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以拉克劳和墨菲为代表的"后马克思主义"以其理论的晦涩和复杂而著称.拉克劳坦承他们的思想来源于"现象学、后分析哲学以及其他总体上被称为后结构主义的思潮".[1]但若深入探究,精神分析理论,特别是拉康的精神分析学说也是构成了其后马克思主义理论的重要源泉.因此,考察拉康与拉克劳和墨菲之间内在联系,就构成了本文的要旨.我们认为,拉康的精神分析理论,特别是有关"他者"的理论,是拉克劳和墨菲的后马克思主义的重要理论基础,这特别体现在其核心的"对抗"思想中.本文通过对拉康"他者"概念与拉克劳和墨菲的"对抗"理论的考察,以试图沟通二者之间的内在逻辑关联,并力图阐明拉康学说对理解拉克劳和墨菲思想的重要性及其意义.  相似文献   

庞伟奇 《美与时代》2005,(11):81-82
有一则寓言故事:从前在水底住着一只青蛙和一条鱼,它们是好朋友.一天,青蛙无意中跳出水面,在陆地上玩了一天,看到了人,鸟,车……开心死了,回来见鱼便说,陆地上精彩极了,有人,身穿衣服,头戴帽子,手握拐杖,足履鞋子;此时鱼的脑中便出现一条鱼,身穿衣服,头戴帽子,翅夹手杖,鞋子则吊在尾翅上.青蛙又说,有鸟,可展翼在空中飞翔;此时在鱼脑中便出现一条腾空展鱼翅飞翔的鱼.青蛙又说,有车,带着四个轮子滚动前进;此时,鱼脑中就出现一条带着四个轮子的鱼……  相似文献   

今天,《心理学通讯》终于启程。从此义无反顾。新媒体时代,严肃的纸质版期刊如何生存发展?Open Access时代,传统发行渠道的学术期刊如何扩大影响?唯IF是瞻的时代,新生的零起步杂志如何体现质量与特色?……她面对的挑战虽多,但机遇更多。因为,这是一个需要诞生《心理学通讯》的时代。几十年高速发展,中国已经进入一个新时...  相似文献   

《宽容》一书虽然主要论及西方宗教历史上的不宽容及为这种不宽容所进行的斗争,但今天看来,房龙这本书的意义已远远超出宗教领域,而成为人类精神层面一个具有普遍意义的范畴。从某种意义上来说,人类的历史就是一部为争取宽容而战的历史。1925年,著名美国作家房龙出版了他的名著  相似文献   

佛教文化与道德建设有着紧密联系,佛教修行就是提高道德修养与塑造人格的过程。《坛经》是禅宗六祖慧能一生说法的记录和其禅学思想的集中体现,其中的劝善箴言是衡量人们的言行举止和判定人们道德生活的是非准则;《坛经》能够引导人们对自己的道德进行积极地自我管理,并在此基础上形成道德自觉。  相似文献   

读了杜莹和她们课题组撰写的《企业家道德》,使我恍然大悟:如今的世界,特别是在我们中国,人类活动角逐的主要领域,已经不在朝廷庙堂,不在边疆战场,而是在现代经济市场上;历史活动的主角,也已不是帝王将相,不是文人骚客,而是千百万各式各样的企业家。虽然手中掌握着巨大的物质财  相似文献   

西医--中医挥之不去的他者   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中西医的论证是医学哲学与医学史研究的热点问题.后现代哲学可以为理解两种医学之间的关系提供一个新的视角.本文运用后现代哲学中的"他者"观念回顾了中西医之间张力的演变,指出在整个过程中"中医"未能摆脱"西医"作为"他者"的注视.并从后现代医学的角度对这种张力的未来进行展望.  相似文献   

佛教文化与道德建设有着紧密联系,佛教修行就是提高道德修养与塑造人格的过程。《坛经》是禅宗六祖慧能一生说法的记录和其禅学思想的集中体现,其中的劝善箴言是衡量人们的言行举止和判定人们道德生活的是非准则;《坛经》能够引导人们对自己的道德进行积极地自我管理,并在此基础上形成道德自觉。  相似文献   

本文主要论述了这部作品的主题思想,认为《背德者》表现的不仅仅是对现有道德约束的反叛,更多的是凸显对自由、充分体验生活的追求。带有自传性质的《背德者》遭遇了很多指责和批评,很多人将矛头集中对准在纪德“背德”这一点上,但似乎忽视了其崇尚自由这一动机的首要性。  相似文献   

"市民社会"视域中的公民道德建设   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文从“市民社会”及其与伦理道德的关联 ,从市民社会视角审视公民道德建设的必要性 ,以及如何正确处理国家伦理与市民社会伦理的关系三个方面 ,论述了公民道德建设要在分析、结合我国正在形成中的“市民社会”这个社会现实中来进行。  相似文献   

This paper discusses Wittgenstein's take on the problem of other minds. In opposition to certain widespread views that I collect under the heading of the “No Problem Interpretation,” I argue that Wittgenstein does address some problem of other minds. However, Wittgenstein's problem is not the traditional epistemological problem of other minds; rather, it is more reminiscent of the issue of intersubjectivity as it emerges in the writings of phenomenologists such as Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, and Heidegger. This is one sense in which Wittgenstein's perspective on other minds might be called “phenomenological.” Yet there is another sense as well, in that Wittgenstein's positive views on this issue resemble the views defended by phenomenologists. The key to a proper philosophical grasp of intersubjectivity, on both views, lies in rethinking the mind. If we conceive of minds as essentially embodied we can understand how intersubjectivity is possible.  相似文献   

Educators, not to mention philosophers of education, find themselves in a difficult position nowadays. With the disappearance of the so-called metanarratives, it seems that the secular society has made it difficult, not to say almost impossible, to justify a particular idea of the good life that can be shared by all or at least many. The paper draws attention to some of the postmodernist critiques and thus identifies how we have ended up at this point; it then argues for a different balance between the self and the other. What is offered can be seen as an extension of Benhabib’s cosmopolitan view that the self and others should iteratively and hospitably engage in deliberation. Although we agree with her that iterations (as arguing over and over again and talking back) are worthwhile in themselves, as well as with Smith’s view that spaces should be created for adaptable practical judgements in considering the other and its relation with the self, we find Cavell’s idea of ‘living with scepticism’—particularly, acknowledging humanity in the Other and oneself as apposite to extend the theoretical premises of cosmopolitanism. Such a cosmopolitanism of scepticism is different from the universalist notions of cosmopolitanism developed so far.  相似文献   




This paper summarizes the results of research on the role of fathers in families and family therapy with particular reference to preparation for fatherhood, father involvement in family life as a protective factor, fathers' deviant behaviour as a risk factor, fathers' communication and coping styles, fatherhood and different types of marriages, and the effects of the workplace on fathers' behaviour within the family. Available research suggests that, with respect to problem formation, the behaviour of fathers may serve as either a risk factor or as a protective factor. With respect to problem resolution, fathers may be a powerful therapeutic resource or seriously compromise effectiveness of family therapy. The implications of research for clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the nature of consciousness?? intrinsic intentionality from a transcendental-phenomenological viewpoint. In recent philosophy of mind the essentially intentional character of consciousness has become obscured because the latter is predominantly understood in terms of ??qualia?? or the ??what-it-is-like-ness?? of mental states and it is hard to see why such subjective ??feels??, of all things, could bestow states with objective reference. As the paper attempts to demonstrate, this is an inadequate understanding of consciousness, which should instead be defined in terms of presence. Consciousness essentially takes place as presence-of, i.e., consists in something coming to appearance. This presence-of is not only a fundamental, irreducible phenomenon, but also in a radical sense un-naturalisable. Naturalism only knows ??nature??, as the world of objects, and the question of intentionality then seems to be how certain inner-worldly objects can be ??representations?? of other inner-worldly objects. In fact, no object is ever intrinsically ??about?? anything. This is exclusively the nature of subjectivity qua consciousness, which is not an object alongside other objects but rather exists as the manifestation of objects.  相似文献   

张卫 《伦理学研究》2022,(1):106-112
“内在主义”(internalism)是技术伦理学新兴起的一种研究进路,它不同于传统“外在主义”(exter?nalism)进路的地方在于,它主要关注技术的积极伦理后果,主张把伦理要素“嵌入”对象之中,利用技术手段解决伦理问题。“道德增强”的基本理念符合“内在主义”进路的特征,它通过对人的“基因”和“神经”进行技术干预,调节人的道德情感,增强人的道德动机,改善人的道德品质,塑造人的道德行为。尽管“道德增强”的初衷是助人向善,却引发了诸多伦理争议,需要从学理上权衡其利弊。  相似文献   

中国传统道德文化复杂多样,经过两千多年的历史发展和演进,形成了名目繁多、内涵丰富的诸多道德规范或德目。本文从中国传统哲学的本体-工夫思维模式,对中国传统道德理念进行重新排序和定位,提出了二维四面三层次的内在结构模式。中国传统道德文化是一个整体性的存在,具有普遍性与超越性的内在深层结构,正是这一整体性的存在和具有某种普遍性和超越性的内在深层结构,为其现代践行提供了可能性和有效性的理论依据。  相似文献   

本研究构建了一个中介性调节模型,以解释较低的学术自我效能感与大学生学术不端之间的关系,提出学业自我效能感与学术不端之间的关系以道德推脱为中介,且这一中介效应受到道德自我认同的调节。495名大学生参加了本研究,他们完成了学业自我效能感问卷、道德推脱问卷、道德自我认同问卷和学术不端问卷。数据分析发现,学业自我效能感、道德推脱、内化道德认同和象征化道德认同都影响道德推脱和学术不端,且学业自我效能感与学术不端的关系以道德推脱为部分中介,但是这一中介效应只受内化道德认同的调节,不受象征化道德认同的调节。本研究表明,较高的内化道德认同能够降低学术自我效能感较低的个体的道德推脱倾向。并由此减少其学术不端的可能性。  相似文献   

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