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尊敬的各位专家学者、高僧大德、各位领导、各位来宾:大家上午好! 在五台山成功人选《世界遗产名录》的大喜日子里,首届五台山论坛在这里开幕。首先,我代表山西省政协、山西省政协薛延忠主席、五台山论坛组委会,向大家表示热烈的欢迎!借此机会也向热心五台山文化研究、为五台山申遗工作做出贡献、为举办本次论坛给予大力支持的各部门、各单位的领导和同志及社会各界人士表示衷心感谢!  相似文献   

尊敬的省政协李主席、各位领导、各位专家学者、各位法师、各位来宾:今天,首届五台山论坛在这里隆重开幕了。举办五台山论坛是贯彻省委省政府提出的“文化强省”战略的具体体现,是展示和弘扬源远流长、独树一帜的五台山文化,为构建和谐社会与推进可持续发展服务的平台。借此机会,我谨代表山西省宗教事务局向莅临论坛的各位领导、专家学者、高僧大德表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

今天我很有幸参加五台山研究会成立25周年暨今后五年规划的会议。我来到五台县工作已整整一年。在此,我代表县委、县政府和区委、区政府以及五台山管理局向大会表示热烈地祝贺,并向多年来一直关心支持五台山发展、五台县经济发展的各届人士、各位老领导,表示衷心地感谢!  相似文献   

尊敬的各位领导、各位法师、专家学者、嘉宾朋友们:在五台山申遗成功和第二十届五台山国际旅游月暨第六届佛教文化节开幕之际,我们十分高兴地迎来了“首届五台山论坛”的举办。本次论坛主要目的就是诚邀社会各界、海内外专家学者,深入挖掘佛教文化内涵,积极探讨遗产保护管理措施,实现景区的可持续发展。在此,我代表五台县委、县政府、景区党委、政府对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

尊敬的各位领导、各位专家、各位法师 ,女士们、先生们、朋友们 :今天 ,我们在这里隆重召开五台山佛教文化国际学术会议。在此 ,我谨代表五台县委、县政府、五台山风景名胜区区委、区政府 ,对前来参加本次会议的各位领导、各位专家、各位法师、女士们、先生们、朋友们 ,表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的谢意 !五台山位于五台县东北部 ,总面积 376平方公里 ,为文殊菩萨道场 ,与浙江普陀山、四川峨眉山、安徽九华山合称我国佛教四大名山。而五台山居于四大名山之首 ,也是世界著名的佛教圣地之一 ,千载文明积淀 ,有着深厚的佛教文化底蕴。改革开放以来 ,…  相似文献   

各位法师、僧尼和喇嘛们,在今春的僧尼培训会上,我想和大家共同探讨一下五台山佛教的优良传统和五台山佛教文化的特色。然后,我们共同研究一下,如何保持五台山佛教文化的特色,如何发扬五台山佛教的优良传统,如何弘扬五台山佛教文化。请大家在党和政府的领导下,积极行动起来,为五台山经济社会跨越式发展和申报世界自然遗产、文化遗产和非物质遗产早日成功,献计献策,多做贡献,做大贡献!下面我讲三个问题,供大家讨论参考。  相似文献   

本刊讯1月4日至5日,五台山佛教协会第八届代表会议在五台山五峰宾馆隆重举行,来自五台山佛教界的105名代表参加了会议。山西省宗教局边根裳局长、省佛教协会副会长兼秘书长法海法师和忻州市委、市政府有关方面领导莅会致贺。会议听取并审议通过了《五台山佛协会第七届理事会工作报告》,修改审议通过了《五台  相似文献   

五台山位于中国佛教四大名山之首,是中国佛教信徒向往的圣地,五台山的声名誉满海内外。五台山有极其丰富的文化资源,研究五台山不仅是佛教研究的重大课题,也是研究中华文化的重要组成部分。因为它是开发中华文化宝藏 ,发展中华文化事业,推动国际文化交流的重要内容。同时,五台山还是著名的旅游避暑胜地,具有历史悠久的人文景观和独领风骚的自然风光,吸引着海内外的广大游客。研究五台山,开发五台山的旅游资源,将会大大促进山西特别是五台山地区的经济发展。总之,研究五台山有着重大的学术价值和深远的历史意义。我们十分赞赏山…  相似文献   

全国政协副主席、中国佛教协会会长赵朴初驾鹤仙逝,令全国佛教界人士及广大人民唏嘘感叹不已。赵朴初先生不仅是著名的宗教领袖、知识渊博的佛学家,而且是著名的诗人和书法家。朴老生前两次到五台山,接见五台山僧众,作词歌咏五台山,为宣传五台山,弘扬佛教文化,多次挥毫作书,在五台山留下珍贵墨宝。五台山僧众深情地回忆往事,深感赵朴初先生始终情系五台山。  相似文献   

尊敬的各位专家学者、朋友们 :五台山佛教文化国际学术会议 ,今天隆重开幕了。在此 ,我代表省委、省政府对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺 ,向参加会议的北京图书馆馆长、研究员任继愈先生 ,以及日本、加拿大、香港特区、台湾地区和省内外各位专家学者表示真挚的欢迎和崇高的敬意 !五台山是佛教圣地 ,是革命根据地 ,也是风景名胜之地。五台山文化是中国传统文化和世界文化遗产中的一支奇葩。五台山文化不仅在华夏文明的发展中起了重要的传承作用 ,而在增进民族团结、促进国家稳定统一、推动世界各国的友好往来中发挥了积极的纽带作用。进入新世纪…  相似文献   

Longer is better     
The longer something is thought to exist, the better it is evaluated. In Study 1, participants preferred an existing university requirement over an alternative; this pattern was more pronounced when the existing requirement was said to be in place for a longer period of time. In Study 2, participants rated acupuncture more favorably as a function of how old the practice was described. Aesthetic judgments of art (Study 3) and nature (Study 4) were also positively affected by time in existence, as were gustatory evaluations of an edible consumer good (Study 5). Features of the research designs argue against mere exposure, loss aversion, and rational inference as explanations for these findings. Instead, time in existence seems to operate as a heuristic; longer means better.  相似文献   

Robert Schwartz 《Erkenntnis》1993,38(1):103-114
A theory of Goodman and Elgin concerning the individuation of literary works is examined and criticized. An alternative account is offered to meet various of the difficulties in their proposal. In addition, it is suggested that there may not be asingle account of the notion of a literary work that can best do all the jobs we expect of it.  相似文献   

Regulatory engagement theory's strength over alternative accounts of consumer attitudes is highlighted. In line with the theory, it is argued that in order to predict behavior, one needs to understand the processes involved in goal pursuit, including the dynamic processes of value creation. The paper also attempts to integrate processes (e.g. multifinality, distance from the goal, inhibition upon goal fulfillment) known from other classic and modern self-regulation models. Furthermore, the role of difficulty as a basis for value creation is discussed. In sum, regulatory engagement theory seems to be a rich and thought provoking account to predict people's behavior.
As he walks in the door […] we hear a voice say:
STORE VOICE: Hello, Mr. Yakamoto! Welcome back to the Gap. How'd those assorted tank tops work out for you?
A lady enters the shop:
STORE VOICE: Hey Miss Belfor, did you come back for another pair of those chammy lace ups?

Timothy Williamson devotes significant effort in his The Philosophy of Philosophy to arguing against skepticism about judgment. One might think that the recent “experimental philosophy” challenge to the philosophical practice of appealing to intuitions as evidence is a possible target of those arguments. However, this is not so. The structure of that challenge is radically dissimilar from that of traditional skeptical arguments, and the aims of the challenge are entirely congruent with the spirit of methodological improvement that Williamson himself exemplifies in the Afterword of his book.
Jonathan M. WeinbergEmail:

Although many people believe that more people would be better, arguments intended to show this are unconvincing. I consider one of Parfit's arguments for a related conclusion, that even when both are worth living, we ought to prefer the better of two lives. Were this argument successful, or so I claim, then it would follow that more people would be better. But there aren't reasons for preferring the better of two lives. Nor is an attempted rejoinder effective. We can agree that there aren't reasons for preferring the better of two lives, and yet still maintain there are reasons for improving lives.  相似文献   

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