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This experiment examined the expression and effectiveness of memorization in young children. Sixty children at each of the ages 4, 5, and 6 were randomly assigned to a memory group or to one of two control groups. All of the children were told that they could play with a group of toys during a brief activity period; the children in the memory condition were also instructed to memorize a specified subset of the toys. Mnemonic mediators were identified on the basis of differences in the activity period behaviors of children given memory and play instructions. Relative to the children in the play groups, the children in the memory conditions played with the toys less; further, their use of naming and visual examination as mnemonic mediators differentiated the groups at all ages and increased with age. Only the oldest subjects given memory instructions, however, demonstrated superior recall. The relationships between activity period behavior and recall among the different conditions were explored with regression techniques. Although previous research has focused on identifying the earliest use of memory strategies, the present findings underscore the importance of examining the development of these skills.  相似文献   

In a Sternberg experiment, the influence of rhythmic acoustic stimuli on the scanning rate of short-term memory was studied. During the experiment, 60 subjects heard rhythmic or arrhythmic impulse noises with different rates of repetition. Results showed that the scanning rate of short-term memory is lowest if the impulses are arrhythmic. With rhythmic impulses at high rate of repetition, an accelerated scanning rate was obtained. The results can be interpreted as consequences of interference processes and as adaptational effects of internal processing rhythms.  相似文献   

Effect of trait anger on cognitive processing of emotional stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present experiment, the authors examined whether trait anger was associated with cognitive biases for anger-related semantic stimuli. Fifty-two undergraduate students completed the Trait Anger Scale (TAS; C. D. Spielberger, G. Jacobs, S. Russell, & R. Crane, 1983), and those reporting TAS scores in the upper (n = 17) or lower (n = 13) quartiles of the sample were assigned to high- and low-anger groups, respectively. The 30 participants then engaged in a lexical decision task that presented various emotion words, neutral words, and nonwords. Results indicated that individuals who reported high levels of trait anger displayed facilitative biases in the processing of semantic anger-related stimuli. This predisposition to more readily process anger-related information may underlie their propensity to experience intense feelings of anger when provoked.  相似文献   

Effect of task demands on dual coding of pictorial stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have suggested that verbal labeling of a picture does not occur automatically. Although several experiments using paired-associate tasks produced little evidence indicating the use of a verbal code with picture stimuli, the tasks were probably not sensitive to whether the codes were activated initially. It is possible that verbal labels were activated at input, but not used later in performing the tasks. The present experiment used a color-naming interference task in order to assess, with a more sensitive measure, the amount of verbal coding occurring in response to word or picture input. Subjects named the color of ink in which words were printed following either word or picture input. If verbal labeling of the input occurs, then latency of color naming should increase when the input item and color-naming word are related. The results provided substantial evidence of such verbal activation when the input items were words. However, the presence of verbal activation with picture input was a function of task demands. Activation occurred when a recall memory test was used, but not when a recognition memory test was used. The results support the conclusion that name information (labels) need not be activated during presentation of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

The benefit of permanent prompts depends on the extent to which their use is generalized. Previous research has demonstrated both control by and efficacy of pictorial prompts (e.g., Phillips & Vollmer, 2012). The present studies similarly evaluated stimulus control by textual prompts. Six school aged children with intellectual disabilities were taught to complete four 5‐step instructional sets under the control of textual prompts. All 6 subjects showed some generalization to the final set. The results suggest that training served 1 of 3 purposes: (a) established control by the textual prompts or the ordinal sequence thereof, (b) addressed a reading deficit, or (c) addressed the lack of a motivating operation during baseline. Training a single task sequence may not be sufficient for acquisition of generalized textual instruction‐following. However, establishing appropriate stimulus control by the textual prompts may facilitate acquisition of a generalized repertoire.  相似文献   

The effect of signaled and nonsignaled posttrial episodes (PTEs) on conditioning to the target CS of a preceding compound CS-US trial was examined in two conditioned emotional response (CER) experiments with rats. Experiment 1 revealed that a nonsignaled PTE, a second shock US, interfered with conditioning to the preceding target CS and that the interference effect of the PTE was greater when it occurred 5 sec as opposed to 1,800 sec after the preceding compound CS-US trial. Experiment 2 revealed that if the shock PTE was signaled by a CS, its ability to interfere with conditioning was reduced. This second study also revealed that omission of an "expected" US interfered with conditioning to the target CS. The implications of these data for information processing models of Pavlovian conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

A new memory model is proposed based on regression analysis and exponential- shaped learning curves. The efficacy of the model is tested with several types of experiments including food aversion in snails, maze learning in rats and memory tests for adults and children. The model is also tested on drug abusers and alcoholics. The results of goodness of fit tests indicate that our model can accurately be used to predict the memory dynamics of diverse experiments and populations. The model can also be used to predict both group and individual performance. The application of the model to detect memory impairment is discussed, as are limitations.  相似文献   

在从两汉到唐宋时期的易学发展中,尤其是在河图洛书方面,关朗是一个比较重要的学者.但由于资料的匮乏,人们对其人其书缺乏了解和认识.该文从原始资料出发,先对其人的有无进行考证,再对其易著<关氏易传>作一辨正,并试图解决<洞极真经>的著作权问题,最后考述了关朗易学的传承脉络.在事实考证的基础上,确立了关朗在易学发展史上的地位,同时对文中子的研究亦有至为重要的作用.  相似文献   

Facial attractiveness has advantages both socially and sexually, and the human brain has evolved to perceive specific facial characteristics as attractive. The current research examined the effect of facial stimuli exposure time on facial attractiveness evaluations. In Experiment 1, 86 students observed 44 facial stimuli in short and long amounts of time. To eliminate any influence of repeated stimuli on the second observations, Experiment 2 was performed on 84 participants who observed the facial stimuli in either short or long durations. Differences in both experiments were significant. These studies showed that exposure time has an influence on the evaluation of facial attractiveness. Participants who were exposed to facial stimuli for a short amount of time perceived greater facial attractiveness than when they were exposed for a longer time to the same stimuli. In other words, faces were more beautiful when they were observed in a short amount of time, and this effect occurred regardless of gender.  相似文献   

The study corrected methodological weaknesses found in previous experiments designed to test the contentions of motivational research theorists that subliminal stimulation can affect buying behavior. The words "Hershey's Chocolate" were presented to a group of 18 experimental Ss below a forced-choice detection threshold. The 19 control Ss had a blank slide superimposed over the same background media. In a highly controlled buying situation neither experimental nor control Ss purchased Hershey's products, but on comparable chocolate products, the experimental Ss bought 5 and the control Ss, 3. A second study tested 15 experimental and 12 control Ss with the stimulus presented just below a recognition threshold. No experimental Ss bought Hershey's; two control Ss did. No support was found for the claims of motivational research theorists.  相似文献   

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