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The fundamental construct of C. R. Rogers's (1961, 1980a) person‐centered approach is organismic experiencing. This thesis is examined in the context of person‐centered theories of personality and counseling. Similarities between Rogers's thinking and that of W. Reich (1942, 1945), pioneer in body‐oriented psychotherapy, are identified. Rogers's activities as counselor are shown to be body‐centered.  相似文献   

In the essay the hermeneutical views of Jean–Luc Marion, as they are expressed in his God without Being: Hors–Texte in relationship with the Eucharist and the story of Luke 24, are presented and critically assessed. The criticisms registered touch in the first place upon the concept of in persona Christi , which concerns the relation between the celebrant and Christ. Furthermore, the issue of the relationship between the eucharistic minister and his (or her) community and thereby the hermeneutical function of the Eucharist as a celebration of the whole community is discussed in dialogue with Marion's views.  相似文献   

Bernard Williams argues that human mortality is a good thing because living forever would necessarily be intolerably boring. His argument is often attacked for unfoundedly proposing asymmetrical requirements on the desirability of living for mortal and immortal lives. My first aim in this paper is to advance a new interpretation of Williams' argument that avoids these objections, drawing in part on some of his other writings to contextualize it. My second aim is to show how even the best version of his argument only supports a somewhat weaker thesis: it may be possible for some people with certain special psychological features to enjoy an immortal life, but no one has good reason to bet on being such a person.  相似文献   

This paper will explore parallels between Eucharistic and psychoanalytic transformation. Its objective will, in part, challenge the assumption that Eucharist constitutes a concrete and material reality, insular and devoid of symbolism; indeed, offering similarities to the psychoanalytic concept symbolic equation. It will be argued that Eucharist must be understood in context to its transformation within the community of believers, a relationship that offers accord to the transformation within the psychoanalytic relationship. Moreover, parallels between ultimate truth and divine mystery will be examined using the Bionian concept O.  相似文献   

The Body Ownership Thesis states that each person owns her body. I address a prominent objection, the Generation Problem: the Body Ownership Thesis apparently implies that parents own their children: as we own the fruit of our property, if a parent owns her own body, she must own her child and her child's body. I argue that a person does not own the fruit of her property when that fruit is a person or the body of a person. Persons have conclusive title to their bodies, but only defeasible title to the fruits of their bodies.  相似文献   

1968年常被说成改变了我们对什么是政治的感觉.对于巴黎和西方数不清的其它城市里成千上万的年轻示威者来说,政治突然从马克斯·韦伯所喜爱的那种比喻,即在硬木板上缓慢地打孔,变成了像对这样一种能力的再投资,即使人的生命可与感知现实的束缚相抗争:"成为现实主义者,就是要求不可能之物",这是另一个流行的口号.从那时起直至现在40年间,总的来说,也许除了1989年11月的柏林墙倒塌以外,政治往往是在缓慢地打孔,而不是处在想象的潮起浪涌之中.然而,尽管政治的确是一个不断出现在我们话语当中的对象,我们却很少稍事停留,对它加以定义.这正是我在这篇文章里想做的事:在对社会性(the social)的某种理解的基础上,我将首先尝试尽力完成为政治提供一个定义这项任务.然后,我将按照四种能够使其得以阐明的哲学范式,即商谈(dis-course)、判断(judgmerit)、承认(recognition)和赠予(gift),对政治的某些构成性要素(constitutive moment)进行观察.最后,我将回到政治对想象的关系这个问题上来,把它从作为1968年的一个起点的那种直接的简化(short-circuit),重新塑造为一种反思性的结构关系.  相似文献   

The schema approach to self‐concept was used to investigate the association between body‐weight self‐conception and self‐esteem, negative affect states, and disordered eating behavior in women with anorexia nervosa (n= 26) or bulimia nervosa (N= 53) using experience sampling methodology. We predicted that self‐esteem would be lower and unpleasant affect and disordered eating behaviors would be higher when the body‐weight self‐schema was activated in working memory compared to when non‐weight‐related self‐schemas were activated. Participants recorded the currently activated self‐schema, self‐esteem, affect, and behavior in response to an alarm‐watch signal 5 times daily for 5 days. Activation of the body‐weight self‐schema was associated with lower self‐esteem and higher negative affect, but not higher levels of disordered eating behavior. Low self‐esteem and negative affect, however, were associated with disordered eating behavior. Findings have important implications for treatment of eating disorders.  相似文献   

Fresh expressions of church are a growing and important example of emerging missional churches. They can be viewed theologically through the lens of eucharistic ecclesiology. This is because they mirror the theological logic of the eucharist – its nature as a gift, the dispersal of this gift, the appropriate sharing of the gift (appropriate to the context and the tradition), the eucharistic action of handing over the gift, the incorporation of worshippers into the whole church by means of the gift, the dying‐and‐rising transformation the gift makes possible, and the return gift to God in thanksgiving. The birth of these new Christian communities gives discipleship a eucharistic shape. The implication is that just as the eucharist is central to the church's life, so should be these new communities.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(2):99-113

Black bodies are perilously circumscribed by adverse dominant narratives. These narratives, when appealed to by black persons, make naming and understanding black sexuality difficult because they rest upon modern binarisms. The work of J. Kameron Carter, William Cavanaugh and Eugene Rogers demonstrates how Christian dogmatics can avoid self-defeating dualisms by situating talk of sexual desire and black bodies in the larger framework of eschatology, Christology and ecclesiology. In sum, black bodies find their meaning, liberation and flourishing in being made part of the body of Christ, true politics and model of action.  相似文献   

This article begins from the awareness that in a world of affluence, millions are hungry. It addresses the question as to whether this is merely an economic issue or whether it also poses an ethical and theological dilemma, considering ways in which the situation we are living in challenges our faith in the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. It asks how, in the situation as it is, there is any possibility of believing in such a transformation. Finally it questions whether there is any relationship between hope for the transformation of hunger amidst affluence and belief in the transformation of bread into the body of Christ, and outlines a transformative eucharistic vision for the global Christian Church.  相似文献   

While many scholars investigate the determinants of negativity in the political sphere, it remains largely unclear why some politicians are more negative than others. Studies thus far lack explanations at the individual level, and they almost exclusively focus on negativity during electoral races. Surveying national and regional representatives in Belgium (N = 228), this study seeks to explain individual politicians’ willingness to go negative during everyday politics. The results show that negativity is not so much related to institutionally driven differences between representatives but more to politicians’ personal characteristics and preference roles. Negative politics, hence, is not an inevitable result of institutional structures, rules, and norms, but rather depends on the characteristics and motivations of the individual representatives citizens elect.  相似文献   

This article critiques Elizabeth Grosz's understanding that queer theory is unproductive insofar as it disrupts the specific identities of gay and lesbian. Reconsidering ideas about desire, the body, and identity that Grosz takes from Gilles Deleuze's work on Friedrich Nietzsche and Baruch Spinoza, this essay argues that, despite her productive reworking of homophobia in terms of “active” and “reactive” forces, Grosz's application of Spinoza is only partial. Focusing on Spinoza's evaluation of bodies, the essay both critiques Grosz's approach to experimental desire and observes Spinozist preoccupations in order to talk about the experimental body. It concludes that if Grosz were to attend more seriously to the Spinozist imperative to analyze a body in terms of its capabilities—that is, its power to be affected—the epistemological basis of her argument would change. It would be difficult to dismiss the plurality and sensibility of a queer body or its challenge to lesbian and gay as the source of a primary identity.  相似文献   

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