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The purpose of this study is to clarify the roles played by individual differences and goal origin in the goal setting process. In order to accomplish this objective this study (a) briefly reviews the existing empirical evidence on individual differences in the goal setting literature, (b) develops a model of the goal-setting process that specifies different roles for individual differences depending upon goal origin, and (c) tests hypotheses generated by this model in a laboratory setting. The results indicate that under self-set conditions variables associated with self-perceptions of task-specific ability, but not generalized self-esteem, are related to the difficulty of the goals selected, with more difficult goals being set by individuals high in task-specific ability perceptions. Furthermore, when goals are self-set, regardless of individual differences, the expectancy and valence of goal attainment tends to be high and invariant relative to assigned conditions (i.e., the motivation to pursue the goal is high), and a strong goal difficulty-performance relationship is in evidence for all subjects. Under assigned goal conditions, individual differences determine the reaction to the assigned goal. Individuals high in task-specific self-esteem have stronger expectancies for attaining the goal relative to those low in this trait; and, individuals high in generalized self-esteem exhibit higher valence for goal attainment than those low in generalized self-esteem. In assigned conditions, there was a positive goal difficulty-performance relationship only for individuals high in generalized self-esteem. Some evidence actually suggested that for subjects low in generalized self-esteem, it is better to assign low goals. Low goals seem to increase the self-perceived task-specific ability of these subjects which relates positively with performance.  相似文献   

Earlier research suggested that goal setting for memory does not have the same advantages for older adults as for younger adults. Using ideal goal-setting conditions with individualized goals, the authors compared goals plus positive feedback, goals plus objective feedback, and control. Performance increased over trials and was higher for both goal conditions than for control. The positive feedback condition showed the highest goal commitment and motivation. Older adults showed strong performance gains and more motivation and goal commitment than the young. The results showed that older adults can benefit from goal setting under optimal learning and feedback conditions.  相似文献   

H. Heckhausen and J. Kuhl's (1985) goal typology provided the conceptual foundation for this research, which examined the independent and integrated effects of achievement orientation and goal-setting approaches on trainees' self-regulatory activity. Using a complex computer-based simulation, the authors examined the effects of 3 training design factors--goal frame, goal content, and goal proximity--cutting across these 2 theoretical domains on the nature, focus, and quality of the self-regulatory activities of 524 trainees. Results revealed that all 3 factors had a significant influence on self-regulation, with goal content exhibiting the greatest influence. In line with expectations, congruent learning frame and content compared with congruent performance frame and content was beneficial for trainees' self-regulatory activity, incongruent combinations of goal frame and content were better than congruent performance frames and content, and effects for the incongruent combinations cutting across the domains were asymmetrical. Theoretical extensions for further disentangling these distinct domains and training design implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of goal setting and textual feedback, without additional intervention components, for increasing moderate‐intensity physical activity, specifically the weekly number of intense steps measured by a Fitbit. A multiple baseline across participants design was employed with four participants using a Fitbit Flex accelerometer to measure intense steps. Results showed a substantial increase in weekly number of intense steps for three out of four participants following the intervention.  相似文献   

Repeated reading (RR) procedures are consistent with the procedures recommended by Haring and Eaton's (1978) Instructional Hierarchy (IH) for promoting students' fluent responding to newly learned stimuli. It is therefore not surprising that an extensive body of literature exists, which supports RR as an effective practice for promoting students' reading fluency of practiced passages. Less clear, however, is the extent to which RR helps students read the words practiced in an intervention passage when those same words are presented in a new passage. The current study employed randomized control design procedures to examine the maintenance and generalization effects of three interventions that were designed based upon Haring and Eaton's (1978) IH. Across four days, students either practiced reading (a) the same passage seven times (RR+RR), (b) one passage four times and three passages each once (RR+Guided Wide Reading [GWR]), or (c) seven passages each once (GWR+GWR). Students participated in the study across 2 weeks, with intervention being provided on a different passage set each week. All passages practiced within a week, regardless of condition, contained four target low frequency and four high frequency words. Across the 130 students for whom data were analyzed, results indicated that increased opportunities to practice words led to greater maintenance effects when passages were read seven days later but revealed minimal differences across conditions in students' reading of target words presented within a generalization passage.  相似文献   

Two clutterers were treated with similar preplanned delayed auditory feedback (DAF) procedures, using probe samples in which the DAF was not present to measure treatment efficacy. Whereas both clients met established fluency criteria during treatment, both clutterers had difficulty transferring gains to probe sessions—one more than the other. Differences in results of DAF treatment are discussed from the perspectives of differences in cluttering severity, coexisting disorders, and supplementary clinical techniques.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted that examined the motivational and informational perspectives concerning learning advantages from self-controlled practice. Three groups were tasked with learning a novel skill; self-controlled (SC), yoked traditional (YT), and yoked with error estimation required during the acquisition phase (YE). Results from the delayed learning measures showed the YE group performed better than the SC and YT groups, for Expt. 1. A similar pattern emerged for Expt. 2, albeit, this was not significant. While there were no motivation differences across the groups in either experiment, a strong correlation in Expt. 2 was shown between error estimation capabilities, which were best for the YE group, and learning. These combined results suggest that informational processes contribute more to the self-controlled feedback learning advantage, relative to motivational contributions.  相似文献   

Emphasizing the developmental need for positive peer relationships, in this study the authors tested a social-contextual view of the mechanisms and processes by which early adolescents' achievement and peer relationships may be promoted simultaneously. Meta-analysis was used to review 148 independent studies comparing the relative effectiveness of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic goal structures in promoting early adolescents' achievement and positive peer relationships. These studies represented over 8 decades of research on over 17,000 early adolescents from 11 countries and 4 multinational samples. As predicted by social interdependence theory, results indicate that higher achievement and more positive peer relationships were associated with cooperative rather than competitive or individualistic goal structures. Also as predicted, results show that cooperative goal structures were associated with a positive relation between achievement and positive peer relationships. Implications for theory and application are discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of public posting, goal setting, and oral feedback on the skills of 3 female high school soccer players during practice scrimmages. The dependent variables were the percentage of appropriate responses when the player (a) kept and maintained possession of the ball, (b) moved to an open position during a game restart (e.g., goal or corner kick), and (c) moved to an open position after passing the ball. We also assessed the extent to which changes in practice performances generalized to games. A social validity questionnaire was completed by both players and coaches to assess the acceptability of the intervention's goals, procedures, and outcomes. Results indicate that the intervention was effective in improving performances during practice scrimmages but produced limited generalization to game settings.  相似文献   

One key to understanding motivated behavior is examining the behavior of individuals as they work on multiple tasks under a time constraint. This article is an exploration of the influence of self-set goals on subsequent resource allocation to different tasks. Participants were given a variety of tasks from which they were to choose how to allocate their time and effort. Results indicated that the use of self-set goals structured the work pattern, with less switching between tasks relative to the work pattern of a group of participants who did not set goals. In addition, those who set goals reported less task-related cognitive interference, indicating that they were not as distracted while they worked. Participants who did not set goals, however, performed at a higher level on some of the tasks. It is suggested that self-set goals may often be chosen at an easily attainable level, creating a structured and focused work environment but not necessarily eliciting the motivational properties typically associated with goal setting.  相似文献   

The open-loop model by Wing and Kristofferson has successfully explained many aspects of movement timing. A later adaptation of the model assumes that timing processes do not control the movements themselves, but the sensory consequences of the movements. The present study tested direct predictions from this “sensory-goals model”. In two experiments, participants were instructed to produce regular intervals by tapping alternately with the index fingers of the left and the right hand. Auditory feedback tones from the taps of one hand were delayed. As a consequence, regular intervals between taps resulted in irregular intervals between feedback tones. Participants compensated for this auditory irregularity by changing their movement timing. Compensation effects increased with the magnitude of feedback delay (Experiment 1) and were also observed in a unimanual variant of the task (Experiment 2). The pattern of effects in alternating tapping suggests that compensation processes were anticipatory—that is, compensate for upcoming feedback delay rather than being reactions to delay. All experiments confirmed formal model predictions. Taken together, the findings corroborate the sensory-goals adaptation of the Wing–Kristofferson model.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluated the effects of two psychoeducational groups (anger management and goal setting) on state and trait anger, anger expression, and on self-efficacy beliefs of high risk adolescents enrolled in an alternative high school. Participants (n = 57) were pre- and post-tested using the State Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) with subscales for (a) state anger, (b) trait anger, and (c) anger expression, and on a measure of self-efficacy related to (a) anger management, (b) goal setting, and (c) group behavior and interpersonal communication. We hypothesized that each treatment would favorably impact the self-efficacy items related to it, that participants in both treatment groups would show gains in self-efficacy for general group behavior and communication skills, and that the anger management treatment would decrease state anger and anger expression. Results of a series of Repeated Measures ANOVAS revealed no group effects or group by time interaction effects. Analysis of Cohen's d effect sizes for the treatment groups in comparison with the control condition indicated only small treatment effects for the goal setting group on the STAXI, and small, negative treatment effects for the anger management group on the STAXI and on state anger. Thus, results failed to support the hypotheses with the current data set. Limitations of this study and implications for future research and group practice within schools are discussed. The authors thank Ellen Hawley McWhirter, Greg Sandstrom, and the administration, faculty, and students of the participating “alternative high school” for their help and support.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluated the effects of two psychoeducational groups (anger management and goal setting) on state and trait anger, anger expression, and on self-efficacy beliefs of high risk adolescents enrolled in an alternative high school. Participants (n = 57) were pre- and post-tested using the State Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) with subscales for (a) state anger, (b) trait anger, and (c) anger expression, and on a measure of self-efficacy related to (a) anger management, (b) goal setting, and (c) group behavior and interpersonal communication. We hypothesized that each treatment would favorably impact the self-efficacy items related to it, that participants in both treatment groups would show gains in self-efficacy for general group behavior and communication skills, and that the anger management treatment would decrease state anger and anger expression. Results of a series of Repeated Measures ANOVAS revealed no group effects or group by time interaction effects. Analysis of Cohen's d effect sizes for the treatment groups in comparison with the control condition indicated only small treatment effects for the goal setting group on the STAXI, and small, negative treatment effects for the anger management group on the STAXI and on state anger. Thus, results failed to support the hypotheses with the current data set. Limitations of this study and implications for future research and group practice within schools are discussed. The authors thank Ellen Hawley McWhirter, Greg Sandstrom, and the administration, faculty, and students of the participating “alternative high school” for their help and support.  相似文献   

In the first experiment, after establishing baseline composition rates in each classroom, timing (announcing time limits) and feedback (student self-scoring) were introduced followed by the introduction, removal, and reintroduction of public posting of highest scores. Timing and feedback improved story writing performance and public posting of highest scores improved performance even further in both classrooms. Teacher praise produced further improvement in one classroom but had no effect on performance in the other. Changes in on-task behavior paralleled changes in writing rate. Comments made by children concerning their own work or work of their peers were recorded throughout the experiment. Although the baseline rate of performance comments was almost zero, the introduction of each variable markedly increased the rate of performance comments. In the second experiment, baseline rates on reading and language exercises were established in a fifth-grade classroom. The entire performance feedback system was introduced on a multiple baseline across the two behaviors and then removed during the final phase of the experiment. Introducing the system improved performance on both tasks. These results further increased the generality of some of the findings of the previous experiment and of previous research on the efficacy of the experimental package of timing, feedback, public posting, and praise.  相似文献   

Models of visual word recognition that have adopted an interactive activation framework (e.g., Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993; Grainger & Jacobs, 1996) assume that activation can spread from semantic to orthographic representations via a feedback mechanism during visual word recognition. The present study used a mediated priming paradigm to test whether such feedback exists and, if so, under what conditions. Participants named aloud targets that were preceded either by a semantically related prime (e.g., dog-cat) or by a prime that was related to the target via a mediating word (e.g., cat-[dog]-bog). Direct evidence of activational feedback was obtained in the form of orthographically mediated inhibition effects. These mediated inhibition effects are consistent with activational feedback and support models of visual word recognition that have adopted an interactive activation framework.  相似文献   

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