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The elimination of autistic self-stimulatory behavior by overcorrection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
No method is in general usage and of demonstrated effectiveness in eliminating the self-stimulatory behaviors of retardates and autistics. An Overcorrection rationale was used to develop such a method. The Overcorrection procedures consisted of a period of practice in the correct mode of the behavior contingent upon self-stimulatory behavior. The procedures were applied in a behavioral day-care program to three retarded children and one autistic child who exhibited object-mouthing, hand-mouthing, head-weaving and hand-clapping. For some behaviors, comparisons were made between the Overcorrection procedure and several alternative procedures, such as physical punishment by a slap, reinforcement for nonself-stimulatory behavior, a distasteful solution painted on the hand of a hand-mouther, and free reinforcement. The Overcorrection procedures eliminated the self-stimulatory behaviors of all four children in tutorial sessions and during the entire school day and were more effective than the alternative procedures in eliminating self-stimulation. The Overcorrection procedures appear to be rapid, enduring, and effective methods of eliminating self-stimulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Response contingent hand overcorrection was used to reduce the frequency of self-stimulatory behaviors in four retarded adult males. For two of the subjects, the treated behaviors (hand shaking and nose touching) involved hand movements which were topographically similar to the hand overcorrection procedure. For the other two subjects, behaviors topographically dissimilar to the treatment procedure were treated (inappropriate laughing and head weaving). All four behaviors were decreased in frequency during treatment. However, the hand overcorrection procedure was more effective with the topographically similar behaviors.  相似文献   

Experiment 1: In a specialized daycare program the use of oral overcorrection (contingent toothbrushing with an oral antiseptic) to suppress one child's thumbsucking at Language Time was found to suppress the behavior of another child who was not treated but who witnessed the target child's treatment. Experiment 2: The main effects of oral overcorrection were replicated. Contingent overcorrection threats (warnings), used independently, were then shown to suppress thumbsucking behavior that had returned to its baseline level. These effects were maintained one month after the threats were discontinued, but they did not generalize to other activity periods, particularly Nap Time. Experiment 3: Contingent threats were found to suppress the persistent nap-time thumbsucking of the child from Expt 2. Increments in certain other (nonoral) inappropriate behaviors were correlated with the suppression of thumbsucking. Threats to use oral overcorrection contingent upon nonoral misbehaviors at Nap Time were not effective. However, the actual use of oral overcorrection for these categories of nonoral misbehavior served to suppress these behaviors. Experimental controls combined treatment reversal and multiple baseline single-subject designs.  相似文献   

The development of object permanence was investigated in black-billed magpies (Pica pica), a food-storing passerine bird. The authors tested the hypothesis that food-storing development should be correlated with object-permanence development and that specific stages of object permanence should be achieved before magpies become independent. As predicted, Piagetian Stages 4 and 5 were reached before independence was achieved, and the ability to represent a fully hidden object (Piagetian Stage 4) emerged by the age when magpies begin to retrieve food. Contrary to psittacine birds and humans, but as in dogs and cats, no "A-not-B error" occurred. Although magpies also mastered 5 of 6 invisible displacement tasks, evidence of Piagetian Stage 6 competence was ambiguous.  相似文献   

Institutionalized retarded persons who disrobe publicly or ‘strip’ are a source of great concern to administrators, treatment staff and visitors. Common institutional approaches to public disrobing have been to dress strippers in restrictive clothing or cloister them from public view. Although behavior modification techniques have sometimes been used successfully to eliminate stripping, none has received widespread usage. The present study compared the effectiveness of an Overcorrection procedure that was designed to eliminate stripping with two behavioral treatments for stripping: time-out and physical restraint. The procedures were applied to two profoundly retarded female strippers. The key components of the Overcorrection procedure were: (1) a Restitutional Overcorrection procedure that consisted of a required dressing in panties, bra, slip, panty hose and tie shoes in addition to the woman's normal ward clothing that consisted solely of a dress and (2) a Positive Practice Overcorrection procedure that required the stripper to attend to the clothing needs and personal appearance of other ward residents by buttoning or zipping their unfastened clothing, straightening rumpled or twisted clothing, furnishing footwear to those in bare feet and combing tousled hair. The Overcorrection procedure eliminated the women's stripping within 2 weeks and was more effective than the alternative procedures. The Overcorrection procedure appears to be a rapid, effective, and enduring method of eliminating the public disrobing of retarded adult females.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated spontaneous class grouping behavior by human-enculturated and language-reared bonobos (Pan paniscus) and common chimpanzees (P. troglodytes). In experiment 1, three chimpanzees ranging in age from 6 to 18 years were presented with six objects. The objects embodied three conditions: additive, multiplicative and disjoint classes. All chimpanzees spontaneously produced single- and two-category classifying. In experiment 2, six chimpanzees ranging in age from 6 to 21 years were presented with 12 objects in the same class conditions. Chimpanzees mainly produced single-category classifying. Their two-category classifying was more rudimentary than that found in experiment 1. Chimpanzees did not produce any three-category classifying which would be necessary to construct the hierarchies that humans begin to construct during early childhood. Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted after revision: 9 August 1999  相似文献   

The purpose of the current investigation was to explore the effectiveness of differential punishment of high rates of behavior (DPH) to treat the severe self‐injury of a 28‐year‐old man with autism in an adult day program setting. DPH procedures involve the use of an established criterion related to a rate of responding within some time interval at which a punisher is delivered. The implementation of DPH in this study resulted in a substantial long‐term reduction of severe self‐injurious behavior. These findings are significant in that they provide a model for the design and implementation of punishment procedures that can be adopted in applied settings where staff resources are limited. The results of this study have implications for the treatment of severe problem behavior among individuals with autism across settings and age groups.  相似文献   

Although response blocking can decrease problem behavior, one potential adverse side effect is the induction of aggression. In the current study, we report on a young adult who engaged in high rates of pica maintained by automatic reinforcement. Blocking pica, however, led to aggression. When redirection to an alternative preferred food item was added to an intervention consisting of response blocking, pica was effectively treated without increasing aggression.  相似文献   

Ten meanings or usages of the terms molecular and molar analyses are based on (1) numbers of responses, (2) durations of activities, (3) levels, (4) scales, (5) contiguity versus correlation, (6) behavioral standards, (7) function with or without structure, (8) local versus global phenomena, and (9) control by shaping of sequential moment-to-moment behavior. These usages reveal divisive viewpoints along with ambiguities in the Law of Effect, the definition of an operant, response strength, response probability, random behavior, time allocation, shaping, controlled versus uncontrolled operants, and roles for ordinary language. Usage 10 is less divisive and combines, and in that sense unifies, molecular behavior, defined as shaped moment-to-moment sequential behaving, and molar, defined as averages of aggregates of those shaped responses. It combines shaping, that establishes and changes operant behaviors, and strengthening that changes the amounts of those shaped behaviors. I conclude that general behavioral theory will combine strengthening with such methods as parametric, hybrid, or nonparametric shaping, and will use computational methods to simulate moment-to-moment behavior streams from which any aggregates of theoretical interest may be computed. Such a synthesis may not require different levels, scales, or new scientific paradigms.  相似文献   

Pica is dangerous behavior and often maintained by automatic reinforcement. We conducted a latency functional analysis (FA) using safe consumption items to verify that pica was maintained in part by automatic reinforcement and exclude participants for whom pica was likely maintained solely by attention. Next, we identified precursors to pica through a probability analysis and conducted a brief blocking assessment for participants' whose pica occurred in the alone and attention conditions of the FA. Finally, we compared blocking precursors with pica, touching an inedible item and the pica itself. Results showed that five of the six participants' pica was likely maintained by automatic reinforcement, and pica decreased during the brief blocking assessment for three of four participants. Results of the blocking comparison showed that blocking behaviors earlier in the response hierarchy was as effective as only blocking pica attempts for two participants and more effective for one participant.  相似文献   

Western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica) did not show extinction when caching behavior was never rewarded and they had no choice of where to cache the food. However, when the jays had the choice of caching items in 2 different locations or during 2 successive episodes, and only 1 of each was always rewarded at recovery, they rapidly learned to cache in the rewarded location or episode. When the jays had learned during training trials that their caches were always moved to 1 of 2 locations they did not cache in, then on the test trial they cached in the location that had been previously rewarded. To test whether these jays avoided the location in which their caches had been pilfered or chose the rewarded location, the procedure was repeated to include a 3rd location that was never rewarded. The jays avoided the pilfered location but cached equally in the rewarded and nonrewarded locations.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, the effects of a verbal warning, such as is used in Overcorrection, delivered contingently on the stereotyped mouthing behavior of two autistic/retarded children were examined. A multiple baseline design across subjects was used. The results indicated that the mouthing of one child was reduced to a nearzero level and mouthing of the second child was moderately reduced. Appropriate toy play and inappropriate object manipulation failed to show systematic changes in occurrence when mouthing was decelerated. In Experiment II, the same subjects and experimental design were used to assess the effects of a positive practice Overcorrection procedure delivered contingent on mouthing behavior. Overcorrection reduced the mouthing of both subjects. There were no systematic changes in inappropriate object manipulation but one subject did demonstrate an increased occurrence of appropriate toy play. In addition, this subject often engaged in aggressive/escape behaviors during Overcorrection, suggesting that the procedure was aversive to him.  相似文献   

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