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* At the broadest level, a general system might be considered as man's interrelationship with the total universe. The general system theorist attempts to describe in an increasingly comprehensive manner man's interrelationship with the vastness of the universe. General systems and creativity relate in the way that each deals with seeing the totality of a situation. Creative problem-solving processes develop ways of gaining new insights or perspectives as to how seemingly unassociated factors are relevently related to a problem. Similarly, the general system approach attempts to gain the most comprehensive view of a set of circumstances by interrelating them in new and meaningful ways.  相似文献   


This study was designed to test a general systems model of growth, specifically how professional growth contributes to personal growth and vice versa. After a discussion of general systems models, two hypotheses were identified for testing. Hypothesis One dealt with personality traits of personal growth as being indicators of professional growth; Hypothesis Two focused on age as it contributes to professional growth and ultimately to personal growth. Several indicators of personal growth were correlated with indicators of professional growth to test Hypothesis One, which was ultimately supported. Hypothesis Two was tested using ANOVA with several well- known professional growth measures and age as independent variables, with self-esteem measures and inner/other-directedness measures as dependent variables. Hypothesis Two was not supported.  相似文献   

Contemporary psychologists are beginning to do more than identify those traits characteristic of creative adolescents, for while a trait approach to creativity is indeed informative, it fails to suggest precisely how creativity may be enhanced. In the following paper, Davis suggests that creativity profitably may be conceptualized as consisting mainly of three trainable components, (1) appropriate creative attitudes, the most critical of which is a favorable attitude toward highly imaginative problem solutions, (2) various cognitive abilities which facilitate whatever mental abstracting, combining, perceiving, associating, filling in gaps, etc., contribute to the fluent production of original ideas, and (3) techniques for the conscious and systematic production of new combinations of ideas. Further, by incorporating many concepts and principles from this three-part model, Davis describes a novel program for developing creativity in adolescents.  相似文献   

A structure to foster creativity in a Research and Development environment is described. The structure and the resulting environment lead to a large pool of ideas that became the basis for projects in key technological areas for our company. Twenty years ago, creative organizations were described as having idea-people, innovative leadership, and open communication. They supported risk, and they tolerated errors (Guetzkow, 1965). They encouraged employees to discuss ideas and show their passion for a subject (Bruner, 1965). Eccentricity was encouraged(Guetzkow, 1965), employees were expected to have fun (Bruner, 1965), and ideas were evaluated on their own merit (Bower, 1965). These characteristics of creative organizations are still true today and are, in fact, in more demand than ever before (Diebold, 1990; Waterman, 1988). The need for creativity and innovation in industrial organizations has become critical because of social and economic pressures accompanying an accelerated rate of technological change. Working hard simply is not enough. Working smarter, by creating and innovating, is the way to go. Creativity is both feasible and worthwhile in business (Peters, 1991). A few years ago, I was asked to organize a core group of scientists and to plant the seeds for developing a corporate research group. The individuals involved were expected to be the nucleus of a group with the long range mission of leading the company into the technological future. In our company we develop and manufacture various chemicals and technologies for the construction industry. Although we enjoy a leadership position, it is imperative for us to continually stretch our imagination and strengthen our position in a technology-based and highly competitive market. This paper describes some aspects of the structure that was implemented in order to unleash employee's creativity. The structure and the resulting environment led to a large pool of ideas that became the basis for new projects in several key technologies. Within a very short time, a number of invention disclosures were filed, and some of them led to patents. Some of those ideas have already been capitalized upon by the business units of the company.  相似文献   

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