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A Sobel analysis reveals that peer relational health and perceived mutuality in partnerships buffer the effects of trauma symptoms on self-esteem, and perceived quality of mother-child relationships buffers the impact of trauma symptoms and history of alcoholism on depression. Statistically and clinically significant results demonstrate the positive impact of a healthy mother-child relationship on depression symptoms, and the influence of healthy peer and partner relationships on raising self-esteem for previously incarcerated mothers. These results indicate that feminist relational theorists of psychological development and trauma are correct in hypothesizing that healthy relationships are essential to recovery from trauma and emotional well-being.  相似文献   

Neighborhood characteristics have been shown to impact child well-being. However, it remains unclear how these factors combine with family characteristics to influence child development. The current study helps develop that understanding by investigating how neighborhoods directly impact child and adolescent behavior problems as well as moderate the influence of family characteristics on behavior. Using multilevel linear models, we examined the relationship among neighborhood conditions (poverty and social capital) and maternal depression on child and adolescent behavior problems. The sample included 741 children, age 5–11, and 564 adolescents, age 12–17. Outcomes were internalizing (e.g. anxious/depressed) and externalizing (e.g. aggressive/hyperactive) behavior problems. Neighborhood poverty and maternal depression were both positively associated with behavior problems for children and adolescents. However, while neighborhood social capital was not directly associated with behavior problems, the interaction of social capital and maternal depression was significantly related to behavior problems for adolescents. This interaction showed that living in neighborhoods with higher levels of social capital attenuated the relationship between maternal depression and adolescent behavior problems and confirmed the expectation that raising healthy well-adjusted children depends not only on the family, but also the context in which the family lives.  相似文献   

We aimed to analyse stress perception, psychosomatic health and life satisfaction in pastoral professionals, paying particular attention to their individual and shared resources. Enrolling 8574 German pastoral professionals (48 % priests, 22 % parish expert workers, 18 % pastoral assistants, 12 % deacons), we found that pastoral professionals’ stress perception is associated with psychosomatic health impairment. General self-efficacy was a beneficial resource to protect against stress perceptions, while perception of the transcendent had a further yet weakly positive influence for stress-related impairment of health. External stressors (i.e. team size, duration of work per week and size of pastoral unit) were only of marginal independent relevance.  相似文献   

A number of studies have examined religious transformations. But most of this work has been concerned with identifying different types of transformations and steps in the process of transformation. The current study was designed to examine the ways in which religious transformations may be associated with happiness. We take a novel approach toward the evaluation of this relationship. We argue that a religious transformation may be an important resource for coping with lifetime trauma. Two major findings emerge from our nationwide survey (N = 2,851). First, the data indicate that the magnitude of the relationship between lifetime trauma and happiness is reduced significantly for people who have had a religious transformation but not for those who have not had this type of religious experience. Second, the results reveal that the potential stress-related benefits of a religious transformation are more evident among younger adults than among middle-aged or older adults.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— People feel grateful when they have benefited from someone's costly, intentional, voluntary effort on their behalf. Experiencing gratitude motivates beneficiaries to repay their benefactors and to extend generosity to third parties. Expressions of gratitude also reinforce benefactors for their generosity. These social features distinguish gratitude from related emotions such as happiness and feelings of indebtedness. Evolutionary theories propose that gratitude is an adaptation for reciprocal altruism (the sequential exchange of costly benefits between nonrelatives) and, perhaps, upstream reciprocity (a pay-it-forward style distribution of an unearned benefit to a third party after one has received a benefit from another benefactor). Gratitude therefore may have played a unique role in human social evolution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— In nonhuman mammals, the social environment in which pregnant females live is critical for their offsprings' brain development, endocrine state, and social and sexual behavior later in life. Social instability during pregnancy generally brings about a behavioral and neuroendocrine masculinization in daughters and a less pronounced expression of male-typical traits in sons. We favor the hypothesis that such behavioral effects of prenatal social stress are not necessarily "pathological" (nonadaptive) consequences of adverse social conditions. Rather, pregnant mothers could be adjusting their offspring to their environment in an adaptive way.  相似文献   

Sprecher  Susan  Regan  Pamela C.  McKinney  Kathleen 《Sex roles》1998,38(3-4):301-311
A person perception experiment was conducted toexamine people's beliefs about the outcome of anextramarital sexual relationship involving ahypothetical single friend and a married person. Twohundred and eleven undergraduate students (80 males and129 females; most of whom were Caucasian) were theparticipants in the experiment. The married person inthe vignette was presented as either a man or a woman (and always the opposite gender of the singlefriend) and as having low or high investments in themarriage (as indicated by number of children and yearsmarried). Results indicated that the participants' perceptions of the outcome of this type ofextramarital relationship depended on the gender of themarried person/single friend. Participants were morelikely to believe that the married person loved the extramarital partner, was committed to theextramarital relationship, and would marry theextramarital partner, if the married person was a womanrather than a man. The investment manipulations had noeffect on participants' perceptions of therelationship. The results were discussed as they relateto other beliefs about male vs. femalesexuality.  相似文献   

Much research has shown that experiences of discrimination are negatively related to mental health. In this study, a national probability survey of whites and African Americans at midlife is used to examine whether attendance at religious services and religious comfort seeking protect people from the effects of discrimination on mental health, and if the protective power of religion varies by race. Results show that reports of discrimination are related to greater negative affect and less positive affect, but only attendance at religious services moderates this relationship, and then only for African Americans' negative affect. The historical involvement of African-American religious bodies in combating discrimination may help to explain the specificity of these moderating effects.  相似文献   

People often compare themselves to others to gain a better understanding of the self in a process known as social comparison. The current study discusses how people engage in a social comparison process on Facebook, and how observing content from their Facebook friends may affect their emotions. A 2 (comparison direction) × 2 (relational closeness) × 2 (self‐esteem) between‐subjects experiment was conducted with 163 adult participants. The results revealed a significant 3‐way interaction such that people with high self‐esteem would be happier receiving positive information than negative information from their close friends, but the effect would be the opposite if the information was from a distant friend. There was no such difference for people with low self‐esteem.  相似文献   

Journal of Adult Development - This study examines the longitudinal effects of older adults’ subjective life expectancy (SLE) on spousal support and strain toward their spouse. Data of 2080...  相似文献   

The importance of supportive relationships for new parents has been the focus of both research and parenting interventions. Attachment style, typically viewed as a relatively stable trait reflecting one's comfort in social relationships, as well as social support, or one's perception of the social context, have both been found to be important for fostering engaged, involved parenting. Less is known, however, about how these variables work together to influence parenting behavior, especially in families at higher risk for negative child outcomes. Data were collected from 152 urban, predominantly African American, low-income parents when their children were 14 and 36 months of age. Results suggest that parents with more social support show greater increases in the frequency of positive parent-child activities over time, but that this effect is mediated by mothers' attachment style, specifically, their level of anxious/ambivalent attachment. Mothers with more social support tended to be less anxious/ambivalent about close relationships, and this in turn led to increases over time in the frequency of parent-child interactions. Mothers' tendency to avoid close relationships, however, while correlated with social support, was unrelated to changes in parenting behavior. Implications of these findings for program development, parenting, and the malleability of attachment style based on social context are discussed.  相似文献   

This study combines observational, attitudinal, and self‐report measures, and compares a group of irresponsible dog owners who allow their dogs to foul with a control group of responsible owners who clean up after their dogs. The owners are compared on a variety of attitudinal and personal orientation measures. We observed 101 instances of dog fouling in both park and pavement, and 87 respondents subsequently returned questionnaires. The majority (59%) of people observed cleaned up after their dogs. The irresponsible owners were significantly more tolerant of fouling (dog feces were seen as natural waste and biodegradable) and were more likely to agree that the laws were illegitimate and restrictive.  相似文献   

Intolerance of uncertainty (IU)—a multidimensional cognitive vulnerability factor—is associated with a variety of anxiety disorders and health anxiety (HA). To date, few studies have assessed whether IU dimensions (prospective and inhibitory IU) are differentially associated with HA and whether their contributions are independent of anxiety sensitivity (AS). This study addressed these issues using independent community (n = 155; 81% women) and undergraduate (n = 560; 86% women) samples. Results indicated that prospective IU, but not inhibitory IU, had significant positive associations with HA in community dwellers and undergraduate students. AS somatic and cognitive concerns were also significant predictors among both samples. In addition, severity of IU dimensions among individuals reporting elevated HA were compared against individuals diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive–compulsive disorder. Results indicated minimal differences between those with elevated HA and each of the anxiety disorder diagnoses. Findings lend support to the unique transdiagnostic nature of IU and support commonalities between HA and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

This study examines the relative importance of four factors: job factors of pay and promotion, and two organizational image factors: lay-off policy and ecological rating, on recruits' attraction or job pursuit. We identify that factors determining potential job recruits' attraction to an organization may not equate with the factors that prompt job pursuit intentions. Using a sample of business students and policy-capturing methodology, results show ecological rating most strongly predicted attractiveness, while pay most strongly predicted job pursuit intentions.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that perceived parenting would show reciprocal relations with adolescents' problem behavior using longitudinal data from 496 adolescent girls. Results provided support for the assertion that female problem behavior has an adverse effect on parenting; elevated externalizing symptoms and substance abuse symptoms predicted future decreases in perceived parental support and control. There was less support for the assertion that parenting deficits foster adolescent problem behaviors; initially low parental control predicted future increases in substance abuse, but not externalizing symptoms, and low parental support did not predict future increases in externalizing or substance abuse symptoms. Results suggest that problem behavior is a more consistent predictor of parenting than parenting is of problem behavior, at least for girls during middle adolescence.  相似文献   

Research on immigrant adaptation has been criticized for ignoring the perspective of migrant communities, for framing migrants within a binary categorization of insiders/outsiders, and for focusing on the traumatic aspect of migration. This paper addresses these criticisms, by using a narrative approach to study the adaptation processes of one community of Jewish migrants from Cochin in India to Israel, from a resilience perspective. The study incorporates participant observations and life-story interviews with this first generation of migrants. The preeminent theme running through the life stories was that of the reconciliation of contrasts. This theme is demonstrated through identified patterns, in the life of the community, of both integration and separation from the wider society. The findings highlight the significant role played by cultural influences in the adaptation process and the potential that exists for active learning and the building of bridges to the inner world of migrants.  相似文献   

“Success” in dieting interventions has traditionally been defined as weight loss. It is implicit in this definition that losing weight will lead to improved health, and yet, health outcomes are not routinely included in studies of diets. In this article, we evaluate whether weight loss improves health by reviewing health outcomes of long‐term randomized controlled diet studies. We examine whether weight‐loss diets lead to improved cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and fasting blood glucose and test whether the amount of weight lost is predictive of these health outcomes. Across all studies, there were minimal improvements in these health outcomes, and none of these correlated with weight change. A few positive effects emerged, however, for hypertension and diabetes medication use and diabetes and stroke incidence. We conclude by discussing factors that potentially confound the relationship between weight loss and health outcomes, such as increased exercise, healthier eating, and engagement with the health care system, and we provide suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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