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The MMPI-2 is often used for screening job applicants when public safety or security are at risk. Inherent in such applications is concern for profile validity and test defensiveness. In this study, we examine the impact of revised instructions on profile validity for a group of job applicants who initially produced invalid profiles. Participants were 271 male applicants for airline pilot positions. Of these, 72 produced invalid defensive MMPI-2 profiles during preemployment screening. The MMPI-2 was readministered to these applicants with instructions informing them of validity scales and instructing them to respond in a more open, honest manner. Comparisons were made between valid and invalid profiles for initial administrations and between valid and invalid profiles at readministration. Some clinical scales were more elevated for valid, nondefensive profiles. Most content scales showed more elevation for valid profiles, and 12% of the applicants who were retested produced significant elevations (T>or=65) on the content scales. Profiles were similar to those produced by employed pilots of a previous study.  相似文献   

The MMPI-2 is often used for screening job applicants when public safety or security are at risk. Inherent in such applications is concern for profile validity and test defensiveness. In this study, we examine the impact of revised instructions on profile validity for a group of job applicants who initially produced invalid profiles. Participants were 271 male applicants for airline pilot positions. Of these, 72 produced invalid defensive MMPI-2 profiles during preemployment screening. The MMPI-2 was readministered to these applicants with instructions informing them of validity scales and instructing them to respond in a more open, honest manner. Comparisons were made between valid and invalid profiles for initial administrations and between valid and invalid profiles at readministration. Some clinical scales were more elevated for valid, nondefensive profiles. Most content scales showed more elevation for valid profiles, and 12% of the applicants who were retested produced significant elevations on the content scales. Profiles were similar to those produced by employed pilots of a previous study.  相似文献   

Preemployment drug and alcohol tests can provide valid information about current impairment andlor recent use of specific substances, but their relevance for making decisions about job applicants may be limited. We show how the testing method, the narrow window of time in which specific drugs or their metabolytes can be detected, and the circumstances of testing combine to substantially affect the inferences that can be drawn about applicants who pass or fail these tests. We suggest a statetrait framework for analyzing preemployment drug and alcohol tests, and note that the very weak and indirect links between the states being measured (e.g., recent drug use) and the trait inferences being drawn from the test (e.g., long-term suitability for employment) may limit the validity of these tests.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes a number of studies in which the validity of the Employee Reliability Inventory, a preemployment screening instrument designed to assess the likelihood of reliable and productive workplace behavior, was examined. Criterion-related studies compared the scores of a broadly diverse group of job applicants with those obtained from an array of criterion and comparison groups, for whom there was documented evidence of reliable or unreliable behavior. Criterion-related evidence indicates that the six scales are effective in differentiating a variety of criterion groups with unreliable behavior from a number of different job applicant comparison groups. Construct-related evidence for the validity of an emotional adjustment scale is reported as well. The issue of response distortion in preemployment inventories is discussed, and data are reported which indicate that scores on all six scales appear to be functionally free from the potentially confounding effects of response distortion. These results are consistent with the original validation and cross-validation findings, which supported the validity of the six scales when assessing the likelihood of reliable behavior in a population of job applicants.  相似文献   

Although multitasking has been identified as an important competency for many jobs, standardized preemployment tests of multitasking are uncommon, and their validity beyond separate single-task assessments is unclear. To address this gap, this study compared the validity of a preemployment multitasking assessment (with math, memorization, and monitoring tasks presented concurrently) to an assessment in which the same constituent tasks were assessed separately. Among military pilot applicants, concurrent multitasking predicted both flying and academic performance, whereas serial single-task scores and their combination predicted only academic performance. Larger multitasking decrements (i.e., operationalized as the difference between single-task and multiple-task performance of the same constituent tasks) were associated with poorer flying performance. Results suggest the potential utility of multitasking assessments in selection for military jobs requiring competing, concurrent task demands.  相似文献   

The ability of a preemployment integrity test to predict future admissions of counterproductive behavior by employees was investigated. Job applicants completed the London House Personnel Selection Inventory (PSI) as part of an overall selection process. Approximately one year later, a survey was sent to applicants at their home addresses. The survey asked for the frequency with which these applicants engaged in a variety of counterproductive behaviors at work. The PSI accurately predicted admissions of cash and merchandise theft, theft of time, behaviors associated with poor job performance, and the frequency with which the theft of other employees was observed.  相似文献   

Integrating justification-suppression and stereotype content models of prejudice, this research examines religious discrimination in employment settings. In the first study, confederates dressed in either Muslim-identified or nonreligious attire, who either did or did not provide stereotype-inconsistent information, applied for retail jobs. No differences emerged with regard to interview offers between job applicants dressed in traditional Muslim attire and those in the control condition. However, interactions were shorter and rated (by confederates, observers, and naïve coders) as more interpersonally negative when applicants wore Muslim attire and did not provide stereotype-inconsistent information than when applicants wore nonreligious attire. Similarly, results from a second experimental study in which participants rated fictitious Muslim or non-Muslim job applicants suggest that reactions were most negative toward Muslim applicants who did not provide stereotype-inconsistent information. Together, these findings suggest that justification-suppression and stereotype content models are complementary, and that Muslims may face challenges to employment that reflect a lack of acceptance of this religious identity.  相似文献   

In selection research and practice, there have been many attempts to correct scores on noncognitive measures for applicants who may have faked their responses somehow. A related approach with more impact would be identifying and removing faking applicants from consideration for employment entirely, replacing them with high-scoring alternatives. The current study demonstrates that under typical conditions found in selection, even this latter approach has minimal impact on mean performance levels. Results indicate about .1 SD change in mean performance across a range of typical correlations between a faking measure and the criterion. Where trait scores were corrected only for suspected faking, and applicants not removed or replaced, the minimal impact the authors found on mean performance was reduced even further. By comparison, the impact of selection ratio and test validity is much larger across a range of realistic levels of selection ratios and validities. If selection researchers are interested only in maximizing predicted performance or validity, the use of faking measures to correct scores or remove applicants from further employment consideration will produce minimal effects.  相似文献   

To determine the relative effectiveness of instructions designed to reduce sex discrimination in employment interviews, 96 students rated resumes for both a male and a female applicant. In one instructional condition subjects were told the specific requirements necessary for success on the job. In a second condition subjects were warned that it was illegal to discriminate on the applicant's sex. A third condition received both instructions, and a fourth received neither. Results revealed a series of interactions suggesting that the use of legal warning alone tended to increase the ratings of male applicants in some cases and influenced how male evaluators rated all applicants in other cases. The major implications were that legal warnings may actually bias ratings in favor of male applicants and may occasionally lead male evaluators to make lenient ratings. The specification of job requirements was suggested as a viable method of reducing discrimination.This work was supported in part by funds from the Foundation of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and from the State of North Carolina. The author wishes to thank P. S. Siegfried, J. Thomas Puglisi, and an anonymous reviewer for their comments and revisions of an earlier draft.  相似文献   

Employers are becoming directly involved in the AIDS crisis as the number of employees suffering from the disease grows. AIDS in the workplace raises a host of new questions, some of them highly controversial. This paper focuses on one such controversy—AIDS testing for employment purposes. Brief medical and legal overviews are provided before reviewing AIDS testing prevalence and diagnostic procedures. A number of arguments for and against AIDS testing for employment purposes are raised and examined against the facts. One of the conclusions is that AIDS test results are not a legally defensible basis for employment decisions. In light of this position, the paper ends with a discussion of employers' responsibilities in managing AIDS cases in the workplace.  相似文献   

The theory and practice of aptitude testing are critically discussed within the context of current efforts to improve the status of the poor. Aptitude testing is contrasted with achievement testing with special attention directed toward underlying assumptions, validation procedures, and the interpretation of test scores. Aptitude tests are found to have profoundly bad effects for disadvantaged applicants. The tests bar them from employment and destroy their aspirations in the process. Recommendation is made for a battery of pre-employment tests more closely related to achievement test principles. It is argued that such a battery would be more relevant and hope-redeeming for underprivileged applicants while preserving the advantages of pre-employment ability testing.  相似文献   

Job applicant faking, that is, consciously misrepresenting information during the selection process, is ubiquitous and is a threat to the usefulness of various selection tools. Understanding antecedents of faking is thus of utmost importance. Recent theories of faking highlight the central role of various forms of competition for understanding why faking occurs. Drawing on these theories, we suggest that the more applicants adhere to competitive worldviews (CWs), that is, the more they believe that the social world is a competitive, Darwinian‐type of struggle over scarce resources, the more likely they are to fake in employment interviews. We tested our hypothesis in three independent studies that were conducted in five different countries. Results show that CWs are strongly associated with faking, independently of job applicants’ cultural and economic context. More specifically, applicants’ CWs explain faking intentions and self‐reported past faking above and beyond the Dark Triad of personality (Study 1), competitiveness and the six facets of conscientiousness (Study 2). Also, when faking is measured using a response randomisation technique to control for social desirability, faking is more prevalent among applicants with strong vs. less strong CWs (Study 3). Taken together, this research demonstrates that competition is indeed strongly associated with undesirable applicant behaviors.  相似文献   

In order to determine the relationship between selected characteristics and behaviors of applicants for employment and the outcome of their interviews, interviewer ratings of 398 registrants of a university placement office were analyzed. Factor analysis suggested that applicants were rated on two dimensions: their behavior during the interview and their credentials. The importance of the candidate's general impression on the interviewer is noted, and the need for applicants to be aware that credentials and interview behavior alone do not ensure employment is stressed.  相似文献   

The policy declaring placement as top priority, accompanied by a responsive focus of staff and budget resources, has decreased the availability of counseling services to applicants contacting the employment service. Many people, if they are to be assisted in finding and keeping jobs, need the help given by professional employment service counselors. Management and program planners need an accountability rate of the importance of counseling services in the accomplishment of the placement priority. A study, covering two years of employment activities, was conducted in the Utah agency to gain insight into the question. The statistical material studied concerned available applicants, number placed, number counseled, and counseled applicants placed. The data indicated that counseled applicants have better than twice the chance of being placed on a job than uncounseled applicants. Thus, in Utah, counseling services have a positive influence in the job placement of an applicant.  相似文献   

Evaluations of applicants made using an assessment process which incorporates many practices and procedures advocated in the literature but often disregarded in employment were examined. Two employment interviewers and 29 line managers independently evaluated 181 applicants for manufacturing production work in terms of 5 factors of effective performance. Average interrater reliabilities ranged from .60 to .69. Results indicated reliabilities were comparable for applicants grouped by race and sex, and that interviewers were calibrated with one another in terms of level of evaluations. The assessment model described in the present study is discussed in terms of its suitability as a vehicle for further research in employment interviewing and its practical usefulness.  相似文献   

Unproctored Internet testing (UIT) is becoming more popular in employment settings due to its cost effectiveness and efficiency. However, one of the major concerns with UIT is the possibility of cheating behaviors: a more capable conspirator can sit beside the real applicant and answer test items, or the applicant may use unauthorized materials. The present study examined the effectiveness of using a proctored verification test following the UIT to identify cheating in UIT, where 2 test statistics, a Z‐test and a likelihood ratio (LR) test, compare the consistency of test performance across the testing conditions. A simulation study was conducted to test the effectiveness of the two test statistics for a computerized adaptive test format. Results indicate that both test statistics have high power to detect dishonest job applicants at low Type I error rates. Compared with the LR test, the Z‐test was more efficient and effective and is therefore recommended for practical applications. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been a commonly held belief for some time that applicants attempt to manage impressions of interviewers in the employment interview process, but only recently have researchers begun to examine systematically the tactics applicants use, and how effective they are. The present study contrasted two sets of impression management tactics used by applicants and observed their effects on interviewer decisions in a controlled laboratory experiment. An applicant who employed self-focused-type impression management tactics was rated higher, received more recommendations for a job offer, and received fewer rejections from business students, who had just completed an interviewer training program, than when he used other-focused-type tactics. The implications of these results in terms of both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Several questions were investigated regarding the placement rates of counseled and uncounseled employment security applicants. A random sample of 221 inactive application cards was drawn from 12 employment security district offices. Comparisons were made between the counseled and uncounseled groups. It was found that counseled applicants typically had more employability barriers than did those who had not received counseling. Regardless of that fact, the placement rate of counseled applicants was almost twice that of the uncounseled. In general, as the number of counseling interviews increased there was a corresponding increase in the placement rate. This relationship was consistent with a variety of applicant groups.  相似文献   

Two studies indicated that being a nontraditional job applicant due to voluntary interruption of college attendance had detrimental consequences for employment evaluation. These negative reactions were more severe for women than for men. Women with interrupted attendance received the most negative responses (Studies 1 and 2). Choosing to interrupt college attendance increased perceived instability and also positively affected perceived flexibility, and these characterizations were related to evaluative outcomes (Study 2). Moreover, both instability and flexibility characterizations contributed to the gender‐discrepant consequences of interrupted college attendance. Female applicants were rated more negatively on flexibility characterizations than were male applicants. Furthermore, although there were no gender differences in ratings of instability, instability ratings were found to negatively impact evaluations of female applicants, but not male applicants.  相似文献   

Applicants use honest and deceptive impression management (IM) in employment interviews. Deceptive IM is especially problematic because it can lead organizations to hire less competent but deceptive applicants if interviewers are not able to identify the deception. We investigated interviewers’ capacity to detect IM in 5 experimental studies using real‐time video coding of IM (N = 246 professional interviewers and 270 novice interviewers). Interviewers’ attempts to detect applicants’ IM were often unsuccessful. Interviewers were better at detecting honest than deceptive IM. Interview question type affected IM detection, but interviewers’ experience did not. Finally, interviewers’ perceptions of IM use by applicants were related to their evaluations of applicants’ performance in the interview. Interviewers’ attempts to adjust their evaluations of applicants they perceive to use deceptive IM may fail because they cannot correctly identify when applicants actually engage in various IM tactics. Helping interviewers to better identify deceptive IM tactics used by applicants may increase the validity of employment interviews.  相似文献   

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