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The present work utilizes the data obtained from a spindle detection method to study some stochastic properties of this particular type of activity. The results obtained show that: (1) on any given EEG lead, there is no clear evidence of a statistical dependence either between the duration of a spindle (or the interspindle interval) and the duration of the next spindle (or the next interspindle interval) or between the duration of a spindle and the interspindle interval that precedes or follows; and (2) there is evidence of a difference in the spatial distribution of sleep spindles recorded from various brain regions during natural and barbiturate sleeps. This difference may be explained by the degree of inactivation of the ascending reticular activating system in these two types of sleep.  相似文献   

An approach tö recognize automatically sleep spindles by using short-term spectral analysis is described. The EEG signal is sampled and stored on a magnetic tape in digital form. The data is analyzed on a PDP-8 computer, and the result can be either displayed on an oscilloscope or stored on another magnetic tape for further analysis. The program is written in conversational form and provides the operator with the ability to change any parameter in the program quickly by a simple command on the Teletype keyboard.  相似文献   

Attenuation of conditioned suppression during intracranial stimulation was compared with that during food reinforcement. Response rates controlled by food and by brain stimulation were equalized on a multiple schedule by adjusting the stimulating current. When foot shock was delivered during timeout periods separating response components, responding for food was significantly more suppressed than responding for brain stimulation. When components were shortened from 10 to 2 minutes, responding maintained by either food or brain stimulation showed a similar temporal pattern of suppression preceding each shock, but responding in the component involving food remained significantly more suppressed. Explanations for the attenuated suppression during brain stimulation based on neural disruption, stimulus blocking, and analgesic properties were questioned. The increased responding during brain stimulation seemed to reflect greater response strength relative to food reinforced responding.  相似文献   

Conditioned suppression was demonstrated in two experiments with rats lever pressing on a fixed-ration 1 schedule for lateral hypothalamic intracranaial stimulation (ICS)'n Experiment I, conditioned suppression of responding for low-intensity ICS was obtained with a moderate intensity of foot shock, In Experiment II, low and high intensities of ICS were alternated within the same session and the same animal The suppression that was exhibited with low intensity ICS was minimal or absent with high-intensity stimulation, despite the pairing of foot shock with each warning stimulus. Conditioned suppression was a function of ICS intensity, and was independent of response rates. The inverse relationship between ICS intensity and degree os suppression is consistent with a motivational analysis of conditioned suppression. Previous reports of resistance to suppression of behaviors maintained by ICS may now be attributed to the use of high-intensity stimulation.  相似文献   

Schedules of intermittent brain-stimulation reinforcement have been shown to maintain performances when a reinforcement is defined as several response-produced, brief trains of stimulation. The present experiments show that the number of response-produced trains permitted per reinforcement is a variable analogous to amount or magnitude of reinforcement in the conventional food-reinforcement experiment. Systematic effects were obtained when that variable was manipulated within a multiple schedule and also on variable-interval schedules programmed concurrently.  相似文献   

A threshold procedure using operant behavioral techniques with positive reinforcement was developed after initial efforts with avoidance behavioral procedures proved unsatisfactory. In the first of three experiments the operant threshold procedure was tested by determining masked auditory thresholds for trains of clicks. In a second experiment, similar techniques were used to measure thresholds for electrical stimulation of the brain. The last experiment, again an auditory problem, involved a determination of the absolute thresholds for trains of short noise bursts as a function of the time between bursts. Middle ear malfunction proved to be a more severe problem than had been anticipated on the basis of reports in the literature. The threshold procedure, however, seems to be adequate for determination of absolute or masked thresholds with auditory or electrical stimuli.  相似文献   

Sleep spindle activity in infants supports their formation of generalized memories during sleep, indicating that specific sleep processes affect the consolidation of memories early in life. Characteristics of sleep spindles depend on the infant's developmental state and are known to be associated with trait‐like factors such as intelligence. It is, however, largely unknown which state‐like factors affect sleep spindles in infancy. By varying infants’ wake experience in a within‐subject design, here we provide evidence for a learning‐ and memory‐dependent modulation of infant spindle activity. In a lexical‐semantic learning session before a nap, 14‐ to 16‐month‐old infants were exposed to unknown words as labels for exemplars of unknown object categories. In a memory test on the next day, generalization to novel category exemplars was tested. In a nonlearning control session preceding a nap on another day, the same infants heard known words as labels for exemplars of already known categories. Central–parietal fast sleep spindles increased after the encoding of unknown object–word pairings compared to known pairings, evidencing that an infant's spindle activity varies depending on its prior knowledge for newly encoded information. Correlations suggest that enhanced spindle activity was particularly triggered, when similar unknown pairings were not generalized immediately during encoding. The spindle increase triggered by previously not generalized object–word pairings, moreover, boosted the formation of generalized memories for these pairings. Overall, the results provide first evidence for a fine‐tuned regulation of infant sleep quality according to current consolidation requirements, which improves the infant long‐term memory for new experiences.  相似文献   

大脑电刺激是历史悠久但近年来才广泛应用在人类被试上的实验技术。通过对颅内刺激位点进行电刺激, 并分析引发的暂时性行为功能变化和记录位点的电位活动, 大脑电刺激技术可以揭示认知加工过程中脑区内的功能作用与脑区间的有效连接。通过对听觉语言加工过程相关的丘脑、听觉皮层、高级语言皮层进行电刺激, 现有研究发现了各个脑区的不同功能特点以及不同脑区间的信息传递机制, 为进一步探索听觉语言加工的神经机制提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

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