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现代复苏的药物应用现状的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
回顾了复苏药物应用研究的现状,运用创新思维的科学方法对现代复苏药物临床应用研究中的医学和伦理难题进行了理性分析,阐明了理论,逻辑思维,哲学思考对临床实践和医学研究的重要性。  相似文献   

198 6年 ,美国科学家Dulbecco在Science杂志上发表文章 ,率先提出人类基因组计划 (HumanGenomeProject,HGP)。HGP研究的成果为药物设计、开发、生产及应用带来了美好的发展前景 ,同时也使我们面临着新的困惑和挑战。1 人类基因组研究为药物的开发开辟了更广阔的天地[1]1 .1 开发了一批性能优良的蛋白质工程制剂和药物例如 ,1 991年英国研究人员在绵羊乳腺中表达人抗胰蛋白酶基因 ,乳汁中抗胰蛋白酶的含量达每升 3 5克。GenzymeTransgenics公司培育出基因工程羊 ,一群羊生产的抗凝血酶Ⅲ相当于一座投资1 .1 5亿美元工厂的产量。一般…  相似文献   

本文首先简要介绍了组织行为和领导力的研究特色和该领域国内外的研究现状。从中可以看出, 在过去的10多年中, 中国学者在该领域中进步快速, 并蕴含巨大的潜力。随后, 比较了国际和国内学术界的研究话题和采用的方法, 指出国内目前研究存在的问题。文章的第三部分介绍了当今组织行为和领导力领域在理论、方法和研究范式上的创新。针对当前中国经济和社会发展的现状, 文章指出了学者可以重点关注的领域。学者可以借鉴学术界已有的理论和方法, 选择恰当的角度对这些问题进行深入而系统的探索。为此, 本文第三部分还介绍了几项近年来具有重大影响的研究, 旨在启发学者关注中国社会的重要现象, 敏锐地发现适合本学科研究的问题, 并以严谨且有创造力的方式去开展研究, 进而对国际学术界做出贡献。  相似文献   

如何与中华民族传统美德相承接,是建立社会主义思想道德体系的重要议题。儒学作为中华传统伦理文化的重要组成部分,对当今中国的伦理学研究和道德建设无疑具有重要的借鉴意义。基于这种理念,南京大学杨明博士的近著《现代儒学重构研究》(南京大学出版社2002年版),以“现代儒学”为题,以“重构”为切入点,重点研究了晚清以来随着中国近代社会结构的急剧转型、西学的逐步东渐,儒学如何应对挑战、自我变革的思想历程。全书逻辑清晰,结构谨严,  相似文献   

关于中医学创新发展的思考   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
1 中医学创新发展的必然性和紧迫性创新是中医学术体系自我完善的必然 ,中医学乃一根植于实践经验 ,融合古代哲学的自然学科 ,是在与疾病斗争过程中经验累加、认识创新中发展而来。追溯其发展史 ,处处闪烁着创新之花 ,《内经》初备中医理论框架 ;《伤寒杂病论》纳理、法、方、药于一体 ,首开辨证论治之先河 ;金元四大家因时论病 ,流派各异 ;张景岳倡温补 ;吴又可撰温病 ;王清任医林改错 ,启中医解剖之萌芽 ;张锡纯衷中参西 ,发中西结合之先声 ;及至今日的辨病与辨证结合思路、肾本质、血瘀证研究等 ,正是一次次创新使中医理论体系不断补塑…  相似文献   







鞘糖脂研究的创新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鞘糖脂作为真核细胞质膜的组成成分之一,不仅维持着细胞的基本结构,而且在细胞粘附、生长、分化、增殖、信号转导等细胞基本活动中发挥重要作用,还参与了细胞恶变、肿瘤转移等过程[1~3]。本实验室在国家自然科学基金的资助下,对肿瘤相关中性鞘糖脂进行了深入研究...  相似文献   

哲学思想为医学生创新思维提供启思与导向   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
创新能力与哲学素养直接相关,创新思维是哲学素养的运用和拓展。目前,医学思维能力培养中存在极大限制医学生想象力和创造力的问题,一是受权威迷信的束缚,二是受传统思维框架的束缚。基于此现状,本研究探讨培养医学生创新思维能力应采取的对策与措施,体现了哲学思想对医学生创新思维的启思与导向作用。  相似文献   

试论中国对生物技术的专利保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人体基因是否属于科学发现、关于运动和植物品种的概念、关于基因治疗方法的专利保护、关于伦理道德标准、关于微生物菌种的保藏和发放、关于实用性和专利的授权范围以及关于遗传资源的保护等生物技术领导专利保护所面临的挑战,分析了国内外现有的观点和作法,并提出了笔者的粗浅看法,另外,还对如何解决基因资源的保护问题、生物技术领域是否需要专利保护和怎样防止生物技术的滥用等问题,介绍了自己的体会和建议。  相似文献   

Innovativeness is one of the crucial factors allowing companies to grow, and innovative behavior of entrepreneurs is an important source of firm innovativeness and business success. This study aims to better understand self-regulatory mechanisms stimulating the innovative behavior of entrepreneurs. We have tested the mediation model in which work-related affect (enthusiasm, comfort, anxiety, and depression) mediates the relationship between work self-efficacy and innovative behavior. A longitudinal study with three measurement times was conducted on a sample of entrepreneurs–business owners. The mediation analysis with bias-corrected bootstrapping method confirmed that the relation between work self-efficacy and innovative behavior of entrepreneurs is mediated by their work-related positive affect—comfort and enthusiasm—but not by negative affect.  相似文献   

中学生创新心理素质与心理健康的相关研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
王极盛  丁新华 《心理科学》2002,25(5):538-540
采用自编的创新心理素质量表和中国中学生心理健康量表对558名中学生进行问卷调查,以探讨中学生创新心理素质和心理健康之间的关系。结果表明:(1)自编创新素质量表包括三个子量表,分别为创新意识、创新能力与竞争心量表,经检验三个子量表均具有较高的信度、效度。(2)中学生的创新心理素质整体处于中等偏上水平。(3)中学生创新心理素质与心理健康水平较为密切,创新意识与学习压力、抑郁、焦虑显著负相关,创新能力与学习压力、抑郁显著负相关,与适应不良显著正相关,竞争心与抑郁、焦虑、学习压力、总均分有着显著的负相关关系;心理健康水平高者其创新意识和竞争心较心理健康水平低者高;学习压力对创新意识和竞争心的预测作用较大,学习压力、适应不良和抑郁对创新能力的预测作用较大。  相似文献   




The present study examined how the representations of biotechnology using genetic engineering have been developed in Japan relying on media analysis. Specifically, using the online database of the Asahi Shimbun , one of the major opinion-forming newspapers in Japan, the annual numbers of articles concerning biotechnology were tallied from 1985 to 2000, and an analysis was conducted of the content of 850 articles from 10 particular years. Specifically, a framework in which a biotechnological issue was presented was focused on; the changes of dominant frames and the relationships between frames and specific biotechnological applications (e.g. medicine, agrifood and cloning) were investigated. The results showed that: (i) the number of articles increased sharply in particular since 1996–1997; (ii) although general attitudes toward biotechnology were persistently positive, a frame of biotechnological article became more diverse (i.e. the prospect frames were considerably dominant in the earlier phases, but the concern frames also became prominent in the later phases); and (iii) several articles were found which reported cloned animals in a frame of emotional attachment, a frame unique to Japan. These results were compared with those of European countries and discussed from a perspective of the theory of collective symbolic coping.  相似文献   

Although the neoconservative movement has come to dominate American conservatism, this movement has its origins in the old Marxist Left. Communists in their younger days, as the founders of neoconservatism, inverted Marxist doctrine by arguing that moral values and not economic forces were the primary movers of history. Yet the neoconservative critique of biotechnology still borrows heavily from Karl Marx and owes more to the German philosopher Martin Heidegger than to the Scottish philosopher and political economist Adam Smith. Loath to identify these sources—or perhaps unaware of them—neoconservatives do not acknowledge these intellectual underpinnings or their implications. Thus, in the final analysis, their critique is incoherent and even internally inconsistent. By not acknowledging and embracing their intellectual roots, neoconservatives are left with a deeply ambivalent and often confused view of biotechnology and the society that gives rise to it.  相似文献   

现代医学技术是现代医学进步的载体,在人类的健康发展上起到重大作用。但是,现代医学技术高速发展的同时也带来了许多技术异化的问题,诸如医疗服务低效率、医患关系低信任、医学人文丧失等。系统研究了现代医学技术异化的本质特征,深入分析了现代医学技术主体化、资本化、权力化及机械化的现实表现,并从本体论、认识论及方法论层面上探析现代医学技术异化现象产生的哲学根源,从而能够从根本上找到现代医学技术异化现象的消解路径,对过度医疗的解决、医患关系的改善以及和谐有序的就医大环境的建立有重大的理论意义。  相似文献   

中学生创新心理素质与相关因素的综合研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王极盛  丁新华 《心理科学》2003,26(4):599-602
采用创新心理素质、青少年生活事件、父母教养方式、艾森克人格和应对量表对558名中学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)中学生创新意识与健康适应、父母理解、父亲过分保护和干涉、内外向、解决问题、合理化、求助显著正相关;创新能力与人际压力、健康适应、父母理解、父亲过分保护和干涉、解决问题、合理化、求助显著正相关;竞争心与精神质、神经质、不良情绪应对和退避显著负相关,与内外向、父母理解、解决问题、合理化和求助显著正相关。(2)解决问题、内外向进入对创新意识的回归方程,解决问题、内外向、父亲过分保护和干涉、人际压力进入对创新能力的回归方程,解决问题和内外向进入对竞争心的回归方程。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Environmental cues associated with drugs often elicit withdrawal symptoms and relapse to drug use. Such cues also modulate drug tolerance. The contribution of drug-associated stimuli to withdrawal and tolerance is emphasized in a Pavlovian-conditioning analysis of drug administration. Conditional responses occur in the presence of cues that have been associated with the drug in the past, such as the setting in which the drug was taken. These conditional responses mediate the expression of tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. Recently, it has become apparent that internal predrug cues, as well as environmental cues, elicit pharmacological conditional responses that contribute to tolerance and withdrawal. Such internal cues include cognitive or proprioceptive cues incidental to self-administration, drug-onset cues that are experienced shortly after administration, and emotional cues. According to the conditioning analysis, addiction treatment should incorporate learning principles to extinguish the association between stimuli (environmental and internal) present at the time of drug administration and the effects of the addictive drug.  相似文献   

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