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中国的美学思想贯穿于文艺的各个领域,书法当然也不例外,它的主要美学思想便是自然,来源自然,师法自然。自然更是书家真情实感的流露。一幅成功的书法作品既要肥瘦适度,有着神、气、骨、肉、血五者具备的用笔,又要有平正安稳自然匀称的结体。自然是书家排除俗虑、摆脱功利心态的任情而书,展现给我们一种自然生动之美。 相似文献
正葛洪在《抱朴子》中说:"非长生难也,闻道难也;非闻道难也,行之难也。非行之难也,终之难也。"历代高道、学者都讲,顺其自然、清静无为是道教的根本宗旨。我们的养生也要遵循顺其自然、清静无为之道,即以自然之道养自然之生。《汉书·艺文志·方技略》中说:"神仙者,所以保性命之真而游求于其外者也,聊以荡意平心,同死生之域,而无怵惕于胸中",也是要我们顺其自然,清静无为。一切生命 相似文献
杭州西湖北岸的北山路,不仅排列着岳庙、秋水山庄、孤云草舍、静逸别墅等一大群建筑风格各异的组合,其沿线还沉淀着无数优雅的传说和经典的故事,堪称杭州最具历史文化内涵之地。山依湖而立,湖以山为伴,路却是传神造形的纽带。清翠的林荫大道,再也藏不住寂静的向往,川流不息的人流车流,与脚下的流水交响而歌。这人头攒动里流动着男女老少的笑靥,停歇 相似文献
自然宗教最基本的教义特征是把自然力人格化并重巫术,因而试图把这类宗教从很多研究者定义为的“初级宗教”或“原始宗教”还原为“自然宗教”,把其视为一种独特的宗教类型来看。对自然宗教的研究其文化意义从理论上讲是对长期的已然存在的自然宗教社会事实的确认,对以往原始宗教认识的深化和发展,从实践上讲可以为我国民族地区的宗教事务管理提供整套的资料储备和历史借鉴,对防范宗教信仰失控,维护民族地区的安定将发挥重大的作用。 相似文献
与价值观上主张自然原则相应,庄子肯定政治领域应顺物自然,合乎民意。较之儒家的“民本”思想,与顺物自然相联系的“合乎民意”具有不同涵义。儒家所主张的“民本”主要强调治国应奠基于民众之上,其特点在于以民众作为治国的基础和出发点,庄子所理解的“顺应民意”,则首先以不干预民众为指向。从形而上的层面看,政治哲学关乎对道的理解。通过道术与巫术交锋,庄子指出了两者的重要分别在于自然无为和有意而为之:巫术的特点是基于经验性的显现作出推测,属有意而为之;道术则趋向于自然无为。本于天性,构成了为道的特点。巫术与道术之别,体现了“技”与“道”的分野,其中包含着以道的智慧引导治国过程的内在意向。从治国或政治哲学的角度来说,“浑沌”隐喻着庄子所认同的原始秩序,此种秩序以智慧未开、是非之争尚未展开为前提。从人性的角度看,原初秩序与人的自然天性相一致。庄子以天人之辨为政治哲学的内在主线。天人之分体现于不同方面,包括人性规定、行为方式,等等。“浑沌之死”意味着理想存在状态的结束,它表明偏离本然的有为而治,将导致理想存在状态的终结。庄子的相关理解中,同时包含内在的历史限定。 相似文献
20世纪30年代,抗日救亡成为时代的主题,朱谦之为“文化救国”、“科学救国”计,大力倡导“南方文化运动”。朱先生的理由在于南方文化有自己的优越性:“科学的文化”、“产业的文化”、“革命的文化”。朱先生还用“文化的地理分布理论”对其进行了论证。“南方文化运动”实质上是一场关于文化的现代化运动,它除了对当时的抗日救亡运动有重要贡献外,对促进近代以来南方文化的觉醒,对中国文化现代化的探讨,也有鲜明的启示作用。 相似文献
在中国传统“形上之道”与西方“Metaphysics(形而上学)”两者都是对超经验的形上事物的研究,但是也存在着根本的不可通约的区别:“形而上学”是着眼于从认识论求“真”的角度来研究的关于自然本体论的“知识”,即“自然形而上学”;而中国的“形上之道”更多地表现为求“善”的内心体验式的对道德境界的追求和精神寄托,即“道德形而上学”。产生区别的内在原因是传统西方以“主客两分”为特征的理性传统与传统中国以“天人合一”为特征的德性传统的不同。 相似文献
Both thinkings on Dao in Chinese philosophy and metaphysics in Western philosophy investigate things on a spiritual level
that transcends experience, but there are incommensurable differences between them. The objective of “metaphysics” is ontological
knowledge about nature from the perspective of epistemological “truth-pursuing”. Western metaphysics is thus a “metaphysics
of nature”. Dao in Chinese philosophy, on the other hand, more often manifests itself in “good-pursuing” by means of the internal,
experiential pursuit of moral stature and spiritual security. Philosophy of Dao is thus a “metaphysics of ethics”. The cause
of this difference can be traced back to the differences between the rational tradition of the West, characterized by the
dualism of the subject and the object, and the moral tradition of China, characterized by the integration of man and nature.
Translated by Zhang Lin from Lunlixue yanjiu 伦理学研究 (Studies in Ethics), 2007, (4): 62–65 相似文献
谶纬之学是汉代的一种具有浓重神秘主义色彩的学术思想。它的形成,是齐文化与鲁文化结合的精神成果之一。具体来讲,齐地的方士文化与鲁文化的代表儒学在新的时代背景下,适应于统治者的政治需要,组合形成了谶纬之学,并对汉代政治和文化的走向产生了重大影响。 相似文献
James Yerkes 《Zygon》1998,33(3):431-442
Adjustments in the understanding of the relation of religion and science since the Enlightenment require new considerations in epistemology and metaphysics. Constructionist theories of knowledge and process theories of metaphysics better provide the new paradigms needed both to preserve and to limit the significance of each field of human understanding. In a course taught at Moravian College, this perspective is applied to the concepts of nature, reality, and the sacred, with a view to showing how we might develop one such paradigm. Key resources for this task are to be found in the work of artist René Magritte; theologians Langdon Gilkey, Arthur Peacocke, and John Haught; philosophers and historians of science Alfred North Whitehead, Timothy Ferris, Ernan Mc Mullin, and Ian Barbour; philosopher of religion Paul Ricoeur; and historians of religion Rudolph Otto and Mircea Eliade. Such a new paradigm calls for an ecologically sensitive religious awareness which is both sacramental and holistic. 相似文献
This article introduces a series of articles analysing the current state of theology and inquiring about the possibilities of a renewed theological culture (not least within secular societies). It places theology, and more precisely, the conditions of a possible renewal thereof, in several fields of tension. Paradigmatic for secular societies is the tension between theology and the natural sciences. It is argued that theology and the natural sciences cultivate different modes of reasoning on different epistemic levels and that no competition between them has to be construed if one is not caught up in the premises of secularism. A brief summary of each of the contributions follows these initial remarks. 相似文献
Andrew Stables 《Studies in Philosophy and Education》2009,28(1):3-14
From a cultural-historical perspective, nature and nurture (and thus education) are contested concepts. The paper focuses
on the nature/nurture debate in the work of William Shakespeare (influenced by Montaigne) and in the Romantic tradition (evidenced
by Rousseau and Wordsworth), and argues that while our Romantic inheritance (still highly influential in education) problematises
nurture, it tends to mystify nature. Given that conceptions of nature are culturally driven, there is an urgent educational
challenge to problematise nature as well as nurture.
Andrew StablesEmail: |
Mario Rendon 《American journal of psychoanalysis》2001,61(4):325-340
Using psychoanalytic theory, this paper attempts to trace the natural history of the phenomenon designated as Culture. It postulates that psychoanalysis, a product of the Hegelian philosophical revolution, is still one of the best instruments to understand Culture. It traces the origins of culture as postulated by Freud and the pioneer anthropologists and its course from early and evolved religion through humanism, science, and finally postmodernism. It emphasizes the dialectical concepts in psychoanalysis and reviews summarily those psychoanalysts that, according to the author, have had a major impact on the study of culture: Freud, Horney, and Lacan. 相似文献
Nancey Murphy 《Zygon》1999,34(4):551-571
This essay addresses three problems facing a physicalist (as opposed to dualist) account of the person. First, how can such an account fail to be reductive if mental events are neurological events and such events are governed by natural laws? Answering this question requires a reexamination of the concept of supervenience. Second, what is the epistemological status of nonreductive physicalism? Recent philosophy of science can be used to argue that there is reasonable scientific evidence for physicalism. Third, the soul has traditionally been seen as that which enables human beings to relate to God. What accounts for this capacity in a physicalist theory of the person? This essay argues that the same faculties that enable higher cognitive and emotional experience also account for the capacity for religious experience. 相似文献
Kral MJ Ramírez García JI Aber MS Masood N Dutta U Todd NR 《American journal of community psychology》2011,47(1-2):46-57
Interest is growing in community psychology to look more closely at culture. Culture has resided in community psychology in its emphasis on context, ecology, and diversity, however we believe that the field will benefit from a more explicit focus on culture. We suggest a cultural approach that values the community's points of view and an understanding of shared and divergent meanings, goals, and norms within a theory of empowerment. Furthermore, we posit the importance of pluralistic, multi-method programs of research and action encompassing both idiographic and nomothetic approaches, and critical reflexivity of our roles and agendas. Culture can be further incorporated into all the branches and fibers of community psychology. 相似文献
《World Futures: Journal of General Evolution》2012,68(2):104-111
This article suggests that nature awareness and panpsychic gratitude transform a wounded mechanistic reductionist worldview into creative regenerative participation with the more-than-human world. Four practical keys are shared that have proven to be helpful in resuscitating the indigenous heart and cultivating greater empathy, love, compassion, and insight into the metaphoric resonance and teachings of the natural world. This inquiry situates the human family as vital consciousness tendrils of the living planet in this critical time of shifting climate patterns, loss of biodiversity due to human presence, geopolitical conflicts, and other challenges as we step into the Ecozoic Era. 相似文献