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简介了美国、英国、日本、台湾地区的心理咨询资格主要认证制度后;揭示其对完善我国心理咨询资格认证的启示:设立心理咨询学科、开展学历教育;制定心理咨询法规;整体提升认证的科学化水平;包括提高对心理咨询师资格认证的专业化要求;开展培训机构和课程的认证;推行动态认证等.  相似文献   

美、加、澳大学心理咨询中心的鉴定标准及启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文介绍了国际心理咨询服务协会目前在美国、加拿大和澳大利亚所推行的大学心理咨询中心鉴定标准。该鉴定标准主要涉及心理咨询中心与大学社区的关系、心理咨询的作用和功能、心理咨询中心应遵循的伦理规范、心理咨询中心服务人员的资格与职责以及其它相关的指导原则。作者据此提出了对我国高校心理咨询工作的建议。  相似文献   

高校心理咨询工作在维护大学生心理健康方面发挥了重要的作用,也存在来访率低和咨询效果差两个突出的问题。这与整个社会对心理问题和心理咨询存在认识偏见有关,与咨询师咨询观念陈旧、专业伦理欠缺和混乱有关。后现代叙事心理疗法在心理问题、心理问题与人的关系、心理咨询任务、心理咨询效果的巩固、咨访伦理关系等方面,提出了新的理念。叙事心理疗法对当前高校心理咨询的专业化发展具有积极的启示。  相似文献   

20 0 3年 8月 2 6日至 2 8日 ,中国心理学会临床与咨询心理学专业委员会 (筹 )在北京召开了第一届学术会议。大会的主题发言涉及心理治疗在中国的发展历史 ,社会文化变迁中心理治疗与咨询的任务、台湾及美国心理咨询与治疗专业的历史和发展趋势及专业人员规范化培训与管理 ,中国传统文化中的心理学资源、该专业领域的伦理学问题等。  与会代表一致认为目前国内在心理咨询与治疗方面尚缺乏统一培训标准 ,各地各行业的培训中心质量参差不齐 ,从事心理咨询与治疗的人员素质也是良莠并存 ,急需制定国家统一的培训标准和资格认证考核来规范行业…  相似文献   

关于心理治疗模式的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
关于心理治疗模式的思考华南师范大学(广州510631)王志超中国心理学会和中国心理卫生协会于1993年10月正式公布了“心理咨询与心理治疗工作者条例”。该条例要求参加心理咨询和心理治疗工作者的资格,主要有两个方面:1大学心理学系或医学院校毕业或具有...  相似文献   

心理咨询中的伦理问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本以心理咨询中三个方面的问题:1)咨询师的态度、理论立场;2)咨询中的道德两难选择;和3)咨询师的自我保健为例,讨论在职业伦理规范之外,却存在于心理咨询整个过程中,心理咨询师可能碰到的伦理道德选择和判断,指出在心理咨询实践中存在着很多无法直接套用职业伦理规范、却属于道德伦理范畴的问题,咨询师们应该不断思考。  相似文献   

中国心理咨询师协会现招募2010-2011届会员。中国心理咨询师协会是国内心理咨询行业中的先驱们共同倡议发起的,旨在为心理咨询师提供各方面的督导,提高心理咨询师的理论技能与操作技能,推动心理咨询行业健康发展的公  相似文献   

中国心理咨询师协会现招募2010-2011届会员。中国心理咨询师协会是国内心理咨询行业中的先驱们共同倡议发起的,旨在为心理咨询师提供各方面的督导,提高心理咨询师的理论技能与操作技能,推动心理咨询行业健康发展的公  相似文献   

网络心理咨询的实践及其存在的问题   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
杨晶  余林 《心理科学进展》2007,15(1):140-145
目前的网络心理咨询并不能算是严格意义上的心理咨询,因为除了从业人员的资格及其服务质量值得探讨之外,技术困难所导致的非言语交流的缺乏也使它与传统意义上的心理咨询有一定差异。文章根据网络心理咨询发展的特殊性,从服务人员、工具、治疗关系、服务类型和目标等维度,界定出目前网络心理咨询的基本含义,并在此基础上概览了网络心理咨询的实践状况,分析了当前网络心理咨询实践领域中存在的保密性、资格许可、伦理、不完整信息、来访者转介等主要问题  相似文献   

我国高校对心理咨询与治疗人才的培养现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究旨在调查我国高校对心理咨询与治疗人才的培养现状并分析其中存在的问题与需求.在我国华东、华西、华南、华北、华中地区选取22所不同类型,具有临床心理、咨询心理或应用心理学专业的本科、研究生培养计划的高等院校,搜集其课程设置、实践训练方面的资料,分析调查结果并与发达国家进行比较.结果发现存在一些问题,与发达国家相比尚存在着较大的差距.其中本科生的课程设置主要存在少数学校专业必修课和专业选修课的关系处理不合理、部分学校对心理咨询和治疗课程的培训不足,绝大多数学校无伦理课程培训等问题.研究生的课程体系较不完善,尤需加强对科学和道德伦理,行为的生物基础、行为的认知-情感基础、心理师的个人与专业发展、心理评估和诊断,心理咨询与治疗流派等领域的课程培训.本科生和研究生的实习训练方面,均存在实习内容不全面、实习时问短等问题.此外,本科人才的培养模式问题也值得深入研究探讨.  相似文献   

Mindfulness has become an increasingly visible part of the landscape in psychology and medicine in the past several decades. Only recently has this same interest in mindfulness and mindfulness-based interventions appeared in counseling psychology. This article provides a brief synopsis of the mindfulness literature and explores the theoretical, ideological, and practical overlap between core values of counseling psychology and this burgeoning area of research and practice. In addition, the article explores ways in which counseling psychology can contribute uniquely to mindfulness research and practice through a focus on multiculturalism and social justice, psychotherapy process and outcome, and supervision and training. Further, ways in which mindfulness can inform counseling psychology’s mission are examined, including offering a strengths-based approach to psychological intervention and prevention and informing supervision and training. Lastly, five specific recommendations for a synergistic research agenda marrying mindfulness and counseling psychology are offered.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to summarise recent discussions within the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) about the strategic direction and priorities for the organisation, the profession as a whole and, ultimately, the service users. The standing research policy commitment to a pluralist approach to research is affirmed and a number of competing approaches are briefly considered. The direction of general policy and specific aims are noted. The paper does not seek to define a BACP position, as such, and is intended to stimulate further debate and discussion which will feed directly into the development of the BACP research policies and activities during this crucial development period.  相似文献   

目的:了解个别督导过程中重要事件的类型、内涵及对新手咨询师专业成长的影响。方法:采用重要事件法,访谈4对受督者和督导师,并用共识性质性研究法分析。结果:有益重要事件包括督导关系、概念化、历程化、个人化4大类;督导促进了新手咨询师干预技巧能力、治疗计划目标等8个专业领域的成长。结论:督导对于新手咨询师专业成长非常重要。各类督导事件对于新手咨询师的促进作用并不均衡。  相似文献   

目的:了解个别督导过程中重要事件的类型、内涵及对新手咨询师专业成长的影响。方法:采用重要事件法,访谈4对受督者和督导师,并用共识性质性研究法分析。结果:有益重要事件包括督导关系、概念化、历程化、个人化4大类;督导促进了新手咨询师干预技巧能力、治疗计划目标等8个专业领域的成长。结论:督导对于新手咨询师专业成长非常重要。各类督导事件对于新手咨询师的促进作用并不均衡。  相似文献   

There has been an increasing tendency for healthcare policy makers and managers to require that all forms of therapy are supported by rigorous research evidence. This paper, which has also been distributed as an Information Sheet to all members of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), provides a practitioner‐oriented introduction to evidence‐based practice, with suggestions for further reading on this topic.  相似文献   

谢悦  贾晓明 《心理科学》2021,(4):1004-1011
为探索高校咨询师面临的多重关系伦理情境、决策过程,对访谈17名高校心理咨询师的资料进行分析。结果:常见情境主要包括接送礼物承载的新关系、来访者和咨询师除咨询关系外的师生关系、咨询师与和来访者有关的第三人有关系、咨询师在咨询室之外的场所偶遇来访者、来访者有咨询师的联系方式、来访者和咨询师有身体接触等。决策表现为两种:经验主导型,决策时未意识到处于伦理情境只凭经验决策;伦理主导型,决策时意识到处在伦理情境。结论:高校心理咨询存在一些特殊多重关系,心理咨询师需增加具有伦理意识的决策。  相似文献   

This paper examines the profiles of students entering four British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) recognised counsellor training courses in the North of England. Data were collected by means of self‐completed questionnaires. The majority of students were white women; a significant percentage were registered disabled and on low incomes. Contrasts between entrants to HE and FE training institutions were found. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent mental health policy development has focused on the assessment and management of risk in vulnerable clients. Counsellors have a significant role to play in delivering mental health care in a range of settings, with clients sometimes presenting with suicidal ideation, self-injury and a risk of violence. The aim of this research was to explore the profile of risk assessment teaching within BACP accredited courses. A total of 49 BACP accredited courses were contacted and 24 responded. This response rate is discussed with particular reference to those courses that did not respond to the questionnaire. Risk assessment was viewed as an important consideration for counsellor training whilst suicide and self-harm seemed to have a higher profile than violence to others. Supervision was cited by the majority of respondents to have an important role in developing trainees' skills in assessing risk. The implications of the findings of this study for how counsellors are prepared by their training experiences to work with clients at risk are discussed and some recommendations made for future training developments.  相似文献   

Supervision is a primary instructional vehicle for genetic counseling student clinical training. Approximately two-thirds of genetic counselors report teaching and education roles, which include supervisory roles. Recently, Eubanks Higgins and colleagues published the first comprehensive list of empirically-derived genetic counseling supervisor competencies. Studies have yet to evaluate whether supervisors possess these competencies and whether their competencies differ as a function of experience. This study investigated three research questions: (1) What are genetic counselor supervisors’ perceptions of their capabilities (self-efficacy) for a select group of supervisor competencies?, (2) Are there differences in self-efficacy as a function of their supervision experience or their genetic counseling experience, and 3) What training methods do they use and prefer to develop supervision skills? One-hundred thirty-one genetic counselor supervisors completed an anonymous online survey assessing demographics, self-efficacy (self-perceived capability) for 12 goal setting and 16 feedback competencies (Scale: 0–100), competencies that are personally challenging, and supervision training experiences and preferences (open-ended). A MANOVA revealed significant positive effects of supervision experience but not genetic counseling experience on participants’ self-efficacy. Although mean self-efficacy ratings were high (>83.7), participant comments revealed several challenging competencies (e.g., incorporating student’s report of feedback from previous supervisors into goal setting, and providing feedback about student behavior rather than personal traits). Commonly preferred supervision training methods included consultation with colleagues, peer discussion, and workshops/seminars.  相似文献   

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