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Here we investigated the temporal perception of self- and other-generated actions during sequential joint actions. Participants judged the perceived time of two events, the first triggered by the participant and the second by another agent, during a cooperative or competitive interaction, or by an unspecified mechanical cause. Results showed that participants perceived self-generated events as shifted earlier in time (anticipation temporal judgment bias) and non-self-generated events as shifted later in time (repulsion temporal judgment bias). This latter effect was observed independently from the kind of cause (i.e., agentive or mechanical) or interaction (i.e., cooperative or competitive). We suggest that this might represent a mental process which allows discriminating events that cannot plausibly be linked to one’s own action. When an event immediately follows a self-generated one, temporal judgment biases operate as self-serving biases in order to separate self-generated events from events of another physical causality.  相似文献   

The idea that empathy may best be considered a multidimensional construct, consisting of both cognitive and emotional facets, has recently been gaining in popularity. To date, however, little research explicitly based on such a view has been carried out. We conducted the present experiment to explore the different influences of cognitive and emotional empathy on two types of responses to dramatic stimuli: positive and negative emotional reactions. Consistent with a multidimensional view of empathy, the two types of empathy exhibited different effects; positive emotional reactions were affected primarily by cognitive empathy, and negative emotional reactions were most heavily influenced by emotional empathy. The results are discussed in terms of their relevance to a multidimensional approach to the study of empathic responding.  相似文献   

Perceptual processes play a central role in the planning and control of human voluntary action. Indeed, planning an action is a sensorimotor process operating on sensorimotor units, a process that is based on anticipations of perceptual action effects. I discuss how the underlying sensorimotor units emerge, and how they can be employed to tailor action plans to the goals at hand. I also discuss how even a single action can induce sensorimotor binding, how intentionally implemented short-term associations between stimuli and responses become autonomous, how feature overlap between stimulus events and actions makes them compatible, and why action plans are necessarily incomplete.
Bernhard HommelEmail:

Action effects do not occur randomly in time but follow our actions at specific delays. The ideomotor principle (IMP) is widely used to explain how the relation between actions and contingently following effects is acquired and numerous studies demonstrate robust action-effect learning. Yet, little is known about the acquisition of temporal delays of action effects. Here, we demonstrate that participants learn that action effects occur at specific delays. Participants responded slower to action effects that occurred earlier than usual. In addition, participants often prematurely responded before the effect when it occurred later than expected. Thus, in contrast to biases of time perception in action contexts (e.g., Haggard, Trends Cogn Sci 9:290–295, 2005; Stetson et al., Neuron 51:651–659, 2006), participants learn and exploit temporal regularities between actions and effects for behavioral control.  相似文献   

A huge set of focused attention experiments show that when presented with color words printed in color, observers report the ink color faster if the carrier word is the name of the color rather than the name of an alternative color, the Stroop effect. There is also a large number (although not so numerous as the Stroop task) of so-called “redundant targets studies” that are based on divided attention instructions. These almost always indicate that observers report the presence of a visual target (‘redness’ in the stimulus) faster if there are two replications of the target (the word RED in red ink color) than if only one is present (RED in green or GREEN in red). The present set of four experiments employs the same stimuli and same participants in both designs. Evidence supports the traditional interference account of the Stroop effect, but also supports a non-interference parallel processing account of the word and the color in the divided attention task. Theorists are challenged to find a unifying model that parsimoniously explains both seemingly contradictory results.  相似文献   

Spehar B  Clifford CW 《Perception》2002,31(2):197-200
Recent work by British artists Rob and Nick Carter uses kinetic lights illuminating abstract photographic prints to induce dramatic failures of colour constancy.  相似文献   

This article discusses the limited utility of the concepts of “cyber terrorism” or “electronic Pearl Harbor.” It contrasts the absence of cyber terror incidents with the large number of terrorist attacks and computer security incidents in recent years. It suggests that this discrepancy is explained both by the low appeal of cyber weapons to terrorists and because critical infrastructures and nations are not vulnerable to computer attacks. The article calls for a more rigorous approach to data collection for cyber security incidents, and suggests cyber security should not be seen primarily as a national security issue. Before joining CSIS, he served in the U.S. Foreign Service and worked on security, intelligence, and technology issues. Lewis’s current research covers cyber security, spectrum management, authentication, and technology’s role in national security. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1984.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that older adults are more susceptible to interference effects than are young adults; however, that research has failed to equate differences in original learning. In 4 experiments, the authors show that older adults are more susceptible to interference effects produced by a misleading prime. Even when original learning was equated, older adults were 10 times as likely to falsely remember misleading information and were much less likely to increase their accuracy by opting not to answer under conditions of free responding. The results are well described by a multinomial model that postulates multiple modes of cognitive control. According to that model, older adults are likely to be captured by misleading information, a form of goal neglect or deficit in inhibitory functions.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the observation of actions and the execution of actions activate common neural systems. More recently, we have presented data showing that action observation of prehension primes subsequent execution (Castiello, Lusher, Mari, Edwards, & Humphreys, 2002). In the current paper we examined action priming under conditions in which the size of the prime did not predict the size of the target (only 20% of trials were valid). We demonstrated reliable priming under these conditions, consistent with the effect occurring automatically. In addition, we show priming even when observers saw just the object rather than the object and a reaching action on the prime trial. We discuss the findings in relation to the role of mirror neurons and object affordances.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between Temporal Collective Relative Deprivation and collective well‐being in the context of dramatic social change in Kyrgyzstan. Traditional research has evaluated Temporal Collective Relative Deprivation by comparing a group's present situation to a point in the recent past or future. We argue that a reconceptualization of Temporal Collective Relative Deprivation is needed. We hypothesized, first, that examining several, as opposed to a single, points of comparison will better predict collective well‐being. Secondly, we hypothesized that the points of comparison that will best predict collective well‐being will not necessarily correspond to the most recent past or future. Third, we hypothesized that the overall trajectory of Temporal Collective Relative Deprivation perceived across time will influence the level of collective well‐being. A sample of 565 Kyrgyz participants completed a questionnaire. Hierarchical regressions and group‐based trajectory modeling confirmed our three hypotheses. Theoretical and methodological implications of the findings are discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adults and children readily construct action representations organized with respect to an ultimate goal. These representations allow one to predict the consequences of action, interpret and describe actions, and categorize action sequences. In this paper, we explore the ontogeny of hierarchically organized action representations, and its relation to infants' ability to produce similar sequences. To do so, we examine infants' perception and performance of a means-end sequence: pulling a cloth to retrieve a toy. Using a visual habituation paradigm, we demonstrate that 12-month-old infants understand that the initial step of the cloth-pulling sequence is directed toward the ultimate goal of attaining the toy, and use their knowledge of the causal constraints of the sequence to make this goal attribution. Ten-month-olds, however, appear transitional with respect to this understanding: their ability to identify the goal of the cloth-pulling sequence is related to their own ability to planfully solve a similar sequence. These findings are consistent with a burgeoning body of literature suggesting an intimate link between action production and perception, and suggest that this link is in place by at least 10 months of age.  相似文献   

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