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In Experiment 1, 6‐ and 9‐year‐old children and adults were asked to imagine various types of objects. The experimenter then attempted to change the image of those objects in participants' minds by either suggesting that the objects may change against the participants' will, or by asking participants to change the objects as a favor to the experimenter. Two types of suggestive causation were employed: Magical‐suggestion (a magic spell was cast with the aim of changing the imagined objects) and ordinary‐suggestion (participants were told that the objects in their minds could alter against their will). Ordinary‐suggestion was as effective as magical‐suggestion in changing the participants' imagined objects. For adults, a direct request for compliance produced a stronger effect than did magical suggestion. This effect was not found in children. In Experiment 2, the two types of suggestion were tested on an alternative type of imagined objects. Adult participants were asked to imagine their futures. It was then proposed that (a) a magic spell could be cast on their futures with the aim of changing them either for the worse or for the better (magical‐suggestion), or (b) changing a numerical pattern on a computer screen could change their futures (ordinary‐suggestion). All participants denied that changing a numerical pattern on a computer screen could affect their lives, yet in their actions they demonstrated an element of belief in this possibility. As in Experiment 1, in Experiment 2 ordinary suggestion was as effective as magical suggestion. The hypothesis of an historic contiguity between magical causality and ordinary suggestion is discussed.  相似文献   

Disparate theoretical viewpoints construe hypnotic suggestibility either as a stable trait, largely determined by underlying cognitive aptitude, or as a flexible skill amenable to attitudinal factors including beliefs and expectations. Circumscribed findings support both views. The present study attempted to consolidate these orthogonal perspectives through the lens of expectancy modification. We surreptitiously controlled light and sound stimuli to convince participants that they were responding strongly to hypnotic suggestions for visual and auditory hallucinations. Extending our previous findings, we indexed hypnotic suggestibility by de-automatizing an involuntary audiovisual phenomenon-the McGurk effect. Here we show that, regardless of expectancy modification, the experimental procedure led to heightened expectations concerning future hypnotic response. We found little effect of expectation, however, on actual response to suggestion. Our findings intimate that, at least in the present experimental context, expectation hardly correlates with--and is unlikely to be a primary determinant of--high hypnotic suggestibility.  相似文献   

Objective: Self-affirmation has repeatedly been shown to reduce adverse psychological and physiological responses to stress. However, it is plausible that self-affirmation could exacerbate negative reactions to stress under certain conditions. The current research explored whether self-affirmation would increase negative psychological responses to a stressor occurring in a central life domain characterised by low levels of control.

Design: Female participants (Study 1 N = 132; Study 2 N = 141) completed baseline measures of anxiety and mood. They were then randomly allocated to complete a self-affirmation or control task, before reading a narrative documenting a stressful birth and imagining themselves in the place of the woman giving birth. After completing this task, participants again reported their levels of anxiety and positive mood.

Main outcome measures: Anxiety and positive mood assessed at follow-up.

Results: Study 1 demonstrated that self-affirmed women experienced increased anxiety and less positive mood at follow-up, compared both to baseline and to women in the control condition. Study 2 revealed that the effect of self-affirmation on outcomes was moderated by fear of childbirth.

Conclusion: These results provide preliminary evidence that self-affirmation may worsen negative responses to stressors under certain conditions and for certain individuals.  相似文献   

Violence perpetrated against teachers is prevalent and has the potential to adversely affect teachers’ well-being, efficacy, and longevity in the profession. In this study, we examined teachers’ reactions after having experienced violence, specifically examining the roles of attributional processes. In collaboration with the American Psychological Association, National Education Association, and American Federation of Teachers, data were collected via a survey instrument from teachers across the United States. We examined responses from 2505 participants who described the most upsetting incident of violence that had been perpetrated against them in their roles as teachers. We examined predictors of (1) communicating with others after the incident and (2) implementing intervention strategies with the perpetrators of violence. Emotions were tested as mediators of the relations between attributions and outcomes. Results indicated that characterological and behavioral self-blame were predictive of negative affect, which in turn predicted the majority of outcomes. Study limitations and implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

We present an experiment showing that need for closure (NFC)—defined as the epistemic desire for certainty—can moderate individuals' affective reactions to cognitive inconsistency. Informed by Kruglanski and colleagues' new theory, that cognitive inconsistency elicits negative affect particularly under certain circumstances, we find that NFC (i.e. the desire for certain, stable and unambiguous knowledge) influences the strength of consistency effects and resulting negative affect. More specifically, we find that individuals who are high on NFC experience more negative affect upon encountering an inconsistent (vs. consistent) cognition. However, when individuals are low on NFC, inconsistency is irrelevant, and their affect depends on whether the ultimate outcome of the cognition is positive or negative. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of this research.  相似文献   

The disastrous consequences of the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 appear to discredit just war theories that justify military intervention in sovereign states in the name of human rights. It is possible, however, to identify factors that distinguish a defensible military intervention from the kind pursued in Iraq, and to incorporate these into a doctrine of humanitarian military intervention that would not have permitted the Iraq invasion. This improved doctrine stands in contrast to the militant interventionist doctrine that endorsed the invasion – a variant referred to here as the doctrine of just anti-totalitarian war (JAW). In order to critique the JAW doctrine and distinguish it from the improved doctrine, I examine critically the JAW-supporters' attempt to make sense of what went wrong in Iraq, and propose an alternative diagnosis. It is this alternative diagnosis that grounds a defense of moderate versions of the doctrine of just military intervention, which I seek in turn to render ‘Iraq-proof’. My Iraq-proof refinement is expressed in a list of injunctions. These require, among other things, critical interrogation of the moral standing of intervening powers and greater attention to the legitimate grievances of adversaries in regions targeted for intervention. They would also permit military intervention only in moral emergencies, and usually only to establish safe havens and protect relief supplies.  相似文献   

Sleep onset is associated with marked changes in behavioral, physiological, and subjective phenomena. In daily life though subjective experience is the main criterion in terms of which we identify it. But very few studies have focused on these experiences. This study seeks to identify the subjective variables that reflect sleep onset. Twenty young subjects took an afternoon nap in the laboratory while polysomnographic recordings were made. They were awakened four times in order to assess subjective experiences that correlate with the (1) appearance of slow eye movement, (2) initiation of stage 1 sleep, (3) initiation of stage 2 sleep, and (4) 5 min after the start of stage 2 sleep. A logistic regression identified control over and logic of thought as the two variables that predict the perception of having fallen asleep. For sleep perception, these two variables accurately classified 91.7% of the cases; for the waking state, 84.1%.  相似文献   



This paper extends the accepted economic method of valuation by taking psychological factors into consideration.


The unique psychological factors of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) have been explored and examined in order to discover whether psychological variables are correlated to background factors: sociodemographic, satisfaction from IVF medical treatment and health related factors, and whether psychological variables have an influence on the willingness to pay (WTP) for IVF treatment. Another purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating effects of satisfaction from IVF treatment on the relationship between the psychological variables and the willingness to pay (WTP) for IVF treatment.


The study was carried out on 204 patients from 8 public IVF units, and provided data on their emotional response and their maximum WTP for IVF treatment.


Background factors were found to have a significant impact on IVF patients’ emotional outcomes. Evidence was found for gender-based variances in psychological reactions related to infertility; however, WTP remained robust and was not influenced by psychological variables. The results show that satisfaction from treatment can be regarded as a moderating variable between the psychological variables and the willingness to pay (WTP) for IVF treatment.


The research findings indicate that fertility problems affect the quality of life of women more adversely than of men, and women suffer more negative emotions as a result of infertility. A unique emotional response that seems to be an important outcome in the experience of infertility and that was demonstrated in our study is shame. The sociocultural environment affects emotional responses regarding WTP, while IVF patients’ satisfaction with medical treatment may moderate the emotional effect of psychological factors on the WTP for IVF treatment.  相似文献   

Subjects experienced one of three mood-induction procedures (music, video, or Velten; positive or negative valence) prior to responding to a recently developed instrument for measuring optimism and pessimism (O/P). Pre- and post-induction mood indices were also obtained via the MAACL-R and the Wessman-Ricks elation-depression measure. All three mood-induction procedures were effective in establishing the desired moods, with the video procedure the weakest. Music and Velten, but not video, affected optimism and pessimism scores, but for women only. The results suggest, contrary to a previous study, that the optimism/pessimism instrument is not impervious to momentary mood states, at least for women, thus somewhat reducing its temporal stability. By the same token, however, the results also lend support to the construct validity of the O/P instrument. This article is based on a thesis presented by the senior author to the Division of Research and Advanced Studies of the University of Cincinnati in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Arts.  相似文献   

This pilot study summarizes perceived barriers to bicycling among overweight adults in two low-income communities of color and evaluates the impact of a bicycling intervention on these perceived barriers. A randomized controlled trial with 38 total participants from one predominantly Latino and one predominantly Black neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin was conducted during summer 2015. The twelve-week intervention consisted of group bicycle rides and bicycling instruction. Several barriers identified prior to the intervention declined significantly among intervention group members soon after it was completed: not feeling healthy enough to bike, being physically uncomfortable while biking, not having a bicycle to use, not having other people to bicycle with, not knowing the best routes to use, not feeling safe from crime, not feeling safe from car traffic, and worrying that neighbors do not think it is normal for an adult to ride a bike. Eight weeks after completion, the intervention group reported significantly greater reductions than the control group with respect to the barriers of not feeling healthy enough to bike and not feeling safe from car traffic. In addition to decreasing barriers, qualitative analysis suggested that increasing support from family and friends as well as emphasizing personal health benefits could help motivate people to bicycle.  相似文献   

DB, the first blindsight case to be tested extensively (Weiskrantz, 1986) has demonstrated the ability to detect and discriminate a range of visual stimuli presented within his perimetrically blind visual field defect. In a temporal two alternative forced choice (2AFC) detection experiment we have investigated the limits of DB's detection ability within his field defect. Blind field performance was compared to his sighted field performance and to an age-matched control group (n=6). DB reliably detected the presence of a small (2 degrees ), low contrast (7%), 4.6c/ degrees Gabor patch with the same space-averaged luminance as the background presented within his blind field but performed at chance levels at the same eccentricity (11.3 degrees ) within his sighted field. Investigation of detection as a function of stimulus contrast revealed DB's ability to detect the presence of an 8% contrast stimulus within his blind field, compared to 12% in his sighted field. No significant difference in detection performance between DB's sighted field and the performance of six age-matched control participants suggests poor sighted field performance does not account for the results. Monocular testing also rules out differences between the eyes as an explanation, suggesting that DB demonstrates superior detection for certain stimuli within his visual field defect compared to normal vision.  相似文献   

Some studies find that positive affect can induce self-focused attention, but other studies find no effect. We suggest that the contrary findings result from how self-awareness was measured. One group of participants listened to happy or neutral music; another group imagined and described a happy or neutral event. Two measures of self-focus were then taken. The experiment replicated past findings: Positive affect increased self-focus on a pronoun selection task, but had no effect on a modified private self-consciousness scale. The results were slightly stronger when affect was induced using music. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study investigated the families’ experiences of a childhood obesity intervention and sought to understand factors that influence attendance and lifestyle behaviours.

Design: Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.

Results: Four themes emerged highlighting the differences and similarities between attendees and non-attendees perceptions of childhood obesity, perceptions of the intervention, practical barriers and overcoming hurdles to attending and, availability and suitability of local facilities.

Conclusions: The findings relate to identity and health communication. For some families attending an obesity intervention may challenge social and individual identities, which may have an impact on subsequent behavioural decisions. Those who attend the obesity intervention may experience a shift in identity, which may or may not initially be perceived as a positive outcome. Public Health and those involved in treatment interventions should aim to bridge the gap between people’s in-group identities and those associated with particular lifestyle behaviours. In order to be effective, services must meet the needs of their clients and address any preconceived negative perceptions by carefully considering how health information is presented, how it is understood and most importantly how identity may affect motivation to engage in, and sustain, new behaviours.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychological impact of global subjective appraisals of influence exerted on people's lives by common political events. A list of 24 political events was administered to a random sample of 400 adults in Poland. Political self‐efficacy, interest in politics, perceived political social support, and political collective efficacy were also assessed as potential moderators of the link between political stress appraisals and subjective well‐being (satisfaction with life, sense on anomie, positive affect). Perceptions of the negative influence of political stressors on one's life and the life of the country were associated with concomitant variations in subjective well‐being. Among psychosocial resources, political self‐efficacy consistently moderated the influence of appraisals of political stressors on satisfaction with life and positive affect.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to explore the effects of a structured intervention in emotional competences (EC) on employability prospects of unemployed adults. More precisely, the objective is to analyse whether enhancing EC (such as identifying and expressing emotions, understanding emotions, and regulating one's own and others' emotions) can improve perception of employability, job search, entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial self-efficacy and improve reemployment success among unemployed participants. Seventy three participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental (40) or control group (33), and the experimental group underwent a 15 h intervention focused on improving EC and developing effective emotion regulation strategies. Both groups completed all the measures before the intervention (T1), one month later (T2), and six months after the intervention (T3). The results showed that the participants in the experimental group significantly increased their level of perceived employability, overall entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and three dimensions of entrepreneurial self-efficacy after the intervention, unlike their control group counterparts. Moreover, the experimental group showed more reemployment success and less reemployment delay than the control group. No changes were detected in job search or entrepreneurial intention in either group after the intervention. In addition, the positive effects of the intervention were not maintained six months after the intervention. The results suggest that structured interventions in EC can increase people's beliefs in their own capabilities (entrepreneurial self-efficacy) and their ability to find employment (employability) and can contribute to the actual reemployment.  相似文献   

Research has documented that individuals consider outcomes, intentions, and transgressor negligence when making morally relevant judgments (Nobes, Panagiotaki, & Engelhardt, 2017). However, less is known about whether individuals attend to both victim and transgressor negligence in their evaluations. The current study measured 3- to 6-year-olds (N = 70), 7- to 12-year-olds (N = 54), and adults' (N = 97, ages 18–25 years) moral judgments about scenarios in which an accidental transgression occurred involving property damage or physical harm. Participants were either assigned to conditions where the victim or the transgressor was negligent. Results revealed attention to negligence among all participants across a range of different moral judgment measures (including acceptability judgments, punishment judgments, and attributions of blame), with age-related increases in attention to negligence evident. Results provide novel evidence that children and adults consider not just outcomes and intentions, but also the role of negligence in both victims and transgressors, when making social decisions.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of communicative intention on action. In Experiment 1 participants were requested to reach towards an object, grasp it, and either simply lift it (individual condition) or lift it with the intent to communicate a meaning to a partner (communicative condition). Movement kinematics were recorded using a three-dimensional motion analysis system. The results indicate that kinematics was sensitive to communicative intention. Although the to-be-grasped object remained the same, movements performed for the ‘communicative’ condition were characterized by a kinematic pattern which differed from those obtained for the ‘individual’ condition. These findings were confirmed in a subsequent experiment in which the communicative condition was compared to a control condition, in which the communicative exchange was prevented. Results are discussed in terms of cognitive pragmatics and current knowledge on how social behavior shapes action kinematics.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the well-known health benefits associated with exercise can be explained by a placebo effect, and that greater effort should be given to convince people that their current behaviors have desirable health consequences. The overall purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of this "mind-set matters" hypothesis through the use of an expectancy-based intervention with adolescents. The study involved a four week randomized controlled trial with 348 Grade 9 adolescents (M (age)?=?14.07 yrs, SD?=?0.30), from four high schools, taking part in either a placebo-intervention condition (n?=?188) or a control condition (n?=?160). Participants in the placebo-intervention condition were informed that what they are already doing in school physical education lessons fulfills current recommendations for an active lifestyle. Participants in the control condition were not given this information. Four weeks after the intervention, adolescents in the placebo-intervention condition did not demonstrate significant changes in physiological health-related measures (diet, weight, body mass index, percentage body fat, heart rate, mean arterial pressure). The findings question the external validity of the "mind-set matters" hypothesis with adolescents, and suggest that simply encouraging adolescents to believe that they are healthy may not enable them to respond with improved indicators of physical health.  相似文献   

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