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The purpose of this study was to identify the detailed mechanism how the maximum throwing arm endpoint velocity is determined by the muscular torques and non-muscular interactive torques from the perspective of the dynamic coupling among the trunk, thorax and throwing and non-throwing arm segments. The pitching movements of ten male collegiate baseball pitchers were measured by a three-dimensional motion capture system. Using the induced-segmental velocity analysis (IVA) developed in this study, the maximum fingertip velocity of the throwing arm (MFV) was decomposed into each contribution of the muscular torques, passive motion-dependent torques due to gyroscopic moment, Coriolis force and centrifugal force, and other interactive torque components. The results showed that MFV (31.6 ± 1.7 m/s) was mainly attributed to two different mechanisms. The first is the passive motion-dependent effect on increasing the angular velocities of three joints (thorax rotation, elbow extension and wrist flexion). The second is the muscular torque effect of the shoulder internal rotation (IR) torque on generating IR angular velocity. In particular, the centrifugal force-induced elbow extension motion, which was the greatest contributor among individual joint contributions, was caused primarily by the angular velocity-dependent forces associated with the humerus, thorax, and trunk rotations. Our study also found that a compensatory mechanism was achieved by the negative and positive contributions of the muscular torque components. The current IVA is helpful to understand how the rapid throwing arm movement is determined by the dynamic coupling mechanism.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of instruction on the ball velocity and accuracy of a goal-directed overarm throw. 9 experienced Norwegian male team handball players executed a throwing task randomly seven times under 5 different instructions varying from emphasizing speed to accuracy. When instructions increasingly emphasized accuracy, velocity decreased. However, accuracy did not improve when subjects were instructed to focus on it. A possible explanation for this finding could lie in the specific subject group. The subjects were highly experienced team handball players with an average of 12 years in the sport. Thus, the accuracy they demonstrated at high velocity might actually be already extremely high and difficult to improve upon when reducing throwing velocity. Further, the velocity of throwing when instruction emphasized accuracy was approximately 85% of the maximal velocity, indicating that experienced team handball players are trained to throw accurately at relatively high velocity.  相似文献   

The extent to which different mechanical baseball-batting devices used during a rest affected performance immediately after rest (warm-up decrement) was examined. Difference scores between the average of prerest Trials 8, 9, and 10 and each of 10 postrest trials were used to determine the presence of warm-up decrement. It was predicted that the use of a batting-T and the Batter's Aid machine (in which a batter swings at a ball popped up within the strike zone) would result in superior performance measured as the distance (ft.) a ball was hit and frequency of contacts on postrest performance reducing or eliminating the warm-up decrement. Performance of 33 boys, aged 11 and 12 yr., indicated that only use of the Batter's Aid eliminated warm-up decrement with respect to both the distance and frequency as compared to the batting-T and control groups. In addition, the batting-T condition solicited significantly better performance than the controls on the distance measure but was statistically similar to the controls in frequency of contacts. Also, superior performance was significantly related to heightened heart rate, a physiological index of arousal. A primary explanation of the results focused on the effects of heightened physiological and psychological arousal on warm-up decrement.  相似文献   

Changing stride length during overhand throwing delivery is thought to alter total body and throwing arm linear momentums, thereby altering the proportion of throwing arm momentum relative to the total body. Using a randomized cross-over design, nineteen pitchers (15 collegiate and 4 high school) were assigned to pitch two simulated 80-pitch games at ±25% of their desired stride length. An 8-camera motion capture system (240 Hz) integrated with two force plates (960 Hz) and radar gun tracked each throw. Segmental linear momentums in each plane of motion were summed yielding throwing arm and total body momentums, from which compensation ratio’s (relative contribution between the two) were derived. Pairwise comparisons at hallmark events and phases identified significantly different linear momentum profiles, in particular, anteriorly directed total body, throwing arm, and momentum compensation ratios (P  .05) as a result of manipulating stride length. Pitchers with shorter strides generated lower forward (anterior) momentum before stride foot contact, whereas greater upward and lateral momentum (toward third base) were evident during the acceleration phase. The evidence suggests insufficient total body momentum in the intended throwing direction may potentially influence performance (velocity and accuracy) and perhaps precipitate throwing arm injuries.  相似文献   

The effect of practice on limb kinematics in a dart-throwing task was examined to test three current hypotheses regarding limb control: trajectory formation; end-point control; and coordinated joint-space control. Practice was given to both the relatively well-practiced dominant ant the relatively unpracticed nondominant limbs of 5 male subjects to permit analysis of the early phase of coordination acquisition. The nondominant limb demonstrated high absolute joint cross-correlations with high variability throughout practice and consistency in the hand trajectory. The dominant limb exhibit a significant decrease in wrist-elbow and wrist-shoulder cross-correlations over practice while also maintaining a consistent hand trajectory and significantly higher scoring performance. The findings demonstrate that practice effects can be seen in both coordination mode and variability of various parameters of limb motion, but the changing relationship between the variables suggests that control cannot be ascribed to any one of the three hypotheses advanced. It is proposed that the observed invariance or variance in limb trajectories, end-point control, and coordinated joint angles are a reflection of more global parameters emerging from the flow field properties of the organism, environment, and task interaction.  相似文献   

80 adults (40 men and 40 women) aged 18 to 25 yr. and 80 boys aged 14 to 15 yr. observed a throwing action presented in point-light form at a frontoparallel viewpoint either as a video film or computer simulation of the actor. The display consisted of the relative motion of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints of the throwing arm. Subjects were asked to report what they observed. The action was recognised immediately by 68% of all subjects, and this value increased to 90% with one more viewing of the demonstration. Response was virtually the same for both types of display, and there were no differences between adults and children. The results were similar to those from other studies from which researchers have concluded that kinematic information alone is sufficient to permit perception of fundamental patterns of movement.  相似文献   

The consistency and coordination of release parameters in ball-throwing movements were investigated. The authors used a newly developed index of coordination for release parameters (ICRP) that quantifies the degree of improvement of performance consistency caused by compensatory relationships among parameters (i.e., not caused by consistency of parameters). Eight participants practiced for 150 trials, with the nondominant hand, a ball-throwing task aimed at a stationary target. The magnitude of the ball-release velocity vector, among release parameters, as well as the performance was found to become consistent with practice. The ICRP score suggested that the release parameters were complementarily coordinated with one another, and that the coordination improved with practice. Those results indicate that compensatory relationships among varying release parameters contribute to reducing the variability of performance in a ball-throwing task whose goal is accuracy.  相似文献   

To understand the activation patterns of the trunk musculature, it is also important to consider the implications of adjacent structures such as the upper limbs, and the muscles that act to move the arms. This study investigated the effects of arm positions on the activation patterns and co-activation of the trunk musculature and muscles that move the arm during trunk range-of-motion movements (maximum trunk axial twist, flexion, and lateral bend). Fifteen males and fifteen females, asymptomatic for low back pain, performed maximum trunk range-of-motion movements, with three arm positions for axial twist (loose, crossed, abducted) and two positions for flexion and lateral bend (loose, crossed). Electromyographical data were collected for eight muscles bilaterally, and activation signals were cross-correlated between trunk muscles and the muscles that move the arms (upper trapezius, latissimus dorsi). Results revealed consistently greater muscle co-activation (higher cross-correlation coefficients) between the trunk muscles and upper trapezius for the abducted arm position during maximum trunk axial twist, while results for the latissimus dorsi-trunk pairings were more dependent on the specific trunk muscles (either abdominal or back) and latissimus dorsi muscle (either right or left side), as well as the range-of-motion movement. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of interactions between the upper limbs and trunk, and highlight the influence of arm positions on the trunk musculature. In addition, the comparison of the present results to those of individuals with back or shoulder conditions may ultimately aid in elucidating underlying mechanisms or contributing factors to those conditions.  相似文献   

This is the second component of a two-part series investigating 3D momentum profiles specific to overhand throwing, where altering stride reportedly influences throwing mechanics resulting in significantly different physiologic outcomes and linear momentum profiles. Using a randomized cross-over design, nineteen pitchers (15 collegiate and 4 high school) were assigned to pitch two simulated 80-pitch games at ±25% of their desired stride length. An 8-camera motion capture system (240 Hz) integrated with two force plates (960 Hz) and radar gun tracked each overhand throw. Segmental angular momentums were summed yielding throwing arm and total body momentums, from which compensation ratio’s (relative contribution between the two) were derived. Pairwise comparisons at hallmark events and phases identified significantly different angular momentum profiles, in particular total body, throwing arm, and momentum compensation ratios (P  0.05) as a result of manipulating stride length. Sagittal, frontal, and transverse angular momentums were affected by stride length changes. Transverse magnitudes showed greatest effects for total body, throwing arm, and momentum compensation ratios. Since the trunk is the main contributor to linear and angular momentum, longer strides appear to better regulate transverse trunk momentum in double support, whereas shorter strides show increased momentum prior to throwing arm acceleration.  相似文献   

A baseball batting simulation was used to investigate the information used to hit a baseball. Measures of spatial and temporal swing accuracy were used to test whether batters (a) use speed to estimate pitch height, (b) initiate a constant swing duration at a fixed time to contact, (c) are influenced by the history of previous pitches and pitch count, and (d) use rotation direction. Batters were experienced college players. Pitch speed variance led to predictable spatial errors, and spatial accuracy was worse than temporal accuracy. Swing duration was generally variable. The history of the previous 3 pitches and the pitch count had significant effects on accuracy, and performance improved when rotation cues were added. There were significant effects of expertise on hitting strategy.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of chromatic and achromatic targets on performing a throwing task for subjects referred for learning disability. 20 boys referred to the Perceptual Motor Development Center practiced under achromatic or chromatic target conditions. After 5 practice bouts, each subject immediately performed on the opposite condition. When subjects were aware of chromatic and achromatic target alternatives, chromatic targets facilitated performance.  相似文献   

"Markov at the bat": a model of cognitive processing in baseball batters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anecdotal evidence from players and coaches indicates that cognitive processing (e.g., expectations about the upcoming pitch) plays an important role in successful baseball batting, yet this aspect of hitting has not been investigated in detail. The present study provides experimental evidence that prior expectations significantly influence the timing of a baseball swing. A two–state Markov model was used to predict the effects of pitch sequence and pitch count on batting performance. The model is a hitting strategy of switching between expectancy states using a simple set of transition rules. In a simulated batting experiment, the model provided a good fit to the hitting performance of 6 experienced college baseball players, and the estimated model parameters were highly correlated with playing level.  相似文献   

Light-eyed individuals generally perform better at self-paced activities while dark-eyed individuals perform better at reactive activities. In throwing a ball at a target there were no differences between light- and dark-eyed elementary school-age children. Boys hit the target more times than did girls, and older children in upper grades hit the target more often than did younger children in lower grades.  相似文献   

Abstract.— To determine how children use various attributional categories in making judgments about themselves as a function of team performance outcomes, answers were sought to the questions of how invariant children's perceptions of their characteristics are, and how they expect social agents to judge them under the various outcome conditions of team performance. Subjects were 300 Little League baseball players. Team failure did not decrease the players' judgments of their own internal qualities (ability and effort) but did decrease their judgments of those of the team. In addition, the players judged themselves and expected social agents (coach and spectators) to judge them as being unlucky and having a difficult task following team failure. Theoretical implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to obtain more information on the relation between effort and resistance to extinction when all subjects receive equal acquisition experience on each effort level at which the response is subsequently to be extinguished. Twenty-four subjects were given 120 reinforcements on each of three weighted bars of 5, 40 and 70 gm. They were then ordered into three groups, each extinguished on one effort level. Analysis of the number of responses emitted in six daily 20-min. extinction sessions showed that resistance to extinction was not related to the amount of effort expended in extinction.  相似文献   

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