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刘玉宇 《现代哲学》2006,(6):105-111
儒家伦理是否自律,不少学者对此问题进行过深入的探讨,但结论却莫衷一是。该文通过比较儒家伦理中所体现的自主性因素和西方哲学中的“自律”概念,认为学者们的分歧主要在于对西方哲学中“自律”概念的两个构成因素的不同侧重。儒家伦理中不存在作为个人权利基础的“自律”,但在作为道德理想的意义上则的确可说是“自律”的。儒家的“自律”观为我们提供了一个更接近自然主义的人的观念。  相似文献   

儒家文化对当前中国心理健康服务实践的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理健康服务是以心理学的理论和方法为主导来维护与促进人们心理健康的活动。它与个人的心理因素和社会文化因素有必然联系, 中国心理健康服务植根于中国文化的土壤之中, 它本身就是文化的产物。而儒家文化作为中国社会的主流文化, 它在中国心理健康服务过程中具有表征、构建、指导、唤起功能; 对心理健康服务者和被服务者的人格、应对方式以及服务态度和行为产生直接和间接影响。中国心理健康服务模式与儒家文化传统的关系问题实际上涉及的是心理健康服务与文化的普遍性与特殊性问题。构建适合中国文化土壤的心理健康服务体系需要研究儒家文化传统对心理健康服务模式的观念、理论及实践操作层面的作用和影响。  相似文献   

我们遵循取其精华,去其糟粕,古为今用的原则,对于儒家政治伦理及其治国思想进行新的开发,转化,创新和利用,可以为建设当代中国政治明提供服务。  相似文献   

The Confucian understanding of emotions and their ethical importance confirms and exemplifies the contemporary Western renewed understanding of the nature of emotions. By virtue of a systematic conceptual analysis of Confucian ethics, one can see that, according to Confucians, the ethical significance of emotions, lies in that an ethical life is also emotional and virtues are inclinational. And a further exploration shows that the reason for the ethical significance is both that emotions are heavenly-endowed and that there exists a union of emotions and reason in Confucian ethics. This will constitute a challenge to the so-called mainstream ethical theories which have been popularly engaged in seeking justifications for abstract moral rules. __________ Translated from Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Research), 2007, (3): 86–92  相似文献   

The use of popular film as an experiential teaching tool in multicultural counselor education has been well documented. However, existing research has been limited. The purpose of this study is to implement a unique pedagogic intervention using popular films and to study how counseling students experience the activity as part of their multicultural counseling training. The researchers utilized the popular films Crash and Precious to stimulate student dialogue and reflection on topics pertaining to race, culture, privilege, and social justice. The findings indicate that popular films, when implemented in conjunction with reflective learning activities, are effective in promoting students’ multicultural and social justice counseling competencies. Participants reported that the pedagogic activity was effective in bringing to life the multicultural course concepts and stimulating difficult but necessary conversations about race, ethnicity, privilege, and power. Finally, implications of this study could further inform the field of multicultural counselor education.  相似文献   

儒家的和谐哲学及其在当代中国的运用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
儒家的和谐哲学,强调和谐是天底下最宝贵的价值;主张和谐是不同事物的共生共存状态;指出任何事物的矛盾,经过冲突与斗争,最终必定以“和谐”的方式解决;坚持和谐能够促成组织的凝聚,从而增大整体的力量。和谐哲学作为中国人的思维方式,成为整个中华民族的“集体潜意识”。在改革开放的当代中国,这种“集体潜意识”被释放出来,运用到经济、政治和社会各个领域,在诸如“社会主义市场经济”、“一个国家、两种制度”、“社会主义和谐社会”、“科学发展观”等战略构思中得到充分的体现。  相似文献   

王廷相道寓于“六经”的思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王廷相提出道寓于“六经”的思想,以“六经”为载道之文,强调求道于“六经”,而不讲“四书”;并尊孔非孟,批评宋儒之学。以维护孔子及“六经”的权威来降低孟子、朱熹及“四书”的权威和重要性,修正朱学的流弊,这在经学史和理学史上均具有重要意义,体现了王延相经学与理学思想的独特性。  相似文献   

“生”是儒家学说中一个很重要的概念 ,儒家的许多范畴和命题基本上都能从“生”中得到说明。只有正确理解“生”的内涵和意义上 ,才能准确理解“中庸”、“仁”、“忠恕之道”和“天人合一”的含义 ,也才能把握儒家重精神情操的思想特征和推己及人的行为方式。  相似文献   

王郡玲 《管子学刊》2008,(3):114-116
孔子是我国古代教育思想的奠基者,是我国古代伟大的教育家、思想家,儒家学派的创始人。两千多年来,他和他所创立的思想学说,对我国的教育教学、建设和谐社会以及它的现代管理价值等方面有着极为深刻的影响。孔子的儒家思想对世界范围内的政治和经济的影响是深远的。  相似文献   

Multicultural competence in genetic counseling integrates racial-cultural knowledge, awareness, and skills into clinical interventions and research practices. Researchers and educators often cite racial-cultural factors as obstacles for visible racial-cultural people seeking help. However, the professional's unfamiliarity of how his or her own racial-cultural group affiliations are influenced by the history of discrimination and oppression coupled with their lack of self-understanding of racial-cultural issues for him- or herself has also limited the effectiveness of genetic counseling. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Handbook of Cross-Cultural Genetic Counseling, a multicultural curriculum developed for genetic counselor education for increasing multicultural counseling competence. The multicultural curriculum was evaluated for its effectiveness of increasing multicultural counseling competence using a nonequivalent control group design. A participant's multicultural counseling competence was hypothesized to increase after being taught the curriculum. The curriculum was effective for increasing multicultural counseling competence. Additionally, achieved multicultural counseling competence was not influenced by when the curriculum was taught. Trend analyses measuring the longitudinal impact of the curriculum on multicultural competence were significant. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

康有为揭橥孔子和经学的旗帜 ,并借用西学对其进行改铸 ,从而把孔子塑造成君主立宪政体的缔造者 ,把经典改造成君主立宪政体理论的载体。康有为之所以能这样做 ,与经学与时俱进的特征、自身学贯中西的知识储备以及现实社会的需要有很大关系。康氏所为 ,开援西入儒之先河 ,拓展了儒家的外王学与内圣学 ,促进了思想的解放 ,对构建当代新文化也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This essay reviews Confucian ethics with regard to impartiality and Confucian notion of brotherhood. It focuses on the comments by Song Neo- Confucians, Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi, about a famous case involving brotherhood. In this case Diwu Lun of the Han dynasty treated his diseased son and his diseased nephew in different ways. The author argues that Confucianism, starting from a naturalist standpoint, affirms the partiality in the relations between brothers, and judges deliberate impartiality negatively. On this point, one cannot simply view Confucianism as analogous to the Kantian ethics which promises impartiality or the virtue ethics which opposes impartiality.  相似文献   

Junzi personality refers to traits of ideal persons in Confucian philosophy and is a key to East-Asian indigenous personality studies. We proposed that Junzi personality predicts positive interpersonal relationships, mediated by internal and external attributions in affiliation goal areas. Participants from China (N = 337) completed self- and peer-rated questionnaires in three stages over a 4-month period. Results showed that Junzi personality significantly and positively predicted self-rated interpersonal competence and satisfaction and peer ratings of interpersonal performance. These effects were significantly mediated by internal and external attributions for affiliation. This research provides personality and interpersonal psychology insights by culturally compatible measures and frameworks rooted in East-Asian philosophy and also contributes to the literature on antecedents and consequences of affiliation attribution.  相似文献   

Qiong Wang 《亚洲哲学》2016,26(3):193-205
In this article, I shall briefly examine the basic characteristics of Confucian familial morality, especially of the concept of filial piety, and argue that ancient Confucians tend to be conservative on allowing breach of filial obligations although they may not entirely exclude particular considerations to exceptional situations to a certain degree. I shall then argue that this conservative aspect of the Confucian idea of filial piety accurately captures some distinctive features of familial relationships and may thus shed light on our understanding of the ethical nature of human family life and our philosophical investigation of familial ethics.  相似文献   

医患信任是构建和谐医患关系的重要前提,是实现医疗体系良性循环的基础条件。基于中国传统儒学文化视角,认为医患信任危机是由于在医疗实践中重"治疗"轻"沟通",重"利益"轻"道义"以及强化立场对立性,淡化关系统一性等原因造成的,进而提出以人为本,加强儒学人文关怀,树立合作共赢的理念,构筑医患命运共同体等对策,重构医患合一的新时代医患信任关系,为医患信任重构提供理论支撑及现实依据,进而为缓解紧张的医患关系提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

By Pilgrim W.K. LO 《Dialog》2009,48(2):168-178
Abstract :  There is no doubt in the Christian tradition that humans are created in the image of God, which establishes the fundamental difference between humans and animals. However, problems concerning differences between humans have become more serious in theological discussions today with regard to human dignity. While theologians of the West argue for recognition of and respect for human dignity for every individual human being through legislation in the political system, one must not overlook the fact that in China, the emphasis of Confucian anthropology on the cultivation of moral personality is of vital importance for the practice and domination of politicians.  相似文献   

王福银 《管子学刊》2007,(2):39-40,62
祭孔乐舞是迄今为止中国仅存的雅乐舞,而《韶乐》又是中国历代王朝所尊崇的雅乐体系的重要组成部分之一。这两者在我国雅乐发展历史中同样担当着举足轻重的作用。根据艺术发展的规律,任何艺术的新生作品都必须或必然是建立在继承文化传统的基础之上,祭孔乐舞的诞生虽然远离《韶乐》流传盛行的西周,但是,《韶乐》的内容和形式却深深影响着中国历代雅乐的制作和发展。作为中国雅乐分支的孔庙乐舞,对《韶乐》的传承也必定有历史的必然和血脉的联系。因此毋庸置疑,现存的祭孔乐舞成为当下我们寻找古《韶乐》历史面貌的主要甚至是唯一的实物资料。而通过研究发现,两者之间不仅有关而且渊源久矣。  相似文献   

Contemporary proponents of Confucian political philosophy often ignore the fact that any sizeable future Confucian political order will have to accommodate many “non-Confucians.” The guiding question of this paper is therefore the following: how could a Confucian political philosophy, if it can at all, adequately take into account a plurality of comprehensive worldviews? I first turn to John Rawls and his account of these terms and of reasonable pluralism more generally. I then examine some particularly relevant developments and criticism of Rawls’ account. Finally, I offer a discussion of some recent proposals for a Confucian political philosophy, and examine to what extent each recognizes the fact of pluralism, sees it as a challenge, and deals with it in a persuasive manner. The paper concludes with a depiction of two major stumbling blocks that might stand firmly in the way of such a pluralism-accommodating political Confucianism.  相似文献   

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