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陆群 《宗教学研究》2006,(2):128-132
自然宗教最基本的教义特征是把自然力人格化并重巫术,因而试图把这类宗教从很多研究者定义为的“初级宗教”或“原始宗教”还原为“自然宗教”,把其视为一种独特的宗教类型来看。对自然宗教的研究其文化意义从理论上讲是对长期的已然存在的自然宗教社会事实的确认,对以往原始宗教认识的深化和发展,从实践上讲可以为我国民族地区的宗教事务管理提供整套的资料储备和历史借鉴,对防范宗教信仰失控,维护民族地区的安定将发挥重大的作用。  相似文献   

清朝前期,新疆文化呈现二元文化格局,清朝中后期即统一新疆之后,新疆文化演变为多元文化。除人文因素的影响外,清代新疆文化的变迁与当地的自然地理环境密切相关,其中地理位置、疆域面积、气候条件、山川形势、天山的位置等因素对新疆文化的发展、变迁产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

儒家文化是自然祛魅之前的文化,它对于自然保留着神性或神意的看法,承认自然之"魅"。其所谓自然之神意或魅是自然的知其然而不知其所以然的神妙莫测的运行机制和力量。儒家文化通过祭祀表达对于自然的敬畏和报答,这叫做"报本反始"和"仁至义尽"。祭祀之礼的生态意义在于它把人从属于自然,从属于天道,使人和天地万物联系在一起,促使人们对于自然保持敬畏的情感。这是一种在宗教掩盖之下的生态循环观念,是天人合一的一种表现。  相似文献   

自然课程与梅洛-庞蒂对本体论突破所做的修正相符合,因此发挥了重要的作用。他把对自然的追问深植于知觉现象学之后的思想运动中。在他看来,知觉现象学所通向的对语言表达的分析展现了意义作为建制(institution)的定义,梅洛-庞蒂将它理解为使表达自得(appropriation expressive)的开放系列肇始的东西。正是这种建制理论使对被感知事物的分析转向自然反思的方向:被感知事物是区别于被制定的事物(l institué)的自然事物。自然是"非构造的,非制定的",因此是表达的源泉。本文认为以下四个命题可以用来概括自然哲学:(1)"全体并不比部分更不真实";(2)存在一种否定的实在,因此在存在和虚无之间不存在二择一;(3)自然事件并不具有惟一的时空定域;(4)只有作为发生性的普遍性。  相似文献   

范式论对心理学研究具有重要的影响。这种影响十分复杂。本文旨在通过分析范式论对心理学研究中两种文化对立的影响。促进范式论对消解心理学中两种文化对立的积极作用。  相似文献   

自然体验是指个体通过各种感官感知自然或与源于自然界的刺激互动。学者通常使用问卷测量法、自然指标法或实验操纵法来量化操纵人们的自然体验,发现接触自然可以在心理、生理和行为等方面产生积极效应。且这些积极效应会受到物理环境、个体以及社会因素的影响。未来应突破“城市——自然”二元对立思想并加强积极效应的纵深研究;拓展研究群体;促进相关研究成果的实际应用。  相似文献   

<正> 自然界是人类生存的客观环境,人们对于自然的观照和参与,是社会文化的无尽源泉。现代哲学认为,人作为自然物生存于“自然世界”,但同时人又能超越自然,生存于其自身创造的“文化世界”当中。于是,哲学的根本特征,就在于以人的活动为中介而扔弃了自然与精神,客观与主观的抽象对立,并把社会存在本身作为哲学所追寻的本体。  相似文献   

罗姝 《四川心理科学》2014,(12):105-105
自然山水早在先秦时期的文学作品中便已孕育萌芽,其中所表达的理论观念和思想文化对后世游记的兴起有着深远的影响。本文将概述自然山水在先秦文学中出现的源流、发展及重要作品和思想观念。  相似文献   

"道法自然,贵生乐生,齐同慈爱,抱朴守真"这16个字是2011年10月在南岳衡山举办的国际道教论坛留给人们最为凝炼的精神养分。如何充分吸收这些养分,巩固国际道教论坛成果,推动道教文化发展,服务社会主义文  相似文献   

当代审美文化与以往的文化形态有诸多区别,但在其发展过程中也出现了许多新问题。由于人类对待自然的态度发生了变化,文化逐渐失去了对自然的尊重和敬畏,二者的关系由和谐逐渐变得疏离甚至对立。当代审美文化应该正视对自然直接造成的破坏,并且在协调文化与自然的关系中承担起自己的责任。"世界的返魅"通过对唯物主义自然观、人类中心伦理学、主客二分思维法的批判,给缓解文化与自然的矛盾提供了可能性。  相似文献   

齐文化的特征、旨归与本质--兼论齐、鲁、秦文化之异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐文化是先秦时代的东方大国——齐国所创造的文化系统。这一文化系统以广收博采、融合创新为特征,以富国强兵、诏令天下为旨归,以实用主义为本质,与鲁文化与秦文化相较有着自己的鲜明特征。鲁文化是道德的理想主义的文化,秦文化是建构的功利主义的文化,而齐文化是实用主义的文化。然而,齐文化由实用主义流衍为功利主义,复由功利主义流变为享乐主义,致使其在政治上没能完成统一中国的大业,文化上未能由区位文化上升为中原文化的主体。  相似文献   

This article examines the claim by Bruno Latour that the modern division between the realms of nature and culture is in collapse. Following Latour, the division of nature and culture is located within a “modern constitution” which also includes the bracketing of God and a non-theological ontology. Technology is examined as a means of overcoming the chaotic collapse of the dualism of nature and culture. Particular reference is made to the work of Donna Haraway. However, it is argued that technology, in being mimetic, is not able to re-configure the relationship between nature and culture. Instead, through a comparison of the theologies of John Calvin and St. Thomas Aquinas, nature and culture are seen to be reconfigured in a non-mimetic understanding of the Eucharist in which the natural and cultural elements of the Church's liturgy reach their telos through participation in the divine life.  相似文献   

Francisco J. Ayala 《Zygon》1998,33(4):507-523
I will, first, outline what we currently know about the last 4 million years of human evolutionary history, from bipedal but small-brained Australopithecus to modern Homo sapiens, our species, through the prolific toolmaker Homo habilis and the continent wanderer Homo erectus. I shall then identify anatomical traits that distinguish us from other animals and point out our two kinds of heredity, the biological and the cultural.
Biological inheritance is based on the transmission of genetic information, in humans very much the same as in other sexually reproducing organisms. But cultural inheritance is distinctively human, based on transmission of information by a teaching and learning process that is in principle independent of biological parentage. Cultural inheritance makes possible the cumulative transmission of experience from generation to generation. Cultural heredity is a swifter and more effective (because it can be designed) mode of adaptation to the environment than the biological mode. The advent of cultural heredity ushered in cultural evolution, which transcends biological evolution.
I will, finally, explore ethical behavior as a model case of a distinctive human trait, and seek to ascertain the causal connections between human ethics and human biology. My conclusions are that (1) moral reasoning—that is, the proclivity to make ethical judgments by evaluating actions as either good or evil—is rooted in our biological nature; it is a necessary outcome of our exalted intelligence, but (2) the moral codes that guide our decisions as to which actions are good and which ones are evil are products of culture, including social and religious traditions. This second conclusion contradicts those evolutionists and sociobiologists who claim that the morally good is simply that which is promoted by the process of biological evolution.  相似文献   

Human Nature and Culture: An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Personality psychology is the broadest of all psychological subdisciplines in that it seeks a conceptually integrated understanding of both human nature and important individual differences. Cultural differences pose a unique set of problems for any comprehensive theory of personality—how can they be reconciled with universals of human nature on the one hand and within‐cultural variation on the other? Evolutionary psychology provides one set of conceptual tools by which this conceptual integration can be made. It requires jettisoning the false but still‐pervasive dichotomy of culture versus biology, acknowledging a universal human nature, and recognizing that the human mind contains many complex psychological mechanisms that are selectively activated, depending on cultural contexts. Culture rests on a foundation of evolved psychological mechanisms and cannot be understood without those mechanisms.  相似文献   

Data from surveys and personal interviews were used to analyze gendered patterns and contexts of the mobile phone use of Israelis. The findings suggest that the mobile phone has become an everyday, highly regarded, multipurpose interpersonal communication device rather than a working tool. Both men and women discussed their perceptions of the role of the mobile phone in their lives in quite a traditional gendered manner—activity and technological appropriation for men and dependency and domesticity for women. At the same time, the actual phoning habits and attitudes of users point to a pattern of domestication of the mobile phone and even feminization of its consumption.  相似文献   

Nietzsche claims that we are fated to be as we are. He also claims, however, that we can create ourselves. To many commentators these twin commitments have seemed self‐contradictory or paradoxical. The argument of this paper, by contrast, is that, despite appearances, there is no paradox here, nor even a tension between Nietzsche's two claims. Instead, when properly interpreted these claims turn out to be intimately related to one another, so that our fatedness (and our acknowledgement of our fatedness) emerges as integral to our capacity to become self‐creators. The paper also offers, in the course of undermining a false alternative that is deeply entrenched in the philosophical tradition, a reading of Nietzsche's doctrine of amor fati that actually – and perhaps uniquely – makes full sense of section 276 of The Gay Science, the chief source for this aspect of his thought.  相似文献   

介绍了孟子的性善论,荀子的性恶论,告子的人性无善无恶论,以及扬雄的人性善恶相混论。希望通过对儒家文化的分析来为传统文化对人格形成的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

Contemporary discussions of gender and nature are likely to suffer from two vexations, the conflict of constructivism and naturalism and the conflict of nativism and rationalism. As a solution to the first I propose postmodern realism and as a remedy for the second a notion of careful scholarship. With the solutions laid out, I will illustrate and test them by discussing friendship and fidelity within the scope of gender and nature.  相似文献   

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