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3 segregated groups of Arab and Jewish deaf children of CA 10;9 (n = 28) were compared with a group of hearing Arab first graders (CA = 6;10, n = 32) on tests of basic arithmetic, static balance control, and the ability to suppress synkinetic finger movements. The hearing-impaired performed as well on arithmetic tasks and on the tests of synkinetic control as their normal peers who were four years younger, while on static balance they were even inferior to the latter. Significant correlations were found between the basic arithmetic and motor skills, within the hearing as well as within the hearing-impaired groups; these remained significant even within the small subgroups of the latter. As these results cannot be accounted for by low intelligence and neurological disturbances, or by direct or indirect effects of deficient language development, the assumption is supported that some type of neurological immaturity, unrelated to hearing loss, interferes with the acquisition of numerical skills in deaf children.  相似文献   

A converging body of evidence from neuroimaging, behavioral, and neuropsychology studies suggests that different arithmetic operations rely on distinct neuro-cognitive processes: while addition and subtraction may rely more on visuospatial reasoning, multiplication would depend more on verbal abilities. In this paper, we tested this hypothesis in a longitudinal study measuring language and visuospatial skills in 358 preschoolers, and testing their mental calculation skills at the beginning of middle school. Language skills at 5.5 years significantly predicted multiplication, but not addition nor subtraction scores at 11.5 years. Conversely, early visuospatial skills predicted addition and subtraction, but not multiplication scores. These results provide strong support for the existence of a double dissociation in mental arithmetic operations, and demonstrate the existence of long-lasting links between language/visuospatial skills and specific calculation abilities.  相似文献   

Being physically active plays an essential role in a child's physical development. While there is ample evidence for a positive association between physical activity (PA) and motor skills in children, the question of how PA should be implemented to optimally foster motor skill proficiency is less clear. To address this gap, the current longitudinal study compared four groups of children with different patterns of leisure-time PA engagement—namely children engaging in either structured PA, unstructured PA, a combination of structured and unstructured PA, or no PA at all—with respect to their gross and fine motor skill development. Results of repeated measures mixed modeling procedures revealed that engaging in structured PA—either exclusively or in combination with unstructured PA—is beneficial for children's gross motor development, whereas engaging in unstructured PA lacks such effectiveness. As to fine motor skills, a beneficial tendency of structured PA was observed as well. Hence, PA seems to be beneficial for motor skill development particularly when implemented in a formal setting with guided opportunities for practice. In conclusion, regularly engaging in structured PA constitutes a promising way to promote motor skills and support motor development over the long term.  相似文献   

Twenty-two Hand Test variables significantly differentiated a group of children referred to school psychologists for social and emotional maladjustment from a control group matched on age and sex. Eleven variables emerged from a subsequent stepwise discriminant analysis, resulting in a 80.85% hit rate. Results are interpreted as providing statistical support for the use of the Hand Test as a screening and/or ancillary projective technique in assessing school children.  相似文献   

The influence of morphological, biological, sociological, psychological, and environmental factors on the practice of organized sports and the amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity was examined through a questionnaire and continuous heart-rate monitoring, for 80 schoolchildren, 11 to 16 years old. Sport-practicing boys had a lower percentage of fat mass. Sport-practicing girls had more frequently sport-practicing mothers and higher scores on achievement motivation than nonsport-practicing girls. Active boys had more frequently sport-practicing fathers than inactive boys. No statistically significant correlation was found between moderate to vigorous physical activity and organized sports. Those children who are the most involved in organized sports are thus not necessarily the most active ones.  相似文献   

In cognitive-behavioral treatments for obesity, self-regulation is thought to be a strong predictor of behavioral change, but it is rarely directly measured in intervention research. Thus, how self-regulation interacts with other psychological variables regarding treatment effects is largely unknown. In this preliminary field study, self-regulatory skills were directly measured and were found to be significantly associated with both volume of exercise and fruit and vegetable consumption in severely obese adults (N=116) enrolled in a behavioral weight management program. Significant partial and complete mediation of the relationship between self-regulation for physical activity and physical activity, and self-regulation for appropriate eating and fruit and vegetable intake, respectively, were found by reported negative mood. Self-efficacy was not found to be a significant mediator of these relationships. The bivariate relationship between baseline scores of self-regulation for physical activity and self-regulation for appropriate eating was significant (r = .46), which supported the premise that self-regulation is a trait-like personal characteristic. Volume of exercise and fruit and vegetable consumption significantly predicted weight loss over 6 months (R2 = .35). Results were consistent with the few laboratory-based findings available and, after replication, may extend theory related to obesity treatment.  相似文献   

This study of associations of sports participation with perceived and actual physical fitness, and total physical activity for 525 10- to 17-yr.-old boys and girls in groups of 10-11-yr. (56 boys and 64 girls), 12-13-yr. (68 boys and 68 girls), 14-15-yr. (70 boys and 71 girls), and 16-17-yr. (68 boys and 60 girls) was based on the Physical Activity Index derived from a questionnaire by Telama, Leskinen, and Young, and self-perceived endurance, strength, flexibility, and body composition. Questions about satisfaction with physical activity, participation in organized physical activity and competitions, or watching competitions were asked. Two EUROFIT tests were used, the 20-m endurance shuttle-run and sit-and-reach, plus the sum of 9 skinfold thicknesses. Children who participated in organized physical activity and in competitions had a higher Physical Activity Index. Passive watching of competitions was not related to children's physical activity or their perceived or measured motor abilities.  相似文献   

Relationships among life events, prosocial skills, and behavior problems for 91 first through fourth grade children were examined. The data were based on mothers' reports of their children's lifetime life events, current prosocial skills, and current behavior problems. Higher prosocial skills scores significantly predicted lower Externalizing behavior problem scores. Higher weighted life events scores significantly predicted higher Internalizing behavior problem scores. The weighted life event scores×prosocial skills scores interaction did not significantly predict either Externalizing or Internalizing behavior problem scores. The more parsimonious main effects conceptualization suggests that life events and prosocial skills are orthogonal in young, elementary school children.  相似文献   

Batiuk ME  Boland JA  Wilcox N 《Adolescence》2004,39(155):531-538
This paper analyzes the success of a camp retreat weekend called Project Trust involving middle school students and teachers. The goal of the camp is to break down barriers between cliques identified as active in the school. The camp focuses on building team relationships across clique membership and incorporates elements of peace education and conflict resolution. A treatment group (campers) and comparison group (noncampers) were administered an adaptation of the Bogardus Social Distance Test and the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale before and after the camp. Attendance was found to lower social distance scores for nine of the ten groups/cliques. Campers also had higher self-concept scores after the retreat.  相似文献   

Executive function is foundational for cognitive development. Previous research has shown both gross motor skills and physical activity to be related to executive function. However, evidence for these relationships in the preschool years, as well as in low‐ and middle‐income countries is lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationships between components of executive function (inhibition, shifting and working memory) and gross motor skills (locomotor skills and object control skills) in a sample of preschool children from urban and rural low‐income settings in South Africa. Results revealed that inhibition and working memory, but not shifting, were associated with gross motor skills. More specifically: inhibition was associated with both locomotor [β = 0.20, p = 0.047] and object control skills [β = 0.24, p = 0.024], whereas working memory was only associated with locomotor skills [β = 0.21, p = 0.039]. Physical activity was not associated with inhibition and shifting but was negatively associated with working memory. These results elaborate a growing evidence base linking executive function and gross motor skills in the early years, and it is the first to look at specific associations of locomotor and object control skills with executive function in the South African context (a low‐ and middle‐income country).  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe processes and conditions through which parents may influence children's physical activity have not been identified. This study tested the hypothesis that bonding with parents would moderate the relationships between parental physical activity and youth physical activity.DesignA cross-sectional preliminary study.MethodsA total of 57 sixth and seventh grade students completed a survey that assessed bonding with parents and parental physical activity. Then, on 3 days, they reported their moderate and vigorous physical activity using the Previous Day Physical Activity Recall.ResultsHierarchical multiple regression analyses showed a moderation effect such that the interaction between bonding with parents and parental physical activity significantly predicted youth physical activity after controlling for their main effects.ConclusionThis preliminary study suggests that interventions targeting parents as the route to increasing physical activity may need to target both increasing parental physical activity and the parent--child bond.  相似文献   

Performance of fine motor skills (FMS) assessed by a clinical test battery has been associated with reading achievement in school-age children. However, the nature of this association remains to be established. The aim of this study was to assess FMS in children with reading difficulties using two experimental tasks, and to determine if performance is associated with reduced binocular function. We hypothesized that in comparison to an age- and sex-matched control group, children identified with reading difficulties will perform worse only on a motor task that has been shown to rely on binocular input. To test this hypothesis, motor performance was assessed using two tasks: bead-threading and peg-board in 19 children who were reading below expected grade and age-level. Binocular vision assessment included tests for stereoacuity, fusional vergence, amplitude of accommodation, and accommodative facility. In comparison to the control group, children with reading difficulties performed significantly worse on the bead-threading task. In contrast, performance on the peg-board task was similar in both groups. Accommodative facility was the only measure of binocular function significantly associated with motor performance. Findings from our exploratory study suggest that normal binocular vision may provide an important sensory input for the optimal development of FMS and reading. Given the small sample size tested in the current study, further investigation to assess the contribution of binocular vision to the development and performance of FMS and reading is warranted.  相似文献   

The purpose of the investigation was to examine the relationships among children's selected attributes, health-related physical fitness; and self-concept development. Subjects were 97 elementary school children in Grades 1 through 6. Correlations were examined for significance and effect size among the attributes of age, weight, body mass index, four scores from the Health Related Physical Fitness Test, and the total score from the Martinek-Zaichkowsky Self-concept Scale for Children. A max R2 forward stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed to assess which attribute and physical fitness variables were the best predictors of self-concept scores. Analysis indicated that the one-variable model of weight was the best predictor of self-concept.  相似文献   

PurposeThis large-scale, exploratory study sought to examine the associations between motor skill proficiency (MSP), perceived self-competence (PC), physical fitness (PF), and self-reported physical activity (PA) to assess the assumption that relationships among these variables found in childhood and adolescence persist into young-adulthood. Specifically, predictors of PF and PA were assessed. Additionally, the contributions body mass index (BMI) and gender made to these relationships, as well as that of process- versus product-oriented motor skills data, were studied. Finally, how these relationships differed by gender was explored.MethodsParticipants’ (n = 448) MSP was assessed using select measures from the TGMD-2 and the BOT-2, while PF was evaluated using the FitnessGram. Participants also completed surveys to assess PC (SPPCS), PA (past-week MAQ), and demographic information. Height and weight were collected to calculate BMI.ResultsModels predicting physical fitness had good fit to the observed data, with perceived athletic competence, locomotor skill, upper-limb coordination, BMI, and gender accounting for about 75% (R2 = 0.748) of aerobic PF variance and about 48% (R2 = 0.476) of variance in push-up performances. About 18% (R2 = 0.178) of variance in curl-up performances was predicted by perceived athletic competence, locomotor skill, upper-limb coordination, and PA. The PA model demonstrated weaker predictive power, with only about 10% (R2 = 0.097) of variance explained. When considering male and female models separately, female models demonstrated better fit when predicting all PF and PA outcome variables. BMI and gender operated as significant predictors to differing degrees across the various models.ConclusionsThere is compelling evidence to believe relationships found among MSP, PC, PF, and PA in childhood and adolescence also exist in early adulthood. However, differences in the roles of gender and physical fitness versus physical activity are likely to exist.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study aimed to examine how physical activity parenting (PAP) directly predicted objectively measured children’s moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentariness over a three-year transitional period from early to middle childhood, and second, whether the children’s perception of motor competence (PMC) mediated or moderated the influence of PAP to children’s MVPA or sedentariness. At time 1 (T1), PAP and children’s (N = 396, mean age 5.80, SD 1.04) PA were assessed by parental questionnaire. Three years later, at time 2 (T2), children’s (N = 396, mean age 8.80, SD 1.04) PMC was measured by a validated pictorial scale, and MVPA and sedentariness were measured by accelerometers. All the analyses were conducted using the Mplus statistical package (Version 8.4). The models were adjusted for the following covariates: children’s PA (T1), gender (T1), age (T1), mean accelerometer measurement in hours per day (T2), and parents’ education level (T1). Results showed that PAP at T1 did not significantly predict level of MVPA or sedentary time at T2 and, therefore, PMC did not mediate the PAP-children’s MVPA or sedentary time relationship either. However, PMC significantly moderated the relationship between PAP and MVPA but not between PAP and sedentary time. The results suggested that parental support positively predicts children’s MVPA among children with low PMC but not among children with high PMC. This unique finding proposes that family-based PA interventions could benefit from screening of children with low PMC and provision of PA counselling to their parents.  相似文献   

Physically active lessons have been shown to enhance academic achievement. However, the effects on cognitive function and gross motor skill development remain unknown. The present study examined how the incorporation of physical activity bouts within Mathematics lessons affects cognitive function and gross motor skill development across 2 years in primary school children. Eighty-two children (6.6 ± 0.3 y) were allocated to an intervention (n = 36; completing 8 h/wk of physically active lessons) or control (n = 46) group. A battery of cognitive function tests was completed, alongside the TGMD-3 to assess gross motor skills. Physically active Mathematics lessons led to greater improvements across all measures of cognition, when compared to the control group (digit span forwards, p < 0.001, d = 1.5; digit span backwards, p = 0.017, d = 1.0; free word recall: p < 0.001, d = 1.3; selective visual attention: p < 0.001, d = 0.3; verbal fluency: p < 0.001, d = 0.9; arithmetic: p < 0.001, d = 1.8). Furthermore, the intervention group demonstrated greater improvements in overall score on the TGMD-3 (p < 0.001, d = 1.7), as well as the locomotion (p < 0.001, d = 1.1) and object control (p < 0.001, d = 1.5) sub-scales. The physically active Mathematics lessons intervention appears to offer synergistic benefits in relation to cognitive and motor development, which are critical for optimal development in the early years.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis systematic review provides an overview of research elucidating the relationship between fundamental movement skills (FMS) and physical activity (PA) in children and adolescents.DesignSystematic review.MethodProspective studies were identified from searches in Cochrane Library, BioMed Central, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), PubMed, Scirus and SciVerse Science Direct from 2000 through 2013. We screened the titles and abstracts for eligibility, rated the methodological quality of the studies, and extracted data.ResultsWe identified 23 studies meeting our relevancy criteria. The quality score of the studies ranged from 44% to 89%. Overall relationships between FMS and PA or relationships specific for gender and skill were identified in several studies. The variety of methods for assessing PA and FMS make the comparison of study results difficult. We found strong evidence from cross-sectional studies for a positive relationship between FMS and organized physical activities. Motor skill competency was only of low predictive value for the physical activity level in adults.ConclusionsThe results of this review suggest that a cause–effect relationship between FMS and PA is suspected but has not been demonstrated yet. The identification of a causal relationship appears very important to ensure feasibility of practical implementation. This could provide aids for decision making for teachers and coaches, but also for therapists' decision guidance to create training, lessons and therapy adequate to the target group.  相似文献   

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