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中国加入世界贸易组织无疑将要冲击到中国社会的各个方面 ,道教界也不会例外。因此 ,入世后的中国道教将要面临许多的思考。本文特录几条 ,与大家一同讨论之。一、珍惜道教文物 ,合理管理利用文物资源我们道教是一个具有悠久历史的宗教 ,也是惟一的中国本土宗教 ,历史文化及遗产十分丰厚。作为遗产的物质形态的文物 ,是我们道教生存发展的实物见证。一个社会、地方乃至国家 ,有了文物的装点 ,就有了历史底蕴 ,就有了文化含量。中国入世后 ,国外的商人及游人大量涌入名山大川的道教宫观 ,一次次旅游高峰的冲击 ,一次次的开发 ,对道教文物资源…  相似文献   

贵州丰富的民族民间美术资源是当地无法估量的文化资本,有着独特的文化价值和经济价值。在文化产业化的时代背景下,从贵州文化产业发展的现状着手,在产学研融合的视角下把握贵州民族民间美术资源的文化特色,在保护与保真的原则下系统开发创意文化产业,不断增强品牌意识,着力拓展文化产业链,在开发与利用中实现贵州民族民间美术资源的保护与传承。  相似文献   

茶文化旅游资源的开发是文化资源产业化问题中的一个热点问题。其中,武夷山茶文化旅游资源的开发具有一定的典型性。文章通过阐释茶文化旅游与茶文化旅游资源的关系,分析武夷山茶文化旅游资源的类型、开发现状及存在的问题,指出武夷山茶文化旅游发展的立足点,探析武夷山茶文化旅游资源开发的优化路径。  相似文献   

河南省地处中国中部,地理位置优越,有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。作为一个人口大省,当前河南省正面临着诸多发展机遇和挑战。如何充分利用其丰富的文化和旅游资源,把河南省文化和旅游业做大做强,是摆在我们面前的一个主要任务。探索研究河南省旅游资源开发与文化创意产业融合发展的路径,有着非常重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

宗教文化资源是宝贵的历史资源,有许多是具有历史的唯一性和不可再生性的资源,这些资源首先必须继承和保护好,所以宗教文化资源开发应坚持在继承保护基础上进行开发,尤其是许多有形的独特资源更是如此。宗教文化资源是当今中国社会不可多得的宝贵财富,如何合理有效地开发运用,使其为今天的社会发展服务是摆在我们面前的一项重  相似文献   

文章通过对河北地区博物馆典型案例的调查,分析河北地区博物馆让文物活起来的现状,指出当前河北地区博物馆为让文物活起来积极搭建了平台,但仍存在文物资源利用不充分、博物馆间发展不平衡、让文物活起来效果不显著等问题,并根据这些问题提出让文物活起来,助力地方文化发展的建议。  相似文献   

川西羌族文化是中华民族文化中璀璨的一部分。但是当今传统的羌族文创产品形式趋同,文化传播方式单一,不利于其发展。羌族文化资源和旅游文创产品面临创新与发展的挑战。因此,从四川省博物馆的羌族文物上提取羊角纹元素,结合羌族当地的文化进行改良,设计出系列酒具的现代产品。试着将羌族文物中的特色民族元素,与当代百姓日常生活用品相结合,设计出具有羌族特色的文创产品,以无形的文化附加在有形的产品上,借用具象的产品帮助传统民族文化的传播。  相似文献   

鄂南名人故居有着悠久的历史,是传承鄂南文化、习俗和精神的建筑艺术代表,蕴含了丰富的文化内容。其不同时期的建筑又体现了其时代特点及当时人们在审美、精神旨趣等方面的追求。虽有此丰厚的历史资源,但鄂南的旅游发展却十分不景气。文章从鄂南名人故居的基本情况入手,研究鄂南名人故居文化创意旅游产业的开发路径,针对鄂南名人故居旅游产业化中的问题,提出对应的解决措施,建议其立足地域文化,文化研究与旅游产业发展相结合,提出文化蕴含,并开发创意产品,既吸引了游客前来游玩,又给游客留下回忆的载体。  相似文献   

安徽利用地域文化资源开发动漫产业,为铸造地域文化品牌开创了新的思路。钟馗文化是中国传统文化组成部分,抓住钟馗文化与动漫产业的契合点,挖掘灵璧钟馗画的内涵,提炼其视觉元素,并将其运用到动漫产业创意研发中去,有利于灵璧钟馗画的传承与创新,成为区域文化产业发展的助推器。  相似文献   

漆艺产业化是市场经济深入发展的必然结果。经过实践验证漆艺产业化发展对市场经济大发展意义重大。研究黑龙江漆艺产业化发展需建立在冰雪文化意识形态下,挖掘地域冰雪文化与漆艺产业化之间的内在联系。研究创新漆艺产业化发展之路、找出文化产业发展的内生动力,利用黑龙江漆艺已有优势提高地域文化产业艺术价值。  相似文献   

Beatrice Marovich 《Dialog》2015,54(4):355-366
This article develops the concept of the “theological relic”: a facet of secular life and culture that maintains traces of (and so remains bound in some way to) its genealogy in the theological. The theological relic, then, is something that fails to be either robustly religious or properly secular. It is, instead, a product of the relations between these social spaces. The article illustrates this concept by examining a cultural history of the whale, highlighting this creature's complex bonds with the theological. The whale, in other words, is figured as a theological relic: a creature of the secular that remains shrouded enough by traces of the theological that these vestiges of divinity are implicated in the whale's powerful late‐twentieth‐century cultural reconfiguration.  相似文献   

This article explores the main meanings given to the presence of the relic of the Precious Blood of Christ in the city of Mantua, and also highlights the links with the Altdorf-Weingarten relic of the same, which derives from it. For centuries the presence of this relic has intertwined in several ways with events in Mantua and has shaped some of their most significant religious and cultural expressions. Above all, during the Middle Ages, the Precious Blood had a widespread impact, destined to expand all over Europe. However, we possess vague and scarcely defined evidence of this, as much of the evidence was removed, mostly in the name of rationalist critique, and diminished with the passing of time. Within a long-term perspective, the text which follows here aims to tackle some relevant problematic issues, from a historical and historico-anthropological viewpoint. It attempts both to strengthen understanding of the local and wider intertwining which characterised the development of such a relevant religious experience of our culture, and also to enter into contact with essential aspects of it.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the determinants of residents’ satisfaction with the cultural facilities supplied in their city. This topic is relevant from a policy perspective since the active participation of citizens to the cultural life of their town is crucial for the sustainable utilization of tangible cultural assets. By using the results of a large survey study conducted in 63 EU cities, the present paper shows that the exploitation of the urban cultural assets for the attraction of tourists and visitors is likely to produce a positive externality on residents’ satisfaction with the cultural life of their city, but just up to a certain threshold of tourist pressure. Above this threshold, a further increase in the number of tourists is associated with a reduction of residents’ contentment.


Content analysis is used to evaluate portrayals of women and men in United States magazine advertisements over a 50-year period, 1950 through 2000. We examine 7,912 portrayals of people in 3,212 advertisements from the time period and analyze changes in those advertisements relative to transitions in feminism and cultural trends. Magazines from representative categories provided the sample data. Over the period studied, magazine advertising showed a trend toward objective role portrayals of women fairly equal to men. This trend perhaps resulted from feminist??s positioning women in the public as well as the private sphere. Women were still subordinated to men in more subtle aspects of advertisements, measured by Goffman??s (1979) cultural positioning framework. Sexual exploitation of both sexes was noticed.  相似文献   

African elephants (Loxodonta africana) use unusual and restricted habitats such as swampy clearings, montane outcrops and dry rivers for a variety of social and ecological reasons. Within these habitats, elephants focus on very specific areas for resource exploitation, resulting in deep caves, large forest clearings and sand pits as well as long-established and highly demarcated routes for moving between resources. We review evidence for specific habitat exploitation in elephants and suggest that this represents socially learned cultural behaviour. Although elephants show high fidelity to precise locations over the very long term, these location preferences are explained neither by resource quality nor by accessibility. Acquiring techniques for exploiting specific resource sites requires observing conspecifics and practice and is evidence for social learning. Elephants possess sophisticated cognitive capacities used to track relationships and resources over their long lifespans, and they have an extended period of juvenile dependency as a result of the need to acquire this considerable social and ecological knowledge. Thus, elephant fidelity to particular sites results in traditional behaviour over generations, with the potential to weaken relationships between resource quality and site preferences. Illustrating the evidence for such powerful traditions in a species such as elephants contributes to understanding animal cognition in natural contexts.  相似文献   

This article reports the main results of an empirical research project on the utilization of social sciences in the field of labor market and educational policy in West Germany since the 1960s. The research interest focused upon utilization of social science knowledge in public discourse paralleling policy decisions. The analysis shows that the social sciences are used extensively for labeling social problems. The use made of social science knowledge can be described as a certain combination of instrumental and conceptual utilization. In the concluding section of the article, the innovation problem of social science utilization is considered. Dr. Matthias Wingens is senior research associate with the Sociological Research Center “Social Problems” at the University of Bremen. His main research interests include the utilization of social science knowledge, the sociology of knowledge, and educational research. Dr. Ansgar Weymann is chair of the Department of Sociology and head of the Sociological Research Center “Social Problems” at the University of Bremen. His main research interests include sociological theory, utilization of social research, research on education, labor market, and employment, and research on socialization and life-course.  相似文献   

通过南京市8个区、县4873户居民的基线调查,掌握居民对医疗服务的实际利用情况,通过比较医疗需求与利用之间的差距,发现存在很大的潜在医疗服务需求市场。从医疗服务供需双方分析其产生的原因,找出医疗服务需求与利用的主要影响因素,从而探讨如何将这部分潜在需求合理转化。  相似文献   

刘学良 《管子学刊》2009,(3):106-109
周村商埠文化的形成主要有两个渠道:传统继承和现代培植。所谓传统继承,就是传统文化的影响。具体到周村的商埠文化,主要传承有齐文化、儒文化、民俗文化和外地文化传统。所谓现代培植,就是现代文化因素的规范、引导和影响,主要是当地政府的经济政策和国外现代工商业文化的培育和冲击。  相似文献   

名人旅游开发中的文化迷失——以先秦诸子旅游开发为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
名人旅游是以追寻名人踪迹或感受名人文化为目的旅游活动。名人旅游基于"见贤思齐"的大众心理,旅游者通过各种品赏和休闲娱乐方式,深刻体会名人的思想精髓,从而获得启示和教育。但在当今的市场经济大潮下,名人旅游渐渐迷失了方向,偏离了名人旅游的理想宗旨。文章以春秋战国诸子的旅游开发为例,列举了其中的文化迷失现象,提出了对诸子旅游理性开发的意见。  相似文献   

角膜的个体化切削是在PRK、LASIK、LASEK的基础上发展起来的一种新的屈光手术技术.其最大的优点是根据不同眼的特点对角膜进行切削,使其达到最佳的视觉效果.现回顾角膜屈光手术的发展,并运用哲学原理对个体化切削的依据、技术创新及其具体应用加以综述.  相似文献   

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