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可拓学是由我国学者自主创立的一门新学科,它研究以形式化的模型分析事物拓展的可能性和开拓创新的规律,形成解决矛盾问题的方法。中国科学院权威杂志《科学通报》在评论文章中指出:“可拓学是一门充满生命力的新学科,它的创立是中国人的骄傲,它不仅属于中国,更属于世界。”[1]经过30年的不断开拓,可拓学已经发展成为一门横跨哲学、数学与工程学的交叉学科,我们哲学界也可以积极对相关问题进行科学的研究和探索。本文拟从逻辑的角度谈谈可拓逻辑的研究设想,以期能够引起哲学界、逻辑学界对可拓学研究的关注。一可拓逻辑的研究价值人类的历史… 相似文献
Certain extensions of Nelson's constructive logic N with strong negation have recently become important in arti.cial intelligence
and nonmonotonic reasoning, since they yield a logical foundation for answer set programming (ASP). In this paper we look
at some extensions of Nelson's .rst-order logic as a basis for de.ning nonmonotonic inference relations that underlie the
answer set programming semantics. The extensions we consider are those based on 2-element, here-and-there Kripke frames. In
particular, we prove completeness for .rst-order here-and-there logics, and their minimal strong negation extensions, for
both constant and varying domains. We choose the constant domain version, which we denote by QNc5, as a basis for de.ning a .rst-order nonmonotonic extension called equilibrium logic. We establish several metatheoretic
properties of QNc5, including Skolem forms and Herbrand theorems and Interpolation, and show that the .rst-oder version of equilibrium logic can be used as a foundation for answer set inference. 相似文献
We develop a predicate logical extension of a subintuitionistic propositional logic. Therefore a Hilbert type calculus and a Kripke type model are given. The propositional logic is formulated to axiomatize the idea of strategic weakening of Kripke's semantic for intuitionistic logic: dropping the semantical condition of heredity or persistence leads to a nonmonotonic model. On the syntactic side this leads to a certain restriction imposed on the deduction theorem. By means of a Henkin argument strong completeness is proved making use of predicate logical principles, which are only classically acceptable. 相似文献
This paper continues the investigation, started in Lávi?ka and Noguera (Stud Log 105(3): 521–551, 2017), of infinitary propositional logics from the perspective of their algebraic completeness and filter extension properties in abstract algebraic logic. If follows from the Lindenbaum Lemma used in standard proofs of algebraic completeness that, in every finitary logic, (completely) intersection-prime theories form a basis of the closure system of all theories. In this article we consider the open problem of whether these properties can be transferred to lattices of filters over arbitrary algebras of the logic. We show that in general the answer is negative, obtaining a richer hierarchy of pairwise different classes of infinitary logics that we separate with natural examples. As by-products we obtain a characterization of subdirect representation for arbitrary logics, develop a fruitful new notion of natural expansion, and contribute to the understanding of semilinear logics. 相似文献
Over recent years, various semantics have been proposed for dealing with updates in the setting of logic programs. The availability
of different semantics naturally raises the question of which are most adequate to model updates. A systematic approach to
face this question is to identify general principles against which such semantics could be evaluated. In this paper we motivate
and introduce a new such principle the refined extension principle. Such principle is complied with by the stable model semantics for (single) logic programs. It turns out that none of the
existing semantics for logic program updates, even though generalisations of the stable model semantics, comply with this
principle. For this reason, we define a refinement of the dynamic stable model semantics for Dynamic Logic Programs that complies with the principle. 相似文献
采用纸笔测验法对大学生如何进行范畴三段论推理进行了初步探讨.被试为123名大学生.研究发现:(1)人们在范畴三段论推理中一般有图形(像)的参与,且明晰的图形提示有助于推理成绩的提高;(2)影响范畴三段论推理的因素主要有前提能够建构的模型的数目、前提的内容、前提的格(格效应)和推理者自身(文理科、知识背景等)因素.具体而言,图示只对纯符号推理题有提高作用,理科学生只在文字内容推理题上显著高于文科学生;(3)对前提的不完全解释是产生推理错误的重要原因之一. 相似文献
Spencer Johnston 《逻辑史和逻辑哲学》2013,34(1):2-17
In this paper, we provide a historical exposition of John Buridan's theory of divided modal propositions. We then develop a semantic interpretation of Buridan's theory which pays particular attention to Buridan's ampliation of modal terms. We show that these semantics correctly capture his syllogistic reasoning. 相似文献
This special issue of the journal‘Studies in Logic’ results from an international workshopon‘TheHistory of Logic in China’held in Amsterdam,The Netherlands,on November 24-26, 2010 (http://www.sciencehistory.asia/history-logic-china).This event brought together, 相似文献
Michael Zakharyaschev 《Studia Logica》1997,59(3):345-358
This paper gives a characterization of those quasi-normal extensions of the modal system S4 into which intuitionistic propositional logic Int is embeddable by the Gödel translation. It is shown that, as in the normal case, the set of quasi-normal modal companions of Int contains the greatest logic, M*, for which, however, the analog of the Blok-Esakia theorem does not hold. M* is proved to be decidable and Halldén-complete; it has the disjunction property but does not have the finite model property. 相似文献
ELLIOT D. COHEN 《Journal of counseling and development : JCD》1987,66(1):37-39
The author indicates how the use of syllogistic logic in rational-emotive therapy can help therapists expose clients' irrational beliefs. 相似文献
Game Logic is a modal logic which extends Propositional Dynamic Logic by generalising its semantics and adding a new operator to the language. The logic can be used to reason about determined 2-player games. We present an overview of meta-theoretic results regarding this logic, also covering the algebraic version of the logic known as Game Algebra. 相似文献
Fabrice Correia 《Journal of Philosophical Logic》2017,46(5):507-538
I give a semantic characterisation of a system for the logic of grounding similar to the system introduced by Kit Fine in his “Guide to Ground”, as well as a semantic characterisation of a variant of that system which excludes the possibility of what Fine calls ‘zero-grounding’. 相似文献
The relevant modal logic G is a simple extension of the logic RT, the relevant counterpart of the familiar classically based system T. Using the Routley–Meyer semantics for relevant modal logics, this paper proves three main results regarding G: (i) G is semantically complete, but only with a non-standard interpretation of necessity. From this, however, other nice properties follow. (ii) With a standard interpretation of necessity, G is semantically incomplete; there is no class of frames that characterizes G. (iii) The class of frames for G characterizes the classically based logic T. 相似文献
《Australasian journal of philosophy》2013,91(4):578-580
Book Information The Is-Ought Problem: An Investigation in Philosophical Logic. By Gerhard Schurz. Kluwer. Dordrecht. 1997. Pp. x + 332. £92.25. 相似文献
Guillaume Aucher 《Studia Logica》2010,94(1):1-22
Representing an epistemic situation involving several agents obviously depends on the modeling point of view one takes. We
start by identifying the types of modeling points of view which are logically possible. We call the one traditionally followed
by epistemic logic the perfect external approach, because there the modeler is assumed to be an omniscient and external observer
of the epistemic situation. In the rest of the paper we focus on what we call the internal approach, where the modeler is
one of the agents involved in the situation. For this approach we propose and axiomatize a logical formalism based on epistemic
logic. This leads us to formalize some intuitions about the internal approach and about its connections with the external
ones. Finally, we show that our internal logic is decidable and PSPACE-complete. 相似文献