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历史编纂学是研究历史的方法和原理。心理学历史编纂学探讨的是心理学史的编纂方法和原则。这些原则包括:1)描述对反思;2)客观性对主观性;3)现在主义对历史主义;4)内在史观对外在史观;5)伟人说对时代精神说。  相似文献   

心理史学的发展给心理学史的教学与研究带来如下启示:心理学史专业工作者应加强史学修养,明确自己的史学研究立场和原则;心理学史不只是心理学的学科发展史,也是人类社会历史发展的缩影;从拒绝到接受精神分析作为一种史学研究方法的态度转变,蕴涵着当代人文社科研究发展的趋势和走向。  相似文献   

秦金亮 《心理科学》2001,24(1):117-117,103
心理学成为一门独立学科以来正在以惊人的速度发展壮大。以研究心理学发生、发展规律为目标的心理学史近几十年来也引起了学界的广泛重视。从20年代至90年代国内外出版的心理学史著作可渭汗牛充栋。这些心理学史著作是以什么样的思想为指导?其编纂的依据是什么?这就是心理学史编纂中的方法论问题。事实上心理学史家在编纂心理学史时,不管是自觉还是不自觉,是意识到还是没有意识到,其必有编纂的依据、编纂的立场方法。  相似文献   

关于"自我"的社会建构论学说及其启示   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从后现代主义的立场出发,社会建构论认为传统心理学有关自我的研究都是本质主义的.社会建构论以“关系的自我”取代“本质的自我”,认为自我并非行为背后的精神实体,而是人际互动的产物,是一种文化的建构物。这种观点对于我们正确认识自我具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

西方现代心理学家在说明心理学理论的发展时,几乎都借助于时代精神的概念。为了加深对西方心理学史的研究,为了揭示心理学发展的本质与规律,必须对西方心理学史中的时代精神说有科学的认识。西方心理学史家研竟是如何定义“时代精神”这一概念的? 西方心理学史中的时代精神概念系来源于黑格尔。黑格尔认为:“政治史、国家的法制、艺术、宗教对于哲学的关系,并不在于它们是哲学的原因,也不在于相反地哲学  相似文献   

“生命全程”(Life span)作为一个术语最初出现于本世纪四十年代,然而只是在最近十几年中,它才逐步确立为一种关于人类心理发展的观点,一种发展心理学的理论;并且逐渐形成了一种促进整个心理科学发展的运动.在世界范围内,“生命全程心理学”似乎已取代了传统的“发展心理学”,而普通心理学、人格心理学和社会心理学等,也都正以“生命全程研究”所显示的意义在调整自己的研究结构和研究方面.作为心理学史和发展心理学的研究者,我们一直关注着生命全程研究的进展,在这里拟从方法论意义的角度,来论述我们对“生命全程研究”的认识和理解.  相似文献   

研究中国心理学史刍议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨鑫辉 《心理学报》1983,16(3):48-52
关于研究中国心理学史的重要性,已经为越来越多的人所认识和强调。这种重要性概括地说就是:“我们不值要懂得心理学的今天,还要懂得心理学的昨天,懂得了心理学的昨天才可以更深刻地懂得心理学的今天”~[1]。从我国社会主义现代化建设对心理科学  相似文献   

梁漱溟的"人类心理学"及其理论意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对以华生、郭任远为代表的行为主义心理学在研究对象和研究方法观点上的批判,梁漱溟建立了自己的一套理论体系--“人类心理学”。它是儒家心性论的“现代版”,同时又是一种人性论。该理论体系产生于二十世纪二十年代,在心理学史和伦理学史上都具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

中国心理学史原先基本上是一块未被开垦的处女地。党的十一届三中全会以来,随着我国心理科学的迅速发展,在老一辈心理学家的倡导下,中国心理学史的研究工作,已提到心理学界的议事日程上为越来越多的人所重视了。在最近六、七年的时间内,对祖国古代心理学思想遗产的挖掘、整理和研究,进展相当迅速,获得了一定的成果,填补了我国心理学的一项空白。为了促进中国心理学史研究工作的更好发展,有必要回顾一下它的历史、考察一  相似文献   

弗洛伊德是精神分析学派的创始人,也是西方著名心理学家。普汶在他的《人格心理学》一书中,把弗洛伊德称为“盖世无双的天才”。埃汶在他的《个性心理学导论》一书中,认为弗洛伊德“为全人类开拓了心理的新希望”。波林在他的《实验心理学史》一书中,把弗洛伊德看成是“最伟大的创设者,时代精冲的代言人”。他甚至认为三百年之后写心理学史时,如果不提到弗洛伊德的名子,就写不出一本好书。可见弗洛伊德的声誉之高,影响之大。本文主要介绍一点弗洛伊德的个性心理学思想,供读者分析研究。  相似文献   

In what follows I explore the question of fictionality in history writing. First, I venture into the unfamiliar genre of ego-histoire and make my own professional training in the tenets of positivist or realist historiography an object of theoretical reflection and critical analysis. Then as a way of dealing with the literary dimension of written history, I make a canonical work in history of education an object of rhetorical analysis. Finally, as another way of coming to terms with the “fictions of historiography,” I revisit one of my own productions and make it an object of metacritical consideration. My central theme is that historiographical realism alone will not suffice , that historians are as dependant upon literary invention as upon documents, that history cannot be written without the aid of the “fictions of historiography,” and that the difference between the historian and the novelist is narrower than we may have been accustomed to think. I further argue that attention to the literary or rhetorical dimension of history is long overdue in history of education, where it flourishes unacknowledged. I conclude that historical writing is not just a literary pastime and the issue remains: how to come to grips with fictionalizing and the truth claims of historiography.  相似文献   

The evolution of the historiography of psychology in Brazil is surveyed, to describe how the field has evolved from the seminal works of the pioneer, mostly self-taught, psychologists, to the now professional historians working from a variety of theoretical models and methods of inquiry. The first accounts of the history of psychology written by Brazilians and by foreigners are surveyed, as well as the recent works made by researchers linked to the Work Group on the History of Psychology of the Brazilian Association of Research and Graduate Education in Psychology and published in periodicals such as Memorandum and Mnemosine. The present historiography focuses mainly the relationship of psychological knowledge to specific social and cultural conditions, emphasizing themes such as women's participation in the construction of the field, the development of psychology as a science and as a profession in education and health, and the development of psychology as an expression of Brazilian culture and of the experience of resistance of local communities to domination. To reveal this process of identity construction, a cultural historiography is an important tool, coupled with methodological pluralism.  相似文献   

How should historians employ psychological insight when seeking to understand and analyze their historical subjects? That is the essential question explored in this methodological reflection on the relationship between psychology and biography. To answer it, this paper offers a historical, historiographical, and theoretical analysis of life writing in the history of psychology. It touches down in the genres of autobiography, psychobiography, and cultural history to assess how other historians and psychologists have answered this question. And it offers a more detailed analysis of one particularly useful text, Kerry Buckley's (1989) Mechanical Man, to illuminate specific ways in which historians can simultaneously employ, historicize, and critically analyze the theories of the psychologists they study. Although ostensibly about writing biographies of eminent psychologists, this article speaks to a methodological issue facing any historian contemplating the role psychological theories should play in their historical narratives.  相似文献   

This article discusses the question of truth claims in psychoanalysis, revolving around the concepts “construction”, “reconstruction”, “historical truth” and “narrative truth”. In Part I of the article, these concepts are discussed in an historical context, in particular, Freud's view, the narrative tradition and some of Bion's ideas. In Part II, an attempt is made to synthesize these concepts. It is argued that the constructed character of the unconscious has to be integrated into the patient's reconstruction of his/her life story. The psychoanalytic project enables the patient to create a new narrative that claims to possess historical validity. It is important in this context not to understand the notion of “history” objectivisticallv as if it were a question of revealing certain objective historical facts. Instead, it is suggested that the connection between the present understanding of the past and the past as it was experienced in the past should be understood as a fusion of horizons. Finally, the necessary function of consciousnesslself-consciousness for the psychoanalytic project of acquiring knowledge about one's unconscious is pointed out.  相似文献   

Wilhelm Wundt's influence on the development of linguistics and psychology was pervasive. The foundations for this web of influence on the sciences of mind and language were laid down in Wundt's own research program, which was quite different from other attempts at founding a new psychology, as it was deeply rooted in German philosophy. This resulted in certain gaps in Wundt's conception of mind and language. These gaps provoked a double repudiation of Wundt's theories, by linguists and psychologists. The psychological repudiation has been studied by historians of psychology, and the linguistic repudiation has been studied by historians of linguistics. The intent of this article is to bring the linguistic repudiation to the attention of historians of psychology, especially the one outlined by two important figures in the history of psychology: Karl Buhler and George Mead.  相似文献   

This article aims to provide an overview of the historiography of psychology textbooks. In the overview, I identify and describe in detail two strands of writing histories of introductory textbooks of psychology and juxtapose them to provide an integrated historiography of textbooks in psychology. One strand is developed by teachers of psychology—first as a general approach for investigating textbooks in a pedagogical setting, and then later upgraded into a full history of psychology textbooks in America. The other strand follows a more familiar perspective of historians of science and historians of psychology who build on various post‐Kuhnian and post‐Foucauldian perspectives on textbooks. I make an argument for integrating these two views for a more comprehensive historiography of textbooks in psychology, recasting textbooks as objects of research and sources that are interesting sui generis for historians of psychology in their investigations.  相似文献   

The article confronts methodological differences between (and among) social psychologists and historians about how far the social psychologist should be interested only in contemporary or very recent history and how far general conclusions can be drawn about human behaviour across time and space. The article suggests that social psychology need not be present-centric and might take different forms of a ??historical turn??. In turn, it is suggested, historians can benefit from approaches developed by social psychologists. Seven possible points of connection with the discipline of history are put forward in the hope of fostering future collaborations. These are: the nature of modernity; collective memory and the uses of the past; political discourse and ideologies; partisanship; the public sphere; stereotypes; and languages and images. Indeed, just as they can encourage closer collaboration between historians and social psychologists, these themes might also open a wider inter-disciplinary discussion with anthropologists, sociologists, literary scholars, art historians and scholars of political discourse.  相似文献   

The grand narratives which once gave order and readability to histories, of science and of the human sciences are widely rejected in current historiography, and historians focus on detailed studies of scientific knowledge and activity in particular contexts. How, then, are synthetic general histories, accessible to the non-specialist, to be written? This paper, designed as an open-ended discussion, reflects on the business of writing about psychology in a general history of the human sciences. It considers three large topics: reflexivity, and the situation in the human sciences where “man” is both subject and object; the boundary-less identity of the human sciences and hence the need to express values in delimiting the content of the field; and the long-standing debate about what sort of “science” is appropriate for knowledge of human beings. The conclusion turns to “the quest” as a narrative form. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In the 1960s and 1970s—as structuralism, post-structuralism, and literary criticism seeped into history—the “linguistic turn” or “narrative turn,” leading to what is known as postmodern philosophy of history, took place in Western philosophy of history. In the past forty years of reform and opening up to the outside world, and especially in the most recent two or three decades, Chinese research on Western postmodern philosophy of history has proceeded from overall review to in-depth research, and then on to reflection, criticism, and even transcendence. Neither the rethinking of historical objectivity and rationality nor the reconstruction of convictions about historical reason can work without the profound insights or theoretical tensions of postmodern philosophy of history.  相似文献   

In 1960, the psychologist Donald Campbell advanced a Darwinian model of how new knowledge comes into being. This would later come to be known as “evolutionary epistemology”;. For some psychologists and historians of science interested in creativity in science and technology, the Darwinian perspective was irresistible. Thus, in 1988, the psychologist Dean Keith Simonton proposed a Darwinian model of the psychology of scientific discovery by refining Campbell's model. Recently, in 1999, Simonton has devoted an entire book to “Darwinian Perspectives on Creativity.”; In this article, I challenge the Darwinian perspective by examining three episodes taken from the histories of natural science, technology and art, respectively.  相似文献   

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