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近年来,身体与环境的互动、个体认知过程中的情境因素已逐渐成为具身认知领域的研究热点。众多的具身认知研究开始探究何种情境才能有效地启动具身效应。个体的身体感知或者身体动作的变化会对其知觉、情绪等高级心理过程产生无意识的具身效应,认知神经机制的研究显示大脑的运动皮层在这一系列的高级心理过程中发挥了极为重要的作用。本文主要对具身社会认知神经机制的研究进行梳理与分析,旨在从认知神经机制的层面剖析身体动作如何影响个体对人与环境的理解和互动,以及从方法论的角度上思考目前具身认知神经机制的研究现状。  相似文献   

作为现代认知科学的新兴研究范式,具身认知强调身体在认知的实现中发挥着关键作用。但对于身体是什么以及身体如何影响认知等问题,有关各方的研究者却都未能给予很好的说明。佛教在漫长的历史发展过程中,藉由禅修实践积累了大量的基于身体方案的"准"具身认知的素材;其"心色不二"的蕴积身体观,"根"、"尘"、"识"相互缘起的认知观以及独到的"第一人称研究方法"(禅观)等,对于当前具身认知研究的进一步深入具有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

具身认知理论是目前认知科学领域中最新的研究范式和取向, 它认为人的认知过程依赖于感知和动作系统, 强调身体在认知中发挥重要作用。具身语言理解则认为, 身体、动作和知觉系统在语言认知中也起着不可或缺的作用。文章在简要回顾具身语言理解的相关理论如索引假设、浸入式经历者框架、语言神经理论的基础上, 重点从语言理解的四个层面的实证研究, 即音位、单词、句子、语篇, 证实具身语言理解的观点。未来的研究应该着眼于用具身认知观点来解释更高级的抽象语言表征, 具身单词、句子、语篇的具体表征形式, 并利用具身语言认知的观点进行认知的本土化研究。  相似文献   

婴儿对他人动作意图的正确推理是一种重要的社会认知能力,有利于婴儿根据他人意图来调整自己的行为以适应更好的社会互动.婴儿的这种能力作为一种重要的社会认知根源,对自身的社会反应、心理理论以及语言理解都有重要的影响.但是婴儿是如何获得这种能力的呢?经验论认为是学习的结果,但目的论则认为是婴儿与生俱来的一种能力.两种理论都获得了一些实证支持,目前还没有一致结论.这类研究对具身认知、身心关系的探讨有一定启发作用.  相似文献   

具身认知:认知心理学的新取向   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
具身认知强调身体在认知的实现中发挥着关键作用。其中心含义包括:(1)认知过程的进行方式和步骤实际上是被身体的物理属性所决定的;(2)认知的内容是身体提供的;(3)认知、身体、环境是一体的,认知存在于大脑,大脑存在于身体,身体存在于环境。具身认知最初仅仅是一种哲学思考,有深刻的哲学思想渊源,但是现在这种哲学思考已经开始走向实证领域,实验的认知心理学家开始从具身的角度看待认知,形成了具身认知研究思潮。但是具身认知研究也面临着许多亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

概念隐喻理论认为个体建立基于身体经验的具体概念和抽象概念之间的隐喻联结是人类特有的认知方式。不管是具体概念还是抽象概念,只要有具身隐喻联结的概念,其语义的理解便会受到具身启动效应的影响。大脑在加工动词或者含动词的句子时,不仅激活了语言中枢和运动皮层,且大脑随着个体是否执行与语义相应的动作、抽象概念的熟悉程度和其文本背景是否符合等因素而激活不同的神经回路。本文将对以上研究进行梳理与分析,旨在从具身隐喻的视角为身体动作影响语义加工的神经机制模型提供初步的思路。  相似文献   

动作化学习(learningbyenacting)是一种在学习时执行与任务相关的身体动作或操作的学习方式,而一种典型的动作化学习就是操作教学模型。综述已有研究发现,目前有两方面的理论去解释动作化学习:其中具身认知理论和生成学习理论支持动作化对学习的促进作用;而认知负荷理论为动作化学习的干扰作用提供了解释。通过汇总以往实证研究得出如下结论:在学习结果上,动作化学习促进学习结果具有中等效应,即动作化学习提升了学习者的保持成绩和迁移成绩。实物动作化学习与虚拟动作化学习在保持成绩与迁移成绩上没有差异。在主观体验方面,动作化学习促进学习兴趣具有小的促进效应。实物动作化学习比虚拟动作化学习更能提高学习信心和学习兴趣,但在认知负荷上两种动作化学习差异比较微弱。未来研究需要在优化动作化学习、确定影响因素、整合及验证理论等方面进一步探讨。  相似文献   

苏得权  曾红  陈骐  叶浩生 《心理学报》2016,(12):1499-1506
相关线索能够诱发药物依赖者的心理渴求,而健康人不会对相关线索产生心理渴求。15名海洛因成瘾者和12名没有任何物质滥用的健康被试参与实验,收集了他们在观看相关线索与对照线索时的脑神经活动。结果发现,药物线索能够诱发戒断者更多脑区的活动,包括扣带回和楔前叶。两组被试在对照动作线索刺激诱发作用下,其颞叶、顶叶均出现了较为一致的活动。在用药动作线索诱发作用下,戒断组双侧颞中回、双侧顶下小叶、左侧顶上小叶和右侧额下回显示出显著活动,并且与对照动作线索激活脑区一致;健康组被试除枕叶-颞叶联合区外,没有出现显著的脑区活动。以上结果表明,用药动作线索诱发了海洛因戒断者颞中回、顶下小叶、额下回等镜像神经系统的活动,这些脑区对不同类型的相关线索十分敏感,它们可能通过对用药动作的心理模拟,参与了用药动作线索的快速自动化加工。  相似文献   

从具身认知的角度探索了中国文化中的宣誓动作与诚信概念之间的关系,并进一步探讨了做出宣誓的动作后,是否会影响大学生被试的诚信感.结果发现:(1)被试看到做宣誓动作的人会更容易联想到这个人具有诚信的特质;(2)做出宣誓动作后的被试能够体验到更高的诚信感.结论:宣誓动作与诚信概念之间存在无意识的自动化连结,做出宣誓的动作能够...  相似文献   

具身认知理论认为身体、认知和环境是和谐的统一体。以该理论为基础的具身学习认为,身体不是学习过程的无关因素或障碍因素,身体是学习的主体,身体活动的参与在塑造学习者的思维、判断及记忆等心智活动中具有重要作用。当前已有一定数量的实证研究发现,身体活动能够显著提供语言习得、数学学习等学业成绩,提供学生在同伴中的社会地位。将来,可基于具身认知的角度,采用认知神经科学、心理学和教育学等跨学科合作的方式,进一步探讨具身学习影响学业成绩的因素及其机制。  相似文献   

脑内乙酰胆碱与认知活动的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脑内细胞外乙酰胆碱(ACh)的变化主要反映胆碱能神经元的活动,皮层和海马等脑区的ACh主要来源于基底前脑胆碱能神经元的纤维投射。应用微透析等技术在体检测清醒、自由活动动物认知过程中脑内乙酰胆碱的含量,可以研究ACh与特定行为反应和认知活动之间的关系。研究发现当机体需要对新刺激进行分析时,在学习与记忆、空间工作记忆、注意、自发运动和探究行为等认知活动中,基底前脑胆碱能神经元被激活,脑内ACh的释放也随之改变。结果提示脑内胆碱能递质系统活动与认知过程密切相关  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between body dissatisfaction and self-image across the life span. A sample of 106 women between the ages of 20 and 65 years completed questionnaire measures of body dissatisfaction, body importance, cognitive control over the body, self-concept, and self-esteem. The authors found that body dissatisfaction and body importance did not differ among the groups of women who were younger, middle aged, and older. Although body dissatisfaction was related to self-concept and self-esteem for the entire sample, the strength of that relationship reduced with increasing age and increasing perceptions of cognitive control. The authors concluded that the cognitive strategies of women who were older protect their self-concept and self-esteem from the influence of body dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

在经典的空间—效价一致性范式的基础上,控制向上或向下看的动作趋向及幅度大小,探讨身体动作趋势对空间—效价一致性效应的影响。实验一分别在屏幕上方视野或下方视野进行词汇道德效价的判断。结果表明,在屏幕的上方视野和屏幕的下方视野不道德词汇都出现了空间—效价一致性效应,而道德词汇只在下方视野出现了一致性效应。实验二将注视点居于屏幕中央,改变词汇上下位置之间垂直距离的大小。发现在小间距条件下出现了显著的一致性效应,但是在大间距条件下一致性效应消失。综合两个实验表明,道德词的空间—效价一致性效应同时受到概念隐喻和极性相关的影响,当空间极性不明显时,概念隐喻的影响较大,而空间位置极性较明显时,空间位置极性会掩盖概念隐喻的作用。  相似文献   

The relations between the level of traumatic experiences, degree of active participation in the Intifada, and cognitive and emotional responses were studied among 108 Palestinian children of 11–12 years of age in the Gaza Strip. The results showed that the more traumatic experiences the children had and the more they participated in the Intifada, the more concentration, attention, and memory problems they had. Traumatic experiences also increased neuroticism and risk-taking, and Intifada participation decreased self-esteem. Children's active participation in the Intifada could not protect children from developing emotional problems, as was originally assumed. The highest level of neuroticism was found among active boys who were exposed to many traumatic experiences.  相似文献   

白蓉  范会勇  张进辅 《心理科学进展》2011,19(12):1777-1787
如何促进老年人的认知功能, 延缓认知老化, 是老年心理学的关键课题之一。大量研究表明不同的身体活动类型、活动强度、活动量以及生命早期的身体活动可能对老年人认知功能的各个方面有积极的影响, 包括执行功能、注意力、认知速度、记忆力等。此外, 选择性提高假说、心血管功能假说以及认知-锻炼模型用来解释这一影响机制。这些发现对维护老年人认知功能, 提高老年人的生命质量, 有效延缓衰老有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(2):75-104
In 2 experiments, participants made judgments of their own maximum sitting height. During judgments, participants stood normally or on 10 cm blocks attached to their feet. The blocks increased participants' actual maximum sitting height. For many participants, judgments changed over trials, becoming more accurate, despite the absence of practice at sitting, or feedback about judgment accuracy. Learning was observed not only when participants wore the blocks but also when they stood normally. In Experiment 2, we measured motion of the head and torso. We identified changes in body motion that corresponded to engagement in the judgment task: Across trials, sway variability was stable during judgments but increased during the intervals between judgments. Other changes in sway were limited to participants whose judgments improved over trials; that is, sway was specifically associated with learning about maximum sitting height. We discuss the results in the context of perception–action and the learning of affordances.  相似文献   

The Integration of Body Movement and Attention in Young Infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The normal development of adaptive behavior in humans depends on the integration of visual attention and body movement, yet little is known about the initial state of movement-attention coupling at the beginning of postnatal life. We studied 1- and 3-month-old infants during extended periods of visual exploration and found that spontaneous shifts of gaze are preceded by rapid changes in general body movement. The results reveal a tight link between motor activation and overt attention on a time scale of seconds or less. This link undergoes substantial developmental change in the first few weeks after birth. During that time, phasic motor activation may play a key role in visual exploration by helping to unlock gaze when the environment is unchanging.  相似文献   

While abusive supervision is shown to have negative stress-related effects on targets, less is known about the factors capable of mitigating these negative effects and their career-related outcomes. In this paper, we drew on the transactional model of stress and coping (Lazarus & Folkman, 1986) and the upward mobility theory (Turner, 1960) to explore the moderating effect of subordinates' interaction avoidance between abusive supervision and job promotions. To test this moderating effect, we collected data from 604 full-time employees at three points in time over a 12-month time period in Japan. The findings suggest that interaction avoidance moderates the relationship between abusive supervision and promotions, such that this relationship will be less negative as interaction avoidance increases.  相似文献   

以114名大学生为被试, 采用Mittenecker指向测验和粘贴画任务考察了认知抑制能力与艺术创造力的关系, 并采用镶嵌图形测验考察了认知风格在其中所起的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)认知抑制能力与艺术创造力之间呈现负相关, 认知抑制对于个体的创造程度、沟通传播水平和艺术创造综合印象可以起到显著的负向预测作用, 对于个体艺术创造的可爱程度和想象水平可以起到边缘显著的负向预测作用;(2)认知风格在认知抑制能力与艺术创造力的关系中起着调节作用, 主要表现为认知抑制能力对于场依存个体的创造程度、想象水平和沟通传播水平具有显著的预测作用, 对于场独立个体的艺术创造力则不具有预测作用。  相似文献   

Recent attention to the relationship between aesthetic value and cognitive value has focused on whether the latter can affect the former. In this article, I approach the issue from the opposite direction. I investigate whether the aesthetic value of a work can influence its cognitive value. More narrowly, I consider whether a work's aesthetic value ever contributes to or detracts from its philosophical value, which I take to include the truth of its claims, the strength of its arguments, and its internal consistency. I argue that aesthetic value does have such an impact, at least sometimes and to some degree. The aesthetic merits of some works help to preserve their consistency, and the aesthetic defects of other works render them self‐contradictory.  相似文献   

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