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Two hypotheses were tested in this study. First, blockade of neural activity by lidocaine immediately following the retrieval of a memory may impair the reconsolidation and subsequent expression of that memory. Second, a non-retrieved memory would not be affected by this lidocaine treatment. Since the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) is involved in emotion-related memory, an intra-BLA lidocaine infusion was used immediately after the retrieval of two emotion-related memories, the step-through passive avoidance response (PA) and cocaine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). Intra-BLA lidocaine infusion immediately after cocaine-induced CPP retrieval diminished CPP magnitude in retests. However, intra-BLA lidocaine infusion alone did not affect cocaine-induced CPP performance. Intra-BLA lidocaine infusion immediately after PA retrieval decreased PA performance in retests. Omission of PA retrieval procedure, intra-BLA lidocaine infusion did not affect subsequent PA performance. Surprisingly, intra-BLA lidocaine infusion immediately following the retrieval of PA or cocaine-induced CPP diminished both PA and cocaine-induced CPP performance in the retests. Finally, Fos-staining results revealed that a number of BLA neurons were activated by the retrieval of both cocaine-induced CPP and PA. We conclude that inactivation of neural activity in BLA immediately following retrieval of a fear or cocaine-conditioned memory can impair subsequent expression of both memories. More importantly, retrieval of a memory does not seem to be an absolute condition for rapidly changing the memory.  相似文献   

Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a central regulator of protein synthesis in neurons, has been implicated in synaptic plasticity and memory. Here we show that mTOR inhibition by rapamycin in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) or dorsal hippocampus (DH) impairs both formation and reconsolidation of memory for inhibitory avoidance (IA) in rats. Male Wistar rats received bilateral infusions of vehicle or rapamycin into the BLA or DH before or after IA training or retrieval. Memory retention was tested at different time points after drug infusion. Rapamycin impaired long-term IA retention when given before or immediately after training or retrieval into the BLA. When infused into the DH, rapamycin produced memory impairment when given before training or immediately after retrieval. The impairing effects of post-retrieval rapamycin required memory retrieval and were not reversed by a reminder shock. The results provide the first evidence that mTOR in the BLA and DH might play a role in IA memory reconsolidation.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) plays a critical role in fear memory formation. Here we determined the role of CREB selectively within the amygdala in reconsolidation and extinction of auditory fear. Viral overexpression of the inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) or the dominant-negative mCREB, specifically within the lateral amygdala disrupted reconsolidation of auditory fear memories. In contrast, manipulations of CREB in the amygdala did not modify extinction of fear. These findings suggest that the role of CREB in modulation of memory after retrieval is dynamic and that CREB activity in the basolateral amygdala is involved in fear memory reconsolidation.  相似文献   

Local protein synthesis at synapses can provide a rapid supply of proteins to support synaptic changes during consolidation of new memories, but its role in the maintenance or updating of established memories is unknown. Consolidation requires new protein synthesis in the period immediately following learning, whereas established memories are resistant to protein synthesis inhibitors. We have previously reported that polyribosomes are up-regulated in the lateral amygdala (LA) during consolidation of aversive-cued Pavlovian conditioning. In this study, we used serial section electron microscopy reconstructions to determine whether the distribution of dendritic polyribosomes returns to baseline during the long-term memory phase. Relative to control groups, long-term memory was associated with up-regulation of polyribosomes throughout dendrites, including in dendritic spines of all sizes. Retrieval of a consolidated memory by presentation of a small number of cues induces a new, transient requirement for protein synthesis to maintain the memory, while presentation of a large number of cues results in extinction learning, forming a new memory. One hour after retrieval or extinction training, the distribution of dendritic polyribosomes was similar except in the smallest spines, which had more polyribosomes in the extinction group. Our results demonstrate that the effects of learning on dendritic polyribosomes are not restricted to the transient translation-dependent phase of memory formation. Cued Pavlovian conditioning induces persistent synapse strengthening in the LA that is not reversed by retrieval or extinction, and dendritic polyribosomes may therefore correlate generally with synapse strength as opposed to recent activity or transient translational processes.

The formation of long-term memory involves a consolidation phase in the period immediately after learning, during which new proteins are required to stabilize learning-induced synapse remodeling (Davis and Squire 1984; Mayford et al. 2012; Rosenberg et al. 2014; Segal 2017). There is evidence that local protein synthesis in dendrites is essential for consolidation of long-term memory and related forms of synaptic plasticity (Holt and Schuman 2013), but its exact role is not well understood. Dendritic translation can supply new proteins to synapses rapidly, and potentially with synapse-specific spatial precision. Thousands of mRNAs have been identified in dendrites, many of which encode synaptic proteins (Poon et al. 2006; Zhong et al. 2006; Cajigas et al. 2012; Tushev et al. 2018; Middleton et al. 2019), and mRNA is present in dendritic spines (Tiruchinapalli et al. 2003; Hafner et al. 2019). The ability of dendritic mRNAs to remain dormant until they are unmasked by synaptic activity (Doyle and Kiebler 2011; Buxbaum et al. 2014; Hutten et al. 2014) provides a mechanism for rapid and targeted translation at synapses. Synaptic activity during learning triggers a transient up-regulation of new synaptic proteins in dendrites (Redondo and Morris 2011; Moncada et al. 2015), and the spatiotemporal constraints on these new proteins strongly suggest that they are translated locally (Sajikumar et al. 2007; Doyle and Kiebler 2011). We have previously found by serial section transmission electron microscopy (ssTEM) volume reconstruction that polyribosomes and translation factors are up-regulated in dendritic spines in the rat lateral amygdala (LA) 1 h after cued aversive Pavlovian conditioning (Ostroff et al. 2010, 2017; Gindina et al. 2021). These polyribosomes presumably represent translation supporting consolidation, but no studies have addressed whether dendritic translation remains elevated or returns to baseline in the long-term memory phase.Cued aversive Pavlovian conditioning, also referred to as fear or threat conditioning, is an extensively studied learning paradigm in which a sensory cue is paired with an unpleasant stimulus—typically an auditory cue with a mild shock—to create an associative memory between the two (LeDoux 2000; Maren 2001). There is strong evidence that this memory is mediated by protein synthesis-dependent strengthening of LA synapses during a short window after learning. Enhanced synaptic transmission is observed in the LA after conditioning (McKernan and Shinnick-Gallagher 1997; Rogan et al. 1997; Sah et al. 2008), and consolidation requires protein synthesis in the LA immediately after training, but not 6 or 24 h later (Nader et al. 2000; Schafe and LeDoux 2000; Maren et al. 2003). The extracellular signal-regulated/mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK/MAPK), which regulates translation (Kelleher et al. 2004), is transiently phosphorylated in the LA 1 h after learning, and this phosphorylation is required for both memory consolidation (Schafe et al. 2000) and synaptic plasticity in the LA (Huang et al. 2000; Schafe et al. 2008).Although dormant long-term memories are stable, retrieval induces a new labile phase called reconsolidation, during which the memory can be updated, weakened, or strengthened (Dudai 2012). As in consolidation, postretrieval inhibition of protein synthesis or ERK/MAPK phosphorylation in the LA impairs reconsolidation of the memory and associated synaptic plasticity (Nader et al. 2000; Duvarci et al. 2005; Doyere et al. 2007). A transient supply of necessary new proteins is available to synapses during reconsolidation (Orlandi et al. 2020), but whether these proteins are synthesized in dendrites is unknown. Both consolidation and reconsolidation are impaired by broad protein synthesis inhibitors, and there is substantial evidence that consolidation requires translation initiation, the step in which polyribosomes are formed (Gkogkas et al. 2010; Santini et al. 2014). Interestingly, one study found that inhibition of the predominant initiation process impaired consolidation but not reconsolidation, suggesting that the role of translation differs between the two processes (Hoeffer et al. 2011). Since polyribosomes can be stalled for later reactivation (Richter and Coller 2015), reconsolidation could rely on translation of pre-existing polyribosomes.Reconsolidation is triggered by a small number of retrieval cues, but retrieval with a large number of cues induces extinction learning, in which the cue loses its ability to elicit defensive responses (Myers and Davis 2007). There is ample evidence that plasticity important for extinction occurs in the basolateral amygdala (BLA; which includes the LA), though it is unclear exactly how this relates to the original memory trace in the dorsal LA (Bouton et al. 2021). For instance, consolidation of extinction is impaired by pretraining systemic inhibition of protein synthesis (Suzuki et al. 2004) and by pretraining inhibition of protein synthesis or ERK/MAPK in the BLA (Lin et al. 2003c; Herry et al. 2006). However, the Lin et al. (2003c) study measured the effects of protein synthesis inhibition in the BLA 30 min after extinction training, which is typically thought to reflect short-term memory. Subsequent work by another group found that postextinction training inhibition of protein synthesis impaired reconsolidation, making it difficult to assess the effects on extinction consolidation (Duvarci et al. 2006). There are also ongoing debates about the relative contribution of “erasure” versus “new learning” processes in extinction. Evidence that protein synthesis-dependent depotentiation of CS inputs to the LA contributes to extinction suggests up-regulation of polyribosomes in the LA pyramidal cells storing the original trace (Lin et al. 2003a,b,c; Kim et al. 2009). However, up-regulation of polyribosomes is also possible if extinction plasticity occurs in other cells or regions of the brain, as repeated retrieval trials may strongly trigger reconsolidation processes. Complicating things further, it appears that extinction can halt reconsolidation (Suzuki et al. 2004).To investigate the dynamics of local translation in the context of an established memory, we used ssTEM to quantify dendritic polyribosome distribution in the LA during the long-term memory phase of Pavlovian conditioning, reconsolidation, and consolidation of extinction. We hypothesized that polyribosomes would not be up-regulated in the long-term memory condition relative to controls, since memory maintenance is resistant to protein synthesis inhibition at this time point. We also hypothesized that both retrieval and extinction would induce up-regulation of polyribosomes, but in different patterns; for example, reconsolidation processes could be reflected in polyribosomes near large synapses, but extinction could result in loss of these synapses and perhaps more generalized polyribosome distribution.  相似文献   

In previous experiments on contextual memory, we proposed that the unreinforced re-exposure to the learning context (conditioned stimulus, CS) acts as a switch guiding the memory course toward reconsolidation or extinction, depending on reminder duration. This proposal implies that the system computes the total exposure time to the context, from CS onset to CS offset, and therefore, that the reminder presentation must be terminated for the switching mechanism to become operative. Here we investigated to what extent this requirement is necessary, and we explored the relation between diverse phases in the reconsolidation and extinction processes. We used the contextual memory model of the crab Chasmagnathus which involves an association between the learning context (CS) and a visual danger stimulus (unconditioned stimulus, US). Administration of cycloheximide was used to test the lability state of memory at different time points. The results show that two factors, no-reinforcement during the reminder (i.e., CS re-exposure) and CS offset are the necessary conditions for both processes to occur. Regardless of the reminder duration, memory retrieved by unreinforced CS re-exposure emerges intact and consolidated when tested before CS offset, suggesting that neither reconsolidation nor extinction is concomitant with CS re-exposure. Either process could only be triggered once the definitive mismatch between CS and US is confirmed by CS termination without the expected reinforcement.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported new evidence consistent with the hypothesis that reactivating a memory by re-exposure to a training context destabilizes the memory and induces "reconsolidation." In the present experiments, rats' memory for inhibitory avoidance (IA) training was tested 6 h (Test 1), 2 d (Test 2), and 6 d (Test 3) after training. On Test 1 the rats were either removed from the shock compartment immediately after entry or retained in the shock context for 200 sec, and intrahippocampal infusions of the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin (75 microg/side) were administered immediately after the test. Anisomycin infusions administered after Test 1 impaired IA performance on Test 2 in animals given the brief re-exposure, but impaired extinction in animals exposed to the context for 200 sec. Rats with anisomycin-induced retention impairment on Test 2 demonstrated spontaneous recovery of retention performance on Test 3, whereas rats showing extinction on Test 2 showed further extinction on Test 3. The findings indicate that post-retrieval administration of anisomycin impairs subsequent retention performance only in the absence of extinction and that this impairment is temporary.  相似文献   

Reconsolidation is the process by which previously consolidated memories are stabilized after retrieval. Several lines of evidence indicate that glucocorticoids modulate distinct phases of learning and memory. These effects are considered to be mediated by mineralocorticoid receptors and glucocorticoid receptors (GRs), which display a high concentration and distinct distribution in the hippocampus. The role of glucocorticoid system in fear memory reconsolidation is the subject of some controversy. Moreover, we found no studies that assessed the role of hippocampal GRs in fear memory reconsolidation. Here, we investigated the effect of GR blockade on fear memory reconsolidation in rats. Rats were trained and tested in an inhibitory avoidance task. Intrahippocampal or systemic administration of the GR antagonist RU38486 immediately following memory reactivation produced a deficit in post-retrieval long-term memory that persisted over test sessions, and memory did not re-emerge following a footshock reminder. These results indicate that hippocampal GRs are required for reconsolidation of fear-based memory.  相似文献   

It is widely known that pre-training systemic administration of the muscarinic antagonist scopolamine (SCP) (0.5mg/kg, i.p.) leads to anterograde memory impairment in retention tests. The administration of the α(7)-nicotinic receptor agonist choline (Ch) in the dorsal hippocampus (0.8μg/hippocampus) immediately after memory reactivation allowed recovery from scopolamine-induced memory impairment. This effect of Ch was time-dependent, and retention performance was not affected in drug-treated mice that were not subjected to memory reactivation, suggesting that the performance effects are not due to non-specific effects of the drug. The effects of Ch also depended on the age of the reactivated memory. Altogether, our results suggest that Ch exerts its effects by modulating memory reconsolidation, and that the memory impairment induced by low doses of SCP is a memory expression failure and not a storage deficit. Therefore, reconsolidation, among other functions, might serve to change memory expression in later tests. Summarizing, our results open new avenues about the behavioral significance and the physiological functions of memory reconsolidation, providing new strategies for recovering memories from some types of amnesia.  相似文献   

Evidence indicates that prostanoids, such as prostaglandins, play a regulatory role in several forms of neural plasticity, including long-term potentiation, a cellular model for certain forms of learning and memory. In these experiments, the significance of the COX isoforms cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in post-training memory processes was assessed. Adult male Long-Evans rats underwent an eight-trial (30-sec intertrial interval) training session on a hippocampus-dependent (hidden platform) or dorsal striatal–dependent (visible platform) tasks in a water maze. After the completion of training, rats received an intraperitoneal injection of the nonselective COX inhibitor indomethacin, the COX-1–specific inhibitor piroxicam, the COX-2–specific inhibitor N-[2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl]-methanesulfonamide (NS-398), vehicle (45% 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin in distilled water), or saline. On a two-trial retention test session 24 h later, latency to mount the escape platform was used as a measure of memory. In the hidden platform task, the retention test escape latencies of rats administered indomethacin (5 and 10 mg/kg) or NS-398 (2 and 5 mg/kg) were significantly higher than those of vehicle-treated rats, indicating an impairment in retention. Injections of indomethacin or NS-398 that were delayed 2 h post-training had no effect on retention. Post-training indomethacin or NS-398 had no influence on retention of the visible platform version of the water maze at any of the doses administered. Furthermore, selective inhibition of COX-1 via post-training piroxicam administration had no effect on retention of either task. These findings indicate that COX-2 is a required biochemical component mediating the consolidation of hippocampal-dependent memory.  相似文献   

Nonreinforced retrieval can cause extinction and/or reconsolidation, two processes that affect subsequent retrieval in opposite ways. Using the Morris water maze task we show that, in the rat, repeated nonreinforced expression of spatial memory causes extinction, which is unaffected by inhibition of protein synthesis within the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus. However, if the number of nonreinforced retrieval trials is insufficient to induce long-lasting extinction, then a hippocampal protein synthesis-dependent reconsolidation process recovers the original memory. Inhibition of hippocampal protein synthesis after reversal learning sessions impairs retention of the reversed preference and blocks persistence of the original one, suggesting that reversal learning involves reconsolidation rather than extinction of the original memory. Our results suggest the existence of a hippocampal protein synthesis-dependent reconsolidation process that operates to recover or update retrieval-weakened memories from incomplete extinction.  相似文献   

刘鹏  申鸿魁 《心理科学进展》2019,27(8):1417-1426
已经巩固的长时记忆被再次提取后, 进入一个记忆的不稳定期, 在此过程中, 记忆可被更新、强化、削弱甚至抹除, 这个过程称为再巩固。人类不良记忆再巩固研究揭示记忆激活后口服普萘洛尔(propranolol)或进行消退训练可削弱或抹除不良情绪记忆, 此过程中涉及杏仁核、海马、前额叶皮层等脑区的参与及其构成的神经环路的调控。当前临床上利用再巩固原理可通过药物治疗、行为干预或无创脑部刺激的方法改变不良记忆。然而, 由于其形成过程复杂并受多种因素影响, 未来研究应尽可能模拟临床中人类不良记忆形成的复杂环境, 深入探讨再巩固“边界问题”, 推动实验室研究向临床应用的转化。  相似文献   

Memory persistence is a dynamic process involving the reconsolidation of memories after their reactivation. Reconsolidation impairments have been demonstrated for many types of memories in rats, and signaling at N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors appears often to be a critical pharmacological mechanism. Here we investigated the reconsolidation of appetitive pavlovian memories reinforced by natural rewards. In male Lister Hooded rats, systemic administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-SH-dibenzo{a,d}cyclohepten-5,10-imine maleate (MK-801, 0.1 mg/kg i.p.) either before or immediately following a brief memory reactivation session abolished the subsequent acquisition of a new instrumental response with sucrose conditioned reinforcement. However, only when injected prior to memory reactivation was MK-801 effective in disrupting the maintenance of a previously-acquired instrumental response with conditioned reinforcement. These results demonstrate that NMDA receptor-mediated signaling is required for appetitive pavlovian memory reconsolidation.  相似文献   

The effects of emotional stimulus content on attention are well-known. In contrast, the impact of emotional information on higher executive control functions is undetermined. To elucidate the role of negative emotion in cognitive control, 56 adult female participants performed a combined working memory and response inhibition task, with threat-relevant (spider and snake) and neutral (flower and mushroom) stimuli. Threat-relevant stimuli impaired performance, by causing prolonged response times to working memory items and increased response inhibition error rate relative to neutral stimuli. The impaired response inhibition was only evident when threat-relevant stimuli co-occurred with working memory matches, in line with a common resource pool view of executive functions and emotion processing. Individual differences in reported fear of spiders were associated with differences of inhibitory control, while fear of snakes was associated with impaired overall accuracy on working memory trials. The results are discussed in relation to the dual-competition framework for interaction between executive functions and emotion (Pessoa, 2009).  相似文献   

Advances in both experimental neuroscience and psychoanalytic theory and technique have made it possible to consider mechanisms by which psychodynamic psychotherapies might have an impact at the cellular and molecular level. Here potential analogies are drawn between (1) the mechanisms and results of blocking the reconsolidation of conditioned fear memories in the laboratory and (2) several key aspects of psychoanalytic process. A review of the biology of conditioned fear memory, including differences between extinction and inhibition of reconsolidation, indicates that this biology may have relevance to various ways in which psychoanalytic therapy is effective. The ideas proposed here might lead to further experimental attempts to understand the molecular biology of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that retrieval during a nonreinforced test induces reconsolidation instead of extinction of the mnemonic trace. Reconsolidation would preserve the original memory from the labilization induced by its nonreinforced recall through a hitherto uncharacterized mechanism requiring protein synthesis. Given the importance that such a process would have in terms of maintaining, as part of the animal behavioral repertoire, a learned response that has been devalued by experience, we analyzed its existence for the memory associated with a one-trial, step-down inhibitory avoidance task (IA), a memory whose consolidation and extinction require protein synthesis in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus (CA1) and involve the participation of the basolateral amygdala (BLA) and entorhinal cortex (ENT). Rats were trained in IA, and 24 h later they were submitted either to a pure reactivation session (retrieval without stepping down), which was unable by itself to initiate extinction of the avoidance response, or to a second training session. Fifteen minutes before or 3 h after either the reactivation or the retraining sessions, animals were infused with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin (ANI) into CA1, BLA, or ENT. Contrary to the prediction of the reconsolidation hypothesis, none of these treatments affected subsequent memory retention. Because reconsolidation is regarded to be a direct consequence of retrieval, one would expect that, when given before a retention test or a pure reactivation session, enhancers of memory expression should permanently improve retention and, therefore, facilitate retrieval both in that and in subsequent sessions. Using two well-known retrieval enhancers, noradrenaline and adrenocorticotropin(1-24), we could not find any evidence suggestive of reconsolidation. Hence, our results indicate that there is no retrieval-induced, protein synthesis-dependent process that would cause reconsolidation of IA memory.  相似文献   

Contexts and discrete cues associated with drug-taking are often responsible for relapse among addicts. Animal models have shown that interference with the reconsolidation of drug-cue memories can reduce seeking of drugs or drug-paired stimuli. One such model is conditioned place preference (CPP) in which an animal is trained to associate a particular environment with the rewarding effects of a drug. Previous work from this laboratory has shown that intra-nucleus accumbens core infusions of a MEK inhibitor can interfere with reconsolidation of these drug-cue memories. A question that remains is whether post-retrieval drug effects on subsequent memories represent an interference with reconsolidation processes or rather a facilitation of extinction. In this experiment, we explore the effect of post-retrieval injections of propranolol, a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, on reconsolidation and extinction of cocaine CPP. After acquisition of cocaine CPP, animals were given post-retrieval propranolol injections once or each day during a protocol of unreinforced preference tests, until the animals showed no preference for the previously cocaine-paired environment. Following a cocaine priming injection, the animals that received daily post-test propranolol injections did not reinstate their preference for the drug-paired side. In contrast, a single post-retrieval propranolol injection followed by multiple days of unreinforced preference tests failed to blunt subsequent cocaine reinstatement of the memory. These data suggest that daily post-retrieval systemic injections of propranolol decrease the conditioned preference by interfering with reconsolidation of the memory for the association between the drug-paired side and the reinforcing effects of the drug, rather than facilitating new extinction learning.  相似文献   

Memantine is a non-competitive N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist that has been approved for the treatment of the cognitive deficits noted in Alzheimer's disease. While there is a body of research that supports memantine's facilitative action upon memory compromise, this series of studies aimed to investigate the effects of this drug in healthy animals with intact memory functioning. A 0.1 mM dose of memantine injected immediately after a weakly aversive training event (i.e. 20% v/v methyl anthranilate) was found to enhance passive avoidance learning for this event in day-old chicks up to 24 h following training. The same dose of memantine was also observed to enhance memory for the training event when it was administered in conjunction with a reminder trial. These results suggest that memantine is capable of facilitating both memory consolidation as well as memory reconsolidation. It was concluded that memantine's mechanism may involve the short-term or intermediate memory phases of the Gibbs and Ng model of memory, and that the current findings represent enhancement of intact memory, rather than amelioration of memory compromise.  相似文献   

Dissociation is a phenomenon common in a number of psychological disorders and has been frequently suggested to impair memory for traumatic events. In this study we explored the effects of dissociation on visual memory. A dissociative state was induced experimentally using a mirror-gazing task and its short-term effects on memory performance were investigated. Sixty healthy individuals took part in the experiment. Induced dissociation impaired visual memory performance relative to a control condition; however, the degree of dissociation was not associated with lower memory scores in the experimental group. The results have theoretical and practical implications for individuals who experience frequent dissociative states such as patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  相似文献   

Since reciprocal inhibition therapy techniques involve the procedure for classical extinction, it is reasonable to consider the possibility that it is extinction, rather than counterconditioning, that is responsible for their efficacy. Certain experiments increase the plausibility of this possibility by suggesting that a certain feature of the extinction procedure involved in the reciprocal inhibition techniques makes it more effective than free response avoidance extinction. This feature is the fact that the subject's escape from the anxiety stimuli is delayed by the therapist's instructions. Only one experiment clearly indicates any feature of any reciprocal inhibition technique which could not be attributed to extinction, this characteristic being a superiority of a reciprocal inhibition procedure to extinction in eliminating fear in rats. Thus for explaining reciprocal inhibition therapy, it is still essentially an open question as to whether the concept of reciprocal inhibition is better than extinction.  相似文献   

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