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When an anorexia nervosa patient requires hospitalization for her 1 1 We will use the pronoun “her” to refer to anorexic patients since the overwhelming majority are female. Our discussion will focus mainly on younger adolescent girls who are still living with their families.
medical condition, the treatment team faces the problem of integrating the individual focus of inpatient care with the systems focus of family therapy. In this paper we propose a family-systems model of hospitalization, the aim of which is to facilitate such integration. The model draws on current theories of anorexia nervosa, as well as general concepts from psychodynamic, developmental, and family systems theories. The major hypothesis of the model is that all members of the anorexic family are developmentally arrested in the area of separation-individuation. On this assumption, we propose that the entire treatment team (including medical professionals and therapists) needs to function as “parents” to the anorexic family in much the same way that two cotherapists become parental figures in family therapy. Specifically, the team needs to provide those parenting responses that facilitate the family's individuation process.  相似文献   

在基于身份认同理论的母亲守门员效应的框架下,本研究探讨了父亲关于自身教养价值的态度对其教养投入行为的影响机制,通过方便取样的方式在全国27个省市共选取了364对3-7岁儿童的父母,采用父亲教养投入问卷、父亲教养价值态度问卷、协同教养问卷进行测查,结果发现,母亲关于父亲教养价值的态度是父亲教养投入的促进性因子,在父亲关于自身教养价值态度影响其教养投入的过程中具有调节效应;这种调节效应以父亲协同教养的一致性为中介变量。这一研究结果可增强人们对母亲守门员效应的理解,对亲职教育的干预实践也具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

Capps  Donald 《Pastoral Psychology》2000,49(2):105-119
This essay discusses Freud's writings on the Oedipus Complex to illumine his distinction between a boy's object-choice and identification with his father. Explains why object-choice is relinquished in favor of identification in the demolition of the Oedipus Complex. Identifies homophobia as an effect of this outcome, and indicates how the Judaeo-Christian religion is implicated in the fact that love between boys and their fathers is unrealized, and thus why men are inflicted with the neurosis of father hunger.  相似文献   

本研究采用双亲关于父亲角色的态度问卷及父亲教养投入问卷,对427个3~7岁儿童的父母进行调查,考察父亲关于自身角色的态度对其教养投入的影响以及母亲关于父亲角色的态度类型在其中的调节作用.结果表明:(1)父亲关于自身教养价值、教养动机、教养技能的态度均可正向预测其教养投入,而父亲关于自身教养天性的态度对其教养投入没有显著的预测作用;(2)母亲态度类型在父亲的教养动机与其教养投入之间具有调节作用,在父亲角色态度的其他维度与教养投入之间无显著的调节效应.当母亲为矛盾型和拒绝型时,父亲的教养动机可正向预测其教养投入;当母亲为接纳型时,父亲的教养动机对其教养投入不具有预测作用.  相似文献   

The author demonstrates, through clinical case illustration, how sexual perversion is linked to traumatic early separation-individuation processes. The illusion of fusion with a seductive and gratifying mother-introject led a young man into the risky business of unprotected gay sex with strangers. The pleasure-seeking child and enabling mother narrative was played out in the transference/counter-transference relationship threatening to pervert the analysis. Authoritative limit setting re-introduced a potent, previously castrated, father figure into the patient’s inner world and gave the patient impetus to separate from the undifferentiated mix-up between mother and child, resulting in containment of dangerous sexual behaviors.  相似文献   

Fatherhood is evolving. The way that men carry out their paternal role is reflective of the historical time era in which they live, social and cultural forces, both the mother and the father's expectations for fathering behaviors, as well as the father's own innate capabilities, wishes, and desires. Fatherhood is also greatly influenced by men's relationships with their own fathers, the quality of that relationship, and the extent to which the father was emotionally available. The ever-changing role of fathers has been a challenge for the psychoanalytic literature. There is no comprehensive theoretical body of knowledge about fatherhood that takes into account the changing nature of fathering, especially considering men's desires to be emotionally responsive and nurturing parents. This article examines the changing role of the father and suggests a model of paternal involvement that expands the nurturing and available father role to include the father as a selfobject. It discusses the importance of understanding men's relationships with their fathers, a central dynamic in shaping fathers’ involvement with their children. The residual impact of paternal deprivation is explored, followed by two clinical vignettes that symbolize the search for missing selfobject functions. This article concludes by outlining clinical implications and questions to pose to assess the selfobject relationship with one's father.  相似文献   

Family based treatment of anorexia nervosa (AN) requires heavy parental involvement. To be effective, parents must possess a coherent understanding of the illness and believe that it is treatable. Yet we know little of how parents view the illness, nor whether these views are unique to AN. We examined illness perceptions in AN, how they compare to those of individuals with a serious medical illness, and how they relate to adjustment and coping. Twenty-five girls with AN, 24 girls with Type I diabetes, and their mothers completed measures of family functioning and psychological symptoms. Mothers also completed a measure of illness perceptions. Mothers viewed AN as less chronic, understandable, and controllable than mothers of girls with diabetes viewed their daughter’s respective illness. Such negative cognitions were associated with poor family functioning and maternal and adolescent adjustment. These findings have implications for enhancing family based treatments, as well as for modifying public health messages to reduce the pervasive stigma that influences such unhelpful perceptions about the illness.  相似文献   

以597个核心家庭的父亲、母亲和青少年为研究对象,通过问卷调查探讨了母亲守门行为与父子依恋的关系以及父亲教养投入在其中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)母亲开门行为正向预测父子依恋,母亲关门行为负向预测父子依恋;(2)母亲开门行为通过正向预测父亲教养投入的部分中介作用间接预测父子依恋,而母亲关门行为通过负向预测父亲教养投入的部分中介作用间接预测父子依恋。研究结果扩展了母亲守门行为的作用效果研究,对家庭教育实践具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

This article presents the profile and roles of the single-parent father. Problems that fathers face at work and at home are discussed. Recommendations are presented for counselors who work with single-parent fathers.  相似文献   

以3045位青少年为被试,采用父母协同教养问卷青少年评价版的父亲卷、青少年依恋问卷中的父子依恋和同伴依恋分问卷、中学生人格五因素问卷的情绪性维度进行测量,基于家庭系统理论、协同教养的生态模型和依恋的内部工作模式理论构建了一个有调节的中介模型。结果发现:(1)父子依恋在父亲协同教养的团结、贬低行为与青少年同伴依恋之间发挥中介作用;(2)青少年的情绪性在父子依恋影响青少年同伴依恋的关系中起调节作用,即情绪性调节了中介过程的后半路径,具体而言,当青少年情绪性升高时,父子依恋对青少年同伴依恋的促进作用减弱。本研究的结果有助于完善协同教养的相关理论,对加强青少年家庭中的父亲协同教养行为具有实践意义。  相似文献   


Father-transference gives voice to libidinal wishes, superego fears, and unmet developmental needs associated by the patient to his or her father. The actual gender of the therapist has no bearing on this displacement In the following case study both therapist and patient are female. Father-transference is categorized by its developmental function: Father, the object of Oedipal longing, a feeling state of transference-readiness; Father, the Oedipal rescuer, enabler of separation; Father, the focus of phallic identification. Under the sway of transference, memories of dead father emerged from repression, conflict was resolved and grief faded.  相似文献   

Thispaper is an attempt to describe and examine the role of the counsellor in relation to anorexia nervosa. The condition is analysed in terms of its social and psychological factors. The need for control and self-mastery is put forward as a dominating characteristic. The role of refeeding in anorexia is discussed, with the suggestion that the attitudes of anorexies and their doctors need to be understood as a whole. Finally, the counselling possibilities are suggested, and the position of the counsellor vis-à-vis the refeeders is discussed.  相似文献   

‘The Gnostic Syndrome’ discusses anorexia nervosa in terms of its poetics and in the context of a developmental object-relations theory. One case is used to illustrate the problems of therapy and the antecedents of the anorexia in childhood and adolescence. The paper forms an investigation into pre-moral states and the interaction of anorexia with character structure.  相似文献   

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