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My first focus of this study was to explore therapists' personal characteristics as predictors of the proportion of interpretation in brief dynamic psychotherapy (N = 39; maximum 40 sessions). In this study, I used data from the Norwegian Multicenter Study on Process and Outcome of Psychotherapy (1995). The main finding was that therapists who had experienced good parental care gave less interpretation (28% variance was accounted for). Therapists who had more negative introjects used a higher proportion of interpretation (16% variance was accounted for). Patients' pretreatment characteristics were not predictive of therapists' use of interpretation. The second focus was to investigate the impact of therapists' personality and the proportion of interpretation on the development of patients' maladaptive defensive functioning over the course of therapy. Better parental care and less negative introjects in therapists were associated with a positive influence and accounted for 5% variance in the reduction of patients' maladaptive defense.  相似文献   


Clinical psychologists have been concerned about the proper presentation of their test results to everyone but the patient. Nevertheless, they bear an obligation to inform the patient of the findings, which, after all, were contingent upon his cooperation and effort. A method of presenting such data is described, which can be applied to school, vocational, and psychiatric disturbances. and one case is presented in detail. The method's efficacy is largely a function of the skill and experience of the counselor, the motivation of the client, the presence of a positive working relationship, and a respect for the person being tested.  相似文献   

The Quality Control (QC) Guidelines are intended to increase the efficiency, precision, and accuracy of the scoring, analysis, and reporting process of testing. The QC Guidelines focus on large-scale testing operations where multiple forms of tests are created for use on set dates. However, they may also be used for a wide variety of other testing situations and assessment techniques and for almost any situation in which assessment occurs. The QC Guidelines are applicable in any form of test administration, including paper and pencil tests and the ever-increasing computerized assessments via the Internet or offline.  相似文献   

We provide reporting guidelines for multilevel factor analysis (MFA) and use these guidelines to systematically review 72 MFA applications in journals across a range of disciplines (e.g., education, health/nursing, management, and psychology) published between 1994 and 2014. Results are organized in terms of the (a) characteristics of the MFA application (e.g., construct measured), (b) purpose (e.g., measurement validation), (c) data source (e.g., number of cases at Level 1 and Level 2), (d) statistical approach (e.g., maximum likelihood), and (e) results reported (e.g., intraclass correlations for indicators and latent variables, standardized factor loadings, fit indices). Results from this review have implications for applied researchers interested in expanding their approaches to psychometric analyses and construct validation within a multilevel framework and for methodologists using Monte Carlo methods to explore technical and methodological issues grounded in realistic research design conditions.  相似文献   

The incorporation of Bayesian logic into diagnostic interviewing may assist with empirically based diagnostic assessment strategies in practice settings, balancing cost effectiveness, administration demands, and accuracy, yet few demonstrations of such a system have been undertaken in the context of mental health diagnosis. The present study represented an initial feasibility demonstration of whether a simplified Bayesian approach offered comparative advantages in interview accuracy and efficiency against a standard assessment procedure. Two different diagnostic algorithms were compared targeting three selected diagnoses: generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), major depressive disorder (MDD), and social phobia (SP). The first algorithm was from a standard semi-structured diagnostic interview, and the second was from a dynamic system using diagnostic base rate information to select interview content. The dynamic algorithm reduced administration time and uniformly matched or improved accuracy over standard procedures. Preparation of this article was supported in part by National Institute of Mental Health Grant R03 MH60134, an award from the University of Hawai‘i Research Council, and awards from the Hawaii Departments of Health and Education to the first author.  相似文献   

This article describes the 1997 revision of the Dutch Rating System for Test Quality used by the Committee of Test Affairs of the Dutch Association of Psychologists (COTAN). The revised rating system evaluates the quality of a test on 7 criteria: Theoretical basis and the soundness of the test development procedure, Quality of the testing materials, Comprehensiveness of the manual, Norms, Reliability, Construct validity, and Criterion validity. For each criterion, a checklist with a number of items is provided. Some items (for each criterion at least 1) are so-called key questions, which check whether certain minimum conditions are met. If a key question is rated negative, the rating for that criterion will automatically be "insufficient." To enhance a uniform interpretation of the items by the raters and to explain the system to test users and test developers, comment sections provide detailed information on rating and weighting the items. Once the items have been rated, the final grades (insufficient, sufficient, or good) for the 7 criteria are established by means of weighting rules.  相似文献   

The baseline inter-rater reliability, test-retest reliability, follow-up inter-rater reliability, and follow-up longitudinal reliability (interrater reliability between generations of raters) of borderline symptoms and the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) were assessed using the Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (DIB-R). Excellent kappa s (> .75) were found in each of these reliability substudies for the diagnosis of BPD itself. Excellent kappa s were also found in each of the three inter-rater reliability substudies for the vast majority of borderline symptoms assessed by the DIB-R. Test-retest reliability for these symptoms was somewhat lower but still very good. More specifically, one-third of the BPD symptoms assessed had a kappa in the excellent range and the remaining two-thirds had a kappa in the fair-good range (.57-.73). The dimensional reliability of BPD symptom areas was somewhat higher than for categorical measures of the subsyndromal phenomenology of BPD. More specifically, all five dimensional measures of borderline psychopathology had intraclass correlation coefficients in the excellent range for all four reliability substudies. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that both the borderline diagnosis and the symptoms of BPD can be diagnosed reliably when using the DIB-R. They also suggest that excellent reliability, once achieved, can be maintained over time for both the syndromal and subsyndromal phenomenology of BPD.  相似文献   


In 2001, a working party at the Anna Freud Centre undertook the task of looking at Anna Freud’s original Provisional Diagnostic Profile and seeing if, in the light of current knowledge, modifications should be made. A broad view of the mind as a complex dynamic system sculpted out of biopsychosocial forces underpins the chapter with reference to allied disciplines and research. The chapter considers the rationale for adding certain features and highlighting and/or reframing others. In shifting the emphases from the original drive theory perspective to an explicitly object relational one, the authors acknowledge the altered metapsychology while arguing that the revisions preserve the original psychoanalytic and developmental template, including the importance of the psychosexual organization. The authors offer their suggestions to the question in 2015: would yet further revisions need to be made and if so which? The working party reconvened in 2016 to further revise the Provisional Diagnostic Profile.  相似文献   

Comprehension of connected language as assessed by the Revised Token Test (RTT) was studied in 17 children with left hemisphere lesions (LL) and 11 with right hemisphere lesions (RL). LL children's significantly lower performance on several subtests than left controls (LC) matched by age, sex, race, and social class appeared to be related to the memory demands of these subtests rather than the limited syntactic elements assessed by the RTT. LL subjects requested significantly more command repetitions than control or RL subjects and when a repetition was not requested LL subjects often responded with immediacy. Although RL children tended to perform lower than right matched controls (RC), these differences were not significant nor readily related to either the memory or specific linguistic structures assessed. RL subjects required fewer command repetitions than LL subjects and exhibited a significantly greater frequency of immediate responses than controls or LL subjects. While based on few children, a trend for LL children with retrorolandic lesions to perform more poorly than those with left prerolandic lesions was suggested. No systematic difference in performance was apparent for children with left cortical vs. left subcortical lesions or among discrete sites of lesions within the right hemisphere. Children with left lesions prior to 1 year of age performed no better and, in several instances, significantly poorer than LL patients sustaining lesions after 1 year of age. Among RL subjects, those sustaining lesions after 1 year of age had greater difficulty than those with lesion onset before 1 year of age, especially on linguistic elements which seemed to be dependent upon visual spatial properties. Further studies are needed to evaluate the comprehension of more complex linguistic structures among children with unilateral brain lesions as well as to study the role of more basic factors such as memory and attention in explaining the present findings.  相似文献   

A statistically significant correlation of 0.618 was obtained between scores from 62 preschool children on the Revised Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and the Copying Test. Merely 38% of Copying Test variance was associated with changes in Test of Visual-Motor Integration variance, so in practice these tests should not be substituted for one another.  相似文献   

在心理、行为、管理和教育等社科领域,经常使用多维测验。本文评介并比较了各种多维测验的测量模型;总结了基于双因子模型计算得到的统计指标;根据不同研究目的,提出了两个兼顾简洁性和精确性的多维测验分析流程。作为例子,在马基雅维利主义人格量表的研究中,通过双因子模型分析了如何报告、解释多维测验分数以及如何利用多维建模进行后续分析。  相似文献   

Diagnostic scores are of increasing interest in educational testing due to their potential remedial and instructional benefit. Naturally, the number of educational tests that report diagnostic scores is on the rise, as are the number of research publications on such scores. This article provides a critical evaluation of diagnostic score reporting in educational testing. The existing methods for diagnostic score reporting are discussed. A recent method (Haberman, 2008a Haberman, S. J. 2008a. When can subscores have value?. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 33: 204229. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) that examines if diagnostic scores are worth reporting is reviewed. It is demonstrated, using results from operational and simulated data, that diagnostic scores have to be based on a sufficient number of items and have to be sufficiently distinct from each other to be worth reporting and that several operationally reported subscores are actually not worth reporting. Several recommendations are made for those interested to report diagnostic scores for educational tests.  相似文献   

Lollipop Test scores were acquired for 1,402 preschoolers in southwestern Indiana. Means and standard deviations for both boys and girls by 6-mo. intervals from the ages of 42 through 65 months showed scores increased significantly across ages, with girls scoring significantly higher than boys in all age groups. Current mean scores are similar to those published in 1988 for boys and slightly higher for girls.  相似文献   

基于改进的Wald统计量,将适用于两群组的DIF检测方法拓展至多群组的项目功能差异(DIF)检验;改进的Wald统计量将分别通过计算观察信息矩阵(Obs)和经验交叉相乘信息矩阵(XPD)而得到。模拟研究探讨了此二者与传统计算方法在多个群组下的DIF检验情况,结果表明:(1)Obs和XPD的一类错误率明显低于传统方法,DINA模型估计下Obs和XPD的一类错误率接近理论水平;(2)样本量和DIF量较大时,Obs和XPD具有与传统Wald统计量大体相同的统计检验力。  相似文献   

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