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Learning of a motor task, which consists of frontal balancing on a tilting platform, is analyzed, using a multiparameter approach. Findings point to spatiotemporal symmetry throughout the process, with a significant increase in the time on-balance score. The time course of variation of others parameters during the learning process as well as a consideration of which of these should be employed in future studies of dynamic balance, is discussed.  相似文献   

A componential analysis of an early learning deficit in mathematics   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study was designed to assess strategy choice and information-processing differences in normal and mathematically disabled first and second grade children. Twenty-three normal and 29 learning disabled (LD) children solved 40 computer-presented simple addition problems. Strategies, and their associated solution times, used in problem solving were recorded on a trial-by-trial basis and each was classified in accordance with the distributions of associations model of strategy choices. Based on performance in a remedial education course, as indexed by achievement test scores, the LD sample was reclassified into a LD-improved group and an LD-no-change group. No substantive differences comparing the normal and LD-improved groups occurred in the distribution of strategy choices, strategy characteristics (e.g., error rates), or rate of information processing. The performance characteristics of the LD-no-change group, as compared to the two remaining groups, included frequent counting and memory retrieval errors, frequent use of an immature computational strategy, poor strategy choices, and a variable rate of information processing. These performance characteristics were discussed in terms of the strategy choice model and in terms of potential long-term memory and working memory capacity deficits. In addition, implications for remedial education in mathematics were discussed.  相似文献   

For many students concepts like fluid and crystallized intelligence are difficult to learn because they have highly‐similar definitions that are easy to confuse. The challenge of learning these highly‐similar, yet often confused concepts is further complicated by the fact that students are tested on exams about differences between the concepts. In this theoretically‐motivated research we test a new strategy for learning highly‐similar pairs of concepts, called differential‐associative processing. The results revealed that performance on multiple‐choice questions was higher when students learned highly‐similar concepts using differential‐associative processing rather than a strategy of their own choice, text‐based elaboration, or identifying similarities and differences. The results also revealed that students spontaneously transferred differential‐associative processing to a neutral control condition. Taken as a whole, the present study supports differential‐associative processing as a useful strategy for learning similar concepts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


As a way for practitioners to integrate various models of marital therapy into their treatment,a flow chart of the process of psychotherapy with couples is presented. Basic steps and questions to be addressed are sequentially discussed. Resolution of each stage is considered important for movement to following stages. The flow chart, as a device for conceptualizing clients independent of a theoretical approach, allows for intervention strategies to be developed at each process level  相似文献   

Young human children have been shown to learn less effectively from video or televised images than from real-life demonstrations. Although nonhuman primates respond to and can learn from video images, there is a lack of direct comparisons of task acquisition from video and live demonstrations. To address this gap in knowledge, we presented capuchin monkeys with video clips of a human demonstrator explicitly hiding food under one of two containers. The clips were presented at normal, faster than normal, or slower than normal speed, and then the monkeys were allowed to choose between the real containers. Even after 55 sessions and hundreds of video demonstration trials the monkeys’ performances indicated no mastery of the task, and there was no effect of video speed. When given live demonstrations of the hiding act, the monkeys’ performances were vastly improved. Upon subsequent return to video demonstrations, performances declined to pre-live-demonstration levels, but this time with evidence for an advantage of fast video demonstrations. Demonstration action speed may be one aspect of images that influence nonhuman primates’ ability to learn from video images, an ability that in monkeys, as in young children, appears limited compared to learning from live models.  相似文献   

Impaired procedural learning has been suggested as a possible cause of developmental dyslexia (DD) and specific language impairment (SLI). This study examined the relationship between measures of verbal and non‐verbal implicit and explicit learning and measures of language, literacy and arithmetic attainment in a large sample of 7 to 8‐year‐old children. Measures of verbal explicit learning were correlated with measures of attainment. In contrast, no relationships between measures of implicit learning and attainment were found. Critically, the reliability of the implicit learning tasks was poor. Our results show that measures of procedural learning, as currently used, are typically unreliable and insensitive to individual differences. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnvV-BvNWSo  相似文献   

Rats searched in a matrix of vertical poles for food hidden on top of the poles. The only information available about the location of the food was the consistent spatial pattern of the baited poles, which was a checkerboard. This spatial pattern of hidden-food locations came to control the choices of poles made by the rats. The experiments ruled out the possibility that this control can be explained by the acquisition of simple response tendencies to move from pole to pole. Instead, this behavioral control of choices was attributed to the development of a representation of the checkerboard pattern of baited locations. Spatial pattern learning may have mechanisms in common with other forms of pattern learning.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that both brain-injured children and children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) suffer from response inhibition deficits. To investigate whether these deficits can be influenced by motivational factors, the stop-signal task was performed with and without reward contingencies for successful inhibition. Three groups of children between 8 and 12 years of age, participated in the study: 31 children with ADHD, 37 with traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and 26 normal controls. Results indicated that, although all groups showed comparable learning effects, reward contingencies had different effects on the groups. Whereas the performance of children with ADHD under reward contingencies were brought up to the performance level of normal controls, rewards were found less effective at improving response inhibition in children with TBI. The results further support a motivational/energetic explanation of the inhibitory deficit in children with ADHD, and of a primary response inhibition deficit due to structural brain damage in children with TBI.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that developmental dyslexia involves various literacy, sensory, motor skill, and processing speed deficits. Some recent studies have shown that individuals with developmental dyslexia exhibit implicit motor learning deficits, which may be related to cerebellar functioning. However, previous studies on implicit motor learning in developmental dyslexics have produced conflicting results. Findings from cerebellar lesion patients have shown that patients' implicit motor learning performance varied when different hands were used to complete tasks. This suggests that dyslexia may have different effects on implicit motor learning between the two hands if cerebellar dysfunction is involved. To specify this question, we used a one-handed version of a serial reaction time task to compare the performance of 27 Chinese children with developmental dyslexics with another 27 age-matched children without reading difficulties. All the subjects were students from two primary schools, Grades 4 to 6. The results showed that children with developmental dyslexic responded more slowly than nondyslexic children, and exhibited no implicit motor learning in the condition of left-hand response. In contrast, there was no significant difference in reaction time between two groups of children when they used the right hand to respond. This finding indicates that children with developmental dyslexia exhibited normal motor skill and implicit motor learning ability provided the right hand was used. Taken together, these results suggested that Chinese children with developmental dyslexia exhibit unilateral deficits in motor skill and implicit motor learning in the left hand. Our findings lend partial support to the cerebellar deficit theory of developmental dyslexia.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, German-speaking dyslexic children (9-year-olds) showed impaired learning of new phonological forms (pseudonames) in a variety of visual-verbal learning tasks. The dyslexic deficit was also found when phonological retrieval cues were provided and when the to-be-learned pseudonames were presented in spoken as well as printed form. However, the dyslexic children showed no name-learning deficit when short, familiar words were used and they also had no difficulty with immediate repetition of the pseudowords. The dyslexic children's difficulty in learning new phonological forms was associated with pseudoword-repetition and naming-speed deficits assessed at the beginning of school, but not with phonological awareness and visual-motor impairments. We propose that the difficulty in learning new phonological forms may affect reading and spelling acquisition via impaired storage of new phonological forms, which serve as phonological underpinnings of the letter patterns of words or parts of words.  相似文献   

Older adults are slower than young adults to think of an item they just saw, that is, to engage or execute (or both) the simple reflective operation of refreshing just-activated information. In addition, they derive less long-term memory benefit from refreshing information. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we found that relative to young adults, older adults showed reduced refresh-related activity in an area of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (left middle frontal gyrus, Brodmann's Area 9), but not in other refresh-related areas. This provides strong evidence that a frontal component of the circuit that subserves this basic cognitive process is especially vulnerable to aging. Such a refresh deficit could contribute to poorer performance of older than young adults on a wide range of cognitive tasks.  相似文献   

On the basis of findings emphasizing the role of perceptual consequences in movement coordination, the authors tested the hypothesis that the learning of a new bimanual relative phase pattern would involve the matching of the movement-related sensory consequences (rather than the motor outflow commands) to the to-be-learned pattern. Two groups of participants (n = 10 in each) practiced rhythmically moving their forearms with a phase difference of 30 degrees . In 1 group, a difference in the arms' eigenfrequencies was imposed such that synchronous generation of the left and right motor commands resulted in the required relative phase (30 degrees ), yielding incongruence between the motor commands and their sensory consequences. In the other group, the experimenter imposed no eigenfrequency difference so that the sensory consequences were congruent with the motor commands. Throughout the practice period, performance of both groups was assessed repeatedly for the congruent situation (i.e., no eigenfrequency difference). On those criterion tests, both groups performed the required pattern equally well. The authors discuss that result, which corroborated the hypothesis, from a dynamical systems perspective.  相似文献   

Four experiments on serial anticipation learning of lights by college students show that (a) the operations of transposing and taking the mirror image are used, (b) temporal inversion is not used, (c) a sequence made of two contrasting halves may be as easy to learn as a sequence having a single homogeneous hierarchical structure. Data revealed intrasequence confusion errors made by importing an operation from one part of the sequence to another. In homogeneous sequences, subjects appear to lose track of where they are in a sequence, and therefore repeat an operation already performed. The evidence supports the idea of an hierarchical cognitive structure, but shows that learning is not a simple function of that structure. Errors and difficulties arise from structural ambiguities, substrings of events that can be reconciled with more than one possible cognitive structure.  相似文献   

Insight and strategy in multiple-cue learning   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In multiple-cue learning (also known as probabilistic category learning) people acquire information about cue-outcome relations and combine these into predictions or judgments. Previous researchers claimed that people can achieve high levels of performance without explicit knowledge of the task structure or insight into their own judgment policies. It has also been argued that people use a variety of suboptimal strategies to solve such tasks. In three experiments the authors reexamined these conclusions by introducing novel measures of task knowledge and self-insight and using "rolling regression" methods to analyze individual learning. Participants successfully learned a four-cue probabilistic environment and showed accurate knowledge of both the task structure and their own judgment processes. Learning analyses suggested that the apparent use of suboptimal strategies emerges from the incremental tracking of statistical contingencies in the environment.  相似文献   

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