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The effects of EMG biofeedback training on cursive handwriting were investigated for 4 girls and 5 boys in Grade 4. A significant reduction in EMG between the first baseline session and the last training session was obtained. Four of 5 characteristics of handwriting improved significantly. The need for carefully designed research comparing EMG biofeedback training and relaxation training was indicated. A self-control factor in handwriting was hypothesized.  相似文献   

24 patients with chronic low back pain were randomly assigned to three treatment conditions: EMG biofeedback, relaxation training, and a placebo condition. Patients were seen for eight sessions and were evaluated before Session 1 and after Session 8. Eight analyses of covariance which were adjusted for age and pretest scores were computed on the final scores to find which variables could detect significant difference between treatments. Age was included as a covariate because the differences in age between conditions were significant. Four variables with significant and nearly significant differences were chosen for analysis. The second set of analyses identified the nature of the differences among the three conditions. These included a priori planned comparisons among conditions, and paired t tests. Relaxation-trained subjects were significantly superior to subjects in the placebo condition, in decreasing pain during the function test, increasing relaxation, and decreasing Upper Trapezius EMG. They were superior to EMG Biofeedback training in increasing reported activity. Both Relaxation and EMG trained subjects were able to reduce Upper Trapezius EMG by Session 8. Relaxation-trained subjects showed significant change on eight of the 14 possible comparisons for each treatment condition. EMG biofeedback training showed significant favorable results in only one condition; the placebo condition showed no significant results. Relaxation training gave better results in reducing EMG and pain, and in increasing relaxation and activity than either EMG biofeedback alone or a placebo condition.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare the effects of general relaxation (passive group) and neuromuscular tension control (active group), both using EMG biofeedback techniques, on the performance of memorization, simple reaction time, and rotary pursuit. 18 subjects were given five consecutive daily sessions of training or were placed under control conditions, after which their performance on these various tasks was evaluated. Results indicate that control of neuromuscular tension seemed to facilitate performance on all tasks over that of the control group. Except for simple reaction time, there was no difference between the "active" and "passive" groups. The results are interpreted in terms of factors in selection of subjects and experimental conditions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the psychophysiology of "muscle-contraction" headaches in a group of Compensation patients suffering from multiple pain problems in addition to headaches. A total of 55 of these patients were divided into 4 groups which received frontalis EMG biofeedback, relaxation training, combined biofeedback-relaxation training, or no treatment. Differences were observed among the 3 experimental treatments and the control group with respect to headache changes, but there were no differences among groups with respect to the changes observed in four underlying physiological responses as a function of time or practice. While the subjects who showed the largest changes in headache characteristics were those who exhibited the largest decreases in frontalis EMG, these were also the subjects whose initial frontalis EMG levels were the highest. It is concluded that, in keeping with a growing literature, the link between frontalis EMG and "muscle-contraction" headaches is a tenuous one and that the changes brought about in headache symptomatology through biofeedback or relaxation training are most likely attributable to a generalization of feelings of mastery over the environment or of self-efficacy brought about in the subjects through apparent success at the task.  相似文献   

52 undergraduates who had volunteered to receive meditation training were placed into either high or low time-urgency groups based on their scores on Factor S of the Jenkins Activity Survey. Subjects then either received training in Clinically Standardized Meditation followed by 3 1/2-wk. of practice or waited for training during that period. Analyses of scores on a time-estimation task and of self-reported hostility during an enforced waiting task indicated that meditation significantly altered subjects' perceptions of the passage of time and reduced impatience and hostility resulting from enforced waiting.  相似文献   

Thirty-two female undergraduates were presented with varied, mildly stressful incentives while the temperatures of their face and hands were recorded with infrared telethermography. There was an increase of hand skin temperature to film clips intended to generate a happy affect but cooling to threatening personal questions. There was no significant skin temperature change in response to cognitive tasks or fear eliciting film clips. Larger temperature changes occurred on the hands than on the face, and most subjects were cooler on the left side of the face and the left hand than on the right side of face and right hand.  相似文献   

In a series of six experimental sessions five subjects were instructed to imagine their hand in a hot and cold water stream. During the imagery period the subjects estimated with a psychophysical scale their subjective temperature sensations caused by the imagery. Skin temperature was measured from the thumb of the subjects' dominant hand. After each session the subjects were asked whether they had succeeded in producing an imagery. The skin temperature changes deviated significantly from the control level in the successful imagery experiments. Differences in the skin temperature changes between the successful and unsuccessful imagery experiments were significant. The skin temperature changes measured and the subjects' temperature sensations, produced by the imagery, were similar in the successful imagery experiments. The possible relationships between mental imagery and changes in skin temperature and skin temperature sensation are discussed.  相似文献   

Using theoretical analysis of self-consciousness concept and experimental evidence on the brain default mode network (DMN) that constitutes the neural signature of self-referential processes, we hypothesized that the anterior and posterior subnets comprising the DMN should show differences in their integrity as a function of meditation training. Functional connectivity within DMN and its subnets (measured by operational synchrony) has been measured in ten novice meditators using an electroencephalogram (EEG) recording in a pre-/post-meditation intervention design. We have found that while the whole DMN was clearly suppressed, different subnets of DMN responded differently after 4 months of meditation training: The strength of EEG operational synchrony in the right and left posterior modules of the DMN decreased in resting post-meditation condition compared to a pre-meditation condition, whereas the frontal DMN module on the contrary exhibited an increase in the strength of EEG operational synchrony. These findings combined with published data on functional–anatomic heterogeneity within the DMN and on trait subjective experiences commonly found following meditation allow us to propose that the first-person perspective and the sense of agency (the witnessing observer) are presented by the frontal DMN module, while the posterior modules of the DMN are generally responsible for the experience of the continuity of ‘I’ as embodied and localized within bodily space. Significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

In Phase One, 44 subjects participated in a 2 (instructions to increase alpha, no instructions to increase alpha) × 2 (alpha biofeedback, no alpha biofeedback) factorial experiment. Results indicated that increases in alpha production were due to instructions to increase alpha and that biofeedback had no effect on alpha production. In Phase Two, the 44 subjects from Phase One were exposed to a threat of shock whereas 11 additional subjects in a control condition were not. The design employed in Phase Two was a 2 (previous instructions and stress, no previous instructions and stress) × 2 (previous biofeedback and stress, no previous biofeedback and stress) plus 1 (no previous instructions/no previous biofeedback, no stress). Results indicated that the threat of shock was effective in increasing arousal (as measured by heart rate and skin resistance) but previous EEG-alpha biofeedback training was not effective in helping subjects decrease arousal while in the stressful situation. The results indicate that it is the instructions (and related information concerning alpha) rather than the biofeedback that is critical in alpha biofeedback training and that this training does not appear to have utility for controlling arousal under stress.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine highly angry subjects who obtained high scores on Spielberger's Trait component of State-Trait Anger Scale went through a thought-listing procedure to determine their negative self-statements in response to high, medium, and low anger-arousing situations. It was found that subjects made more negative self-statements in response to a high anger-arousing situation compared to the medium and low anger-arousing situations. The subjects were divided into four groups. Subjects in one group were trained to reduce their negative thoughts, subjects in a second group were trained to meditate, subjects in the third group were asked to imagine the high anger-arousing situations (placebo procedure), and subjects in the fourth group were given no treatment. It was found that the subjects in the Negative-thought-reduction, Meditation and Placebo groups showed improvement in trait anger, anger aroused through high-anger situations, anger scores across a wide variety of situations, unconstructive coping, and anger measured through physiological symptoms. The gains made through intervention were maintained at a 6-week follow-up. The No-treatment Group showed no significant change in anger scores across a wide variety of situations, unconstructive coping, and physiological symptom scores but showed a small but significant improvement in trait anger and in anger aroused by high-anger situations.  相似文献   

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