 190 matched job incumbents and their partners. These findings supported the mediation of partner work-to-family conflict to production deviance through incumbent family-to-work conflict. Again gender was supported using moderated mediation analysis such that men engaged in more deviant behaviors in response to family-to-work conflict. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Research examined both the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) and the possible analyst sources for gathering job analysis information. 25 state government jobs were examined using job incumbents, supervisors, job analysts, and a comparison group of college students. Reliability and validity (judge convergence and prediction of present pay levels) information was determined for each of the four analyst categories. Results indicate that there is little difference between analyst sources, including students, in terms of their ability to reliably analyze a job using the PAQ. Convergent validity results showed a high degree of agreement among all judge categories when summing item frequencies across all 25 jobs. The prediction of present pay levels was significant for all judge categories but was noticeably smaller than previously reported studies. This seemed to be primarily due to the restriction in salary range of the present study. An analysis of judge response bias showed that supervisors and incumbents rate all or most PAQ items higher than their analyst counterparts. These findings suggest that who furnishes responses to a job analysis inventory makes little practical difference. The exception is that the determination of pay levels and human requirements for test construction purposes should be viewed with caution when different analyst sources are utilized for different jobs.  相似文献   

This research aims at identifying job families for use in broadly based training for young people. A total of 455 job incumbents in the youth labour market were interviewed using the Job Components Inventory (JCI). The job sample was heterogeneous, reflecting a wide range of industries and job titles; some of these were skilled but mainly they were semi- and unskilled. The JCI covers the use of tools and equipment, physical and perceptual skills, mathematical requirements, communication, decision making and responsibility. Cluster analysis of items identified 36 skill components. These formed the basis for job-holder profiles, which in turn were grouped by hierarchical clustering. The optimal solution resulted in six clusters, the characteristics of which were described in terms of JCI component scores. The six clusters were labelled as clerical, skilled interpersonal, operative, unskilled manual, intermediate skilled technical and skilled technical. The stability of these six clusters was assessed using split-half replications. Results are discussed and evaluated in the context of contemporary youth training needs.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to demonstrate that acquisitive self‐presentation in personality scales is not a barrier to their criterion‐related validities in human resource contexts, but rather a means to improve them. A pilot study (Study 1) with 96 job incumbents provided preliminary positive evidence. In Study 2, in the experimental group (n=99), the instructions asked job incumbents to work on a Big‐Five personality inventory (BFI‐K) as if they took part in a personnel selection procedure for a personally very attractive position. In the control group (n=93) of Study 2, job incumbents were asked to answer the inventory items honestly. As expected, the correlation between the self‐ratings of the motive to get along (i.e., which comprises emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness) and contextual performance assessments was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group in Study 2. Additionally, the correlation between the self‐ratings of the motive to get ahead (i.e., which comprises extraversion and openness to experience) and task performance and leadership assessments was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group in Study 2. It is proposed that responding to a personality inventory in a human resource decision situation should be conceptualized as a workplace simulation.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated a considerable correlation between job satisfaction and life satisfaction. In addition, various researchers have hypothesized that job importance (work involvement) should be a moderator of this relationship. However, most empirical tests did not confirm this assumption. We argue that job importance cannot turn out to be a moderator because the subjective importance of work is already part of job–satisfaction judgments, a notion that has been advanced by Locke (1969) as implicit importance weighting. However, a suppressor effect can be predicted because job importance should be correlated with job satisfaction, but not life satisfaction. In a study of recently hired incumbents (N= 811) in a large German electronics company, we distinguished between job involvement and work involvement. We considered the latter, but not the former, being a measure of job importance. Work involvement, but not job involvement, turned out to be a suppressor of the relation between job satisfaction and life satisfaction.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the additive, mediating, and moderating effects of personality traits and job characteristics on work behaviors. Job applicants (N=161) completed personality questionnaires measuring extraversion, neuroticism, achievement motivation, and experience seeking. One and a half years later, supervisors rated the applicants' job performance, and the job incumbents completed questionnaires about skill variety, autonomy, and feedback, work stress, job satisfaction, work self‐efficacy, and propensity to leave. LISREL was used to test 15 hypotheses. Perceived feedback mediated the relationship between achievement motivation and job performance. Extraversion predicted work self‐efficacy and job satisfaction. Work stress mediated the relationship between neuroticism and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction and experience seeking were related to propensity to leave. Autonomy, skill variety, and feedback were related to job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the relationship between SME job experience and job analysis ratings. Managerial job incumbents (N = 209) provided job analysis ratings which measured 9 task frequency and 6 skill importance components. Job experience was operationalized as both job tenure and residualized job tenure (i.e., statistically-controlled for SME characteristics correlated with job tenure). Respondents were categorized into low, medium, and high groups for each tenure measure. MANOVA results indicated that task ratings differed across residualized tenure groups, while skill ratings did not. Statistical control of the job tenure measure made a substantial difference in results. For the non-residualized tenure groups, findings were reversed: skill ratings differed across non-residualized tenure groups, while task ratings did not. The results of this research are integrated with the existing literature and implications for future research and practice are offered.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates a methodological approach to classifying jobs for the purpose of developing performance evaluation instruments. The approach was to administer a worker-oriented job inventory to 2,023 incumbents across several jobs and several levels of responsibility (rank) in the U. S. Coast Guard. The data from the job inventory were then analyzed using Tucker's Three-Mode Factor Analysis. Output from the three-mode factor analysis was used to identify combinations of jobs and ranks for which separate appraisal instruments could be developed. In addition, output from the three-mode factor analysis was used to suggest the content of the various appraisal instruments. Advantages, applications, and limitations of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

职务评价的方差分析法在制定职务等级中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职务评价的方差分析法的技术核心是通过方差分析确定职务可比价值各成分的权重。此方法的有效性和实用性已在协助国有企业内部分配改革的制定工资标准中得到验证,并显示其普遍性的方法论意义:职务评价值是职务价值的线性映射:凡涉及职务价值差异的问题都可用此方法解决。本研究应用方差分析法为国有金融系统行员制改革中制定统一的职务等级标准提供技术支持和科学依据。评价程序中,职务分析、职务分类、计算职务评价值等前三个步骤与制定工资标准的作法相同。然后,推算各类职务评价值的变异范围(以95%置信区间代表),再将各类职务按管理层次合并为大类。最后,寻求一个合理划分各管理层次大类变异范围的约数,划分整个评价值变异范围。对某银行系统452种职务的841个样本评价的结果,所确定的职务等级数、各职务大类的等级跨度、位次,都符合该银行系统的人事管理经验及改革设想  相似文献   

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