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高峰山,又名高凤山。前称谓其势,后称赋其形,是四川省蓬溪县境内海拔高度最高的山峰。山中有寺名广教寺,又称为高峰寺。位于蓬溪城北四十华里,与射洪、西充、南充三县接壤,山腰筑有寨墙,开有东、西、南、北四门。据《四川通志》、《蓬溪县志》记载:高峰寺建于初唐,即公元六世纪,至今有一千三百多年的历史,后因兵乱屡废屡兴,到清代后期一直是僧人居住的地方。清光绪初年,有道  相似文献   

前埠遗址位于桓台县治索镇正南果里乡前张家埠村(又称前埠村)东边,遗址东傍涝淄河,去索镇五公里,遗址北面是二级台地,东、西、南三面坡度较平缓,中间高凸,高出周围田野约有五米。遗址南北长500米,东西宽300米,面积约有150000平方米。《新城县志》(民国二十二年重修)记载:葵邱,《左传·庄公八年》:“齐侯使连称、管至父戍葵邱。”注云:齐地。《齐乘》  相似文献   

新都县有回族起源于何时,据《新都县志》记载:“罗家寺,在县东李家营,修建于明成化七年”,这可能就是新都县有回族的最早年代了。“李家营”现为弥牟镇所辖。据康熙九年(1670年)王沄的《蜀游纪略》  相似文献   

<正>近日,阅西安清真大寺存《咸阳渭城里大寺碑》(以下简称《渭城寺碑》)拓片,发现其碑文中有三行关于陕西经学系传谱的重要记载。关于《渭城寺碑》,据马长寿教授主编的《同治年间陕西回民起义历史调查记录》一书记载:"在胡登洲墓碑的西北,还有一碑,是用阿拉伯文写的。在碑额上有四个字:‘见月凭证’,可知此为一回文月碑无疑。回文月碑一般都立在清真寺内,是作为推算回历的依据。同时这碑旁有两行汉字,一是‘陕西西安府咸阳县渭城里大寺注解经学口口(阐扬)圣教除邪归正统教口口(原籍)咸宁县北门外东菜园后从长安县大皮院受业九世门徒刘长清水若氏撰识虔诚敬  相似文献   

正据当地的史志记载,白兔寺所在的村名为"白兔寺村",附近小学名为"白兔寺小学",村、校以寺名,既反映出白兔寺历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚,又能看到佛教中国化的历史印记。实现中华民族伟大复兴,离不开文化自信。为进一步传承中华优秀传统文化,挖掘佛教慈悲济世的精神内涵,传播佛教文化正能  相似文献   

邵阳市清真南寺概况马子美一、历史的足迹湖南邵阳市清真南寺始建于1914年(民国三年),原址坐落在旧宝庆城南门外金家台,即现今宝庆路与西湖路交会处十字路口之东北角。据有关资料记载和回族老人回忆,该寺是由当时邰阳回民中的上层人士马襄吾、海震轩、张敏卿、蔡...  相似文献   

龙泉寺佛教简史姬古龙泉寺,以寺东有一眼清澈甘冽、不竭不溢的泉水,可以砥砺刀剑,而名之曰龙泉。寺以泉名,故名龙泉寺。寺在五台山台怀镇西南10余里的车沟村东。以寺院坐落在西、北、东三面环绕的九道蜿蜒起伏的山脉阳面的山脊上,故俗名九龙岗。寺庙坐北向南,海拔...  相似文献   

邵阳市清真南寺概况马子美一、历史的足迹湖南邵阳市清真南寺始建于1914年(民国三年),原址坐落在旧宝庆城南门外金家台,即现今宝庆路与西湖路交会处十字路口之东北角。据有关资料记载和回族老人回忆,该寺是由当时邰阳回民中的上层人士马襄吾、海震轩、张敏卿、蔡...  相似文献   

一、清真南寺的历史坐落于辽宁省沈阳市沈河区的清真南寺,有着悠久的历史。据史料记载,清真南寺于明代崇祯九年(1636)就曾有“院落较小,房屋不多的简陋寺院”。(杨耀恩:《沈阳清真南寺考略》)而清真南寺的建造和规模扩大与辽沈地区的回族望族——铁氏家族密切相关,皇太极崇政五年(1633),铁氏家族在沈阳建立南清真寺(一说是清天聪元年,即明朝天启七年,1627年)。  相似文献   

北京 牛街礼拜寺 长营清真寺 天津 北辰区天穆清真北寺 塘沽区清真寺上海 小桃园清真寺 重庆 重庆市大清真寺 河北 石家庄清真寺 河间市瀛州镇清真南寺 大厂县南寺头村清真寺 邯郸市清真寺 山西 长治市清真中寺 太原市清真古寺 内蒙古 呼和浩特市清真东寺 乌兰浩特市清真寺 辽宁  沈阳市清真南寺 大连市清真寺 吉林 辽源市清真寺 临江市清真寺 黑龙江 哈尔滨市清真寺 齐齐哈尔市富拉尔基清真寺 阿城市清真寺 陕西 西安市大皮院清真寺 宝鸡市群众路清真寺 甘肃 兰州市西固清真寺 临夏市清真老王寺 平凉…  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to examine meanings of the terms ‘individual’, ‘the community’ and ‘local community’ in Slovakia and Scotland. The social, cultural, political and economic histories of these two small European nations are quite different. Slovakia is one of the post-communist countries in which rapid changes have recently taken place. In contrast, Scotland has enjoyed a relatively stable parliamentary democracy within the UK. Two groups of respondents, 200 from Slovakia and 200 from Scotland, were presented with a word association task which included 38 political and economic terms and with two scales containing the same list of terms. They rated phenomena referring to these terms with respect to their importance for the well-being of the individual and to the well-being of the community. The results suggest that for Scots but not for Slovaks, the term ‘local community’ evokes positive associations and that local community is a meaningful concept. The data suggest that local attachments and loyalties were destroyed in Slovakia during communism. (© 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)  相似文献   


Decolonization has become an important process in the present-day academia. Reviewing Jakob De Roover’s new book, this article critically analyses the problems in the methodologies of the decolonization project. The article strongly argues for the need to avoid decontexualisation of historical and contemporary developments, and to take an intersectional approach that would ensure the recognition of subaltern agency.  相似文献   

ObjectivesOn the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC), this article aims to give an overview of the development of sport psychology in Europe and the role FEPSAC played in this period, and draw some conclusions for the future challenges facing FEPSAC.MethodHermeneutical interpretation of historical documents available from FEPSAC and other sources.Results and conclusionIt is argued that sport psychology in Europe developed independently from the discipline in America, but also with great variety, due to different cultural, linguistic, and psychological traditions. The separation of Europe in two socio-economical and political blocks after World War II even strengthened these differences. When sport psychology started to recover after the damages of the war, a continental organisation was established as a logical consequence of the historically related differences. The strategic orientation of FEPSAC in the period of the two blocks is characterised by a diplomatic balance and high respect of the language and cultural differences, necessary requirements to allow maintaining the mutual exchange in areas of common interest. After the fall of the Berlin wall, the major strategic goals of FEPSAC revolved around: keeping contact with the Eastern European sport psychologists despite the economic difficulties in these countries; finding a common European understanding and giving this a voice in the world; and the support of the young generation and the development of sport psychology as a professional field. Unification and diversification are identified as the future challenges FEPSAC will be facing when attempting to remain the leading sport psychology organisation in Europe.  相似文献   

By Joshua M. Moritz 《Dialog》2009,48(2):134-146
Abstract :  This article examines theological thought pertaining to the imago Dei doctrine in light of its relation to non-human animals within the framework of biblical, intertestamental Jewish, and early Christian writings. Evaluating theological understandings of human nature as they relate to and interact with theological and philosophical understandings of animals and animal nature, the author finds that the understandings of the image of God and dominion as they are ideally conceived in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures are significantly more closely related to the ideas of human-animal continuity, compassion, and responsibility than to human rationality or the human immaterial immortal soul (and the entailed implication of animals' lack thereof).  相似文献   

唐宋时期的大理是南诏、大理国等六个王朝和政权五百多年的京畿之地,是11世纪世界十四座大城市之一和亚洲文化十字路口的古都.自汉代传人云南洱海地区的易学对南诏、大理国的政治思想、宗教教育、建筑规划、城市布局、艺术创作等皆产生了极其重要的作用和深远的影响.本文通过作者对南诏、大理国都城的系统研究,从王都的选址、整体规划布局及建筑格式与风格等方面来论述易学运用对中国南方少数民族王朝都城建设和规划的影响.  相似文献   

There is more to non-verbal communication than observing the client, although intense observation of the client has taken second place to listening to their words. After reflecting on the history of the use of sight in medicine and psychoanalysis, the author examines the significance for Freud and others of the ‘senses at a distance' (hearing and sight), and issues such as voyeurism and exhibitionism in the therapeutic relationship. The phenomenon of seeing and being seen is related through case examples to issues about distance and space, paranoid anxiety and communication disorders. Attention is also paid to illusion as a way of seeing, and its relevance in the counter-transference. The article concludes by looking at the way clients see therapists, tracing briefly the progression from self-pre-occupation to seeing the therapist as a separate other.  相似文献   

People have marked effects on dog’s heart rate, with great individual variations for different persons. Apparently people to which the dog is attached have the greatest effect upon heart rate. Replications of the animal experiments using the psychotherapist and two other people revealed no effects upon the heart rate of a schizophrenic human. In the human the effects of people are probably best demonstrated in connection with verbal communication.  相似文献   

本文从在华流传之婆罗门文化典籍,婆罗门教徒在华活动史迹,以及夹杂在佛教艺术与经籍中的婆罗门教因子等等,论证婆罗门教曾来到过中国.  相似文献   

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