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Replicated the conditions established by Kramer in his attempt to contribute to the construct validation of the FIRO-B. Froehle's apparent later replication produced significantly different results from Kramer's original study. In replicating Kramer's design this researcher wished to establish whether the earlier failure to replicate was due to a difference in design or to an actual lack of construct validity of the FIRO-B. Kramer's findings were supported and an alternative explanation for the difference in Kramer's and Froehle's findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Heart-focused anxiety (HFA) is the fear of cardiac-related stimuli and sensations because of their perceived negative consequences. Although HFA is common to a wide variety of persons who experience chest pain and distress, it often is unrecognized and misdiagnosed, particularly in cardiology and emergency room patients without and with heart disease. To address these concerns, this article reports on the development and preliminary psychometric evaluation of the Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire (CAQ) designed to measure HFA. In Study 1, 188 cardiology patients completed the CAQ. Item and factor analyses indicated a three-factor solution pertaining to heart-related fear, avoidance, and attention. Reliability analysis of the 18-item CAQ revealed good internal consistency of the total and subscale scores. In Study 2, 42 patients completed the CAQ and several other anxiety-related questionnaires to assess its convergent and divergent properties. Although preliminary validity results are promising, further psychometric study is necessary to cross-validate the CAQ, examine its test-retest reliability, and confirm the stability of the factor structure. Taken together, the CAQ appears to assess HFA, and may therefore be a useful instrument for identifying patients with elevated HFA without and with heart disease.  相似文献   

Established results on latent variable models are applied to the study of the validity of a psychological test. When the test predicts a criterion by measuring a unidimensional latent construct, not only must the total score predict the criterion, but the joint distribution of criterion scores and item responses must exhibit a certain pattern. The presence of this population pattern may be tested with sample data using the stratified Wilcoxon rank sum test. Often, criterion information is available only for selected examinees, for instance, those who are admitted or hired. Three cases are discussed: (i) selection at random, (ii) selection based on the current test, and (iii) selection based on other measures of the latent construct. Discriminant validity is also discussed.This work was supported in part by Grant SES-87-01890 from the Measurement Methods and Data Improvement Program of the U.S. National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This study presents the preliminary results of research into the interrater reliability and construct validity of the Developmental Profile (DP). In the DP a number of developmental lines, such as Object-Relations, Self-Images, and Problem-Solving Capacities, are assessed and classified according to the level of functioning. A total of 108 profiles were assessed, drawn from three different categories of patients. The weighted kappa values for interrater reliability were sufficient. On the adaptive level, but also on the maladaptive levels Symbiosis and Resistance, significant differences were found between psychiatric patients, "normal controls" (dental patients) and somatic patients. No differences were recorded between the latter two groups. The conclusion is that the DP is a promising instrument, of which the reliability and validity has to be further investigated in order to contribute to scientific support for psychodynamic theory formation.  相似文献   

In this investigation, we evaluated the construct validity of sociotropy and autonomy as assessed by the revised Personal Style Inventory (PSI; Robins et al., 1994). Stories given to 6 cards of the Thematic Apperception Test (Murray, 1943) were coded for need for Achievement (McClelland, Atkinson, Clark, & Lowell, 1953) and need for Affiliation (Heyns, Veroff, & Atkinson, 1958). These scores were correlated with PSI Sociotropy and Autonomy, along with their component subscales. The construct validity of Sociotropy, Autonomy, and 5 of 6 component subscales were supported as hypoth sized. Consistent with past research, there was no support for the construct validity of the Perfectionism/Self-Criticism subscale of Autonomy. In addition, separate analyses by gender suggested that the construct validity of sociotropy may be greater for women than for men. The results represent an important finding in that nonquestionnaire measures of interpersonal and achievement-related concerns were found to support the validity of the PSI, a need identified by the questionnaire's authors.  相似文献   

Considerable confusion exists in the burnout literature about the similarities and separateness among the constructs of burnout, depression and job satisfaction. This study examined the construct validity of burnout using Campbell & Fiske's multitrait-multimethod approach. The constructs of burnout, depression and orderliness (chosen as a discriminant construct) were assessed by three types of self-report instruments. Data were analysed for 181 females and 139 male faculty members who spent at least 50 per cent of their time in teaching. Results indicated that measures of burnout largely met Campbell & Fiske's criteria for construct validity: burnout measures possessed adequate to good internal reliability and convergent validity. However, burnout measures also correlated substantially with measures of depression. Results are discussed in terms of possible explanations for the substantial overlap that has been demonstrated among measures of burnout, depression and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Although Black inmates represent almost half the population of United States prisons and have been included in several studies of psychopathy, there appear to be no published studies to date addressing the validity of the psychopathy construct in Black inmates. Three studies were conducted to assess the validity of the construct in Black male inmates using Hare's Psychopathy Checklist (PCL). In Study 1, we examined the internal structure of the PCL and the relation of checklist scores to several constructs relevant to psychopathy. We observed differences between Blacks and Whites in the distribution of psychopathy scores, in the relation of psychopathy to measures of impulsivity, and in the congruence of the underlying factor structure of the PCL. In Study 2, Black psychopaths were found to manifest a pattern of passive avoidance deficits similar but not identical to that reported for White psychopaths in Newman and Kosson's study. Study 3 demonstrated that psychopaths of both races receive more criminal charges in a wider variety of offense categories than do nonpsychopaths. The psychopathy construct appears tentatively applicable to Blacks, although its components may be somewhat different than for Whites.  相似文献   

Smith GT 《心理评价》2005,17(4):413-414
To validate a measure of a construct is to validate a theory: The process includes theory specification, theory elaboration, choice of methods, choice of research design, reliance on necessary auxiliary theories, and empirical observation. Evaluating the success of the process is likely to be enhanced through quantification. To date, scientists have quantified the final step of empirical observation, but earlier steps in the validation process appear more difficult to measure. In this issue, D. Westen and R. Rosenthal (2005) emphasize that threats to validity are often methodological ones that precede empirical observation. Yet, their earlier attempt to quantify construct validity focused only on the final, empirical observation step of the process. For that reason, it can produce positive results despite real theoretical and methodological threats to validity. Nonetheless, the laudable attempt by these distinguished authors to quantify construct validity reminds us of the complexity of the construct validation process.  相似文献   

Despite a century of methodological and conceptual advances in the technology of psychosocial measurement, poor correspondence between indicators and the constructs they are intended to represent remains a limiting factor to the accumulation of scientific knowledge. Longstanding conventions in measurement may contribute to the failure to develop optimal criteria. These conventions include the focus on complex over simple constructs and the use of multi-item measures of disparate content to represent those constructs. Several arguments suggest that such a measurement model compromises the potential for developing measures that accurately reflect psychosocial phenomena. The article concludes with some preliminary suggestions concerning an alternative model that may address this construct validity problem more effectively.  相似文献   

The three subscales of the Mosher Guilt Scales (sex guilt, hostility guilt, and morality conscience guilt) and several personality and attitude measures were ad ministered to college subjects in an effort to examine the construct validity of the Mosher Guilt Scales. The variables that were compared with the guilt subscales were hostility, anxiety, religious orthodoxy, self-esteem, and the importance of religious and economic values in one's life. The results indicated that both the construct validity of the Mosher Guilt Scales and the need for the continued use of its three subscales were supported. Among the most crucial findings of the study were that both of the religiosity measures were positively correlated with all three guilt subscales, and that economic values were negatively correlated with both sex guilt and morality-conscience guilt.  相似文献   

The construct validity of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) was examined in 3 samples. An archival clinic sample (n = 318) of women completed the EDI, a structured interview, and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCMI-II). Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) indicated that neither null nor 1-factor models of the EDI fit item-level or item-parcel data. The proposed 8-factor model did not fit at the item level but did fit item-parcel data. Reliability estimates of the 8 scales ranged from .82 to .93, and low-to-moderate interscale correlations among the eating and weight-related scales provided partial support for convergent validity. EDI personality scales showed moderate interscale correlations and were associated with MCMI-II scales. A final CFA of the EDI scales supported a 2-factor model (Eating and Weight, Personality) of the 8 EDI scales. Strong associations between depression and several EDI scale scores were found in a treatment study sample (n = 50). The archival clinic sample scored significantly higher on the 8 EDI scales than the nonpatient college comparison sample (n = 487).  相似文献   

Lynam and colleagues recently developed a new self-report inventory for the assessment of psychopathy, the Elemental Psychopathy Assessment (EPA). Using a sample of undergraduates (N = 227), the authors examined the construct validity of the EPA by examining its correlations with self and stranger ratings on the Five-Factor Model, as well as self-reported ratings of personality disorders, social cognition, and love styles. The EPA psychopathy scores manifested expected correlations with both self and stranger ratings of the Five-Factor Model, particularly with the domains of Agreeableness and Conscientiousness, and were significantly related to various forms of personality pathology such as narcissism and antisocial personality disorders. The EPA also manifested expected relations with aggressive social cognitions. Finally, the EPA psychopathy scores were correlated with romantic love styles indicative of game playing and infidelity. The current results provide further evidence of the construct validity of the EPA as it manifests relations consistent with the nomological network of psychopathy.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the structure validity of Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale in a non-English-speaking culture. A nonmetric multidimensional scaling technique (SSA) was employed for analyzing the responses of 272 Israeli male applicants for a job for which sensation seeking was of special relevance. The general findings replicated the structure postulated by Zuckerman. Only 1 in 8 of the items were mislocated, all of which were indicated as inappropriate in previous factor-analytic studies conducted in other nations.  相似文献   

This study examined the construct validity of depressive personality disorder (DPD: American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Adult psychiatric outpatients (N = 900) underwent comprehensive Axis I and II evaluations and provided data on 4,768 of their 1st-degree relatives. Despite modest overlap, DPD was not redundant with any Axis I or II disorder. Participants with DPD exhibited more Axis I and Axis II comorbidity, and greater psychosocial dysfunction, than participants without DPD. Relatives of participants with DPD had higher rates of mood disorders, alcohol abuse, and antisocial personality. Results are consistent with findings of several other similar investigations. The authors argue that DPD is a valid construct and should be conceptualized as a personality disorder as opposed to a mood disorder.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of work values in the process of career adjustment (Dawis, 2002), little empirical research has focused on articulating the domains represented within the construct of work values and the examination of evidence of validity for the construct has been limited. Furthermore, the larger number of work values measures has made it difficult to determine the key domains that constitute the construct. The current study sought to examine multiple measures of work values to understand domains represented within the construct of work values and to establish evidence of validity for these domains. Principal Components Analysis utilizing scores on the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (Rounds, Henley, Dawis, Lofquist, & Weiss, 1981), the revised edition of Super's Work Values Inventory (SWVI-R; Zytowski, 2006), and Manhardt's Work Values Inventory (Manhardt, 1972) found that six components best explained the data. These components reflected the importance of: the working environment, having challenging work, opportunities for status and income, autonomy, organizational support, and relationships. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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