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In order (1) to study the relationship between complexity and preference for slides of the physical environment and (2) to test the hypothesis that the content of slides (in particular, whether nature or urban) will influence preference, independent of the rated complexity, 88 Ss were asked to rate 56 slides, both for preference and for complexity. Based on dimensional analyses, a nature and an urban dimension were identified. Three major results were obtained: (1) Nature scenes were greatly preferred to urban scenes (p < .001). (2) Complexity predicted preference within the nature domain (r = .69) and within the urban domain (r = .78). (3) Complexity did not account for the preference for nature over urban slides; the greatly preferred nature slides were, in fact, judged on the average less complex than the urban slides. The possibility is raised that the domain-specific character of the preference/complexity relationship found in this study may be general; that is, it may not be a special property of environmentally generated arrays.  相似文献   

Fourteen Ss rated 59 objects on a seven point complexity scale. From these ratings 10 objects were chosen at the high, middle, and low levels of complexity, and 35 mm slides were made of these 30 objects. Fifteen Ss manipulated and inspected each of the objects for as long as they wished and a second group of 15 Ss viewed slides of the objects for as long as they wished. Analysis of the time scores from these two groups revealed that both inspective manipulation time and free looking time increased as a function of stimulus complexity. Inspective manipulation time was greater than free looking time except at the low complexity level.  相似文献   

The effect of the lexical complexity of verbs on the processing of sentences was evaluated in two experiments. Verb complexity was indexed by the number of types of grammatical structure a verb permits (e.g., a verb may be transitive or intransitive and may permit various types of complement structures). Ss’ performances in paraphrasing sentences and in solving anagrams containing complex verbs were significantly poorer than their performances with the same sentences and anagrams containing less complex verbs.  相似文献   

Subjects heard four piano compositions that were constructed to represent differing degrees of complexity, as defined by their chordal and rhythmic properties and corroborated by subjects’ complexity ratings. In line with the predictions of an optimal complexity model of musical preference, judged liking for the compositions was a unimodal function of their complexity. After each composition was rated for liking, one of the four compositions was presented and rated an additional 16 times. Also congruent with an optimal complexity model was the finding that the affective consequences of repeated exposure varied depending upon whether the repeatedly exposed composition was more or less complex than the subject’s preferred complexity level. The latter finding suggests that repeated exposure effects are a function of both situational and individual factors.  相似文献   

Two studies examining relationships of extraversion (E), neuroticism (N) and psychoticism (P) to conditioning performance are reported. In the first, 31 male volunteers developed electrodermal CRs to appetitive or aversive stimuli of either weak or strong rated intensity. Factor analysis yielded general factors of classical CR acquisition and extinction across reinforcement type. Stability and E loaded the acquisition factor, these Ss, from post-hoc analysis, revealing superior conditioning in the strong appetitive condition. In the second study, 20 of these 31 Ss participated in two series of discrimination motor reaction time trials, in which attainment of criterion RT was reinforced by appetitive slides, and slower-than-criterion responding by aversive slides. Introversion was correlated with greater response acquisition under both conditions, although post-hoc analysis suggested that improvement under positive reinforcement did not differ from simple practice. Results are congruent with a model combining reinforcer preference with response potential to describe personality-conditioning relationships.  相似文献   

54 male CD strain Charles River albino rats were tested for complexity preference using a non-locomotor response. Each subject was presented an array of photographic slides containing an incremental series of complexity elements, i.e., 1, 2, 5 and 25 elements. All photographic slides were randomized both within and across subjects. Each photographic slide of each level of complexity was repeated three times. Results of an analysis of covariance, with luminance as the covariate, showed that cummulative viewing time increased with an increase in stimulus complexity. The relationship between looking and level of complexity was shown to be different when covariance procedures were used than without them.  相似文献   

Two sets of photographic slides, one made up of scenes from the geographic environment, the other of works of non-representational modern art, were scaled for complexity by obtaining judges’ ratings of amount of variation present on several specified stimulus attributes. Fourteen slides defining a sevenpoint scale of complexity were selected from each set and given to college students to obtain measures of (a) amount of exploratory behavior (number of times S chose to expose each slide briefly), and (b) preference (evaluative ratings on a seven-point scale). In accordance with prediction, the former measure emerged as a linearly increasing function of complexity, while the relationship between complexity and preference was curvilinear, reaching a maximum at an intermediate level of complexity. The results are related to Berlyne’s distinction between specific and diversive stimulus exploration, and implications for the study of aesthetics are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to explore variables underlying primacy and recency effects in free recall of pictorial material, norms were developed using 120 subjects who rated the vividness and complexity of slides. Two experiments were then run in which two levels of each of these variables (extreme high and low ratings) were factorially combined. In the first experiment 24 subjects were shown three mixed lists, two short and one long (consisting of materials of all four combinations of vividness and complexity), and in the second experiment 12 subjects were shown four pure lists (consisting of materials of a single type). Analysis of variance showed list length in the mixed list experiment and complexity in both experiments to be strong determinants of recall. Greatest recall was for items of low complexity in short lists. Weak, but statistically significant, serial position effects were evident, particularly for less complex items. The effects of primacy and recency seem to decrease with increasing complexity of visual materials, perhaps because of the greater difficulty in rehearsing more complex pictures either verbally or iconically.  相似文献   

Two groups of Ss were required to make judgments of bidimensional vibrotactile signals over a period of five weeks (one session per week). Group A Ss were given 54 signals in four matrices (2 by 2, 3 by 3,4 by 4, and 5 by 5). Four anchors within the range were also given and were additionally judged among the 54 signals. The size of the A group decreased weekly from 30 to 6 Ss. Delayed knowledge of results (KOR) was given at the end of each session and the same random order of transmitting signals was used in each session. Group B Ss completed an extra (6 by 6) matrix and had one additional anchor, but they received no KOR and the random order of signal transmission was always varied. There was no significant difference between subgroups. Channel capacity was not obtained but the maximum information transmission was 3.08 bits. Practice generally increased T(X;y) at each session.  相似文献   

In this study Ss classified as extraverts, ambiverts or introverts on the Maudsley Personality Inventory looked at photographs rated as extravert, ambivert, or introvert for as long as they wished. It was hypothesized that there would be a tendency for Ss to look relatively longer at pictures congruent with their personality characteristic. Support for this hypothesis was found in a significant picture by personality interaction. Extraverts clearly looked longer at extravert pictures and introverts showed a very slight preference for introvert pictures. Ambivert pictures were looked at the longest by all groups. This high looking time for ambivert pictures and the small difference between the looking time at extravert and introvert pictures by introvert Ss is explained in terms of greater complexity of the ambivert and extravert pictures used in this experiment.  相似文献   

In this study Ss classified as extraverts, ambiverts or introverts on the Maudsley Personality Inventory looked at photographs rated as extravert, ambivert, or introvert for as long as they wished. It was hypothesized that there would be a tendency for Ss to look relatively longer at pictures congruent with their personality characteristic. Support for this hypothesis was found in a significant picture by personality interaction. Extraverts clearly looked longer at extravert pictures and introverts showed a very s light preference for introvert pictures. Ambivert pictures were looked at the longest by all groups. This high looking time for ambivert pictures and the small difference between the looking time at extravert and introvert pictures by introvert Ss is explained in terms of greater complexity of the ambivert and extravert pictures used in this experiment.  相似文献   

149 freshmen undergraduates were administered the Higher Information Processing Scale and an anagram problem-solving task. Single-solution anagrams were chosen from lists of age-appropriate vocabulary words high in concrete imagery or low in imagery (abstract). Small but significant correlations were obtained between number of concrete anagrams solved and right- and integrated-hemispheric preference scores, respectively. Students categorized as "integrated preference" solved more high-imagery anagrams than any other group. Results lend support to the hypothesis that brain hemisphere specializations may exist but integration of the hemispheres may yield best performance.  相似文献   

The task used was designed to force Ss consistently to process the letters of a tachistoscopic display in the same spatial order, if Ss are able to process the letters in a brief display serially and if Ss have enough voluntary control over the selection of a processing order to use the order chosen by the E. In the main series of experiments the set of slides shown in each session included slides having a blank space in some position in the linear array of letters. For control, no-blank slides, a sharp, monotonic decrease in the percentage of correct detections of a signal letter with distance of the signal letter from the focusing dot was obtained. An unexpected result from the slides having a blank space was that detection of the signal letter was considerably more accurate on the slides having a blank space immediately following the signal letter than on the control slides having no blank space or the slides having a blank space immediately before the signal letter in the processing order. In one experiment blank spaces were replaced by black rectangles with no substantial change in the pattern of results. The results from the slides having a blank space or a black rectangle were interpreted as indicating that the onset of processing the image of a letter was determined by the distance in the display from the focusing dot to the letter and that the duration of processing an image of a letter was determined by the distance in the display from the letter to the next letter in the processing order.  相似文献   

Attributional complexity (AC, [Fletcher, G. J. O., Danilovics, P., Fernandez, G., Peterson, D., & Reeder, G. D. (1986). Attributional complexity: An individual differences measure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 875–884]) is a construct designed to describe individual differences in the motivation and preference for complex attributions for behavior. Scores on the Attributional Complexity Scale (ACS) have been found to be related to a lesser propensity to error and greater accuracy in social judgment. However, little is known concerning how people who score higher on this scale (the attributionally complex) actually behave or are viewed by others. Participants (n = 178) completed the ACS, their behavior as videotaped during a social interaction was rated by four observers, and they were described by two acquaintances along numerous personality characteristics. Behavior of individuals higher in AC was directly observed to be relatively open, positive, expressive, and socially skilled. Although AC was unrelated to academic achievement or SAT scores, those higher in AC tended to be described by peers as having social wisdom, thoughtfulness, empathy, and openness. The behaviors and personality characteristics associated with AC likely contribute to good social judgment.  相似文献   

Top‐ranked items were identified during 30‐min free‐operant preference assessments for 9 individuals. Data from each session were analyzed to identify the item (a) that was engaged with first in each session and (b) to which the most responding was allocated after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, and 25 min had elapsed in each session. The results indicated that the first‐engaged item and the 5‐min high‐allocation item predicted the top‐ranked item in 55% and 62% of the sessions, respectively. The results also showed that engagement with the top‐ranked item from the first session decreased across subsequent sessions for 6 of the 9 participants. The implications of the results for brief versus extended stimulus preference assessments are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in perceptual part-whole preferences as a function of experienced success and experienced failure were investigated. All Ss went through one testing session in which their perceptual preference was established. Forty-two Ss of the experimental group went through two additional testing sessions, one in which success and another in which failure experiences were induced. Parallel sets of a Two-Alternative Perception Test were used after each session to measure part or whole preferences. The Ss of the control group were administered the three sets of the perception test at intervals of one week, with situations kept constant. Results of a three-way analysis of variance (p<0.0001) supported the hypotheses of success situations favoring whole perceptions and of failure situations favoring part perceptions. Highly significant correlations (p<0.01) were found between the three testing sessions of the Ss in the control group, indicating stability of perceptual part-whole preferences over time, with situations held constant.This article was based, in parts, on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School for Social Research. The author would like to express her appreciation to Mary Henle, chairman of the dissertation committee.  相似文献   

Reliability and validity of some specific fear questionnaires   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Normative psychometric data on a Swedish translation of fear questionnaires concerning snakes, spiders, public speaking, and mutilation given to 223 college students are presented. High internal consistencies were found for all four questionnaires, and low intercorrelations among the four inventories emerged. In a separate study the inventories were administered to a clinical sample of spider and snake phobics. Phobics scored higher on their respective phobic scale than the college group but did not differ from controls on mutilation or public speaking scales. A significant negative correlation emerged between snake and spider scores among the phobics. One year test-retest reliabilities in the phobic sample were high. Finally, snake and spider phobics viewed and rated phobic and nonphobic slides. Snake phobics rated snake slides as more aversive than spider slides, whereas the reverse was true for spider phobics. The correlation between fear ratings and questionnaire scores was significant. Use of these scales in evaluating therapeutic changes is encouraged.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between hemispheric preference and communication accuracy of facial affect. Hemispheric preference was determined by rating conjugate lateral eye movements. Forty right-handed females were classified: 10 right-movers (left hemisphere preference), 15 left-movers (right hemisphere preference), and 15 bidirectionals (no hemispheric preference). Subjects were shown emotionally loaded slides portraying happiness, fear, and disgust and their videotaped facial expressions were independently rated for accuracy. It was predicted that negative emotions involved right hemisphere activity and negative affect involved left hemisphere activity. As expected, it was found that left-movers were significantly better than right-movers at nonverbally communicating disgust and fear; hemispheric preference was unrelated to expression of happiness. The accuracy scores of the bidirectionals generally fell in between those of the left-movers and those of the right-movers. The results were discussed in reference to the differential lateralization of positive and negative emotions.This study was conducted as a senior research project by the first author under the supervision of the second author.  相似文献   

This study relates the perceived complexity of 2fl random forms to their physical factor structure. Ten principal axes, accounting for 94 per cent of the total variance of 24 physical measures, were rotated using the Varimax criterion. Factor scores for each form were correlated with the complexity ratings of the forms by each of 11 Ss. A single factor accounted for most of the variance in the complexity ratings. This factor was best described by four physical measures: the number of turns in the form, the length of the perimeter, the perimeter squared to area ratio, and the variance of the internal angles of the form.  相似文献   

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