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Craig JC 《Perception》2006,35(3):351-367
Previous studies have demonstrated that visual apparent motion can alter the judgment of auditory apparent motion. We investigated the effect of visual apparent motion on judgments of the direction of tactile apparent motion. When visual motion was presented at the same time as, but in a direction opposite to, tactile motion, accuracy in judging the direction of tactile apparent motion was substantially reduced. This reduction in performance is referred to as 'the congruency effect'. Similar effects were observed when the visual display was placed either near to the tactile display or at some distance from the tactile display (experiment 1). In experiment 2, the relative alignment between the visual and tactile directions of motion was varied. The size of the congruency effect was similar at 0 degrees and 45 degrees alignments but much reduced at a 90 degrees alignment. In experiment 3, subjects made confidence ratings of their judgments of the direction of the tactile motion. The results indicated that the congruency effect was not due to subjects being unsure of the direction of motion and being forced to guess. In experiment 4, static visual stimuli were shown to have no effect on the judgments of direction of the tactile stimuli. The extent to which the congruency effect reflects capture effects and is the result of perceptual versus post-perceptual processes is discussed.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that oculomotor smooth pursuit (SP) adaptation is accompanied by alterations in velocity perception was tested by assessing coherence thresholds, using random-dot kinematograms before and after the adaptation paradigm. The results showed that the sensitivity to coherent motion at 10 deg/sec (the initial target velocity during adaptation) was reduced after the SP adaptation, ending up at a level that was between those normally observed for velocities of 10 and 20 deg/sec. This is consistent with an overestimation of the velocity of the coherent motion and suggests that SP adaptation alters not only the oculomotor output, but also the perception of target velocity.  相似文献   

A new perceptual adaptation, an alteration in the perceived direction of motion given by ocular pursuit, is reported. When an object starts to move on a straight path, its displacement is initially given by a shift of its image on the retinas of the stationary eyes; then, after about 200 msec, the eyes start to track the moving object. The perception of motion that results from ocular pursuit was altered by causing ocular pursuit of a moving object to be preceded regularly by a displacement of the object’s image whose direction differed from the direction of the pursuit movement. This was arranged by changing the direction of the given motion at approximately the moment when image displacement changed into tracking. Prolonged exposure to such conditions resulted in a change of the tracked motion’s apparent direction, which became somewhat more like the direction of the preceding motion phase that was given by image displacement.  相似文献   

Summary Perceptual organization during short tachistoscopic presentation of stimulus patterns formed by ten moving bright spots, representing a human body in walking, running, etc. was investigated. Exposure times were .1 sec to .5 sec.The results reveal that in all Ss the dot pattern is perceptually organized to a gestalt, a walking, running, etc., person at an exposure time of .2 sec. 40% of Ss perceived a human body in such motion at presentation times as short as 0.1 sec. Under the experimental conditions used the track length of the bright spots at the threshold of integration to a moving unit was of the size order 10 visual angle.This result is regarded as indicating that a complex vector analysis of the proximal motion pattern is accomplished at the initial stage of physiological signal recording and that it is a consequence of receptive field organization. It is discussed in terms of vector calculus.  相似文献   

视运动知觉是人脑对外界物体的运动特性的知觉。视运动知觉异常是自闭症谱系障碍者的一种常见表现, 其检测光流、二阶运动、协同性运动、生物运动及运动速度的能力异于健康控制组, 且过度迷恋重复性运动物体。该群体视运动知觉异常的原因探析集中于背侧/M细胞通路特定假设、复杂性假设、神经噪声假设、经验缺失假设、时空加工异常假设、极端男性脑理论和社会脑假设。但到目前为止, 尚缺乏一个统一准确的、可验证的解释。未来研究应注重考察自闭症者视运动知觉异常的个体差异和神经生理机制, 进一步整合和验证解释理论, 并着眼开发有效的视运动知觉测评工具和干预策略  相似文献   

《Human movement science》1986,5(2):185-206
This study tests the contributions of structural and transformational information in the perception of technical execution and aesthetic quality in gymnastics judging. A focal question was whether the quality of human movement usually called aesthetic belongs to some category different from mere transformations of position over time, i.e., kinematics. Qualified gymnastics judges (Elite/Class I and Class III) and naive observers rated 30 performances of a 30-sec pass from a compulsory balance beam routine (Class III girls). The same performances were rated for technical execution and aesthetic quality under point-light and normal viewing conditions. Within observer groups there were no differences in scores for technical execution or aesthetic quality. Correlation analyses indicated that all three groups of observers rated performances with similar trends across point-light and normal display conditions for technical execution (range 0.67–0.87). Significantly lower correlations were found for aesthetic quality within all three groups(range 0.46–0.56). Naive observers showed the highest correlations between technical execution and aesthetic quality in both point-light and normal display conditions. Results suggest that transformational information provides much of necessary information for the evaluation of technical execution and aesthetic quality although observer experience affects the pick-up of this information.  相似文献   

Observers viewed visual stimuli in which one object moved to a position of partial occlusion by another. The objects were presented as two-dimensional profiles moving in an undefined space, so the partial occlusion supports several different physical interpretations. In fact some stimuli reliably gave rise to a perceptual impression that the moving object penetrated or pierced the stationary one. This kind of interaction impression has not previously been reported. The impression was maximized by rapid deceleration to a halt with minimal occlusion. If the object decelerated more slowly, so that it was completely occluded or projected from the far side of the stationary object, it was perceived as moving behind the stationary object. The shape of the moving object and its speed prior to occlusion had significant but small effects.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify spatial properties of three-dot motion patterns yielding perceived motion in depth. A proposed vector model analyzed each pattern in terms of common and relative motion components of the moving parts. The dots moved in straight paths in a frontoparallel plane. The Ss reported verbally what they perceived. The common motion did not affect the kénd of perceived event (translation or rotation in depth). Relative motions toward or away from a common point, i.e. concurrent motions, yielded perceived translatory motion in depth. Parallel relative motions toward or away from a common line generally yielded perceived rotation in depth. Complex motion patterns, consisting of concurrent and parallel relative motion components combined, evoked simultaneously perceived translation and rotation in depth under certain phase conditions of the components. Some limitations of the model were discussed and suggestions made to widen its generality.  相似文献   

Organisms navigating by path integration need to continuously measure their forward movement and their angular orientation with respect to an external reference. How they do it is little understood. Tethered flies at the flight simulator "navigate" in an artificial visual landscape without forward movement. They can return to a previously held orientation if the panorama provides a singularity (landmark) as reference. Surprisingly, in a regularly striped drum without singularities, they can use a temporal cue instead. In this experiment the arena is illuminated with only one color that is either green or blue. The arena is virtually divided into four quadrants. Whenever a quadrant boundary moves past an arbitrary point, the color of the arena light changes. When a fly is heated with one color it acquires a preference for the other one. Subsequently, it avoids the borders toward the potentially 'hot' quadrants even without touching them. The only way to achieve this is by turn integration, that is, by adding and subtracting all the turns it performs once it crosses the border. The color switch defining the border crossing resets the turn integrator, using the orientation of the arena at this moment as reference. In contrast, landmarks or, if it were available, the skylight compass enable the fly to establish by pattern learning any orientation as a reference. If the reference orientation coincides with the desired orientation, that is, if the animal stores the pattern while being oriented toward the goal, it can maintain its orientation without recourse to turn integration (which may be error prone).  相似文献   

Three motion perception skills were measured under different levels of alcohol ingestion. Our method for detecting decrements in visual information processing proved sensitive to blood alcohol levels as low as .02%. Alcohol in small doses increased reaction times to the onset of motion, particularly to slow speeds, but did not reduce the ability to allocate attention effectively. In view of these findings, certain motion perception tests may be valuable assays for detecting impaired performance with low blood alcohol levels.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A mathematical model is proposed for the relationship between the intensity of a stimulus as function of time and the intensity of the corresponding respcnse in the form of a conscious experience. The model is based on the assumption that the psychophysical power law is valid for the energy contained in a sliding time-window. The width and shape of this time-window will determine both the region of temporal integration and the perception duration. The consequences of this model are compared with some measurements in hearing and vision, found in the literature.  相似文献   

A series of studies performed in our laboratory on aging and its effect on perceptual processing and working memory capacity for visual stimuli are reviewed. Specifically, studies on luminance, colour, motion, texture, and symmetry processing are reported. Furthermore, experiments on the capacity to retain size and spatial frequency information are also discussed. The general conclusion is that there are a number of perceptual abilities that diminish with age. However, the extent of these deficits will depend on the complexity of the neural circuitry involved for processing a given task. This is also true for visual working memory where no evidence of loss due to aging is demonstrated for processing low-level visual information, when individual differences in sensory input are compensated for. It is concluded that perceptual processing deficits due to aging (like working memory) will become evident when the computational load reaches a certain level of complexity (larger or more complex network) even if the tasks remain cognitively simple.  相似文献   

Sommer MA  Wurtz RH 《Perception》2008,37(3):408-418
Perception depends not only on sensory input but also on the state of the brain receiving that input. A classic example is perception of a stable visual world in spite of the saccadic eye movements that shift the images on the retina. A long-standing hypothesis is that the brain compensates for the disruption of visual input by using advance knowledge of the impending saccade, an internally generated corollary discharge. One possible neuronal mechanism for this compensation has been previously identified in parietal and frontal cortex of monkeys, but the origin of the necessary corollary discharge remained unknown. Here, we consider recent experiments that identified a pathway for a corollary discharge for saccades that extends from the superior colliculus in the midbrain to the frontal eye fields in the cerebral cortex with a relay in the medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus. We first review the nature of the evidence used to identify a corollary discharge signal in the complexity of the primate brain and show its use for guiding a rapid sequence of eye movements. We then consider two experiments that show this same corollary signal may provide the input to the frontal cortex neurons that alters their activity with saccades in ways that could compensate for the displacements in the visual input produced by saccadic eye movements. The first experiment shows that the corollary discharge signal is spatially and temporally appropriate to produce the alterations in the frontal-cortex neurons. The second shows that this signal is necessary for this alteration because inactivation of the corollary reduces the compensation by frontal-cortex neurons. The identification of this relatively simple circuit specifies the organization of a corollary discharge in the primate brain for the first time and provides a specific example upon which consideration of the roles of corollary activity in other systems and for other functions can be evaluated.  相似文献   

The continuous approach to optic-flow processing shows that the curvature of a moving surface is related to a second spatial derivative of the velocity field, the spin variation (Droulez & Cornilleau-Pérès, 1989). With this approach as a theoretical framework, visual sensitivity to the curvature of a cylinder in motion was measured using a task of discrimination between cylindrical and planar patches. The results confirm the predictions suggested by the theory: (1) Sensitivity to curvature was always greater when the cylinder axis and the frontal translation were parallel than when they were orthogonal. The ratio of curvature detection thresholds in the two cases was between 1.3 and 2.5; the value predicted from the spin variation theory is about 2. (2) Sensitivity to curvature increased strongly with the velocity of the motion but was only weakly affected by its amplitude and the duration of viewing for the range of values used in our experiments.  相似文献   

Two arrangements yielding induced motion were used to explore the relative effectiveness of three stimulus conditions known to produce perception of motion—namely, image displacement, ocular pursuit, and object-relative displacement. In these arrangements, object-relative displacement, which resulted in induced motion, was in conflict either with ocular pursuit or with image displacement. The outcomes of these conflicts were determined by measuring the extent of induced motion. Image displacement proved more effective in competing with object-relative displacement than did ocular pursuit, which in one arrangement yielded to object-relative displacement entirely. The same pattern of results was obtained both with the usual arrangement of the moving-center type and with a stationary-center display.  相似文献   

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