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有自杀意念大学生的内隐态度探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文结合Greenwald开创的内隐联想测验,自编IAT程序,对有自杀意念大学生的内隐态度进行了相关研究。结果显示,有自杀意念大学生较无自杀意念大学生的内隐态度对自杀类词语敏感等。家庭所在地为农村对有自杀意念大学生的内隐态度有显著性影响。  相似文献   

在对西安市四所中学4071名中学生进行问卷调查的基础上,实证研究了父母严苛型教养方式与青少年自杀倾向之间的关系。结果表明:(1)从直接效应上讲,父母严苛型教养方式和个体自身对自杀行为的合理化认知对青少年自杀倾向具有显著的正向预测作用;(2)青少年对自杀行为的合理化认知在父母严苛型教养方式和自杀倾向的相关关系中起部分中介作用;(3)在严苛型教养方式通过自杀行为合理化认知影响自杀倾向的模型中,同伴支持变量不存在显著的调节作用,而教师支持变量在这一模型的直接路径与中介模型后半段均起调节作用。  相似文献   

基于积极心理学的视角,以自杀的认知模型为依据考察反刍思维与自杀意念的关系,并在此基础上建立一个有调节的中介模型,探讨绝望的中介作用以及感恩的调节作用。采取问卷法对1191名大学生进行调查,结果表明:(1)反刍思维对自杀意念有显著正向预测作用;(2)绝望在反刍思维与自杀意念之间具有中介作用;(3)感恩对反刍思维与自杀意念的中介过程存在调节作用,相对于感恩水平较高的大学生,中介效应仅在感恩水平低的大学生中显著。  相似文献   

为探讨创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)及其各个症状簇对震后青少年自杀意念的影响,并检验安全感在其中的调节作用,研究采用创伤暴露程度问卷、流调中心抑郁量表儿童版、DSM-5的PTSD症状核查表、安全感量表和儿童行为问题核查表对汶川地震8.5年后的1136名中学生进行调查。结果发现:PTSD、负性认知和情绪改变症状、警觉性增高症状分别正向预测自杀意念,侵入性症状和回避性症状对自杀意念的预测作用不显著;安全感在侵入性症状、负性认知和情绪改变症状、警觉性增高症状、PTSD与自杀意念之间起负向调节作用,在回避性症状与自杀意念之间不起调节作用。这表明PTSD各症状簇对震后青少年自杀意念的预测作用不同,且安全感在其中发挥的调节作用也不同。  相似文献   

云南省大学生自杀行为及相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用SCL-90、青少年生活事件量表、应对方式量表、社会支持评定量表和自编的外显行为量表对云南省3313名大学生进行了测查,并探讨了包括自杀意念及自杀企图在内的自杀行为状况及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)427(13.2%)名大学生有自杀意念,卡方检验显示女生人数显著多于男生;154(4.7%)名大学生有过自杀企图,男女生人数没有显著差异;(2)自杀意念和自杀企图在人口统计学变量上有显著差异:在自杀意念上,女生、独生子女、文科生、来自城市的学生和不完整家庭的学生、月支出少于100元的学生得分显著高于与之对应的大学生;而在自杀企图上,只有来自城市的学生和不完整家庭的学生、月支出少于100元的学生得分显著高于与之对应的大学生;(3)大学生自杀意念和自杀企图与心理症状、生活事件、情感中心应对呈显著的正相关,与问题中心应对、社会支持呈显著的负相关;(4)在结构模型中,社会支持在心理症状和自杀行为中起到显著的调节作用,情感中心应对在生活事件、社会支持、社会支持对心理症状的调节作用中起显著的中介作用,而问题中心应对在生活事件、社会支持、社会支持对事件的调节作用中起显著的中介作用。  相似文献   

大学生心理素质水平与正性负性情绪的外显和内隐相关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解大学生心理素质水平与正性负性情绪之间的关系,采用问卷调查和实验验证分别从外显和内隐的层面对心理素质水平与正性负性情绪之间的关系进行了研究。研究一调查了6所高校1685名大学生,结果发现,心理素质水平与正性情绪显著正相关,与负性情绪显著负相关。研究二以71名大学生为被试,采用简式内隐联想测验考察不同心理素质水平大学生对积极和消极情绪的内隐态度。结果发现,高心理素质水平大学生存在自动化地把自我词和积极情绪词相联系,把他人词和消极情绪词相联系的倾向,高心理素质水平大学生有更强的内隐正性情绪态度。且内隐测验和外显测试的相关不显著,是两个不同的建构。  相似文献   

本研究目的在于探索社会性发展迟滞大学生对社交信息的内隐认知特点,三个实验分别通过GNAT、IRAP、IAT范式探讨社会性发展迟滞大学生对社交活动、社交关系的内隐态度和内隐社交自我评价的内隐加工特点。结果发现:①社会性发展迟滞组对群体活动的反应时更短;②社会性发展迟滞组对师生关系持消极的内隐态度,对同学关系持积极的内隐态度;③社会性发展迟滞组存在社交自我评价积极偏向,但对积极评价他人/消极评价自我的反应时更短,对评价的整体反应时更短。结论:迟滞个体对社交活动较敏感,对师生关系持消极态度和对同学关系持积极态度,对社交自我评价存在积极偏向。  相似文献   

为了探讨大学生抗挫折心理能力对自杀意念的影响,采用《抗挫折心理能力问卷》和《自杀意念自评量表》对882名大学生进行调查研究.结果发现:(1)大学生抗挫折心理能力在性别、年级、生源、学校类型等因素上存在显著差异;(2)大学生抗挫折心理能力与自杀意念之间呈显著的负相关,抗挫折心理能力的多个因素与自杀意念各因素之间的负相关显著;(3)大学生的挫折容忍力、意志品质、挫折复原力、信心、挫折认知水平、挫折经验是自杀意念的有效预测变量.  相似文献   

以应激-易感模型为依据考察冲动性特质与自杀意念的关系,并在此基础上提出一个有调节的中介模型,探讨负性生活事件影响的中介作用以及家庭环境的调节作用。采用巴瑞特冲动性量表、青少年生活事件量表、家庭环境量表、贝克自杀意念量表对902名大学生进行集体施测,旨在考察负性生活事件的影响对大学生冲动性特质与自杀意念的中介作用以及家庭环境的调节作用,结果表明:(1)冲动性特质和负性生活事件的影响能正向预测大学生的自杀意念;(2)负性生活事件的影响在冲动性特质和自杀意念之间起中介作用;(3)负性生活事件影响的中介作用和冲动性特质的直接作用受家庭环境的调节。这些结果对于综合解释环境与个体因素对自杀意念的作用与机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于心理健康的社会学模型和社会-文化模型,本研究考察师范生职业认同与自杀意念之间的关系,以及性别的调节效应和抑郁的中介效应。被试为700名师范生,研究工具包括师范生职业认同感量表、自杀意念自评量表、流调中心用抑郁自评量表。结果表明:(1)职业认同得分、自杀意念检出率的性别差异显著;(2)职业认同与抑郁、自杀意念均呈显著的负相关,自杀意念和抑郁呈显著的正相关;(3)性别在职业认同负向预测自杀意念的关系中起到调节作用,该调节作用还部分通过抑郁这一中介变量来实现。  相似文献   


An integrative suicide prevention program was implemented to tackle an outbreak of visitor charcoal burning suicides in Cheung Chau, an island in Hong Kong, in 2002. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the program. The numbers of visitor suicides reduced from 37 deaths in the 51 months prior to program implementation to 6 deaths in the 42 months post‐implementation period. The number of visitor suicide pacts decreased from 7 pacts (15 individuals) to 1 pact (2 individuals). No statistically significant differences in the numbers of visitor suicide attempts and resident suicides were observed in the two time periods. No statistically significant changes in visitor suicides during the study period were observed on the comparison islands. The consistency and timing of reduction in visitor suicides correlated with the development and delivery of the integrative program on the intervention island, suggesting a causal association between program delivery and reduction of visitor suicides. The possibility of displacement seems small because there was no increase in visitor suicides on the comparison islands during the study period. This integrative approach in preventing target‐specific suicides may serve as an example for other communities to develop suicide prevention programs that make use of the existing local resources.  相似文献   

Health care providers have significant opportunities to identify individuals at near‐term risk for suicide, but lack empirical data on near‐term risk factors. This study aimed to identify dynamic, state‐related risk factors observed by clinical practitioners within the last 30 days of life of 157 patients who died by suicide and to compare these near‐term risk factors among patients who denied versus responded positively to having suicide ideation (SI ) when last asked by a clinical practitioner prior to their death. Risk factors charted for the majority of all decedents were a history of prior suicide ideation and/or suicide attempt, current anxiety/agitation and sleep problems, current interpersonal problems or job/financial strain, current comorbid diagnoses, current social isolation/withdrawal, and a family history of mental disorder. Two‐thirds of patients denied having SI when last asked and one‐half of these patients were dead by suicide within 2 days. Decedents who denied having SI were quite similar in charted diagnoses, symptoms, behaviors, and environmental circumstances to decedents who responded affirmatively to having SI . Reliance on verbalized or reported SI as a gateway to a suicide risk assessment is questioned and the need for better understanding near‐term risk for suicide, particularly in the absence of stated SI , is highlighted.  相似文献   

The aim was to extend recent findings of suggested temperamental features in attempted suicide and to explore possible domains of vulnerability to suicide risk after attempted suicide. Fifty-four psychiatric inpatients hospitalized after a suicide attempt underwent lumbar puncture for analysis of CSF 5-HIAA concentration and also completed the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP) before discharge from the hospital. Suicide attempters scored high on Somatic Anxiety, Psychic Anxiety, and Muscular Tension, and low on Socialization, findings that support recent findings in suicide attempters followed up after an emergency room visit. Five patients committed early suicide, i.e., within 3 years, and the overall long-term suicide mortality after attempted suicide was 13%. There were significant correlations between survival time among early suicides and CSF 5-HIAA (r = .87;p = .054), and the following KSP scale t scores: Somatic Anxiety (r = ?.96;p < .05), Impulsivity (r = ?.88; p < .05), and Socialization (r = .90; p < .05). KSP Socialization showed correlations with CSF 5-HIAA (r = .89; p = .046) among the early suicides. Features of temperamental vulnerability to suicide risk after attempted suicide might involve anxiety proneness, impulsivity, low socialization, and low CSF 5-HIAA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Methodological problems intrinsic to suicide prediction are discussed. The research on suicide predictive signs derived from attributes of the suicidal person, his behavior, and his surroundings, and on predictive instruments is reviewed. The results of these researches are equivocal, in that neither single signs, standard psychological tests, specially devised tests, clinical judgments, nor scales are found to be able to predict suicide at useful levels. Scales are shown to offer the best predictive potential, but to date their construction has not been systematic. It is proposed that scales might be better constructed and prediction improved if investigators were to consider the focus, duration, inclusion-exclusion, interactions and subgroupings, and generalizability of suicidal indices.  相似文献   

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