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This experimental study with a national online sample (n = 300) tested the effects of storytelling in radio advertisements on participants' positive emotional responses and intentions to share information about the product, depending on audiences' narrative engagement level. Treatments included a commercial for a fictitious brand of luggage using a story told by the founder of the company, another version of the same commercial manipulated so the speaker was a customer of the company, and a control stimulus consisting only of information about the product. Results showed that narrative transportation and narrative preference are positively associated with favorable responses toward ad. Stories elicited more favorable emotional responses and had some effect on participants' intention to share information about the product by word‐of‐mouth. This was especially true among participants hearing the founder's story. Results support previous assumptions about the power of storytelling in advertising, including distinctions regarding the identity of the speaker (founder vs. customer).  相似文献   

Word of mouth (WOM) is an important information source for consumers. Nowadays, many consumers promote and spread the word about their preferred brands, thereby influencing others' attitudes and behaviours. Based on a social behaviour perspective and the need to belong theory, this research proposes that the individual's need to belong and the individual's level of self‐disclosure increase their probability of engaging in positive WOM behaviour. The moderating role of self–brand connection in the aforementioned relationships is also analysed. In the study conducted, users of a well‐known baby food brand (n = 851) were surveyed. The results revealed that the individuals' need to belong fostered the desire to talk to others about their preferred brand. A negative moderating effect of self–brand connection was also observed. As the connection with the brand is lower, the motivation to engage in positive WOM will be more related to personal characteristics, such as their need to belong and level of self‐disclosure. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the high use of social media in graduate recruitment campaigns, research has yet to examine how it compares with websites and videos in influencing job seekers’ reactions. Drawing from recruitment, media richness, and source credibility theories, we proposed that the media used to present recruitment material would influence organizational attraction via perceptions of media richness and source credibility. Results of a between‐subjects study, with 342 participants holding or working toward a degree, show that when a standardized recruitment message is delivered via Facebook, video, or text‐based webpage media, there are significant between‐media richness and source credibility differences. Furthermore, particular media richness features were positively related to perceptions of source credibility, and source credibility perceptions were positively related to organizational attraction. Implications for organizations’ online recruitment campaigns are discussed.  相似文献   

Through a detailed review of the service quality and (dis)satisfaction literatures, this paper presents a theoretical model exploring the interrelationship between expectations, affective post‐purchase states and affective behaviour. Drawing together a comprehensive hierarchy of expectations culled from the service quality literature, the authors seek to apply levels of expectation to specific post‐purchase affective states and affective behaviour. The authors argue that consumers have two types of expectation that influence post‐purchase affective states: the core or predictive ‘will be’ expectation; and peripheral expectations—that can range from the ideal standard to the minimum tolerable level. By applying the levels‐of‐expectation approach to the expectation‐disconfirmation paradigm, the authors argue that there are four types of post‐purchase affective states: delight, satisfaction (or positive indifference), acceptance (or negative indifference) and dissatisfaction. These four states may lead onto affective action—ie varying degrees of complaining or complimenting behaviour. The paper presents 11 propositions relating to expectations and their interrelationship with post‐purchase affective states and subsequent consumer behaviour, with the aim of stimulating further scholarly enquiry. The managerial implications of the analysis are also considered. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

A total of 636 Grade 11 Chinese students completed measures of risk factors, protective factors, and problem behaviour complemented by achievement data. In terms of risk factors, poor parental management and low school commitment were significant predictors of problem behaviour while low school commitment was a significant predictor of low academic achievement. In terms of protective factors, family attachment, opportunities and recognition for pro‐social involvement in school, and high school expectation of behaviour negatively predict problem behaviour. Pro‐social involvement in school and high expectations of behaviour significantly predict academic achievement. There was also a significant difference on protective factors between resilient and non‐resilient groups from high‐risk family environments.  相似文献   

Past research has shown that familiar brands can boost consumers' food taste experiences. On the other hand, more recent evidence suggests that the (in)congruity between consumer values and brand symbolism can affect the food taste perception. This study is the first one to integrate these two accounts into one single conceptual framework and to empirically evaluate their relative roles in explaining consumers' brand‐induced taste perception. Two experiments involving taste trials (blind vs brand‐cued sensory evaluation) were conducted. The first experiment analysed the brand familiarity effect, whereas the second experiment addressed also the taste perception of yogurts with differing brand symbolism amongst food consumers with distinct value orientations to find support for the (in)congruity effects. This research implies that congruity is not responsible for enhancing consumers' taste perception beyond the level that is produced by the brand familiarity. In contrast, the incongruity effect appears capable of neutralising the brand familiarity effect. Therefore, these two explanations may operate independently. More generally, this study speaks for the importance of incorporating consumer value – brand symbolism incongruity mechanism into food consumption studies; even owners' of strong food brands cannot trust the ability of their brands to boost a consumer's taste experience if there is no correspondence between his or her central values and brand symbolism. Thus, an objectively better taste is not necessarily decisive; satisfactory sensory quality can suffice if it is coupled with imaginative and daring brand marketing that delivers unique emotional and functional benefits for well‐defined food consumer target segments. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • The aim of this study is to provide empirical evidence, using the theory of planned behavior, as to whether local consumers prefer culturally adapted web sites or standardized web sites The study contributes to the existing literature by showing that consumers from Germany, China, and India prefer web sites adapted to their local culture, and that culture influences consumer beliefs, attitudes, and purchase intention on the web.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

T he Health Belief Model (HBM; Rosenstock, 1966) is the most widely used psychological theory of health‐related behaviours but its applicability to non‐Western, especially Asian, populations has not been systematically studied. The main objective of the current study was to examine the effects of components of the HBM and dispositional optimism on preventive intention in two separate samples of 220 Hong Kong Chinese adults and 340 Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. Two HBM variables, benefits and barriers, were experimentally manipulated for an imaginary flu outbreak and a hypothetical vaccine. Optimism in the two samples was assessed using the Chinese revised Life Orientation Test (Lai et al., 1998). Participants indicated their intention to take the hypothetical vaccine after reading information for each of the treatment combinations defined by the two HBM variables. The order of the presentation of each of the six treatment conditions was counterbalanced. Results of ANOVA showed that the effects of the two HBM variables were similar in the two groups. Higher benefits and lower barriers were associated with stronger behavioural intention to take the vaccine. The two HBM variables interacted significantly in the adolescent but not the adult sample. Among the adolescents, the difference in intention scores between low and high barriers became larger when the benefits of taking the vaccine increased. In addition, optimism had significant effect on preventive intention only among the adolescents. These findings suggest that age may be an important factor moderating the effects of HBM components as well as optimism on preventive intention in Hong Kong Chinese. Implications of these findings to future research among Chinese were discussed.  相似文献   

In the cognitive, computational, neuropsychological, and educational literatures, it is established that children approach text in unique ways, and that even adult readers can differ in the strategies they bring to reading. In the developmental event‐related potential (ERP) literature, however, children with differing degrees of reading ability are, the majority of the time, placed in monolithic groups such as ‘normal’ and ‘dyslexic’ (e.g. Araújo et al., 2012) and analyzed only at the group level. This is likely done due to methodological concerns – such as low sample size or a lack of statistical power – that can make it difficult to perform analysis at the individual level. Here, we collected ERPs and behavior from > 100 children in grades pre‐K–7, as they read unconnected text silently to themselves. This large sample, combined with the statistical power of the Linear Mixed Effects Regression (LMER) technique, enables us to address individual differences in ERP component effects due to reading ability at an unprecedented level of detail. Results indicate that it is possible to predict reading‐related report card scores from ERP component amplitudes – especially that of the N250, a component pertaining to sublexical processing (including phonological decoding). Results also reveal relationships between behavioral measures of reading ability and ERP component effects that have previously been elusive, such as the relationship between vocabulary and N400 mean amplitude (cf. Henderson et al., 2011). We conclude that it is possible to meaningfully examine reading‐related ERP effects at the single subject level in developing readers, and that this type of analysis can provide novel insights into both behavior and scholastic achievement.  相似文献   

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