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为探讨核心自我评价对大学生创业意向的影响机制,采用核心自我评价量表、创业自我效能感量表和创业意向问卷对264名大四毕业生进行测量,并运用相关分析与回归分析考察变量间关系。结果表明:(1)核心自我评价与创业效能感和两种大学生创业意向均显著相关;(2)核心自我评价完全通过创业效能感间接影响大学生生涯追求型创业意向;(3)核心自我评价对大学生生涯备择型创业意向的影响中,创业效能感起部分中介的作用。  相似文献   

采用大五人格量表、创业意向量表和创业自我效能感量表对2161名在校大学生进行了调查。采用回归分析及结构方程建模等方法,考察大五人格和创业意向之间的关系和创业自我效能感的中介作用。研究发现:(1)大五人格中外向性、宜人性对创业意向有显著的预测作用,神经质、严谨性对创业执行意向有显著的正向预测作用;(2)创业自我效能感对创业意向有显著的正向预测作用,大五人格中外向性、严谨性、宜人性对创业自我效能感有显著的预测作用(3)创业自我效能感在外向性与创业意向之间、宜人性与创业意向之间、严谨性与创业执行意向之间起部分中介作用;创业自我效能感在严谨性与创业目标意向之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

为探讨情绪智力、成就动机、创业自我效能感和大学生创业意向之间的关系。使用情绪智力量表、成就动机量表、创业自我效能感量表和创业意向量表对986名大学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)成就动机中介了情绪智力与大学生创业意向之间的关系。(2)创业自我效能感中介了成就动机与大学生创业意向间的关系。(3)创业自我效能感中介了情绪智力与大学生创业意向之间的关系。(4)成就动机和创业自我效能感在情绪智力与大学生创业意向之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

采用大五人格量表、创业意向量表和创业自我效能感量表对2161名在校大学生进行了调查。采用回归分析及结构方程建模等方法,考察大五人格和创业意向之间的关系和创业自我效能感的中介作用。研究发现:(1)大五人格中外向性、宜人性对创业意向有显著的预测作用,神经质、严谨性对创业执行意向有显著的正向预测作用;(2)创业自我效能感对创业意向有显著的正向预测作用,大五人格中外向性、严谨性、宜人性对创业自我效能感有显著的预测作用(3)创业自我效能感在外向性与创业意向之间、宜人性与创业意向之间、严谨性与创业执行意向之间起部分中介作用;创业自我效能感在严谨性与创业目标意向之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

叶宝娟  方小婷 《心理科学》2017,40(6):1442-1448
本研究提出一个有调节的中介模型,揭示了创业环境"怎样"影响大学生创业意向及这种影响"何时"更强或更弱。采用创业环境量表、创业动机量表、创业意向量表对647名大学生进行研究。研究显示:(1)创业动机在创业环境与大学生创业意向之间起部分中介作用;(2)性别调节了创业环境通过创业动机影响大学生创业意向的中介过程的前半路径。因此,创业环境对大学生创业意向的影响是有调节的中介效应,研究结论对提高大学生的创业意向具有重要的理论与实证价值。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生的冒险性、感知的创业文化与创业意向之间的关系,采用Kogan-Wallach困境选择问卷(CDQ)、感知的创业文化问卷和大学生创业意向量表调查了996名大一至大四年级学生。结果表明:男大学生的创业目标意向和创业执行意向水平均显著高于女大学生;冒险性、感知的创业文化能够直接正向预测大学生的创业目标意向;感知的创业文化能够调节冒险性与创业目标意向之间的关系,具体来讲,对于感知的创业文化水平较高的大学生,冒险性能够积极预测创业目标意向,而对于感知的创业文化水平较低的大学生,冒险性与创业目标意向之间不存在联系。  相似文献   

乐国安  张艺  陈浩 《心理学探新》2012,32(2):146-152
为了深入了解当代大学生的创业意向及其影响因素,研究者以全国30所高校5000多名大学生为被试,对影响大学生创业意向的诸多因素进行了分析。研究发现:当代大学生的创业意向在性别、奖学金获得次数、学生干部经历、出生地上均存在一定差异。大学生主客观条件中的性别、学校性质、创业兴趣、创意能力改善对创业意向有显著影响。创业教育和创业环境认知的引入对于预测大学生的创业意向均有增量效度,能够在个体的主客观条件以外解释个体创业意向的变异。在大学生认知中,影响创业成功的因素主要由客观背景资源、主观能力经验和外部宏观环境3个因子组成,其中主观能力经验的作用排在首位。  相似文献   

基于生态系统理论和有意创业行为的整合模型,本研究探讨了主动性人格与创业准备行为的关系,以及创业意向的中介效应和创业社会支持的调节作用。对1659名大学生进行问卷调查,结果表明:(1)主动性人格正向预测创业准备行为;(2)创业意向在主动性人格和创业准备行为的关系中起部分中介作用;(3)创业社会支持调节主动性人格通过创业意向预测创业准备行为的前半段,预示着高创业社会支持可能会增强主动性人格对创业意向的积极影响,进而促进创业准备行为。研究结果反映了个体特质与环境因素的交互作用,对如何科学有效地促进大学生的创业准备行为具有启示意义。  相似文献   

近年来, 我国政府对创业支持力度不断加强, 创业活动日益活跃, 但失败率却居高不下。如何让创业者在遭遇失败后仍能保持再创业的意向是当前亟待解决的现实问题。拟综合采取横向问卷调查、纵向时间对比以及情景模拟实验的方法, 一方面探讨成就目标导向和社会比较在创业失败和创业失败学习之间的有中介的调节作用; 另一方面分析创业失败学习、创业自我效能感在创业失败和再创业意向之间的链式多重中介作用机制, 寻求由创业失败到再创业意向的不同路径, 这种探讨具有理论创新价值。依据实证研究的结论在实践中指导创业者通过上行比较, 锁定学习目标, 激发再创业意向; 通过提高自我怜悯水平, 使创业者摆脱消极情绪的困扰, 激发掌握性学习动机, 确立再创业的意向, 对于创业者具有重要指导意义。社会比较和自我怜悯的干预研究具有鲜明的中国文化特色。  相似文献   

采用大学生创业意向量表、Cools-Van den Broeck认知风格指标问卷(CoSI),对山东省五所普通高校1219名大学生进行调查,探讨认知风格、性别与创业意向的关系.结果发现:男大学生的创业意向高于女大学生;创造性认知风格对创业意向的正向预测效应显著;性别能够调节计划性认知风格与创业执行意向之间的关系.女大学生的计划性认知风格比男大学生的计划性认知风格更能正向预测创业执行意向.  相似文献   

The Entrepreneurs: An American Adventure, by Robert Sobel and David B. Sicilia, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986, 278 pages, hb $29.95  相似文献   

This research was designed to identify entrepreneurial value orientations by comparing them with the value orientations of professional managers. The SYMLOG values measuring instrument was administered in Thailand to Thai entrepreneurs ( n = 55) and Thai professional managers ( n = 200). Results show that the value orientation of the entrepreneurs differed significantly from that of professional managers on several dimensions, particularly with regard to those elements that almost always contribute to teamwork effectiveness. Implications for training and staffing are discussed.  相似文献   

创业精神的影响因素及其绩效评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
创业精神分为个体创业精神和企业创业精神。个性特质、认知模式、教育培训和创业经验影响个体创业精神,企业战略、组织结构、企业环境和组织支持影响企业创业精神。该文最后讨论了创业精神的绩效评价问题,指出准确的绩效测量是创业研究的关键。  相似文献   

Predicting entrepreneurial success is a complex task, which is performed more or less daily by consultants for small business firms. In this study, the development of an entrepreneurial rating scale designed to assist consultants in assessing the behavioural characteristics of starting entrepreneurs is reported. A model was formulated that incorporates two features of the prediction of entrepeneurial success: (a) entrepreneurial characteristics as well as aspects of the future job (present in the entrepreneurial plan) are appraised, (b) advising is part of the prediction issue, e.g. certain aspects of the entrepreneurial plan may be modified. The model is a variant of‘adaptive selection’, and is partly operationalized in the rating scale for entrepreneurial characteristics. Three studies were conducted with regard to the first feature: judgements on the relevance of situational and behavioural characteristics were obtained from several samples of consultants (N= 38, 23 and 48), and a sample of starting entrepreneurs (N= 61) was rated on behavioural characteristics. The findings indicate that consultants have a common opinion about the behavioural requirements for starting entrepreneurs and that some of these requirements covary with situational characteristics (i.e. general business features). Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the possible design of a validation study.  相似文献   

What predicts adults' entrepreneurial intentions? Utilizing a cross-sectional sample of 496 German scientists, we investigated a path model for the effects of entrepreneurial personality (Big Five profile), control beliefs, and recalled early entrepreneurial competence in adolescence (early inventions, leadership, commercial activities) on two types of entrepreneurial intentions (conditional and unconditional intentions). As expected, entrepreneurial personality and early entrepreneurial competence on the one hand and both types of entrepreneurial intentions on the other were associated. Findings of structural equation modeling further revealed indirect effects via control beliefs (e.g., mediation effects). The results highlight the importance of a life span developmental approach in entrepreneurship research and support the idea that entrepreneurship can be promoted early in life. The findings are discussed against the backdrop of the economic and societal values that entrepreneurship has in today's societies.  相似文献   

This paper defines and describes entrepreneurial creativity, which is the generation and implementation of novel, appropriate ideas to establish a new venture. Entrepreneurial creativity can be exhibited in established organizations as well as in start-up firms. The central thesis of this paper is that entrepreneurial creativity requires a combination of intrinsic motivation and certain kinds of extrinsic motivation — a motivational synergy that results when strong levels of personal interest and involvement are combined with the promise of rewards that confirm competence, support skill development, and enable future achievement.  相似文献   

创业人格研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创业领域的人格研究在经过了繁荣发展后, 于20世纪90年代受到了广泛的批评。本文在简要介绍了创业人格的研究历程后, 首先介绍了创业者人格特征与成功模型, 然后总结了创业研究中的具体人格特质和一般人格特质, 并从概念、样本、工具等六个方面分析了这类研究受到广泛质疑的原因, 最后指出了创业人格研究的四个努力方向:(1)创业内涵的界定和理论模型的建构; (2)研究设计和测量的改进; (3)调节与中介变量的考察; (4)创业绩效变量的更细致区分。  相似文献   

Attention toward social entrepreneurship has increased worldwide, particularly within younger generations. Based on the identified model of social entrepreneurial intentions, this study proposed a multiple mediation framework to examine the mediating role of entrepreneurial creativity for university students. It also compared the differences between Taiwanese (N = 311) and Hong Kong students (N = 311). Through a survey using both online and offline channels, the results of Study 1 confirmed the factor structures of the 3 scales, involving 5 antecedents of social entrepreneurial intention (i.e., empathy, moral obligation, self-efficacy, perceived social support, and prior experience with social problems), 2 factors of entrepreneurial creativity (i.e., originality and usefulness), and 2 factors of social entrepreneurial intention (i.e. conviction and preparation). The results of Study 2 supported the proposed multiple mediation model across regions. Prior experience with social problems, perceived social support, and originality were identified as the 3 most influential factors affecting the social entrepreneurial intentions of university students. The major differences between Taiwan and Hong Kong involved prior experience, empathy, self-efficacy, perceived social support, and usefulness.  相似文献   

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