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This article applies the theory of self psychology, which was developed by Heinz Kohut, to brief group psychotherapy. The article discusses the significance of the group as an expanded selfobject for individuals who do not have appropriate, available selfobjects in their environment. The article addresses the rationale for developing a 12-week women's group from a self-psychological perspective and illustrates key theoretical concepts in the beginning, middle, and end phases with group process. The role of the therapist in each phase of group development is emphasized.  相似文献   


Like the Canadian landscape and culture, the status of professional regulation for counselling and psychotherapy is a mosaic reflecting the unique cultural, linguistic and contextual realities of Canada. Statutory regulation in Canada is constitutionally a provincial/territorial matter. In the past five years, a major movement towards professional regulation has emerged. The authors describe the variable status of regulation, focusing on three provinces: Quebec, Nova Scotia and Ontario. They explore the federal Agreement of Internal Trade, designed to facilitate inter-provincial/territorial mobility of regulated professionals. Finally, the authors summarise national research and development activities of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association that enhance the pan-Canadian mobility of practitioners and support shared professional understandings. These activities range from bilingual, national validation of competencies, definitions, titles and scopes of practice to symposia and an entry-to-practice competency assessment.  相似文献   

Childhood marks the dawn of human development. To organize, integrate, and advance knowledge about vocational development during this age period from a life-span perspective, we conducted a comprehensive review of the empirical vocational development literature that addresses early-to-late childhood. The review considers career exploration, career awareness, vocational expectations and aspirations, vocational interests, and career maturity/adaptability. By conducting the review, we sought to consolidate knowledge and identify avenues for further research concerned with vocational development in childhood and across the life span. Linking knowledge of child vocational development with what is known about adolescent and adult vocational development and conducting research that embeds vocational development within the fabric of a life-span developmental framework could move the field of vocational psychology from a disjointed perspective on career as studied in isolated age groups and toward an integrated life-span conceptualization.  相似文献   

Developmental research on attachment has flourished in the past 15 years (C. H. Zeanah, 1996). However, there has been relatively scant empirical investigation of disorders in attachment. In this article, the pertinent developmental research on the attachment cycle is delineated and the current status of disordered attachment is examined. A particular focus is given to the conceptualization of the most severe form of disordered attachment, Reactive Attachment Disorder.  相似文献   

Little recent objective evidence exists to qualify past concerns regarding the low numbers of psychologists working with older adults in Australia. The present study reports on figures from two surveys of Australian psychologists, finding that of the 1,699 psychologists surveyed, only 6% specialise in treating older adults. This figure is comparable to those from studies conducted overseas, where more training and employment opportunities are available. Reasons for such low figures are explored together with recommendations to meet the future demand for psychological services as the proportion of elderly adults within the Australian population increases.  相似文献   


The role of child psychiatrists is evolving. Economic and psychosocial factors such as marital breakdown, inner city decline, unemployment, plus increased awareness of conditions such as Substance Abuse and all forms of Child Abuse have led to stress for children and their caretakers. There is also increasing recognition that with help many troubled children and their families can emerge better able to function. Child psychiatrists occupy a pivotal position in the child mental health team and need to be familiar with all the treatment options available to ensure their effective use. This paper presents examples of current work being undertaken by child psychotherapists and discusses the implications of this for the training of child psychiatrists as well as for clinical work.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to review the emerging practice of structural phenomenological psychotherapy derived from the theory of psychological reversals and to provide some extensions of this practice. The paper does not provide a full account of reversal theory, which is available elsewhere (Apter, 1982; Apter et al., 1985). It does, however, provide an account of the way in which this theory can be applied to the practice of therapy. Throughout this paper, counselling and psychotherapy are regarded as synonymous.  相似文献   

The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a group contingency that reduces disruption and increases engagement in various contexts. In recent years, researchers have extended the GBG in at least 3 ways: (a) demonstrating its efficacy with novel populations, settings, and behaviors, (b) examining procedural variations that improve contextual fit, and (c) using more comprehensive data collection methods to explore the behavior of individual students and indirect effects. The purpose of the current review is to summarize recent advances, discuss implications of recent studies and potential mechanisms for the general efficacy of the GBG, and suggest future directions.  相似文献   

The concept of focus can provide a meaningful bridge between theory and practice. The authors' aim in this paper is to demonstrate that for theory to be clinically useful, it should provide a sense of focus and organization for clinical work. They illustrate how their particular use of a self-psychological/intersubjective model leads to an emphasis on what they refer to as "sustained empathic focus." The authors' choice of concepts leads them consistently to stress the patient's subjective experience and emerging vulnerability.  相似文献   

Electromyographic studies of subvocal speech are evaluated with two different aims: (1)a methodological review of controls for nonspeech artifact and of data analysis techniques, and (2) a review of substantive findings and suggestions for future research. A highly effective procedure, involving manipulation of phoneme content in certain trials, has been developed to control nonspeech artifact generated by the speech musculature. The commonly used data analysis technique of amplitude measurement of the single highest polygraph pen deflection is inadequate. Techniques which take frequency into account, such as analog computer integration of voltage values, are more sensitive. Even greater sensitivity is needed to isolate individual words so that rehearsal strategies can be investigated. It has been clearly established that preschool children as young as age 4 engage in spontaneous subvocalization that is related to recall in boys but not in girls.  相似文献   

Representation-oriented brief psychotherapy with mother-infant dyads is used to examine correspondences between maternal behaviors and maternal representations of her infant. A single case study is presented to illustrate how one can objectify interactional variables that may correspond behaviorally to underlying maternal mental representations. This paper presents the results of a collaboration that focuses on the process of enacting fantasy via the domain of behavior. Attention is drawn to interacted themes that are enacted versions of representational themes. Enacted themes are pathogenic in behavioral terms for the infant. Five themes are identified in the case material. Changes in the mother's representations affect both the mother-infant relationship and the infant's functioning.  相似文献   

The Performance Diagnostic Checklist-Human Services (PDC-HS) is an informant-based tool designed to identify the variables contributing to poor employee performance in human service settings, such as clinics, schools, and residential facilities. Upon completion of the tool, an intervention indicated by PDC-HS results is used to improve employee performance. To date, the PDC-HS has been used in a number of studies. This review describes the existing research on the PDC-HS and provides suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a therapeutic approach focusing on the role of interpersonal dynamics in creating psychological difficulties that may be particularly relevant to the field of counselling psychology. IPT’s development within randomized controlled trials in the 1970s resulted in a strong empirical foundation without a cohesive theory. Regardless, theorists have since created a theoretical framework for IPT, which has received empirical support. Counselling psychologists have contributed to this research base and may have unique expertise to enhance IPT. Specifically, counselling psychologists can help integrate multicultural and diversity perspectives into IPT with the goal of creating a more culturally competent approach. For example, several aspects of IPT can be expanded to reflect these perspectives, such as integrating cultural sensitivity, cultural knowledge, cultural empathy, and cultural guidance. The authors conclude that IPT is a well-researched and effective treatment approach that holds potential for continued development within counselling psychology.  相似文献   

Whether explicitly acknowledged or not, behavior-analytic principles are at the heart of most, if not all, empirically supported therapies. However, the change process in psychotherapy is only now being rigorously studied. Functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP; Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991; Tsai et al., 2009) explicitly identifies behavioral-change principles used to bring about therapeutic improvements in adult outpatients whose clinical problems stem from ineffective interpersonal repertoires. These principles include contingent responding to behavioral excesses and deficits by a therapist who has established him- or herself as a salient source of social reinforcement. Empirical support for FAP is emerging, but a variety of pragmatic and theoretical questions warrant investigation. Among the issues described in this paper are the training and dissemination of procedures for how to conduct a functional analysis, how to train therapists to identify functional stimulus classes, how to best address decreasing problem behavior without creating an aversive environment, how to enhance generalization, and how to account for the principle of equifinality when trying to specify therapeutic procedures. These and other issues stem largely from trying to disseminate a behavioral principle-based intervention rather than a topographically specified intervention. These issues present challenges and research opportunities for applied clinical behavior analysts if they wish to extend their science to address clinical issues important to the treatment of adult outpatients with normal intellectual functioning.  相似文献   

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