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本土化研究是当前世界人文社会科学发展的必然趋势,也是中国传统心理治疗思想发展的唯一出路。近百年来,随着西学热潮的兴起和现代西方心理治疗方法的涌入,我国心理学工作者和中医学工作者为了保护传统文化中的心理治疗思想,对其开展了广泛的研究,经历了萌芽阶段、曲折发展阶段、活跃阶段和繁荣阶段等四个时期。随着研究队伍的融合,未来的研究将不断凸显其自身特色,自身体系,并逐渐走向临床应用。  相似文献   

沈德立  杨治良 《心理科学》2007,30(2):258-263
本文探讨了心理学研究工具的几个侧面:在心理学研究工具的界定问题上,心理学科同时具备自然科学和社会科学属性的学科特殊性,造成了心理学研究工具的多样化,应以一种更宽广的视角来界定心理学研究工具;在心理学研究工具的价值上,本文探讨了研究工具与心理学理论的相互影响和相互关系,理论假设会对工具使用过程造成影响,而工具的使用和发展对理论的建构和发展也有着重要的影响。在心理学研究工具的发展趋势上,在部分科研工具的高端化和精密化的同时,教学演示工具、学生实验仪器、心理测验、心理康复与心理治疗工具表现出不同的发展趋势。  相似文献   

后现代主义与心理学中的社会治疗理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后现代主义作为一种社会思潮对社会科学的方方面面都产生了很大的影响 ,掀起了一次社会科学的“后现代”转向。心理学中的社会心理治疗理论就是这种变化趋势的一个明显体现。以后现代的视角重塑了传统心理治疗理论 ,由以往对个体的过分关注转向了对广泛的文化、历史方面的关注。从而成为后现代思潮中影响重大的理论流派之一。1 后现代主义的特征后现代主义是 2 0世纪末西方具有重大影响的文化思潮。后现代思潮是对“现代”西方文化精神和价值取向的一次重要变革 ,是对现代的主流科学认识观的怀疑 ,特别是对长期主导自然科学和社会科学的实…  相似文献   

《心理学通讯》杂志是由上海市精神卫生中心主办的综合性心理学期刊。《心理学通讯》杂志2018年创刊,目前为季刊,主要刊载临床心理学及交叉学科的研究新进展、新成果、新技术,旨在促进心理咨询与心理治疗、临床心理学、认知科学与脑科学的学术交流与发展。主要服务对象为从事心理咨询及心理治疗等临床心理学相关专业的工作人员,心理学相关...  相似文献   

文化心理学视域下的心理治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,心理治疗的文化取向日益为心理学界所关注。在概要分析文化心理学理论取向和传统心理治疗特点的基础上,重点对文化心理学取向下的心理病因观、医患关系、心理治疗方法、心理治疗效果评价观做了相应分析,并对未来文化取向下的心理治疗理论进行了展望,希望对我国心理治疗理论和实践有所帮助。  相似文献   

熟悉心理学史的人都知道,心理学同医学有着密切的联系。其表现之一是,许多学派的心理学家都论述了某些医学问题,这些理论与方法已被用于医学。例如,精神分析、行为矫正和生物反馈心理治疗就是精神分析心理学和行为主义心理学对医学的应用的产物。人本主义心理学也不例外;至于人本主义心理学的观点,国内已有较多评论,本文仅简介它的医学应用——“罗杰斯治疗”。罗杰斯治疗(Rogerian Therapy)是人本主义心理学的倡导者C、罗杰斯(CarlRogers)所提出的一种心理治疗,它属于经验主义(存在主义——现象学——人本主义)的心理治疗流派。这一流派的心理治疗家们认为,只有联系到通过自我调整而现实化了的  相似文献   

近年来,心理治疗的文化取向日益为心理学界所关注.在概要分析文化心理学理论取向和传统心理治疗特点的基础上,重点对文化心理学取向下的心理病因观、医患关系、心理治疗方法、心理治疗效果评价观做了相应分析,并对未来文化取向下的心理治疗理论进行了展望,希望对我国心理治疗理论和实践有所帮助.  相似文献   

自我认识是多学科、多领域探索的主题;认识自我是心理学的根本命题,也是心理治疗过程中的焦点所在。对包括精神分析疗法、认知行为疗法及以人为中心疗法的传统心理治疗、后现代叙事疗法及正念疗法的自我观进行梳理,揭示出心理治疗自我观从传统心理治疗流派的实体自我到后现代叙事疗法的关系自我,再到正念疗法无常无我的演变轨迹,发现东方佛教与西方心理学自我观走向融合的趋势,心理治疗各流派的理论和技术也日趋走向整合。  相似文献   

河合隼雄是享誉世界的日本临床心理学家,其临床心理学思想中弥漫着浓厚的东亚佛教文化特征,主要散在于其两部主要著作《心理治疗之路》及《佛教与心理治疗艺术》中。对这两部著作的佛学思想分析整理发现:河合隼雄意识结构理论受到唯识宗的影响;河合隼雄心理治疗理论则受到禅宗和华严宗的影响,首次提出了无我心理治疗的观点;在继承荣格分析心理学的曼陀罗佛教思想的基础上,丰富了箱庭疗法的禅宗佛学观及心理治疗技法具有类似宗教(如佛教)的仪式性特征。  相似文献   

张子和的心理治疗思想探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张从正(1156—1228),字子和,号戴人,金元四大家之一,是我国医学史上“攻下派”代表人物,也是一位中医心理治疗大师。张子和在医学心理学上有颇多造诣,理论创见与临床实践相结合,善于运用多种心理治疗方法,为中医心理学的发展做出了卓越的贡献。  相似文献   

作为社会意识的社会心理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想体系和社会心理,是历史唯物主义领域中关于社会意识的两个范畴,前者是社会意识的高级形式,后者是社会意识的初级形式,这种初级形式是思想体系形成的基本前提。该文区分了社会心理学说与一般社会心理学的界限,并着重从社会心理学说发展的简要历史中,发掘了这门学科对于研究唯物史观和社会意识的重要意义。  相似文献   

Skinner's contributions to psychology provide a unique bridge between psychology conceptualized as a biological science and psychology conceptualized as a social science. Skinner focused on behavior as a naturally occurring biological phenomenon of interest in its own right, functionally related to surrounding events and, in particular (like phylogenesis), subject to selection by its consequences. This essentially biological orientation was further enhanced by Skinner's emphasis on the empirical foundations provided by laboratory-based experimental analyses of behavior, often with nonhuman subjects. Skinner's theoretical writings, however, also have affinity with the traditions of constructionist social science. The verbal behavior of humans is said to be subject, like other behavior, to functional analyses in terms of its environment, in this case its social context. Verbal behavior in turn makes it possible for us to relate to private events, a process that ultimately allows for the development of consciousness, which is thus said to be a social product. Such ideas make contact with aspects of G. H. Mead's social behaviorism and, perhaps of more contemporary impact in psychology, L. Vygotsky's general genetic law of cultural development. Failure to articulate both the biological and the social science aspects of Skinner's theoretical approach to psychology does a disservice to his unique contribution to a discipline that remains fragmented between two intellectual traditions.  相似文献   

This article outlines the significant organizational and scientific changes that occurred in Bulgarian psychology after the fall of the totalitarian regime in 1989. These included the establishment of new university and research centers in psychology, the abolition of ideological censorship in psychology publications, free choice of research methodology and methods, free communication, and exchange of ideas with foreign psychologists, and the development of psychoanalytic practice and psychological services. The liberalization of the social conditions for the development of science, in general, made psychology a much sought-after science and practice. In this time of social transition, its authority grew significantly due to the fact that its calling was to study and solve, above all, the problems of the people, especially as they were faced with new social conditions. In the last 30 years, psychological science in Bulgaria has been significantly humanized. These changes allowed scientists to propose new methodological approaches not only to the study of the psyche, but also to the study of both Bulgarian and foreign history of psychology. Although in the last 30 years not all measures taken in the institutional management of the psychological science were positive, Bulgarian psychology was given a new opportunity to join the international scientific community.  相似文献   

知识创新与心理学的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在知识经济时代,创新能力决定国家的前途命运,建设国家创新体系是提高国家创新能力的重要举措。知识创新是国家创新体系的一个重要组成部分,是提高我国整体创新能力的关键所在。心理学是一门横跨自然科学和社会科学的交叉科学,其成果在人类生活的许多方面有重要影响。根据当前国家需求和心理学的发展前沿,我们认为,在知识创新活动中,应当将心理健康与创新能力、认知与复杂信息环境、社会经济与心理行为作为重要研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper considers the current state of the field in social psychology. On the one hand, we have made enormous progress in integrating our research with other disciplines, reaching out to general public and using our knowledge toward addressing major societal ills. On the other hand, social psychology has been recently mired in a crisis of confidence concerning the appropriateness of our methods and the robustness of our findings. We propose that shifting our attention to theory, method, and application, as well as away from a pervasive “outcome focus,” can extricate social psychology from its current doldrums and allow it to realize its potential as an indispensable social science.  相似文献   

Culture has been regarded as an anathema to psychology as an empiricist research tradition. Despite the explosive growth of research on culture and psychology over the last decade of the 20th century and its importance in Asian social psychology, the ontological and epistemological tension between psychology as a science and psychology as a cultural/historical discipline introduced in the writings of the thinkers of the Enlightenment and counter-Enlightenment still lingers on in the contemporary discourse of psychology. Clifford Geertz once ominously suggested that cultural psychology may have chewed more than it can. In the present paper, the interpretive turn in social science as exemplified by writings of Charles Taylor and Paul Ricoeur is reviewed and how it may impinge on the practice of Asian social psychology as an empirical science in methodological, epistemological, and ontological respects is discussed. It is argued here that the current practice of Asian social psychology is largely, though not entirely, free of the challenges mounted by these theorists, and that Asian social psychology has an advantage of not being encumbered by this traditional tension due to a monist ontology that is prevalent in Asia.  相似文献   

马皑  宋业臻 《心理科学》2018,(4):770-775
摘 要 中国特色社会心理学应当对在中国社会转型的独特过程中所产生的有别于欧美的社会问题进行回应,对从改革发展过程中所产生的种种具体社会问题进行解决,以此建立中国特色心理学研究。应当从中国社会转型过程中的现实、具体问题出发,提出具有现实关怀、解决社会发展中具体困难的学术问题;应当具有更深层的人文关怀、精神关怀,从心理学的角度回应中国社会转型与社会变迁形成的当代中国人精神层面的巨大变化所产生的社会问题。中国特色心理学研究应当在借鉴西方心理学研究方法的基础上,根据问题的特征选择适合的研究方法。研究中国特色心理学对中国心理学发展与中国社会发展均有巨大的积极意义。  相似文献   

Applied Social Psychology   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Research about the nature of psychology, its subject matter, its level of analysis, its scientific laws, its relationship with other disciplines, and its social relevance has been a matter of great concern and interest during the development of psychology. This problem can be analyzed in terms of the dilemmas of the psychological discipline, which have been choice points, crossroads, alternative decisions that bring psychologists face to face with the following issues: (a) the subject matter of psychology: psyche, mind, or behavior?; (b) the role of scientific methodology: is psychology a natural science, a social/behavioral/human science, or a part of the humanities?; (c) the universality or particularity of scientific laws in psychology: are laws universal or culture-bound and contextual?; and (d) the balance between science and profession: is psychology a basic science, a socially relevant profession, or both?  相似文献   

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