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ABSTRACT Lamiell's (1981) “idiothetic” index has been praised for raising significant conceptual and methodological issues, but Paunonen and Jackson (1986a) indicated that it might not provide any unique information The current study demonstrates that the unique value of the idiothetic index relative to the ipsative, normative, and normative-ipsative indices is dependent in part upon what information is collected and how it is analyzed Subjects completed inventories on three occasions that assessed seven dispositional variables Interindividual analyses indicated a high correlation between the idiothetic method and two of the other models, whereas intra-individual analyses indicated a much lower degree of correlation Intra-individual analyses indicated that the idiothetic method produced higher temporal stability coefficients The idiothetic index provides information not contained in a normative index and it may be more useful to personality researchers for the assessment of temporal stability and for the assessment of traits with extreme base rates  相似文献   

We compared the criterion validity of a new relative performance appraisal format (percentile-based ranking) to that of an absolute format (BOS) in a sample of 88 unit managers. Overall, our results suggest that the relative format has higher criterion-related validity than does the absolute format. These findings contradict conventional wisdom that format-related differences in measures of performance are minimal and that relative approaches to performance appraisal are inferior.This research was supported by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to Richard D. Goffin, Douglas N. Jackson, John P. Meyer, Sampo V. Paunonen, and Mitchell G. Rothstein. Additional funding provided by a research grant from Imperial Oil Ltd. to Douglas N. Jackson.A version of these results was presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Montreal, Canada, May, 1992. Limited portions of these data, addressing distinctly different research issues, were published in Gellatly, Paunonen, Meyer, Jackson, & Goffin (1991) and Meyer, Paunonen, Gellatly, Goffin, & Jackson (1989).  相似文献   

The criticisms by S. V. Paunonen and D. N. Jackson (1985, Journal of Research in Personality, 19, 331–342) are examined in detail. Despite the best of intentions, the author remains unconvinced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to examine some of the implicit standards that individuals may use when they rate themselves on personality dimensions Specifically, we compared ratings based on instructions that specified normative, ipsative, or idiothetic creteria with ratings obtained when subjects used their own (implicit) standards In a series of three studies, we found that each of the explicit ratings was highly similar to the implicit-standard ratings and that there were substantial individual differences in the relative similarity of each of the explicit ratings to the implicit ratings However, because the normative instructions elicited less extreme responses than any of the other instructions, there was a small but consistent tendency for them to be less similar to the ratings based on implicit standards than the ipsative or idiothetic ratings The implications of this research for personality assessment and self-evaluation are discussed  相似文献   

One factor that can influence the magnitude of predictive validity of personality tests for selection is the bandwidth of the constructs measured (Ashton, Jackson, Paunonen, Helmes, & Rothstein, Journal of Research in Personality, 29, 432–442 (1995)). In addition, certain personality characteristics have been shown to be more prevalent in an occupational category (Barrick & Mount, Personnel Psychology, 44, 1–26 (1991)). The results of this study suggest the necessity to perform personality based job analysis within a specific occupational category to properly select a personality measure. Criterion validity coefficients of broad constructs were non significant. However, specific facets identified in a personality based job analysis demonstrated moderate significant correlations. In addition, applicants prefer a more narrowly defined selection test.  相似文献   

《Family process》1967,6(2):148-154
With this issue FAMILY PROCESS begins a policy of having certain articles followed by critical comment of invited discussants. We wish to thank Dr. Jackson for permitting publication of comment on his paper, and we are fortunate to have discussions from Dr. George Vassiliou, Dr. Nathan B. Epstein, and Dr. Lyman Wynne.  相似文献   

Single neuron recording studies have demonstrated the existence of hippocampal spatial view neurons which encode information about the spatial location at which a primate is looking in the environment. These neurons are able to maintain their firing even in the absence of visual input. The standard neuronal network approach to model networks with memory that represent continuous spaces is that of continuous attractor networks. It has recently been shown how idiothetic (self-motion) inputs could update the activity packet of neuronal firing for a one-dimensional case (head direction cells), and for a two-dimensional case (place cells which represent the place where a rat is located). In this paper, we describe three models of primate hippocampal spatial view cells, which not only maintain their spatial firing in the absence of visual input, but can also be updated in the dark by idiothetic input. The three models presented in this paper represent different ways in which a continuous attractor network could integrate a number of different kinds of velocity signal (e.g., head rotation and eye movement) simultaneously. The first two models use velocity information from head angular velocity and from eye velocity cells, and make use of a continuous attractor network to integrate this information. A fundamental feature of the first two models is their use of a 'memory trace' learning rule which incorporates a form of temporal average of recent cell activity. Rules of this type are able to build associations between different patterns of neural activities that tend to occur in temporal proximity, and are incorporated in the model to enable the recent change in the continuous attractor to be associated with the contemporaneous idiothetic input. The third model uses positional information from head direction cells and eye position cells to update the representation of where the agent is looking in the dark. In this case the integration of idiothetic velocity signals is performed in the earlier layer of head direction cells.  相似文献   

Lamiell (1981, 1982a) has recently advanced an idiographic approach to the measurement of personality that he has labeled “idiothetic” In contrast to classical nomothetic strategies, the idiothetic method of scaling personality traits discounts normative transformations of attribute scores and, according to Lamiell, provides the basis for a useful index of cross–situational behavior consistency An analysis of Lamiell's procedures indicates several problems with the idiothetic approach to personality assessment and with the proposed measure of behavior consistency Notable is the fact that the method does not account for base rates of behavior in situations and, therefore, may suggest anomalous interpretations of personality characteristics and of behavior consistencies It is argued that conventional nomothetic methods are sufficient for the goals of explaining and predicting behavior  相似文献   

In response to the article by Lamiell and Trierweiler (this issue), we examine the stated epistemological origins of idiothetic proposals for theory and research in personality We argue that the justification for those proposals as advanced by Lamiell and his colleagues is wholely insufficient in view of prior research on the consistency of behavior This assertion together with our identification of problems in scaling personality and personality consistencies lead us to conclude that the pursuit of the idiothetic method is both unwarranted and ineffectual  相似文献   

Rats of the Dark Agouti strain were trained on delayed alternation under conditions that should encourage egocentric working memory. In two experiments a T-maze was set within a cross-maze so that different arms could be used for the sample and test runs. The maze had high opaque side-walls, and testing was conducted in low light levels so that distal visual cues might be eliminated. By rotating the maze 90° between the sample and choice run and by using two identical mazes set side by side it was possible to nullify other spatial strategies. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that rats preferentially used place information, intramaze cues, and direction cues, even though only egocentric or idiothetic (nonmatch-to-turn) working memory could successfully solve every trial. Rats were able to maintain an accurate sense of location within the maze even though distal cues were not visible and the animal was moved between the sample and choice runs. Experiment 2 confirmed that another rat strain (Long-Evans) shows the same learning profiles. Both experiments indicate that rats are very poor at using either egocentric or idiothetic information to alternate, and that retention delays as short as 10 s can eliminate the use of these forms of memory.  相似文献   

Goal-directed navigation is believed to be the combined product of idiothetic and allothetic orientation. Although both navigation systems require the hippocampal formation, it is probable that different circuits implement them. Examination of Long-Evans rats with dentate gyrus lesions induced by neonatal X-ray irradiation may show the dissociation of these two components of navigation. Two recently developed place avoidance tasks on a rotating circular arena were used to test this hypothesis. In the first test, the position of the punished area is stable in the room frame but is permanently changing on the surface of the arena. This task requires the rat to use allothetic orientation and to disregard idiothetic orientation. In the second test, the prohibited area is fixed in the coordinate system of the arena and the experiment is conducted in complete darkness, forcing the rat to rely exclusively on idiothesis supported by substratal cues. The results suggest that the dentate gyrus lesion interferes less with idiothetic orientation than with allothetic orientation. In addition, an attempt was made to control the number of developing granule cells by exact timing of a single high dose of perinatal irradiation, and to measure the ensuing behavioral deficits. Rats irradiated at 6, 18, or 24 h after birth were tested as adults in the Morris water maze. Irradiated animals showed significant, but highly variable, learning deficit, but histological examination indicated that the granule cell loss did not correlate with the degree of behavioral impairment.  相似文献   

Rats of the Dark Agouti strain were trained on delayed alternation under conditions that should encourage egocentric working memory. In two experiments a T-maze was set within a cross-maze so that different arms could be used for the sample and test runs. The maze had high opaque side-walls, and testing was conducted in low light levels so that distal visual cues might be eliminated. By rotating the maze 90° between the sample and choice run and by using two identical mazes set side by side it was possible to nullify other spatial strategies. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that rats preferentially used place information, intramaze cues, and direction cues, even though only egocentric or idiothetic (nonmatch-to-turn) working memory could successfully solve every trial. Rats were able to maintain an accurate sense of location within the maze even though distal cues were not visible and the animal was moved between the sample and choice runs. Experiment 2 confirmed that another rat strain (Long-Evans) shows the same learning profiles. Both experiments indicate that rats are very poor at using either egocentric or idiothetic information to alternate, and that retention delays as short as 10 s can eliminate the use of these forms of memory.  相似文献   

By systematically varying cue availability in the stimulus and response phases of a series of same-modality and cross-modality distance matching tasks, we examined the contributions of static visual information, idiothetic information, and optic flow information. The experiment was conducted in a large-scale, open, outdoor environment. Subjects were presented with information about a distance and were then required to turn 180 before producing a distance estimate. Distance encoding and responding occurred via: (i) visually perceived target distance, or (ii) traversed distance through either blindfolded locomotion or during sighted locomotion. The results demonstrated that subjects performed with similar accuracy across all conditions. In conditions in which the stimulus and the response were delivered in the same mode, when visual information was absent, constant error was minimal; whereas, when visual information was present, overestimation was observed. In conditions in which the stimulus and response modes differed, a consistent error pattern was observed. By systematically comparing complementary conditions, we found that the availability of visual information during locomotion (particularly optic flow) led to an 'under-perception' of movement relative to conditions in which visual information was absent during locomotion.  相似文献   

ObjectivesMallett, Kawabata, Newcombe, Otero-Forero, and Jackson (2007) questioned the validity of some of the items from the SMS, the construct validity of the three types of intrinsic motivation measured by the SMS, and they proposed an integrated regulation subscale to measure the most self-determined form of extrinsic motivation proposed by SDT. In this article, we focus on the following two questions: “Does the SMS need to be revised?”, and “Is the Revised 6-factor SMS a better scale?”.ConclusionOur review leads us to the following main conclusions: (a) the SMS has generally demonstrated acceptable validity and reliability in many previous studies, supporting its use; (b) the proposed revised version may also be problematic due to item selection, factor structure, and validity issues as well as problems with the integration scale.  相似文献   

The objectives of this article are to expand and comment upon a recent review in Australian Psychologist of the literature in relation to mental health problems in rural contexts by Jackson et al. (2007). In the present article we review recently published qualitative research on the help‐seeking attitudes and experiences of rural Australian adolescents. While we agree on the utility of the Macintyre, Ellaway, and Cummins (2002) conceptual framework based on notions of health and place, we note that this framework specifically emphasises the importance of the collective dimension. We present a broader perspective on health and place than Jackson et al. (2007) by incorporating social geographic research. We argue that rural mental health research has been hampered by a simplistic view of social stigma of mental illness and that a more thorough conceptualisation of the phenomenon is needed. Finally, we make some further recommendations based on a broader perspective of mental health in rural contexts: one that incorporates an in‐depth understanding of the help‐seeking attitudes and experiences of rural adolescents as well as an appreciation of the collective social functioning of rural communities.  相似文献   

Individuality is valued in most conceptions of personality, but is seldom operationalized. The present research used photo essays about the self as the medium for operationalizing self-construals that are unlike others (i.e., are uniquely creative, abstract, self-reflective, and multidimensional). Ratings of these photo essays from two samples ( N = 183 university students) served as the measure of individuality. This measure was predicted and found to correlate in both samples with Breadth of Interest from the Jackson Personality Inventory (JPI; Jackson, 1994). In Study 1, individuality also correlated with the JPI Complexity scale and with two measures of divergent thinking (unique word associations, and fluency on Wallach & Kogan's [1965] creativity tasks). In Study 2, individuality correlated with having more permeable boundaries, a nonprejudicial universal orientation, and imagining greater cultural diversity in one's future. Results suggest that individualistic persons take a broader, more complex and more creative perspective to their lives.  相似文献   

In 1960, Don Jackson published "A Critique of the Literature on the Genetics of Schizophrenia." Jackson's critique nearly relegated the classical twin method to obscurity as being hopelessly confounded by environmental factors. Jackson noted several trends in the schizophrenia twin data that were difficult to explain on genetic grounds. In fact, none of Jackson's 12 major points, examined in this article, have been satisfactorily answered by proponents of the twin method. The evidence in support of Jackson's most controversial claim-that the psychology of twinship itself might lead to a greater rate of schizophrenia among twins when compared with the single-born population--is inconclusive. However, although several leading twin researchers have dismissed Jackson's entire thesis on the basis of the inconclusiveness of this one claim, this idea was not central to Jackson's basic argument. The research undertaken for this article appears to confirm the validity of the most important points of Jackson's analysis and that therefore the classical twin method is of doubtful value as an indicator of genetic influences on schizophrenia and other diagnoses or psychological trait differences. Jackson's article demonstrated the implausibility of what came to be known as the MZ/DZ "equal environment assumption" of the twin method, implying that the twin method records nothing more than environmental differences between monozygotic and dizygotic twins.  相似文献   

In their evaluation of Tzeng and Tzeng's (1982) concerns over the level of sophistication currently evident in the study of Implicit Personality Theory (IPT), Jackson and Strieker (1982) and Mirels (1982a) reaffirm their disputed positions at the opposing extremes of the myth-vs.-fact continuum of IPT. The present paper re-examines major measurement and statistical issues in the empirical study of IPT that are still unacknowledged by either Jackson and Strieker, or Mirels, or both. It is demonstrated that their dispute is artificial and can be accounted for by their lack of measuremental sophistication and their statistical partialities. Researchers are cautioned to consider more than “mechanical computability” and “statistical adoptability” in conducting and/or judging similar empirical studies.  相似文献   

Jackson and Jacobs (1983) have argued that many of the findings in communication research could be specific to the particular messages used in a given study. As a solution, Jackson and Jacobs propose generalizing to message populations by treating messages as a random variable. This article argues that the Jackson and Jacobs solution is inappropriate for complex messages and that meta-analytic techniques represent an alternative that permits the detection of results that are specific to particular messages, researchers, or paradigms.  相似文献   

We describe a large sample study (N = 652) that had two purposes. The first was to replicate a previous study (Paunonen & Ashton, 2001a, Journal of Research in Personality) in which we showed that lower-level personality trait measures related to achievement motivation predict the academic success of university students. The second purpose was to test our earlier conclusion that such lower-level traits are frequently superior to broader personality factors for accuracy in prediction. Both purposes were met in this study, providing more evidence for our general claim that aggregating narrow personality trait measures into broad factor measures can sometimes have negative consequences regarding the prediction and understanding of important outcomes, including academic performance.  相似文献   

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