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J. Brooks-Gunn, W. J. Han, and J. Waldfogel (2002) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Early Child Care Research Network (ECCRN; 2000b) came to different conclusions about the effects of maternal employment--although they were addressing similar questions using the same data set. Brooks-Gunn et al. concluded that maternal employment in infancy has a negative effect on children's cognitive abilities at age 3, whereas the ECCRN found that early nonmaternal care is not related to children's cognitive abilities in their first 3 years. The authors account for this difference by comparing 2 approaches to data analysis: a top-down testing of continuous variables (the approach used by the ECCRN, 2000b) and an a priori comparison approach that involves pairwise testing of specific dichotomous contrasts (the approach used by Brooks-Gunn et al., 2002). This comparison illustrates the critical importance of analytic approach. It also suggests that Brooks-Gunn et al.'s conclusion from this data set is overstated and should not be used on its own as the basis for practical or policy decisions.  相似文献   

Can infants appreciate that others have false beliefs? Do they have a theory of mind? In this article I provide a detailed review of more than 20 experiments that have addressed these questions, and offered an affirmative answer, using nonverbal ‘violation of expectation’ and ‘anticipatory looking’ procedures. Although many of these experiments are both elegant and ingenious, I argue that their results can be explained by the operation of domain‐general processes and in terms of ‘low‐level novelty’. This hypothesis suggests that the infants' looking behaviour is a function of the degree to which the observed (perceptual novelty) and remembered or expected (imaginal novelty) low‐level properties of the test stimuli – their colours, shapes and movements – are novel with respect to events encoded by the infants earlier in the experiment. If the low‐level novelty hypothesis is correct, research on false belief in infancy currently falls short of demonstrating that infants have even an implicit theory of mind. However, I suggest that the use of two experimental strategies – inanimate control procedures, and self‐informed belief induction – could be used in combination with existing methods to bring us much closer to understanding the evolutionary and developmental origins of theory of mind.  相似文献   

Maternal depression and child adjustment: a longitudinal analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study examined the relation between maternal depression and child adjustment. Two major issues were addressed. First, to assess the specificity to depression of observed child adjustment difficulties, four groups of female subjects were included: clinically depressed psychiatric patients, nondepressed psychiatric patients, nondepressed medical patients, and nondepressed nonpatients. Second, to assess the stability of the observed effects, data were collected early in the patients' treatment and again approximately 8 weeks later. The results indicated that the depressed mothers described their children as having various behavior problems; interestingly, interviewers also rated these children as demonstrating disturbed behavior. Although the offspring of the depressed mothers were the most impaired children in the sample, the lack of significant differences between children of the depressed and the nondepressed psychiatric patients suggests that child adjustment is more strongly related to the presence of maternal psychopathology than it is to diagnostic status. Finally, children of the psychiatric patients continued to demonstrate problems at the second assessment. Implications of these results for models of depression are discussed, and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

This article offers a brief overview of the contingent worker industry and its employees. In addition to defining temporary worker, the authors describe the importance of the temporary worker industry to the U.S. economy and the forces that have driven this industry's rapid growth. The changing profile of temporary workers, the benefits and drawbacks of temporary work, and ways employment counselors can help clients make the best use of temporary work arrangements are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated links between maternal employment and fathers' parenting quality when their infants were 4 and 12 months old. Sixty-three fathers were videotaped interacting with their infants and completed questionnaires regarding their involvement in caregiving, parenting stress, and marital quality, and mothers reported on children's temperament. Fathers whose wives either did not work outside the home or worked part time were more sensitive and responsive to their children when they were more involved in caregiving; men whose wives worked full time exhibited more negative affect and behavior when they participated more in child care. Men whose wives were not employed also were more positive in their interactions when they were happier with their marriage, whereas men whose wives worked either part time or full time exhibited a negative relation between parenting behavior and marital quality. Maternal work circumstances were not related to fathers' parenting stress; rather, marital quality and child temperament predicted parenting stress at 4 and 12 months for all fathers.  相似文献   

One criticism voiced by counsellors and psychotherapists is that research does not reflect either the culture or values of therapy. Researchers, on the other hand, accuse practitioners of not attending to their findings, and the implication is made that the latter engage in treatment processes that are ill‐informed. These polarised understandings give rise to the situation where the client — and his or her development — fall into the practice‐research gap. In more recent studies of counselling in primary care, an attempt has been made to offer new perspectives for interpreting and understanding findings, and the relative value — and limitations — of different research questions and methods. They provide just a few examples of how practitioner‐researchers in the future may ask more precise questions, yet reflect on their findings from a broader set of viewpoints.  相似文献   

Research stimulated by increases in maternal employment has focused primarily on children, even though mothers of adolescents are more likely to be employed. It is adolescents who experience developmental changes that promote participation in adult behaviors in advance of their abilities. This study investigated the effects of maternal employment on the use of alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and other substances by early adolescents. A sample of ninth-grade students responded to a 48-item survey about their substance use behavior. A comparison of maternal employment patterns (full-time vs. part-time/not employed outside the home) indicated no significant differences in substance use behavior. These results confirmed and extended the growing literature regarding the nonharmful effects of maternal employment on adolescent adjustment and behavior.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis of 68 studies (770 effect sizes) used random effects models to examine whether children's achievement differed depending on whether their mothers were employed. Four achievement outcomes were emphasized: formal tests of achievement and intellectual functioning, grades, and teacher ratings of cognitive competence. When all employment was compared with nonemployment for combined and separate achievement outcomes without moderators, effects were nonsignificant. Small beneficial effects of part-time compared with full-time employment were apparent for all achievement outcomes combined and for each individual achievement outcome. Significant sample-level moderators of the associations between maternal employment and achievement for all outcomes combined included family structure, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status; associations were positive when samples were majority 1-parent families and mixed 1- and 2-parent families, racially/ethnically diverse or international in composition, and not middle-upper class. Analyses of child gender indicated more positive effects for girls. Children's age was a significant moderator for the outcome of intellectual functioning. The identification of sample-level moderators of the relationship between maternal employment and children's achievement highlights the importance of social context in understanding work-family linkages.  相似文献   

This study examined the language input of mothers to their infants in three groups of mother-infant dyads: abuse, neglect, and adequate. The speech of the 10 mothers in each group was coded for well-formedness, complexity, sentence type, and accepting and rejecting content. In comparison with the neglect group mothers, the adequate group mothers spoke to their infants much more: The adequate group mothers produced more complete grammatical utterances and used more indirect imperatives and acceptance phrases than did the neglect group mothers. There were relatively few differences on the linguistic measures between the adequate and abuse group mothers. On the content measures, the abuse group mothers were more rejecting than either the adequate or neglect group mothers.  相似文献   

Research on teenage parenting together with medical and behavioral research related to child development is reviewed in an effort to determine causal factors related to reported developmental deficits among children of teenage parents. 4 general conclusions are suggested: 1) several researchers agree that children of teenage parents show poor social and intellectual competence when compared with children on non-teen parents. However, the amount of sound empirical data to support this view is minimal. For example, there are few published studies of the longterm effects of teenage parenting or of actual behavioral interactions of teenage mothers and their children. 2) It is unlikely that research along the lines of the "continuum of reproductive casualty" will lead to identification of causal factors sufficient to account for developmental deficits in children of teenage mothers. 3) Research along the lines of "the continuum of caretaking casualty" suggest numerous behavioral and environmental variables that may be related to the development of children of teenage mothers. 4) Research designs applied to the study of teenage parenting must shift from linear models to complex multivariate models that permit simultaneous analysis of organismic, environmental, and behavioral determinants of development. Finally, mental health specialists, government agencies, and researchers alike, must be willing to entertain the hypothesis that much of our knowledge of the childrearing skills of teenage mothers is based on myth rather than empirical fact. 1 such myth may be that below 19 years of age, maternal age in and of itself is an important determinant of infant development and parent-infant interaction. Poor social-economic status, family support systems, marital stability, nutrition and prenatal care may be far more important determinants of development for these children than the age of their mothers.  相似文献   

This study manipulated workload levels and used a technique examining workload history to test Eysenck’s (1967) theory of extraversion. Participants consisted of 71 undergraduates who had been selected from a larger pool that had completed the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Participants performed an auditory vigilance task while percent correct data were recorded. A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted and results indicated that extraverts and introverts respond differently to a sudden decrease in workload level. Specifically, a sudden decrease in workload level resulted in an immediate significant decrement in correct responses for extraverts while the decrement for introverts was minimal. Limitations were discussed and implications for future research were addressed.  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the mechanisms employed by mothers as they engage in teaching their children to remember the names of characters, how to wrap a gift, and the location of zoo animals. The specific relationships included an examination of mothers’ pre-teaching instructions, mothers’ use of memory strategies, child strategy use and the child’s correct performance. Participants were 25 mothers and their four-year-old preschoolers. Results suggest that maternal preteaching instructions vary in complexity depending on the nature of the information being taught. In addition, mothers employ a variety of task-dependent memory strategies. In contrast to mothers, the children use proportionately fewer strategies than their mothers. However, their use of strategies is effective in helping them recall names, order, and location. Implications for adult guidance in assisting preschoolers with developing regulatory memory skills are discussed.  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the mechanisms employed by mothers as they engage in teaching their children to remember the names of characters, how to wrap a gift, and the location of zoo animals. The specific relationships included an examination of mothers’ pre-teaching instructions, mothers’ use of memory strategies, child strategy use and the child’s correct performance. Participants were 25 mothers and their four-year-old preschoolers. Results suggest that maternal preteaching instructions vary in complexity depending on the nature of the information being taught. In addition, mothers employ a variety of task-dependent memory strategies. In contrast to mothers, the children use proportionately fewer strategies than their mothers. However, their use of strategies is effective in helping them recall names, order, and location. Implications for adult guidance in assisting preschoolers with developing regulatory memory skills are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed the association between aspects of mother's employment and security of infant-mother attachment, in combination with proximal (maternal sensitivity) and distal (demographic, maternal, child, child-care) factors. Participants were 145 Australian mothers and their firstborn children. Attachment security was assessed with the Strange Situation at 12 months. Results showed that mothers' prenatal attitudes to work and timing of the return to work made significant, independent contributions to attachment outcomes over and above the effects of proximal and distal predictors. Mothers who expressed more commitment to work and less anxiety about using nonfamily child care, and who returned to work earlier, were more likely to have secure infants. These findings are considered in relation to contemporary expectations about mothers' participation in paid work and other predictors of secure attachment.  相似文献   

Data were obtained from 46 mother-child pairs from the Child Behavior Institute (CBI) at the University of Tennessee. These mother-child dyads were referred for psychological help because of the child’s aversive behavior. Child-parent interactions were quantified using a multi-code, observational system. Correlational and multiple regression analyses (stepwise) were conducted to find the best predictor of the child’s aversive behavior. Results showed that the child’s aversive behavior was significantly correlated with the mother’s aversive, indiscriminate, and compliance behaviors. The regression analysis showed mother’s aversive behavior to be the best predictor of the child’s aversive behavior. Moreover, our results seem to point out that the compliance hypothesis is more effective in predicting child aversive behavior than the predictability hypotheses. It appears that since the two hypotheses are dealing with similar processes, they are more complementary than oppositional. This study used data collected by the Child Behavior Institute (CBI) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The authors are indebted to Robert Wahler, Michael Smith, and Sue Dunn for their helpful comments on this paper.  相似文献   

Research has suggested that women who experience postpartum depression are subsequently more likely to perceive their preschool-aged children as temperamentally difficult and maladjusted. However, previous studies have not controlled for the effects of concurrent depression levels on maternal ratings of child temperament or evaluated the accuracy of maternal reports. In the present study we assessed maternal and paternal ratings of child temperament 2 years after subjects had participated in a study of postpartum depression. The findings indicate that correlations between postpartum depression and subsequent child temperament ratings were accounted for statistically by concurrent levels of depression. Although fathers' ratings corroborated some aspects of maternal perceptions, levels of parental agreement were only moderately high. Moreover, discrepancies between the parents' reports were significantly associated with maternal depression, indicating that parental disagreement is more likely when the wife is dysphoric.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the contributions of maternal depressive symptoms and child temperament to youths' executive functioning (EF) across an 18-year longitudinal study. The primary hypothesis proposed that the association between youths' exposure to early maternal depressive symptoms (ages 3 & 5) and their EF (age 18) would be moderated by temperament in middle childhood (ages 8 & 10). Temperament was a significant moderator of the association between early maternal depressive symptoms and youth EF. Positive child temperament (high effortful control, EC, and low negative affectivity, NA) was associated with higher EF when maternal depressive symptoms during early childhood were low. In contrast, elevated maternal depressive symptoms overrode any associations between child temperament and later EF. Parallel analyses examining the interaction between child temperament and maternal depressive symptoms during middle childhood (controlling for earlier maternal depressive symptoms) revealed a different pattern of results. Clinical implications for prevention/intervention work on EF are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on children of working mothers has indicated that an important relationship exists between maternal employment and subsequent career salience of female offspring. Effects caused by socioeconomic factors have been noted in this relationship but have not been examined either systematically or over time. In the present study, socioeconomic differences were controlled for examination of longitudinal data on established critical factors in career salience of female college graduates. Multiple regression models were estimated for three points in time, covering an eight-year period, for subsamples of single and married women. Details about mother's employment history, respondent's recollection of the attitudes of family members concerning that employment, and indicators of daughter's sex-role ideology were independent variables. Maternal employment was significantly related to both single and married daughters' career salience but in opposite directions and accounted for only a minimum of the observed variance. Related maternal employment variables are associated with career salience of single women early in their postbaccalaureate careers and are not associated with the career salience of married women until somewhat later. Sex-role ideology was important for the career salience of married women but not for single women. The importance of a generalizable context for these findings is discussed.Support for this research was provided in part by a grant from the University of Wisconsin Graduate School and NIMH Grant Number MH-13112 to the Departments of Sociology and Psychiatry, Duke University. This research was based on a part of the author's doctoral dissertation.  相似文献   

Maternal handling and motor development: an intracultural study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Citing a distinction between informal and formal routines used by mothers in handling their infants, we examined formal handling routines, in which the caregiver acts in a pedagogical manner; these routines are widespread in many non-Western countries. We hypothesised that formal handling serves to facilitate gross motor development during early infancy. To examine this hypothesis, the effects of a Jamaican formal handling routine on a broad range of developmental outcomes was examined. Results showed that the effects were specific to early gross motor development and in particular to postural control along the vertical axis of the body. Information is also provided on other aspects of Jamaican child care. It seems that the handling routine forms part of a folk (developmental) medicine system and may serve not only to promote child health but also as a sort of developmental neurological examination.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, the large-scale entrance of women into the work force has fundamentally changed the fabric of work and family life. Unlike 75 other nations, the United States has no comprehensive family policy that helps families cope with the competing demands of work and family. Research within psychology has not been helpful in pointing out the need for a major shift in public policy. This article argues that both governmental policy and psychological research reflect the popular culture's idealized myth of motherhood. It suggests an interruption of the research agenda that searches for negative consequences of maternal employment and alternative child care. A new agenda is proposed that would document the negative consequences of not providing high-quality, affordable day care. This new agenda would also acknowledge the centrality of fathers and family process to developmental outcomes in children.  相似文献   

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