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A cognitive developmental perspective on counselling adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although developmental perspectives on counselling are increasingly popular, difficulties inherent in these perspectives impede their actual use in practice. In this paper, individual counselling is situated within a cognitive developmental (Piagetian) framework. Its major constructs — structure and function, assimilation and accommodation, and equilibration — can profitably be applied to the counselling of adolescents. The implications of these constructs for use by counsellors are presented in the light of the traditional responsive and initiative conditions required of the helping relationship. Thus, a perspective on actual counselling intervention founded on a major direction in developmental psychology is provided.  相似文献   

Children with chronic diseases have to cope with a number of potentially stressful situations. Some relate specifically to the disease and treatment, and others, relating to school and home, are shared with all children. Research has tended to focus on environmental or personal variables that influence ‘adjustment’ to the disease. In contrast, work in general developmental psychology is concerned with identifying changes in children's appraisal of what constitutes a stressful situation, and describing appropriate coping skills. It is argued that this latter approach should be integrated with work concerned with coping in childhood illness. Implications for clinical practice are considered.  相似文献   

A S Onyehalu 《Adolescence》1983,18(71):627-630
There is abundant evidence relating to the paucity of sex-oriented knowledge by the average adolescent across cultures. Investigations have demonstrated that such sex learning, generally colored with misconceptions and misinformation, is obtained almost entirely from the peer group since cultural inhibitions and puritan attitudes often prevent open discussions of the subject of sex with teachers, parents or other adults. There is also every indication that adolescents' natural interest in and preoccupation with human sexuality is on the increase, aided by the current massive circulation of pornographic literature, adult examples of sexual irresponsibility and the strong desire to conform with peer norms. This paper therefore suggests that if premature teenage pregnancy as well as social, emotional and psychological consequences of teenage genital exploration is to be avoided or controlled, then a comprehensive program of sex education and sex counselling for boys and girls in the second decade of the life cycle is overdue.  相似文献   

This study involved interviews with 13 adolescents with high levels of suicidal ideation. It aimed to understand how these adolescents perceived their family, school and peer relationships, and how they perceived these systems as their support. Comparison between adolescents with severe and mild suicidal ideation showed that the family, school and peers could act as effective support systems in times of stress. A close interpersonal relationship was the key factor in unlocking these support systems. The school as a support system was highlighted. Implications for school guidance and counselling to strengthen the social support of adolescents and adolescents' resiliency were discussed.  相似文献   

An account is given of the inception and development of a counselling service for nurses in training at a large London teaching hospital. The aims of the service are described, as are the evolving role of the counsellor and the use made of the service both by student nurses and other members of the hospital organisation. Some recommendations are made concerning the future development of counselling services within National Health Service hospitals.  相似文献   

Can group counselling help patients who present with symptoms that cannot be explained medically? Preliminary results of working with one such group are reported. Six patients in a primary care practice were offered weekly sessions for half a year. The findings suggest that the patients attended all group sessions. The patients reported experiences known to be related to group counselling, and when the group ended, patient reports show that the severity of their problems was reduced significantly (p<.001). Furthermore, during the six months after the group ended patients significantly (p<.025) reduced their visits to their general practitioners. These results seem to call for wider use of humanistic group counselling with somatising patients and further research into the impact of such form of counselling.  相似文献   

The construction of a counselling inventory for use by teachers and counsellors in identifying those pupils most in need of personal counselling is described The inventory consists of statements in six factorially distinct areas: (i) relationship with teachers, (ii) relationship with family, (iii) relation-ship with peers, (iv) social confidence, (v) irritability and (vi) health Evidence of reliability and validity is reported.  相似文献   

This is the first of two papers describing work based on the assumptions that skilled behaviour produced by counsellors can be (a) identified, (b) specified in detail, and (c) produced by training. A behaviour category instrument applicable to counselling interactions was developed, using techniques which had already been applied successfully to the analysis of interpersonal skills in an industrial setting. Client-centred, rational-emotive and gestalt approaches to counselling were initially selected for analysis, on the basis that they represented radically different approaches, that they were relatively well-defined, and that there was material available for analysis from skilled practitioners. The analyses show that the different approaches result in characteristically different behaviour profiles. The results are considered in terms of their potential contribution to outcome research and to training procedures.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a programmes of experiential training in structured group counselling, based on the approach of Sheldon Rose. Participants were 32 undergraduate and graduate students, divided into three groups, who participated in the group work as part of a course in Core Counseling skills. The groups met for two hours per week for eight weeks. At the end of each exercise the participants completed a 12-item questionnaire giving their evalution and experience of the exercise they had just finished. The questionnaires were initially factors analysed and produced three main factg43ors, labelled task orientation, cohesion and conflict. Factor scores were used for all subsequent analyses. A series of one-way analyses of variance showed how the groups reacted to the different exercises, and discriminant analysis was used to determine how the climate and method of the individual groups could be differentially characterised in terms of the questionnaire factors. It was concluded that the membership of structured groups may be a major determinant of the group climate and experience.  相似文献   

This paper reflects the experiences of young people in child guidance and family counselling. For this purpose, first the institutional background of these counselling services in Germany is outlined. The fact that the adolescents concerned feel partly excluded and insufficiently integrated into the counselling process is illustrated through qualitative analysis of the experiences 17 young people had during their counselling process. These empirical findings are critically discussed in terms of the institutional conditions and methodical approaches which counteract the involvement of the actual addressees of the counselling service. The paper concludes that professionals need to attend more to facilitating the participation of young people.  相似文献   

During adolescence the peer group plays a major role in facilitating developmental processes, since it not only serves as a replacement for childhood love-objects and attachments, but offers the adolescent allies in the struggle to separate and become emancipated from parents. For those adolescents who, because of interpersonal and intrapsychic difficulties, have no peer group or have chosen an inappropriate peer group, providing a therapeutic group can make it possible for development to proceed. This paper presents not only a theoretical basis for the utilization of groups of peers in the treatment of adolescents, but also an elaboration on the dynamic processes which make possible improvement of ego-functioning and resolution of core conflicts related to the past, as well as to this particular developmental phase.  相似文献   

This paper challenges two myths about voluntary sector counselling, namely (a) that volunteer counsellors and voluntary sector counselling are the same thing, and (b) that standards of practice in the voluntary sector are significantly different from those elsewhere. The paper also argues that voluntary sector counselling nurtures a deeply felt commitment to respond to human need without monetary recompense. Drawing on evidence from a study of voluntary sector counselling in Scotland, we show that a substantial proportion of voluntary sector counselling is undertaken by paid workers, and that many counsellors who volunteer in one setting undertake paid counselling work in another setting. We demonstrate that the majority of voluntary sector counselling agencies in Scotland work within ethical frameworks developed by the professional bodies for counselling, and we argue that these agencies have been at the forefront of efforts to enhance the quality and safety of counselling services available to the public. We identify and illustrate three overlapping reasons why large numbers of highly qualified counsellors give their time and expertise for free: because of their desire to support the work of agencies through which the accessibility of counselling is extended; because volunteer counselling constitutes personally rewarding and meaningful work; and as an expression of their commitment to give freely of themselves. In conclusion we argue that voluntarism is central to counselling, but that parts of the counselling world are at risk of forgetting this core value.  相似文献   

Aim: To explore therapists' perceptions of the relative benefits and pitfalls of group work and individual counselling for bereaved clients. Method: Semi-structured interviews with nine experienced bereavement therapists from a range of different contexts generated data which was analysed using grounded theory methodology. Findings: Groups were perceived as having a normalising influence, helping members make new social contacts and practice social skills. Individual counselling was seen as facilitating the initial telling of the story and the expression of extreme emotion. Discussion: The findings suggest that individual counselling may be useful as a primary intervention easing ‘emotional loneliness’ caused by the death of a spouse or attachment figure. Group work may be of more benefit later in the bereavement process, facilitating an engagement with the outside world and alleviating ‘social loneliness’. Implications for practice: This suggests that bereavement services might usefully combine group and individual provision. Initial assessment could help clients clarify their needs and facilitate their choice of service. This would be more cost effective and potentially ease clients' bereavement experience.  相似文献   

Inner city, psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents are accessible to group therapy intervention. We developed a unique approach combining Slavson's theories with principles of family treatment and psychoanalytic theory. The group was conceptualized as a corrective family experience with the therapists functioning as model parents. Our model relies on a four-phase process, which is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the hypothesis that social skills training is more effective in increasing socially acceptable behaviour in adolescents than is a generalized or non-specific form of group therapy. Forty-two subjects were selected to participate in the study from among adolescents referred for group therapy at two youth guidance clinics in Brisbane, Australia. The 23 males and 19 females were randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions: a social skills training group, a non-specific therapy group and a waiting-list-for-therapy (control) condition. All subjects were assessed before and after treatment on five measures of social skills. Subjects in the social skills training group showed significant improvements on three of these measures while the non-specific therapy and waiting-list control groups showed no specific changes on any of the measures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to address the gap in the existing literature on the multilingual aspect of language in psychotherapy with children and adolescents. This research aimed at interpreting possible meanings for clients of being multilingual in the therapeutic process as well as reflect on the influence of clients’ multilingualism in the therapeutic relationship. The researcher used a systematic literature review (PRISMA guidelines, 2009) to select articles based on empirical qualitative/mixed studies with participants up to 25 years old or adults referring to childhood/adolescence. The researcher used thematic synthesis (Thomas & Harden, 2008) to extract, analyse and interpret data. The rigour of this study was enhanced by the use of auto-ethnography as a source of evidence (McLeod, 2015). The auto-etnography documents self-reflections on personal experience of being multilingual contributing to deeper contextualised knowledge. The findings confirm previous research on the existence of a link between multilingualism and “identity” (Costa, 2020, p. 5). This research suggests that the meaning a client gives to bilingualism can be co-constructed within an attuned therapeutic relationship. In this co-construction journey, there is a significant opportunity for children and young people in finding their way through languages, hence reaching emancipation and affirmation in the world. The main limitation of this research relates to the fact that there are not many studies with children/young people. This led the researcher to also include studies based on a mixed sample and with adults referring to childhood/adolescence, which might have influenced the interpretation of findings.  相似文献   

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