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以207名大学生为被试,采用心理韧性量表(CD-RISC)、积极情感量表(PAS)和总体幸福感量表(GWB) 进行了为期9周的追踪测查,考察大学生心理韧性的特性及其与积极情绪和幸福感的关系。结果表明:(1)大学生的心理韧性具有一定的稳定性;(2)心理韧性与积极情绪显著正相关,积极情绪可以预测9周后的心理韧性;(3)心理韧性可以预测幸福感,积极情绪在该路径中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

以639名流动儿童为被试,通过问卷调查探讨了认知重评和表达抑制两种情绪调节策略对流动儿童主观幸福感的影响及自尊和心理弹性的中介作用。结果表明:(1)认知重评既直接正向预测流动儿童的主观幸福感,又能通过自尊和心理弹性及自尊→心理弹性的序列中介作用间接预测流动儿童的主观幸福感。(2)表达抑制对流动儿童主观幸福感的直接预测不显著,但通过负向预测自尊和心理弹性及自尊→心理弹性的序列中介作用间接预测流动儿童的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

Well-being is one of the keys to successful and optimal development across the lifespan. Based on the idea that development involves changes in individuals’ adaptive capacity to meet their needs over time, the changes that occur in the second half of life require effort to adapt to the new reality. This study used a structural model to test the effects of coping strategies and resilience on well-being in a sample of 305 mid-life adults. Several constructs were measured: coping strategies, resilience, and well-being. A final model was obtained with good fit indices; psychological well-being was positively predicted by resilience and negatively by emotional coping. Moreover, positive reappraisal and avoidance form part of both coping strategies (problem-focused and emotion-focused). Considering the characteristics of the model, educational intervention programs could be developed to promote skills that favor good adaptation at this stage in the life cycle and contribute to promoting successful aging.  相似文献   

大学生心理承受力词汇内隐观的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈建文  陈淑菊 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1209-1211
本研究以内隐人格假设和词汇学假设作为研究的方法学基础,在619名大学生预调查的基础上编制形容词调查表,然后对1566名大学生的心理承受力进行正式调查,结果表明:(1)我国大学生心理承受力主要包含六个因素:意志能动性、人际适应性、理智性、自我适应性、包容性和超然性;(2)大学生对心理承受力成分的看法印证了专家关于压力抵抗人格特征的观点。  相似文献   

People occasionally choose to cut themselves off from their online social network by taking extended breaks from Facebook. This study investigated whether abstaining from Facebook reduces stress but also reduces subjective well-being because of the resulting social disconnection. Participants (138 active Facebook users) were assigned to either a condition in which they were instructed to give up Facebook for 5 days or continue to use Facebook as normal. Perceived stress and well-being, as well as salivary cortisol, were measured before and after the test period. Relative to those in the Facebook Normal condition, those in the No Facebook condition experienced lower levels of cortisol and life satisfaction. Our results suggest that the typical Facebook user may occasionally find the large amount of social information available to be taxing, and Facebook vacations could ameliorate this stress—at least in the short term.  相似文献   

青少年主观幸福感、心理健康及其与应对方式的关系   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
通过对广州地区1431名中学生进行问卷调查,考察青少年主观幸福感、心理健康状况及其与应对方式的关系.结果发现,(1)当前青少年学生的主观幸福感、心理健康状况总体上处于中等水平;(2)随着年级的升高,主观幸福感逐渐降低,成绩差的学生体验到的消极情感显著高于成绩中等和较好的学生;(3)男生的心理健康状况在整体上优于女生,年级和成绩也对心理健康有一定影响;(4)积极的应对方式有利于青少年主观幸福感和良好心理健康的发展,而消极的应对方式、尤其是消极情绪关注的应对方式不利于青少年的主观幸福感和心理健康.  相似文献   

Resilience involves successful adaptation despite adverse circumstances, and is operationalized in this study as a multidimensional construct which consists of both positive and negative indicators of adaptation. Previous research has emphasized the importance of parental psychopathology in predicting child adaptation among children of parents with serious mental disorders. In contrast, we hypothesized five family psychosocial processes as common sequelae to serious parental mental disorder that are central to child adaptation beyond that predicted by parental psychiatric status. These are diminished family financial resources, social network constriction, impaired performance of parenting tasks, increased familial stress, and disruption of the parent-child bond. We examined the relationship of these processes to child adaptation independently through hierarchical regression analyses after taking into account parental psychiatric symptoms and functioning as well as the child's age and gender. One hundred seventy-seven children of mothers with serious mental disorder, ages 2–17 years old, were assessed on measures of adaptation. Results indicated that family psychosocial processes are a more consistent and powerful predictor of child adaptation than parental psychopathology. Results also indicated that, for these children, adaptation is predicted most consistently by parenting performance, and to lesser extents, by the parent-child bond and familial stress. We discuss our results in terms of their implications for theory and intervention with children of parents with serious mental disorders and for the study of resilience.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of cyber aggression and cyber victimization on the mental health and well-being of young adults. The sample consisted of 508 young adults, ages ranging from 18 to 25 years (mean±SD = 20.53 ± 1.77 years, 68.5% female). The data were collected from young adults studying at various universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. The participants completed the Cyberbullying and Cyber Victimization Scales, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales (DASS-21), and The Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS). The results showed a significant effect of cyber victimization on mental health and well-being. After controlling for the effect of age, gender, and residential status (staying at hostel vs. home), the cyber victimization significantly negatively predicted the well-being and significantly positively predicted mental health (i.e., depression, anxiety, and stress). In contrast, cyber aggression appeared to have a nonsignificant impact on both the mental health and well-being of young adults. Furthermore, the moderating role of gender was assessed for the effect of cyber victimization on mental health. The results revealed that the effect of cyber victimization is moderated by gender only on anxiety. Findings suggest that females are more vulnerable to develop anxiety due to cyber victimization as compared to their male counterparts. The findings of the study have important theoretical and practical implications and suggest the inclusion of some gender-specific strategies to develop counseling programs to save young adults from the negative psychological and emotional impacts of cyber victimization.  相似文献   

We examined individual mental health problems (depression, conduct disorder, and substance abuse) and social environment (family, peer, and neighborhood) factors associated with the sexual risk behaviors of male and female adolescents. Interviews with 778 adolescents, aged 14 to 18, showed that both mental health problems and social environment were related to adolescents' involvement in sexual risk behaviors. Conduct disorder symptoms, substance abuse or dependence symptoms, and the interaction between peer misbehavior and neighborhood problems were significantly associated with risky sexual behaviors. Peer misbehavior was a particularly strong factor related to sexual risk behaviors for youths who lived in neighborhoods with multiple problems. The only gender differences were found in age, with older males more likely to report engaging in high risk sexual behaviors. This study suggests the utility of multidimensional intervention strategies to deal with various adolescent problem behaviors, including risky sexual behaviors, within the context of their social environment.  相似文献   

Predictive modeling was used to evaluate the associations between hope, resilience, happiness, and mental health in 449 middle and high school students. Model results indicated large effect sizes for middle school (R2 = .28) and high school (R2 = .36) participants, with hope and resilience tending to predict self‐reported mental health symptoms. These findings and their application to counseling practice are explained.  相似文献   

The paper presents a test of an ecologically differentiated model of social network orientation for adolescents that distinguished between different social network reference groups (family, peers, and nonfamily adults). The model was tested in two consecutive studies. Study 1 describes initial model development (N = 120). Study 2 presents a confirmatory factor analysis with a second sample (N = 430) to replicate the factor structure developed in Study 1. Results supported a three-factor model of network orientation that differentiated between network reference groups. Analyses of concurrent and predictive validity indicated that orientation to network reference groups was differentially related to the perceived quality and frequency of support from members of respective social network groups. Group differences (gender, race) regarding network orientation to different network reference groups were consistent with studies of other social network processes. Implications for the study of the network orientation and the study of social networks more generally are discussed.  相似文献   



Resilience is an important and underdeveloped area of research, and there are few studies that describe levels of resilience among youth samples. A major aim of this research is to explore the utility of an adapted form of the 10‐item Connor Davidson Resilience Scale and to clarify the association between this construct and a robust measure of subjective wellbeing.


A representative sample of 1000 Victorians aged 16–25 years participated in a telephone interview comprising the modified 10‐item Connor Davidson Resilience Scale and the Personal Wellbeing Index.


The modified 10‐item Connor Davidson Resilience Scale demonstrated adequate inter‐item reliability and factored as intended. A moderate, positive correlation was found between the modified 10‐item Connor Davidson Resilience Scale and the Personal Wellbeing Index. Significance testing revealed group differences for gender, age, and annual household income. The results are also used to establish theoretical “normal” ranges for resilience in Victoria's youth population.


The results from this study support the modified 10‐item Connor Davidson Resilience Scale as a valid and reliable measure of young people's resilience using traditional psychometric tests. Moreover, this is the first study to describe the levels of resilience among Victorian youths and to evaluate these data alongside a robust measure of subjective wellbeing. The implications of the findings for government policy and service delivery are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生社会支持、自尊和主观幸福感的关系研究   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48       下载免费PDF全文
采用量表法以300名大学生为被试研究了社会支持、自尊和主观幸福感(包括总体主观幸福感、生活满意度、积极情感和消极情感)的关系.(1)相关分析表明,社会支持、自尊和总体主观幸福感、生活满意度以及积极情感两两显著正相关;社会支持、自尊和消极情感显著负相关.(2)回归分析进一步表明:社会支持对自尊和主观幸福感各维度回归效应显著;自尊在社会支持基础之上对主观幸福感各维度回归效应显著,对社会支持与主观幸福感起到了中介作用.(3)EQS5.7b方法进一步验证了自尊是社会支持与主观幸福感的中介影响因素的结论.  相似文献   

This study investigated aspects of psychological well-being (burnout and engagement) and resilience as predictors of the academic performance of a group of first-year students at a higher education institution. Participants included 789 first-year students at a South African university (females = 43%, majority ethnicity Black African = 58%). They completed measures of burnout, engagement and resilience. Data were analysed using stepwise multiple regression to determine whether burnout, engagement and resilience were statistically significant predictors of first year students' academic performance. The results indicated that burnout (specifically Emotional Exhaustion and Cynicism) and resilience (specifically Religion) were statistically significant predictors of academic performance. Students with lower levels of cynicism, who are emotionally and cognitively more involved in their studies, seem to perform better. Surprisingly, students who reported being emotionally more exhausted performed well in their studies. Those students who seem to have strong spiritual/religious beliefs also fared better with regard to academic performance than those of lower religious faith. Strong spiritual/religious anchors and continuous cognitive and emotional involvement in academic work are valuable resources to students in their academic performance.  相似文献   

As self-esteem is likely to build on favorable social experiences, such as those derived from achievement (i.e., GPA) and social competence, emotional intelligence is likely to be pivotal in fostering social experiences conducive to self-esteem. Accordingly, emotional intelligence is likely to underlie social competence and mediate the contribution of achievement to self-esteem. This uncharted role is the focus of this study, which surveyed 405 undergraduates in Hong Kong, China. Results demonstrated the pivotal role of emotional intelligence. Essentially, emotional intelligence appeared to be a strong determinant of self-esteem and explain away the positive effect of social competence on self-esteem. The results imply the value of raising emotional intelligence in order to consolidate the basis for the young adult's self-esteem.  相似文献   

采用物质主义量表、感恩问卷、主观幸福感量表、心理幸福感量表和身体症状问卷对701名中学生进行调查,考察了青少年物质主义与其幸福感的关系,以及感恩在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)青少年物质主义与其负性情感显著正相关,与正性情感、生活满意度、心理幸福感和身体健康显著负相关;(2)感恩在青少年物质主义与其生活满意度、负性情感、心理幸福感和身体健康关系之间起着部分中介作用,在青少年物质主义与其正性情感关系之间起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   

采用追踪设计,对贵州省487名留守青少年进行间隔6个月的两次追踪调查,考察同伴侵害对男女留守青少年主观幸福感的影响以及自尊、教师支持和朋友支持在其中的作用。结果表明:(1)同伴侵害不仅能显著负向预测半年后留守青少年的主观幸福感,还能通过自尊的中介作用间接预测主观幸福感;(2)朋友支持可以显著缓解同伴侵害对男女留守青少年主观幸福感的消极影响:当朋友支持较低时,同伴侵害对男女留守青少年主观幸福感的消极作用显著,当朋友支持较高时则不存在显著影响;(3)教师支持可以显著缓解同伴侵害对留守女生主观幸福感的直接作用:相对于高教师支持的女生,同伴侵害对主观幸福感的影响在低教师支持的女生中更强;教师支持还可以调节留守女生同伴侵害与自尊之间的关系:相对于低教师支持的女生,同伴侵害对自尊的影响在高教师支持的女生中更显著。  相似文献   

对1376名青少年进行问卷调查,在控制人口统计学变量后,考察青少年网络利他行为、自尊、自我效能感和主观幸福感之间的关系。结果发现:(1)青少年的网络利他行为对主观幸福感有显著的正向预测作用;(2)自尊调节了网络利他行为与主观幸福感之间的关系;(3)自我效能感在自尊对网络利他行为和主观幸福感关系的调节效应中起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

采用追踪设计,对贵州省487名留守青少年进行间隔6个月的两次追踪调查,考察同伴侵害对男女留守青少年主观幸福感的影响以及自尊、教师支持和朋友支持在其中的作用。结果表明:(1)同伴侵害不仅能显著负向预测半年后留守青少年的主观幸福感,还能通过自尊的中介作用间接预测主观幸福感;(2)朋友支持可以显著缓解同伴侵害对男女留守青少年主观幸福感的消极影响:当朋友支持较低时,同伴侵害对男女留守青少年主观幸福感的消极作用显著,当朋友支持较高时则不存在显著影响;(3)教师支持可以显著缓解同伴侵害对留守女生主观幸福感的直接作用:相对于高教师支持的女生,同伴侵害对主观幸福感的影响在低教师支持的女生中更强;教师支持还可以调节留守女生同伴侵害与自尊之间的关系:相对于低教师支持的女生,同伴侵害对自尊的影响在高教师支持的女生中更显著。  相似文献   

以问卷调查的方法对汶川震后初一年级的学生进行2.5年的追踪研究,通过多层线性模型(HLM)来探索创伤后成长(PTG)和创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的发展趋势以及心理复原力对二者的预测效应。结果发现,随着时间的发展,心理复原力仅在第二次施测时呈显著下降趋势,PTSD与PTG均呈现出先下降后上升的非线性发展趋势;心理复原力的三个因子对PTG均有显著的正向预测作用,力量因子对PTSD有显著负向预测作用,其中,乐观因子可进一步预测PTG的发展速度,力量因子可进一步预测PTSD的发展速度;在灾后中学生PTG的增长、PTSD的降低中,心理复原力可以分别解释18.87%和14.74%的变异。  相似文献   

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