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This study examined self-perceived strengths among 116 people who were homeless. Those who had experienced a longer period of current homelessness tended to report fewer personal strengths (r?=??0.23). Nonetheless, in spite of their marginalized position in society, the vast majority of participants (114 out of 116) perceived personal strengths. A prior diagnosis with mental illness was not associated with the number of strengths reported, but self-perception of strengths was associated with altruistic orientation. The Values in Action (VIA) taxonomy of character strengths captured many of the responses generated by this population. The most frequently mentioned character categories included social intelligence, kindness, persistence, authenticity and humour. The most frequently mentioned other strengths included personal skills (e.g. music, sports), job skills, intelligence and education. The results have relevance for efforts to build self-perceptions that facilitate escape from homelessness.  相似文献   

Psychache and suicide: a preliminary investigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shneidman's Psychological Pain Assessment Scale (PPAS; 1999) was administered to 88 psychiatric patients. Both current and worst-ever psychache were significantly higher in those patients judged by a psychiatrist, on the basis of a structured clinical interview, to be at risk of suicide. However, current and worstever psychache were not associated with having attempted suicide in the past. Thus, for the present sample of psychiatric patients, the PPAS appears to be more sensitive to current suicidality than to past suicidality. Further, there are validity issues with the PPAS, with the need for multi-item measures and probably a multifactor measure.  相似文献   

Six hundred homeless military veterans who abused substances were examined to determine what factors discriminate between nonsuicidal veterans, those who had suicidal thoughts, and persons who had attempted suicide. Several factors were considered based on attachment theory, including caregiver attachment, sexual abuse, physical abuse, resilience, self-efficacy, and self-esteem. Suicide attempters were discriminated from others by psychiatric comorbidity, early abuse, severity of substance abuse, and longevity of drug use. In contrast, the discriminators between nonsuicidal homeless substance abusers and others were elements of attachment and commitments such as marriage, employment, and religiosity. Some implications of the findings for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment may interfere with an individual's ability to function independently in the community and may increase the risk of becoming and remaining homeless. The purpose of this study was to systematically review the literature on memory deficits among people who are homeless in order to gain a better understanding of its nature, causes and prevalence. Studies that measured memory functioning as an outcome among a sample of homeless persons were included. Data on sampling, outcome measures, facet of memory explored and prevalence of memory impairment were extracted from all selected research studies. Included studies were evaluated using a critical appraisal process targetted for reviewing prevalance studies. Eleven studies were included in the review. Verbal memory was the most commonly studied facet of memory. Potential contributing factors to memory deficits among persons who are homeless were explored in seven studies. Memory deficits were common among the samples of homeless persons studied. However, there was a great deal of variation in the methodology and quality of the included studies. Conceptualisations of “homelessness” also differed across studies. There is a need for more controlled research using validated neuropsychological tools to evaluate memory impairment among people who are homeless.  相似文献   

Testing a model of suicide ideation in college students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined several risk factors-negative life events (NLE), hopelessness, and depressive symptoms-believed to commonly precipitate suicide ideation in college students. A total of 345 undergraduates participated in the study. Students completed four self-report questionnaires. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to construct a risk model of suicide ideation. This study confirmed depressive symptoms and hopelessness as predictors of suicide ideation in college students; however, NLE impacted suicidal thoughts through hopelessness and depressive symptoms. Interestingly, depressive symptoms exerted a stronger influence on suicide ideation than hopelessness. Hopelessness served as a partial mediator in the relationship between NLE and depressive symptoms; however, depressive symptoms fully mediated the relationship between NLE and hopelessness. Clinical implications for understanding suicide risk in college students are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate the influence of coping on the relationship between resilience and adolescent suicide ideation among secondary learners in the Free State Province, South Africa (n = 495; female = 61.6%; black = 55%, white = 27%, other = 18%; mean age = 13.99 years; SD = 0.83 years). The learners completed the Suicide Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ), the Revised Coping Schema Inventory (RCSI), and the Resiliency Scale for Children and Adolescents (RSCA). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to predict resilience-mediated suicide ideation from coping. Results suggested higher resilience scores on sense of mastery (SoM) and sense of relatedness (SoR) to predict lower suicide ideation risk among the teenagers. By contrast, higher scores on emotional reactivity (ER) predicted higher risk for suicide ideation. Religious coping (RC) moderated the relationship between resilience (sense of relatedness) and suicide ideation so that RC scores with SoM were associated with lower suicide ideation scores. Personal dispositions seem to explain risk for suicide ideation among adolescents.  相似文献   

This study of suicide notes, concerning the demographic variables of age and sex, involved the deduction of 50 classifications (protocol sentences) that reflected important aspects of Shneidman's formulations with regard to suicide. Independent judges noted the incidence of contents corresponding to the protocol sentences in the notes left by 60 suicides-20 notes written by individuals (females and males) in each of the three categories of Young, Middle, and Late Adulthood. Age (notably in regard to Young Adults), but not sex, was found to be a critical discriminating variable on a number of specific classifications and clusters of these classifications (Perturbation, Relations, Cognitions Regarding Self, and Long-Term Instability), although considerable similarities were also noted across the adult life span. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Self-determination was examined as a protective factor against the detrimental impact of negative life events on suicide ideation in adolescents. It is postulated that for highly self-determined adolescents, negative life events have a weaker impact on both hopelessness and suicide ideation than for non-self-determined adolescents. In turn, hopelessness is hypothesized to generate less suicide ideation for highly self-determined individuals. Results from multigroup analyses confirm that both the direct and indirect links between negative life events and suicide ideation were significantly weaker among participants high in self-determination. The protective role of self-determination against negative life events is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the brooding subtype of rumination is associated with increased suicidal ideation, but findings are inconsistent with respect to reflection, considered to be the more adaptive form of rumination. This study investigated the circumstances under which reflective rumination might be associated with increased suicidal ideation by examining whether a suicide attempt history moderated the relationship between the ruminative subtypes and current suicidal ideation. Thirty-seven young adults who reported a past suicide attempt and fifty-nine young adults without a suicide attempt history completed measures of rumination and depression symptoms in an initial study session. They then completed a measure of suicidal ideation and hopelessness during a second study session. Overall, brooding was associated with higher self-reported suicidal ideation, whereas reflection was not significantly associated with ideation. However, reflection - but not brooding - interacted with suicide attempt history to statistically predict suicidal ideation, even after adjusting for symptoms of depression and hopelessness, whereas brooding no longer predicted ideation after adjusting for these symptoms. These findings qualify earlier suggestions that reflection is a more adaptive form of rumination by indicating that among vulnerable individuals - in particular those with a history of a suicide attempt - a higher degree of reflective rumination is associated with increased suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to develop models for vulnerability to suicidal ideation in bipolar patients. Logistic regression models examined correlates of suicidal ideation in patients who had versus had not attempted suicide previously. Of 477 patients assessed, complete data on demographic, illness history, and personality variables were available on 243. The regression models achieved positive predictive values of 55% and 59% for the attempter (N = 92) and nonattempter groups (N = 151), respectively. Depression was cross-sectionally associated with suicidal ideation in both the attempter and nonattempter groups but made a smaller contribution among attempters. Poor psychosocial adaptation and the personality factor "openness" were stronger contributors to suicidal ideation among prior attempters while anxiety and extraversion appeared protective against ideation. Among nonattempters, depression, anxiety, and neuroticism were the predominant influences on suicidal ideation. Bipolar patients with suicidal ideation may benefit from different treatment strategies depending on their prior attempt status.  相似文献   

Suicide ideation: its relation to depression, suicide and suicide attempt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A random sample of 3,935 adults from a general population were interviewed and asked to report how often they had thoughts of suicide as well as their opinion on the frequency of suicide ideation in others. Depression was found to be related to the respondent's reports of his/her own suicidal thoughts and to reports of frequent suicide ideation in others. A total of 5.4 percent of the respondents reported some degree of suicide ideation in the previous month and 9.1 percent reported that others think about suicide once a month or more. When the demographic characteristics of those who report suicide ideation in themselves or others were compared to those of suicide attempters and committers, some consistencies were found, suggesting that such questions may be useful in identifying those "at risk." Nevertheless, sufficient discrepancies were found which suggest that there may be a number of factors which increase or decrease the likelihood that someone with thoughts of suicide will attempt or commit suicide. Follow-up studies are necessary to uncover such factors and the degrees to which they influence the occurrence of suicide.  相似文献   

The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to explore the phenomenon of suicide ideation among 293 Asian American college students. Guided by T. Joiner's (2005) interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior, the authors examined the relationships among perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, self-construals, and suicide ideation. Compared with thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness was a more robust predictor of suicide ideation. However, thwarted belongingness moderated the positive association between perceived burdensomeness and suicide ideation. Furthermore, interdependent self-construal and independent self-construal both weakened the link between perceived burdensomeness and suicide ideation and between thwarted belongingness and suicide ideation. The authors also conducted a qualitative analysis of participants' open-ended responses about their perceptions of why Asian American college students might consider suicide. The authors identified a core phenomenon of unfulfilled expectations as well as 2 broad themes related to this core phenomenon: unfulfilled intrapersonal expectations and unfulfilled interpersonal expectations, comprising the subthemes of (a) family, (b) relationship, (c) cultural differences, and (d) racism. These findings are discussed in terms of implications for suicide-related clinical interventions and primary prevention efforts among Asian American college students.  相似文献   

In order to test the predictive validity of a stress--vulnerability model of suicide ideation and behavior, a longitudinal study was conducted with college undergraduates. Based on previous research (Bonner & Rich, 1987; Rich & Bonner, 1987a), measures of social/emotional alienation, adaptive resources for living, and cognitive rigidity were taken at the beginning of the semester and combined to develop a vulnerability score. Then, at midterm, measures of midterm stress and cumulative negative life stress were obtained from the same subjects. It was hypothesized that the vulnerability factor would interact with midterm and negative life stress to predict suicide ideation. Instead of an interactive model, a linear, compensatory model of suicide ideation was found. The combination of alienation, deficient adaptive resources, and life stress best predicted ideation scores. Implications for research and theory are noted.  相似文献   

Validity and reactivity of a system of self-monitoring suicide ideation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study describes the rationale and validation of a self-monitoring approach for suicide ideation. A sample of 49 severely ideating 18- to 24-year-old college students volunteering for a treatment study for chronic ideators served as subjects. A three-item self-monitoring scale designed to assess the strength, duration, and level of control relative to suicide ideation was designed and utilized. Positive correlations with previously validated measures of suicide ideation support the validity of the use of self-monitoring. In addition, positive relationships with measures of depression and hopelessness provide evidence of concurrent validity. There was no evidence that self-monitoring and concomitant increased attention to ideation increased suicidality. In fact, decreases were noted in measures of suicide ideation following a 2-week period of self-monitoring. Together these findings support the addition of self-monitoring to the list of dependent measures for addressing suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Some links between loneliness and different manifestations of suicidal conduct have been reported in variety of subgroups (e.g., college students, the elderly, psychiatric patients). We tested this hypothesis by using the results of a population-wide survey. Strong associations among suicide ideation, parasuicide and different ways of being lonely and alone, defined either subjectively (i.e., the feeling), or objectively (i.e., living alone or being without friends), were observed. Moreover, prevalence of suicide ideation and parasuicide increased with the degree of loneliness. Only minimal differences between men and women were found.  相似文献   

106 high school students from a small rural high school completed the Children of Alcoholics Scale, Zaks and Walters' Aggression Scale, Beck Depression Scale, and a modified version of the Beck Scale of Suicide Ideation. Analyses of variance showed boys were not experiencing suicide ideation any more than girls; suicide ideation was similar across the four grades, but on aggression alcohol-dependent boys scored significantly higher than girls, and in Grade 9 boys' scores were significantly higher than those in Grade 10. The sophomores' scores on alcohol dependency were significantly lower than the freshmen's scores. Boys and children from divorced homes had higher scores on aggression than girls and children from nondivorced homes. Children from homes in which alcohol was used had higher depression scores than children from nonalcoholic homes. Freshman girls and sophomore boys had higher depression scores than senior boys and girls. A Pearson r of 0.28 between scores on alcohol dependency and suicide ideation was significant, but research is needed to understand better the associations of thoughts of suicide and drug-alcohol dependency among these high school students so strategies for prevention and intervention can be focused.  相似文献   

A total of 136 adult subjects who met the Research Diagnostic Criteria for major (unipolar) depression were assessed for intensity of depressive symptomatology (using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and the Beck Depression Inventory) and for lethality of current suicide ideation (using the Scale for Suicide Ideation). In addition, they were administered a variety of questionnaires assessing cognitive variables presumed to mediate depression and suicidality. Multiple regression analyses indicated that depressive symptomatology was best predicted by Beck's Hopelessness Scale in combination with the Detachment factor of the Crandell Cognitions Inventory. In addition, suicidality was significantly predicted by the Selective Abstraction and Overgeneralization factors of Lefebvre's Cognitive Error Questionnaire, when the effects of the Beck Depression Inventory were partialed out. The practical implications of these findings for discriminating suicidal from nonsuicidal depressives are discussed.  相似文献   

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