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太谷学派是我国近代学术思想史上的一个以儒学为中心的民间学术派别,是儒家思想留存在民间的不显传之学。太谷学派初无其名,学派取义《周易·蒙卦》:“蒙以养正,圣功也。”称圣功弟子,其门人则自称门中人,意即某先生的及门弟子。由于太谷学派起自民间,传于民间,经清同治五年(1866)的“黄崖教案”劫后,学派活动矜秘莫测,遂使学派蒙上了一层神秘的色彩。外间不明真相者,肆为揣测,故世有所谓:太谷教、大成教、大学教,泰州教、圣人教、黄崖教、崆峒教、密密教、骷髅白骨教等种种名称。学派门人刘大绅(字季缨,习用季英,号贞观,《老残游记》作者刘鹗的第四子)在《关于<老残游记>》一  相似文献   

太谷学派的学术思想及心性涵养工夫统称为"圣功"。作为学派北宗的领袖,张积中的"天道观"、"性体论"、"情欲说",乃至其修养方法等,都是立足于儒学立场,在周太谷相关思想的基础上与佛、道二教相融通的产物。张氏提出的"性无善恶"、"分道曰情"、"以性制情"、"以情通性"等观点,不但推动了太谷学派的心性思想由"天命本体"向"心性本体"的转变,而且为"圣功"增添了新的元素:相对于南宗突出"心息相依",北宗的修养工夫更加强调以"上达之情"来涵养性体,并把合理化地抒发欲望视作其"圣功"修养的基础。张积中是学派北宗"本体论"、"工夫论"建构的关键人物。北宗覆灭后,太谷学派"南、北合宗",张氏的思想仍深刻地影响着太谷学派的学理发展方向。  相似文献   

杨本华 《法音》2019,(6):14-19
正作为明末四大高僧之一,憨山德清注解并会通内教诸思想,更凭一己之力注解了许多儒道经典文本。学界多以三教一致、三教合一解读德清三教思想。但我们从德清所注解儒道佛经典文本,及其诸如教乘观、体用观、工夫论、圣人观等各方面三教思想对比中,可以发现德清会通儒道思想中有一些辩证之处,其既承认三教一致,又反对三教合一。这是  相似文献   

明儒颜钧的七日闭关工夫及其三教合一倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜钧(1504~1596),号山农,江西永新人,明代后期泰州学派的重要代表人物.泰州学派是阳明后学中具有平民意识和宗教化倾向的学派,其宗教化倾向主要通过工夫实践中对儒释道三教的融摄而得以展现,这一特点在颜钧思想中表现尤为明显.他以原儒经典为依据,在承袭心学系统静中体验传统的基础上,吸收了佛道二教的一些修养方法,形成一套颇具神秘主义特色的修养工夫--"七日闭关法".本文即以"七日闭关"法为中心,对颜钧思想的三教合一倾向略做探讨.  相似文献   

与佛、道二教以"佛"或以"道"为基点的"三教融合"主张相呼应,柳宗元提出了以"儒"为基点的"三教融合"观。他不但明确提出了"三教融合"的原则与方向,而且建构起了三教关系张力下的宇宙本体论与"三教融合"视域中的心性论。柳宗元是唐代"三教融合"思潮中的儒家代表。他与佛教的宗密、道教的杜光庭并列为三,分别代表了各自立场之上"三教融合"的方向。  相似文献   

太谷学派的近代传人刘大绅在其著作中透露了杭辛斋师承于该学派王伯琴这一情况,针对杭辛斋诠释河图之数“阳顺阴逆”等易学观点进行批评,并系统论述了太谷学派基于丹鼎炼养之说对河图的诠释。杭辛斋的易学风格倾向于以理性思辨调和古今众说,刘大绅所宗奉的太谷学派易学则以神秘主义为思想底蕴,二家之学同源而异路。太谷学派易学虽至今仍传承不替,然因其思想路数已近于历史陈迹,只能作为“暗流”而存在;杭辛斋易学则表现出一定的“现代性”特色,切合时代精神,呈现博通气象,故能得后世之高度推崇。  相似文献   

刘延刚 《宗教学研究》2004,3(2):156-158
白玉蟾三教合一思想是唐宋以来三教合一思想在道教金丹派南宗创教史上的突出表现,其主要内容是三教"异门"而"同源",以"诚"说孔,以"定"说释,以"静"说老,以"止止之妙"概括三教的中心所在.其思想表现为对宋代道学、佛教的吸收和融摄以构建自己的道教理论,其实质则是"以道教内丹为中心",以较高素质的宗教调适性求得道教的发展.  相似文献   

王阳明曾经一再地把自己成熟时期的思想学说称为"精一之学"。从王阳明的"精一之学"的视角看其三教观所呈现的异端之辨、是非之辨、内外之辨、人己之辨等四个相互关联的维度,具体展示了王学丰富深刻的思想内涵及其精神旨趣。进一步而言,它所体现出的强烈的文化主体性意识和本位意识,对文化的普遍性与个性及地方性的关系的思考,不但为王阳明自身解决了其以良知学范围三教、归宗于终极认同的"精一之学"这一至圣大全之学的合法性难题,而且也为从一般性的角度较好地处理不同思想文化传统之间的关系,特别是不同宗教传统之间的关系提供了值得吸取借鉴的重要思想资源。  相似文献   

东周时百家争鸣,学派纷呈。诸子百家与东汉时传入的佛教,都是各有主张和观点的学派。尽管学派林立,形成"三教九流",但归根结底,还是"三教一体,九流一源,百家一理,万法一门"。至唐,在"皇帝万岁"之下,儒释道三教合一,殊途同归。唐时何国人僧伽—泗州大圣的到来,正好适应三教合一的发展趋势。故中国从唐、五代到两宋,在宗教崇拜上是儒释道三教合一的时代,僧伽崇拜正体现了三教合一的特色。至于九流,时至有清,则由学派演绎成大相径庭的人间万相的"上九流"、"中九流"和"下九流"。  相似文献   

本文以阳明后学为研究主体,试图疏理明中叶后三教合一的衍变形态,并论证它呈现出从"以良知范围三教"到"以孔矩收摄二氏"的思想转折.这个思想转折揭示了晚明儒者的三教合一观,不再以"如何确立良知主体"为主体意识,反之,鉴于当时的合流过度强调教体的"圆融性",对教法"规范性"有所疏略,导致"儒不儒、禅不禅、玄不玄"的三教相滥现象层出不穷,社会伦理秩序继而受到挑战.因此一些儒者尝试回到三教根源处,重新确立以孔子之道为规范的合流原则,以期能解决当时的失序危机.然从以"良知"为主体到以"孔矩"为规范融合主张的转变过程,也明显地透露了两大值得思考的讯息:一、部分阳明后学开始逾越以"良知"为主导的思想观念,寻求另外的思想出路;二、学者欲表述孔子无言之天道,加强了儒家"宗教性"的向度.  相似文献   

As a great synthesist for the School of Principles of the Northern and Southern Song dynasties, Zhu Xi’s influence over the School of Principles was demonstrated not only through his positive theoretical creation, but also through his choice and critical awareness. Zhu’s relationship with Confucianism and Buddhism is a typical case; and his activities, ranging from his research of Buddhism (the Chan School) in his early days to his farewell to the Chan School as a student of Li Dong from Yanping and then to his critical awareness of the Chan School, developed in his association with Wang Yingchen, set the entire course of his relationship with Confucianism and Buddhism. It fostered his antagonistic attitude towards the Chan School, which lasted his entire life. Zhu approached the Chan School mainly as an objective social and cultural phenomenon; his discrimination between Confucianism and Buddhism was from an epistemological point of view; and his refutation of the Chan School was mainly from the point of view of language and methodology, an antagonistic attitude of how to face learning. Therefore, his opposition to the Chan School not only directly fostered an awareness of the Confucians of the Ming dynasty against Buddhism, who simply viewed the latter as an external and objective existence, but to a certain extent resulted in the disappearance of the transcendence of the School of Principles, and caused a total change in academic direction during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the formation of the Qianjia Hanxue. What is more, such an opposition to Buddhism continues to influence people’s understanding of the School of Principles.  相似文献   

This article introduces the close relationship between Jung and Chinese religions, compares Jung’s psychological theories to Chinese religious thoughts taking Buddhism and Taoism as examples, and draws the following three conclusions. First, although Jung never went to China, Jung’s interest and studies in Chinese religions continued throughout his life. Second, there are important similarities and differences between Jung’s unity of opposites and Buddhism’s “Middle Way,” Jung’s synchronicity and Karmic harmony, Jung’s Self and Buddhism’s Self, and Jung’s individuation and Buddhism’s meditation. Third, there are significant, close relationships between Jung’s concepts of synchronicity, Self, and his three principles of psyche and parallel concepts in Chinese Taoism.  相似文献   

Mingran Tan 《Dao》2018,17(3):381-400
Wang Fuzhi’s 王夫之 remarks on Buddhism have not been given sufficient attention despite increasing research on him. The few works on this topic either focus on just one aspect of his view of Buddhism or fail to disclose the purpose and uniqueness of his attack of it. This essay analyzes his view of Buddhism comprehensively, in particular his insight into the paradox of Buddhist universal love and his rejection of Buddhist retribution and reincarnation from Confucian righteousness and qi 氣-monism. In addition, it also explores the reason, context, and limitations of his criticism, that is, his reaction to the popular approach of “understanding Confucian classics through learning Buddhism” in the late Ming 明, his response to Zongmi’s 宗密 criticism of Confucian cosmology and human nature, and his misunderstanding of some Buddhist concepts. Yet his criticism is still illuminating to our understanding of the interaction of Confucianism with Buddhism and other religions.  相似文献   

儒释道这三种中华传统文化中的主流文化,对于幽默有着各自独特的看法.儒家文化对幽默持模棱两可态度,一方面贬低幽默,认为幽默使人随意而不重视人伦,另一方面又认为幽默能够使人变得仁爱.佛家文化对幽默持积极态度,认为幽默是一种智慧的参悟.而道家是一个非常强调幽默的哲学流派,无论是其核心思想还是表达方式都无不体现着幽默的光芒.从学术角度梳理这三种文化对幽默的态度,可以促进幽默,使得幽默在当今中国人的生活中发挥着更加积极的作用.  相似文献   

Xing Guang 《亚洲哲学》2013,23(4):305-322
The Chinese traditional culture includes three systems of thought: Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism. The first two are Chinese culture, and Buddhism is a foreign religion introduced from India. Although there had been conflicts among the three systems of thoughts, but integration is the mainstream in the development of Chinese cultural thought. Thus, Chinese culture has developed into a system by uniting the three religions into one with Confucianism at the centre supported by Daoism and Buddhism. For over 2,000 years, Buddhism has interacted with all levels of Chinese culture such as literature, philosophy, morality, arts, architecture and religions. As a result, Buddhism has successfully integrated into the traditional Chinese culture and has become one of the three pillars. In this paper, I will discuss the Buddhist impact on Chinese culture from the following four points: (1) philosophy and moral teaching; (2) religions and popular beliefs; (3) language and literature; and (4) art and architecture.  相似文献   

宋代以降,融会佛教诸宗已成佛教界主流,继而又与"三教合一"思潮相互激荡.明代的智旭,他既"究心于台部",又倡导融会诸宗、儒佛会通,他的<周易禅解>一书即是这种思想的产物.书中智旭把天台的无情有性与周易之铺天匝地、天台的止观并重与周易之乾坤刚柔、天台的四悉檀与周易的训蒙之道加以会通,并以周易的<井>卦解天台六即果位,以周易之<大有>卦解天台之"十界互俱"说.  相似文献   

元代宗教政策的民族性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
元王朝为了怀柔抚纳众多的被统治民族,采用了普遍的宗教信仰自由政策,并且通过优待全真道、汉地佛教、藏传佛教、伊斯兰教领袖的方法,把他们所代表的人民笼络在政府的周围,加强了中华民族的多元统一。同时,元政府又通过崇佛压道、崇藏传佛教压汉地佛教,崇“教”压“禅”,严厉打击民间宗教等方法,贯彻等级民族政策,巩固蒙古贵族的统治特权。元代的民族宗教政策,既包含了宗教信仰方面的宽容开明,又暴露了剥削阶级民族观的狭隘局限。  相似文献   

Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, frequently made claims that Scientology was related to or shared significant similarities with Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism and Taoism. However, careful examination of Hubbard's claims indicates that he had only a superficial acquaintance with Eastern religions, and most of his attempts to associate Scientology with these faiths are unwarranted. Moreover, social and political pressures against his organisation's alleged healing practices probably provided the catalyst for Hubbard's attempt to portray his creation as a religion with Eastern overtones.  相似文献   

三易之义是马一浮先生易学思想中的一项重要内容。马先生运用三易之义来解说心性论、功夫论,吸收儒家和佛家在心性论、功夫论方面的成果,使儒家和佛家义理互相阐发而明晰,既展现了他强调通过功夫证悟本体的学术宗旨,又体现了圆融会通的学术特色。马先生以其远见卓识发挥了他作为一个大儒的作用。  相似文献   

张勇 《管子学刊》2009,(3):80-83
唐代,《老子》、《庄子》、《列子》、《文子》、《亢仓子》五部道家著作被诏封为道教“真经”,享受很高的地位。柳宗元站在儒家立场之上本着“经世”的原则对这五部“真经”作了理性地考证与评价,从中可以较为清楚地看到他对道家、道教的理解与态度。  相似文献   

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