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Role-play in counsellor training Tolan, J. & Lendrum, S. 1995 Case Material and Role Play in Counselling Training London, Routledge ISBN 0-415-10215-4 £14.99

Don't panic, Mr Mainwaring McNally, R.J. 1994 Panic Disorder: a Critical Analysis New York, Guilford ISBN 0-89862-263-8 £19.95

Group therapy for abuse survivors Ney, P.G. & Peters, A. 1995 Ending the Cycle of Abuse: the Stories of Women Abused as Children and the Group Therapy Techniques That Helped Them Heal New York, Brunner/Mazel ISBN 0-87630-752-7 £19.95

Therapies compared Jacobs, M. (Ed.), 1995 Charlie—an Unwanted Child? Buckingham, Open University Press ISBN 0-335-19199-1 £12.99

Walker, M. (Ed.), 1995 Peta—a Feminist's Problem with Men Buckingham, Open University Press ISBN 0-335-19223-8 £12.99

Should therapists be 'certified'? Mowbray, R. 1995 The Case Against Psychotherapy Registration: a Conservation Issue for the Human Potential Movement London, Trans Marginal Press ISBN 0-9524270-0-1 £12.95

The counsellor's tale Skovholt, T.M. & Ronnestad, M.H. 1995 The Evolving Professional Self: Stages and Themes in Therapist and Counselor Development Chichester, Wiley ISBN 0-471-95393-8 £39.95 (hardback); £16.95 (paperback)  相似文献   

Richard Nelson-Jones: The Theory and Practice of Counselling Psychology. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982. £7.50.

Ian Jamieson and Martin Lightfoot: Schools and Industry. Schools Council Working Paper 73. London: Methuen, 1982. £6.95.

Eleanor O'Leary: The Psychology of Counselling. Cork: Cork University Press, 1982.

Kjell Raaheim and Janek Wankowski: Helping Students to Learn at University. Bergen, Norway: Sigma Forlag, 1981. £7.60.  相似文献   

Paul Willis: Learning to Labour. Farnborough: Saxon House, 1977. £7.50.

Dean Juniper: Human Relationships for Schools and Colleges. London: Cressrelles, 1977. £6.

Theodore K. Miller and Judith S. Prince: The Future of Student Affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1976. £8.

C.J. Morgan and G.R. Hart: Career Education in Australia. Cambridge: CRAC/Hobsons, 1977. £9.

Wyn Bramley: Personal Tutoring in Higher Education. Guildford, Surrey: Society for Research into Higher Education, 1977. £4.10.

Martin Davies: Support Systems in Social Work. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977. £4.95.

Anne Jones: Counselling Adolescents in School. London: Kogan Page, 1977. £4.95.

Frank Costin: Abnormal Psychology. Homewood, Illinois: Irwin, 1976. £4.85 (paperback).  相似文献   

Supporting health care Davis, H. & Faixowfield, L. (Eds), 1991 Counselling and Communication in Health Care Chichester, Wiley €39.50 (hardback); €15.95 (paperback)

Everything you wanted to know about counselling Feltham, C. & Dryden, W. 1993 Dictionary of Counselling London, Whurr €19.95

Therapy with photographs Beyond the Smile: the Therapeutic Use of the Photograph BERMAN, L. 1993 London, Routledge €14.99  相似文献   

Kicking guidance into touch Ray Woolfe, Stephen Murgatroyd and Sylvia Rhys:Guidance and Counselling in Adult and Continuing EducationMilton Keynes: Open University Press, 1987, £7.95.

Pain can be catching Jeffrey A. Kottler: On Being u Therapist. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1986. 12819.95

Therapy as the pursuit of cornpassion Carl Goldberg: On Being a Psychotherapist: the Journey of the Healer.New York: Gardner, 1986. f32. Reviewed by Laurence Spurling, Psychotherapist and Tutor, Department of Extra-Mural Studies, University of London

ACT now G.S. Howard, D.W. Nance and P. Myers: Adaptive Counseling andTherapy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987. 12830.75. Reviewed by Ruth Short, WestminsterSocial Services Department, London  相似文献   

Stephen Murgatroyd and Ray Woolfe: Helping Families in Distress. London: Harper & Row, 1985. 5.95.

Christopher Clulow (in collaboration with Lyn Cudmore): Marital Therapy: an Inside View. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1985. 9.50 (hardback); 5.50 (paperback).

S. D. Brown and R. W. Lent (eds.): Handbook of Counselling Psychology. London: Wiley, 1984. 61.90.

Richard D. Parsons and Joel Meyers:Developing Consultation Skills: a Guide to Training, Development, and Assessment for Human Service Professionals. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984. 22.00.  相似文献   

Stephen Murgatroyd (ed.): Helping the Troubled Child: Interpro-fessional Case Studies. London: Harper & Row, 1980. £6.95 hardback; £3.50 paperback.

Robert R. Carkhuff (ed): Toward Actualizing Human Potential. Amherst, Massachusetts: Human Resource Development Press, 1981. $16.50.

Douglas H. Hamblin (ed.): Problems and Practice of Pastoral Care. Oxford Blackwell, 1981. £4.95.

L. Hersov and I. Berg Out of School Chichester: Wiley, 1980. £15.50.

Andrew Sawdon, John Pelican, and Sheila Tucker: Study of the Transition from School to Working Life, Volume III. London: Youthaid, 1981. £3.

E.A. Munro, R.J. Manthei, and J.J. Small: Counselling: a Skills Approach. Wellington, New Zealand Methuen, 1980. £2.95.

Kenneth Dibden and James Tomlinson (eds.): Information Sources in Education and Work. London: Butterworths, 1981. £8.50.  相似文献   

Mavis Klein: Lives People Live. Chichester: Wiley, 1980. £11.75 hardback; £5.75 paperback.

T.L. Brink: Geriatric Psychotherapy. London: Human Sciences Press, 1979. £5.50.

Park O. Davidson and Sheena M. Davidson (eds.): Behavioral Medicine: Changing Health Lifestyles. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1980. $26.52.

Natalie Jane Woodman and Harry R. Lenna: Counseling with Gay Men and Women. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1980. £5.40.

Sara Delamont Sex Roles and the School London: Methuen, 1980. £2.95.

Robert Crone and John Malone: Continuities in Education. Slough: NFER, 1979. £5.95.

Robert F. Stahmann and William J. Hiebert Premarital Counseling. Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington, 1980. £11.50.

Carole Sutton: Psychology for Social Workers and Counsellors - an Introduction. London: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1979. £7.95 (hard-back); £4.95 (paperback).

Patricia Rowan: What Sort of Life? Windsor NFER, 1980. £5.50.

A.G. Watts, D.E. Super, and J.M. Kidd (eds.): Career Development in Britain: Some Contributions to Theory and Practice. Cambridge: CRAC/Hobsons, 1981. £19.80.  相似文献   

Practical help for family therapists John Carpenter and Andy Treacher: Marital and Family Therapy. Oxford: Blackwell, 1989. €29.50 (hardback); €9.95 (paperback).

Survival for the guidance teacher W.P. Gothard and E. Goodhew: Guidance and the Changing Curriculum. London: Croom Helm, 1987. €22.50.

Second-class male Michael S. Kimmel (ed.): Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity. London: Sage, 1987. €35 (hardback); €14.50 (paperback).

Analysing the analyst Rosemary Dinnage: One to One: Experiences of Psychotherapy. London: Viking, 1988. €12.95.

Practical counselling skills revisited Richard Nelson-Jones: Practical Counselling and Helping Skills. London: Cassell, 1988. €7.95.

Snakes and pyramids Jocelyn Chaplin: Feminist Counselling in Action. London: Sage, 1988. €7.95.

The person-centred approach: a key text Dave Mearns and Brian Thome: Person-Centred Counselling in Action. London: Sage, 1988. €7.95.  相似文献   

Support for parenthood: a rising cottage industry C. F. Zachariah Boukyclis (ed.): Support for Parents and Infants: a Manual for Parenting Organisations and Professionals. London: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1986. £15.95.Reviewed by Professor Richard Whield, Gloucestershire College of Artsand Technology and the National Family Trust.

Transition and growth in adult learners Laurent A. Daloz: Effective Teaching and Mentoring: Realizing the Transformational Power of Adult Learning Experiences. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass, 1986, f27.50.

Nice girls do Anne Hooper:Women and Sex. London: Sheldon Press, 1986,1284.95. Reviewed by Dr Martin Cole, Institute for Sex Education and Research, Birmingham.

Casting some light C. MacDonald and H.D. Black: A Window on the Workplace?: Pupils' and Employers' Views of a Work Experience Scheme. Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Research in Education, 1987. 1283.30.

Incest: the abuse of power Sarah Nelson: Incest: Fact and Myth (2nd revised edition). Edinburgh: Stramullion, 1987. f4.95. Reviewed by Christine P. Dancey, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths'College, Universiry of London, and Louise Coleman, ex-Warwick University.

Tales on the dole queue Stephen Fineman (ed.):Unemployment: Personal and Social Consequences. London: Tavistock, 1987. f8.95. Reviewed by Julia Fergwon, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths' College, University of London.  相似文献   

The British Cancer Help Centre Rosy Thomson: Loving Medicine: Patients' Experiences of Personal Transformation Through the Holistic Treatment of Cancer. Bath: Gateway, 1989. £5.95.

A practical guide to grieving Maggie Fisher and Jane Warman: Bereavement and Loss: a Skills Companion. Cambridge: National Extension College, 1990. £49.95.

The self in perspective? Lorne M. Hartman and Kirk R. Blankstein (eds.): Perception of Self in Emotional Disorder and Psychotherapy. Advances in the Study of Communication and Affect, Volume 11. New York: Plenum, 1986. £45.

Therapy-in-the-round Richard P. Erskine and Janet P. Moursund: Integrative Psychotherapy in Action. Newbury Park, California: Sage, 1988. £25.

Vocational violence! Glynis M. Breakwell: Facing Physical Violence. Leicester: British Psychological Society, 1990. £5.99.  相似文献   

Counselling as a Career Ross, R, 1997 Oxford: Baldrick Press ISBN 0-9530477-0-9 £9-95

Which Psychotherapy?: Leading Exponents Explain their Differences Feltham, C. (Ed.), 1997 London: Sage ISBN 0-8039-7479-5 £12.95

An Introduction to Existential Psychotherapy Cohn, H. W., 1997 London: Sage ISBN 0-7619-5-109 £11.99

Therapeutic Work with Children and Young People Copley, B. & Forryan, B., 1997 London: Cassell ISBN 0-304-70010-X (hb); 0-304-70011-8 (pb) £16.99

Counselling in Terminal Care and Bereavement Parkes, C. M., Relf, M. & Couldrick, A., 1996 Leicester: British Psychological Society ISBN 1-85433-178-7 £14.99

The Gains of Listening Feltham, C., 1997 Buckingham: Open University Press ISBN 0-335-19280-7 £18.99  相似文献   

Wyn Bramley: Group Tutoring: Concepts and Case-Studies. London: Kagan Page, 1979. £9.50 hardback; £4.95 paperback.

R.R. Carkhuff, W.W. Anthony, and others: An Introduction to Counselling Skills. Massachusetts: Human Resource Development Press, 1979. $10.95.

Brigid Proctor: Counselling Shop: an Introduction to the Theories and Techniques of Ten Approaches to Counselling. London: Burnett/André Deutsch, 1978. £5.95.

Judith Stevens-Long: Adult Life. Los Angeles: Mayfield, 1979. £9.95.  相似文献   

Paul Halmos: The Personal and the Political: Social Work and Political Action. London: Hutchinson, 1978. £5.95.

C. Jackson, F. Sneath, and D. Wallis (eds.): Computers in Vocational Guidance. Special issue of the Journal of Occupational Psychology, Volume 51 No.1, 1978. £5.

P. Mussen and N. Eisenberg-Berg: Roots of Caring, Sharing and Helping — the Development of Prosocial Behaviour in Children. San Francisco: Freeman, 1978. £8.60 hardback; £3.30 paperback.

Beeman Phillips: School Stress and Anxiety: Theory, Research and Intervention. London: Human Sciences Press, 1978. £7.25.

Mary K. Hinchliffe, Douglas Hooper, and F. John Roberts: The Melancholy Marriage. Chichester: Wiley, 1978. £7.50.

N.J. Entwistle and J.D. Wilson: Degrees of Excellence: the Academic Achievement Game. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1977. £7.95.

J.S. Zaro, R. Barach, D. Nedelman, and I.S. Dreiblatt: A Guide for Beginning Psychotherapists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. £9 (hardback); £3.50 (paperback).

Murray Cox: Structuring the Therapeutic Process: Compromise with Chaos. Oxford: Pergamon, 1978. £5.

Murray Cox: Coding the Therapeutic Process: Emblems of Encounter. Oxford: Pergamon, 1978. £2.

Eileen Gambrill: Behaviour Modification: Handbook of Assessment, Intervention and Evaluation. London: Jossey-Bass, 1977. £23.

N.L. Stewart, B.B. Winborn, Richard G. Johnson, H.M. Burks, and James L. Engelkes: Systematic Counselling. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1978. £9 approx.

S.A. Appelbaum: The Anatomy of Change. New York: Plenum Press, 1977. £15.44.

Eileen Chandler: Student Counselling: When and Why. Exeter: Exeter University Teaching Services, 1977. £1.  相似文献   

Peter P. Daws: Early Days. Cambridge: CRAC/Hobsons, 1976. 2.

David Robinson and Stuart Henry: Self Help and Health — Mutual Aid for Modern Problems. London: Martin Robertson, 1977. £5.85.

H.C.M. Carroll (ed.): Absenteeism in South Wales: Studies of Pupils, their Homes and their Secondary Schools. Swansea: Faculty of Education, University College of Swansea, 1977. £1.50.

John Adams, John Hayes, and Barrie Hopson: Transition: Understanding and Managing Personal Change. London: Robertson, 1976. £7.85.  相似文献   

Helping interventions John Heron: Helping the Client: a Creative Practical Guide. London: Sage, 1990. £9.95.

A person-centred perspective on school counselling John McGuiness: A Whole School Approach to Pastoral Care. London: Kogan Page, 1989. £8.95.

How to relate effectively Richard Nelson-Jones: Human Relationship Skills (2nd edition). London: Cassell, 1990. £11.95.

Ripe for research? Dave Mearns and Windy Dryden: Experiences of Counselling in Action. London: Sage, 1989. £9.95.

Issues in action Windy Dryden (ed.): Key Issues for Counselling in Action. London: Sage, 1989. £7.95.

The meaning of death Rosemary Dinnage: The Ruffian on the Stair: Reflections on Death. London: Viking, 1990. £14.99.

The empty cradle Irving G. Leon: When a Baby Dies: Psychotherapy for Pregnancy and Newborn Loss. London: Yale University Press, 1990. £20.

Children against themselves Israel Orbach: Children Who Don't Want to Live: Understanding and Treating the Suicidal Child. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988. £17.95.  相似文献   

Richard Nelson-Jones: Personal Responsibility Counselling and Therapy: an Integrative Approach. London: Harper & Row, 1984.7.95.

Richard Nelson-Jones: Human Relationship Skills: Training and Self-Help. East Sussex: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1986.6.9.5

Léonie Sugarman: Life-Span Development: Concepts, Theories and Interventions. London: Methuen, 1986.4.95.  相似文献   

Unconditional positive regard Dave Mearns and Brian Thorne: Person-Centred Counselling in Action. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage, 1988. £19.95 (hardback); £8.95 (paperback).

Supervision: two practical guides Gaie Houston: Supervision and Counselling. London: Rochester Foundation, 1990. £4.95. Francesca Inskipp and Brigid Proctor: Skills for Supervising and Being Supervised. St Leonards on Sea: Alexia, 1990. £16.60 for 3 tapes and 2 booklets.

Disorderly behaviour: chaotic eating Donald A. Williamson: Assessment of Eating Disorders: Obesity, Anorexia, and Bulimia Nervosa. Oxford: Pergamon, 1990. £14.50 (hardback); £8.50 (paperback).

TA in practice Ian Stewart: Transactional Analysis Counselling in Action. London: Sage, 1989. £9.95.  相似文献   

Using REBT with Common Psychological Problems Yankura, J. & Dryden, W., 1997 New York: Springer ISBN 0-8261-9800-7 $33.95

Promoting Positive Behaviour O'Brien, T., 1998 London: David Fulton ISBN 1-85346-502-X £13.99

Person-Centred Counselling Training Mearns, D., 1997 London: Sage ISBN 0-7619-5290-X (hbk); 0-761-9-5291-8 (pbk) £35 (hbk); £14.99 (pbk)

Feminism and Psychotherapy: Reflections on Contemporary Theories and Practices Seu, I.B. & Heenan, M.C. (EDS), 1998 London: Sage ISBN 0-7619-5191-1 £14.99

Carl Rogers: a Critical Biography Cohen, D., 1998 London: Constable ISBN 0-09-477010-7 £20

Long-Term Counselling Shipton, G. & Smithe, E., 1998 London: Sage ISBN 0-7619-5030-3 £12.99

Making Vocational Choices: a Theory of Vocational Personalities and Work Environments (3rd edn) Holland, J.L., 1997 Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources ISBN 0-911907-27-0 $29.95  相似文献   

Windy Dryden (ed.): Marital Therapy in Britain. Volume 1: Context and Therapeutic Approaches. Volume 2: Special Areas. London: Harper & Row, 1985. 8.50 each.

Nigel Beail (ed.): Repertory Grid Technique and Personal Constructs: Applications in Clinical and Educational Settings. Beckenham, Kent: Croom Helm, 1985. 22.50.

Patrick Casement: On Learning from the Patient. London: Tavistock, 1985. 12.00 (hardback); 6.50 (paperback).  相似文献   

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