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健康城市的理论与实践的发展以及人类对健康及其决定因素认知的深入使健康城市的内涵和理念不断扩充,吸纳了健康的社会模式及健康决定因素的理念,为健康城市建设注入了新的机制,并成为健康城市建设发展的新导向.我国建设健康城市的实践,从基线评估、规划制定到建设推进,已着力体现国际上健康城市的新理念和导向.  相似文献   

中国健康城市建设的进展及理论思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国健康城市的建设走过了探索和实质性发展两个阶段.它以健康促进的理念为指导,以"健康社会、健康环境、健康人群"为主线,成为了当前开展健康促进的典范.健康城市能呈现实质且快速发展的势头,政府主导是其重要的特点.它既符合中国社会文化背景和现状,也是以"上游策略"来解决全人群健康问题创新性举措.中国健康城市推行的深远意义在于,它为当前公共卫生体系建设赋予了先进的内涵,与世界卫生组织倡导的"健康促进曼谷宪章"的核心精神是完全相符的,成为了引领中国公共卫生汇入国际现代公共卫生运动的领头兵.但是,它的茁壮成长仍需要有远见的政治家的呵护和支持.  相似文献   

论述有关城市在这个更大范围的地区和全球系统中的位置,以及这些系统对城市和城市居民"健康"的影响.提出倡议:为了建设更健康的未来,城市需要参与并且对其地域生态的发展产生影响,而作为一个全方位的改革的一部分,城市应该将健康和人类的发展作为关注的重点.  相似文献   

城市规划是政府制定的公共政策,科学的城市规划能够保证城市建设与生态环境保护、土地集约利用相协调,实现可持续发展。在我国资源紧缺条件下,建设节约型城市已成为一种必然选择,这是落实科学发展观、实现社会经济健康发展的重要实践。从城市规划的视角探讨城市发展与合理利用自然资源之间的关系,坚持可持续发展,坚持创建节约型城市理念,对构建和谐社会大有好处。  相似文献   

张大庆 《哲学分析》2023,(1):3-20+196
健康主义是20世纪后期在西方社会出现的一种提升健康意识、注重健康生活,质疑医学权威,主张个人健康责任的理念。这一理念为把握当代医学文化特征和趋势提供了一个分析框架。在理论方面,健康概念的泛化、健康主观性与客观性的两重性、剩余健康和亚健康概念的提出为健康主义的发展铺平了道路;在实践方面,临床试验、健康风险计算以及正常值的调整既为健康主义提供了数据支持,也使得企业与资本从健康主义方案转化为行动中获得收益,并为健康主义影响的扩大提供了动力。本文指出,健康主义的纲领,虽然有利于增进人们的健康,但若对其过度强调,则可能走向为增进健康而损害健康的悖论。健康的定义越宽泛、使用范围越普遍,反而可能使人们离实现健康的目标越遥远。人们越是执着地追求健康,却越是感到处于患病的危机之中。  相似文献   

国内城市社区健康教育和健康促进研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
分析了我国城市化加速发展过程中出现的城市社区健康问题及其影响因素。在对社区健康教育与健康促进的作用和意义进行探讨的基础上,提出解决这些城市健康问题的根本途径是城市社区健康教育与健康促进策略,并针对我国城市社区健康教育与健康促进的研究和发展现状提出对策建议。  相似文献   

分析了我国城市化加速发展过程中出现的城市社区健康问题及其影响因素.在对社区健康教育与健康促进的作用和意义进行探讨的基础上,提出解决这些城市健康问题的根本途径是城市社区健康教育与健康促进策略,并针对我国城市社区健康教育与健康促进的研究和发展现状提出对策建议.  相似文献   

智慧城市是当前城市发展的一种新的理念,绵阳市是智慧城市试点城市之一,对智慧城市建设进行跟踪研究对绵阳的发展具有重要现实意义,这也是绵阳推进“智慧城市”建设的实践要求.  相似文献   

健康动机是人们想要健康的愿望, 是影响人们健康行为的一个决定因素。本文回顾了有关健康动机的理论、测量和实证方面的研究。比较值得推崇的健康动机的动力过程理论认为健康动机是一个内在的动力过程, 并把健康动机对健康行为的作用分为四个阶段: 产生健康愿望、制定计划、采取行动和对行动的坚持。对健康动机的测量主要有一般测量和具体测量两类。实证研究表明健康动机能促进个体的健康行为并由此提高其健康水平。  相似文献   

全球化进程的加速给世界卫生体系带来巨大挑战,也对医学教育提出了新的要求。开展全球健康教育已成为国际医学教育发展的趋势,医学专业人员应该具备的"全球健康能力"分为:全球公民水平、探索水平、基本操作水平和高级水平四个层次。我国全球健康教育起步较晚、整体发展相对滞后,面临认识的缺位、培养结构固化、人才培养与健康需求不匹配、缺乏全球健康实践等诸多问题。要树立全球健康理念,以全球健康能力为导向,调整医学教育方向、优化课程结构,加强国际和地区合作、开展全球健康实践,推动我国全球健康教育的发展。  相似文献   


This article examines health promotion and disease prevention from the perspective of social cognitive theory. The areas of overlap with some of the most widely applied psychosocial models of health are identified. The models of health promotion and disease prevention have undergone several generational changes. We have shifted from trying to scare people into health, to rewarding them into health, to equipping them with self-regulatory skills to manage their health habits, to shoring up their habit changes with dependable social supports. These transformations have evolved a multifaceted approach that addresses the reciprocal interplay between self-regulatory and environmental determinants of health behavior. Social cognitive theory addresses the socio structural determinants of health as well as the personal determinants. A comprehensive approach to health promotion requires changing the practices of social systems that have widespread detrimental effects on health rather than solely changing the habits of individuals. Further progress in this field requires building new structures for health promotion, new systems for risk reduction and greater emphasis on health policy initiatives. People's beliefs in their collective efficacy to accomplish social change, therefore, play a key role in the policy and public health approach to health promotion and disease prevention.  相似文献   

高血压防治模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高血压是一种严重危害人体健康的生活方式病,也是一种心身疾病。它的危害性较之烈性传染病有过之而无不及。但高血压防治仍停留在“专家模式”一头热的困局上,临床指南与临床实践有较大差距。高血压知晓率、治疗率和控制率均低。造成“三低”的原因有:(1)对高血压这种慢性、流行性疾病的危害性认识不足;(2)健康观念存在误区;(3)迷信一劳永逸的治疗方法;(4)人群防治知识缺乏、素质低下。高血压防治是一个科学的综合管理过程,只有从健康教育入手,全面提高人群高血压防治知识水平,才能开创高血压防治的新局面。健康追求不应只是个人行为,还必须是群体行为和社会行为。人群有了健康观念、健康心态和健康智慧,高血压的防治才能取得真正的成效。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades schools have been identified as the de facto mental health system for youth. Therefore, improving and expanding school mental health (SMH) has become a pressing agenda item for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and funders. Advancing this agenda includes not only translating intervention research into practice within schools, but building capacities for these interventions to occur. The interactive systems framework (ISF) of Wandersman and colleagues, and the focus of this special issue, provides guidance in bridging the gap between research and practice through multisystem capacity building. There is some evidence that application of the ISF has helped to build capacity for SMH in states, but this evidence is preliminary. In addition, application of the ISF has not occurred in SMH at the community level or in relation to the specific stresses a community undergoes in relation to a disaster. The purpose of this article was to conduct a preliminary attempt to connect these three areas—the ISF, SMH and strengthening SMH through the ISF to better address impacts of a community level disaster; in this case, we explore the impacts of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans schools, their students and families, and SMH programming within them. Special Issue: Advances in Bridging Research and Practice Using the Interactive System Framework for Dissemination and Implementation; Guest Editors: Abraham Wandersman, Paul Flaspohler, Catherine A. Lesesne, Richard Puddy; Action Editor: Emilie Phillips Smith  相似文献   

GATA4在心肌肥厚中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循证医学的诞生改变了几千年沿袭的医学实践模式。医学工作者通过应用循证医学的思路和方法指导医学研究和临床实践工作,进一步促进了临床决策的科学性,从而提高了医疗质量。随着循证医学的发展,其外延和内涵不断延伸。鉴于其在临床医学等领域的成功,卫生管理学者开始将循证医学的思想和方法应用于公共卫生决策和医院管理,即在卫生管理领域进行循证实践,改善公共卫生决策和医院管理水平,提高卫生资源利用效率和分配的公平性。  相似文献   

刘甜芳  杨莉萍 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1513-1518
继Caplan的“公共卫生预防模型”之后,Gordon提出另一个综合性预防模型;美国国家科学院医学研究所绘制了“心理健康干预光谱”; 美国国家研究所和国家科学院医学院则进一步将“心理健康促进”正式纳入心理预防概念。“心理健康促进”是针对消极被动的传统预防而提出的积极主动的预防。心理预防概念的发展与更新,特别是将“心理健康促进”纳入心理预防体系,要求树立预防的全局观念,提高预防的针对性,将消极心理预防与积极心理健康促进结合起来。  相似文献   

Marx’s thought of community has experienced three stages in logic and is rooted in the social fundamental contradictions between productive forces and universal communication in content. It reflects the evolution of history into world history and human’s free and all-round development tending towards the unity of individuals and communities. Faced with the profound changes never seen in a century, the thought of building a human community with a shared future inherits and carries forward Marx’s idea of community in three aspects, i.e., the practice of building a social community, the ultimate focus on human destiny, and the grand vision of promoting historical development in human society. In addition, under the historical context of socialism and capitalism coexisting, the thought of building a human community with a shared future creates and shows a new state of Marx’s idea of community in three aspects, namely, dimension remodeling, path reshaping, and value reinterpretation. It presents a new model for historical significance and human civilization of a world of openness, probability and promise to promote the transformation from the modern society to a human society.  相似文献   

The sudden onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic brought people the most serious global public health emergency since the end of World War II. Posing a threat to human survival and development, the pandemic has given prominence to global issues concerning life safety and ecological security and triggered studies on their integrated advancement. Only by fully understanding the importance and urgency of the life-ecology integrated security and establishing the new idea, new strategy, new plan, and basic path can we survive deadly emergencies, build a community with a shared future and health for all, and jointly contribute to and share the benefits of a safe, healthy and beautiful world with common prosperity, long-lasting peace and stability of humanity.  相似文献   

Population studies indicate that trauma exposure is ubiquitous and has a significant impact on health. Trauma‐informed practice seeks to address the health consequences of trauma through integrative responses that incorporate an understanding of the effects of trauma, the multiple pathways to recovery, and the potential for re‐traumatization. Current trauma‐informed practice considers trauma exposure an individual clinical problem rather than a societal problem with population health consequences. Population health refers to the aggregated health status of individuals who share some characteristic, such as trauma exposure, and includes the study of determinants that shape the distribution of health outcomes in specific populations. In this paper, we describe a population health perspective for trauma‐informed practice that complements the current clinical perspective, and then discuss implications of that perspective for programs, systems, and policies. We summarize essential concepts about trauma over the life course and describe principles of population health science relevant to trauma‐informed practice. We then discuss implications of these principles by identifying four priorities for trauma‐informed practice from a population health perspective: (a) adopting trauma‐informed policies to prevent trauma exposure and to foster resilience in the aftermath of trauma; (b) infusing trauma‐informed practice into everyday activities so it is a routine part of interpersonal transactions; (c) incorporating trauma‐informed practices into existing service systems; and (d) adapting existing treatments to incorporate trauma‐informed principles for population health impact.  相似文献   


Recent health care reform provides many new opportunities to expand mental health and behavioral support to students in schools and school–community partnerships. Through newly available funding sources, as well as expanded legislative initiatives, school psychologists can advocate for and become leaders in delivering universal programming, tiered mental health supports, and formalized collaborative efforts with community agencies. The authors highlight the application of tiered levels of services, with current practice samples, designed to address students' mental and behavioral health. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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