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This article begins with clarification of the notion of progress. The author believes that it is possible to consider progress objectively, if by progress we understand a positive change in the effectiveness of something. He mentions two types of progress: progress of improvement and progress of augmentation. He then distinguishes evaluative from reflective philosophy. Evaluative philosophy gives answers to the second and third of Kant's famous three questions; reflective philosophy answers the first, dealing with the limits of human knowledge. Progress in evaluative philosophy takes the form of augmentation. But in reflective philosophy it could take the form of improvement. The author believes, however, that it is not an easy task to improve contemporary social philosophy. Three main obstacles are: the “anthropological turn” in philosophy, the challenge of postmodernism, and the turning of social philosophy into a kind of useful knowledge.  相似文献   

This study investigated how spirituality as a positive life theme might be related to one’s unique style of cognitive processing. Study participants included 80 individuals; 40 older adults and 40 younger adults. Word recall and recognition tasks assessed memory for positive, negative, neutral, and religious words. Results indicated that spirituality does not appear to be related to cognitive bias, but that words with either positive, negative, neutral, or religious connotations are recalled and recognized at different rates.  相似文献   

Native American spirituality is described through the 4 basic cultural elements of Medicine, Harmony, Relation, and Vision. Based on these 4 cultural elements, practical implications for counseling are offered concerning greeting, hospitality, silence, space, eye contact, intention, and collaboration.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - What are we asking when we ask about spirituality? When research subjects check survey boxes for “religiosity” and “spirituality” measures...  相似文献   

Bird (2007) argues that scientific progress consists in increasing knowledge. Dellsén (2016a) objects that increasing knowledge is neither necessary nor sufficient for scientific progress, and argues that scientific progress rather consists in increasing understanding. Dellsén also contends that unlike Bird’s view, his view can account for the scientific practices of using idealizations and of choosing simple theories over complex ones. I argue that Dellsén’s criticisms against Bird’s view fail, and that increasing understanding cannot account for scientific progress, if acceptance, as opposed to belief, is required for scientific understanding.  相似文献   

Do justice values promote or obstruct forgiveness? This question has received virtually no empirical attention, even though past theorizing suggest two different answers. The literature on forgiveness suggests that justice constitutes a barrier to forgiveness, suggesting that the activation of justice values should decrease the probability of forgiveness. Conversely, the literature on justice and human values indicates that justice and forgiveness are positively associated, suggesting that the activation of justice should enhance the probability of forgiveness. Consistent with the latter line of reasoning, three studies, using complementary priming methods, provide converging evidence for the prediction that the activation of justice promotes (rather than obstructs) forgiveness. Implications for extant theory regarding forgiveness and justice are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors respond to D. A. Helminiak's (2001) article “Treating Spiritual Issues in Secular Psychotherapy.” They focus particularly on Helminiak's argument for secular spirituality (whether spirituality can be independent of theology/religion) and his inherent biases in discussing the nature and existence of spirituality. The authors argue that all spiritual conceptions have theological implications—and thus a theology, broadly defined—and that theology, in this sense, pervades the theory and practice of all psychotherapists, whether or not they are religious.  相似文献   

In response to a variety of interpretations regarding the functions of career counseling and placement in today's higher education, this article clarifies the areas of assistance that colleges' career-counseling and placement offices provide. My explanation focuses on a sequential model for career development, and career-counseling programs and resources are discussed for each appropriate stage of student development.  相似文献   

This study examined whether having attended a public, private or religious affiliated grade and/or high school influenced a college student’s ethical decision making process. We also examined whether having taken an ethics course in college influences a student’s ethical decision making process. Our sample included 508 accounting students (237 men and 271 women) from Albania, Ecuador, Ireland and the United States. Our analyses indicated no differences in ethical decision making that associated with either grade-or-high-school education. While our data showed no difference in the reported attitudes between students from Ecuador and the United States after controlling for social desirability response bias, we found significant differences between the attitudes students from the United States and students from both Albania and Ireland. While gender was also significant for six of our seven scenarios, social desirability response bias was significant in all of our scenarios.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies suggest that the relationship between higher education and subjective well-being (SWB) is either insignificant or negative. Most of these studies, however, use life satisfaction as a proxy for SWB. In this study, using longitudinal data from the Household Income and Labor Dynamics in Australia survey, I examine the link between higher education and three different measures of subjective well-being: life satisfaction and its different sub-domains (evaluative), positive and negative affect (hedonic), and engagement and purpose (eudaimonic). Three substantial results emerge: (1) people with higher education are more likely to report higher levels of eudaimonic and hedonic SWB, i.e., they view their lives as more meaningful and experience more positive emotions and less negative ones; (2) people with higher education are satisfied with most life domains (financial, employment opportunities, neighborhood, local community, children at home) but they report lower satisfaction with the amount of free time they have; (3) the positive effect of higher education is increasing, but at a decreasing rate; the SWB gains from obtaining a graduate degree are much lower (on the margin) compared to getting a college degree.  相似文献   

Categorization research has demonstrated the use of both rules and remembered exemplars in classification, although there is disagreement over whether learners shift from one to the other or use both strategies simultaneously. Theoretical arguments can motivate predictions for both rule use and exemplar use increasing with more practice. We describe a single large experiment (n = 190) that manipulated the number of training items (category size), the number of presentations of each training item, and the similarity between the training and the transfer stimuli in order to discover when rules and exemplars are most likely to be used. Results showed that rules and exemplars both influenced classification and that exemplars were used more often with smaller categories, with more training on items, and when test items were similar to training items. There was no consistent evidence of a shift from rule-based to exemplar-based categorization with more learning. Importantly, we found a number of conditions in which rules and exemplars were both used, even within individual participants. We discuss our results in terms of hybrid models of classification.  相似文献   

First and second graders (6- and 7-year-olds) practiced reading 20 words. Before and after word training, they named pictures printed with and without these words as distractors. Of interest was whether training would enhance or diminish the interference created by these words in the picture-naming task. Results indicated that children who learned to recognize unfamiliar distractor words more accurately suffered more interference after training. In contrast, children who were already familiar with the words and learned to recognize them faster experienced less interference following training. Results are interpreted as supporting LaBerge and Samuels' model of automatic word processing. Effects of accuracy training are attributed to the elimination of attention as a requirement for processing distractor words. Effects of speed training are attributed to a reduction in the time consumed by distractor words in the central processor.  相似文献   

Anxiety, stress, and cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) are variously believed to play a role in sustained hypertension. Although acute anxiety or stress elicits acute pressor responses, there is little support for their significant role in sustained hypertension. Anxiety correlates poorly with CVR, and blood pressure levels and anxiolytics do not sustain blood pressure lowering in subjects with hypertension-associated anxiety. Chronic anxiety disorders tend to be characterized by relatively low blood pressure and prevalence of sustained hypertension. Blood Pressure Regulation in hypertension is normal, and normo- and hypertensives have similar ambulatory blood pressure variability. Laboratory CVR fails to predict variability in natural environments, hyperreactors do not exhibit increased variability in natural environments, and the increased variability and ambulatory reactivity that is "accounted for" by laboratory responses is small. These findings do not support the belief that hypertension is related to a summation of heightened pressor responses over time. Antihypertensives normalize elevated blood pressures but do not alter CVR in the laboratory or variability in natural environments, probably because of a dual central regulation of resting and reactive blood pressures. Psychological stress responses result from selective neuronal activation rather than from generalized sympathetic neural responses or dysregulation. Differences in blood pressure responses during various emotions are only quantitative, with no specificity of sympathoadrenal or emotional responses to stressors. It may be time to regard reactive cardiovascular responses as physiological, rather than as psychological, and to require much stronger evidence to confirm causal roles of anxiety, stress, and reactivity in sustained hypertension.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that perceptual boundaries between phonetic categories are changeable with training (Norris, McQueen, & Cutler, 2003). For example, Kraljic and Samuel (2005) exposed listeners in a lexical decision task to ambiguous /s-integral/ sounds in either s-word contexts (e.g., legacy) or integral-word contexts (e.g., parachute). In a subsequent /s/-/integral/ categorization test, listeners in the /s/ condition categorized more tokens as /s/ than did those in the /integral/ condition. The effect--termed perceptual learning in speech--is assumed to reflect a change in phonetic category representation. However, the result could be due to a decision bias resulting from the training task. In Experiment 1, we replicated the basic Kraljic and Samuel (2005) experiment and added an AXB discrimination test. In Experiment 2, we used a task that is less likely to induce a decision bias. Results of both experiments and signal detection analyses point to a true change in phonetic representation.  相似文献   

The Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act, enacted in 2015, aimed to increase access to treatment for U.S. military veterans; however, poor attendance at aftercare and high rates of treatment refusal suggest that, even when treatment is accessible, it may not be acceptable. Often, it is difficult to acknowledge the need for help and to commit to treatment. The stigma of mental illness diminishes the self-respect of individuals with mental health problems and may be especially acute for veterans because of the centrality of resilience in military culture. This stigma also can jeopardize current employment or prospects for future employment. This paper proposes a partial answer to the question, “What more might be done to engage and effectively treat veterans who are at high risk of suicide?” The meaning of spiritual and/or religious expression in human development, well-being, and social functioning has long been of great interest to theorists in disciplines as diverse as sociology, theology, and psychology. Some empirical studies have further suggested that certain religious and/or spiritual beliefs, practices, and/or affiliations may be protective against suicide. This paper (a) summarizes these perspectives, (b) considers how clinical inquiry into the role of religion and/or spirituality in the lives of veterans at high risk of suicide fits into the suicide prevention program of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and (c) offers specific recommendations to practitioners.  相似文献   

Many marriage and family therapy (MFT) trainees and therapists working toward licensure are accumulating hours in publically funded treatment centers. The increasingly diverse clientele in the U.S. likely will be served in the public sector, especially as many states are providing more funding for county agencies and increased tuition reimbursement and/or loan forgiveness for students and graduates who work for these organizations. MFTs may feel ill-equipped to address spiritual issues in therapy at these sites, especially when grappling with ethical concerns. This article delineates a case example in which an MFT attends to spiritual issues when working with a family in a county mental health center. The authors illustrate how a therapist can navigate the ethical dilemmas of this case when working from a Bowenian perspective.  相似文献   

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