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Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— Does parental sexual orientation affect child development, and if so, how? Studies using convenience samples, studies using samples drawn from known populations, and studies based on samples that are representative of larger populations all converge on similar conclusions. More than two decades of research has failed to reveal important differences in the adjustment or development of children or adolescents reared by same-sex couples compared to those reared by other-sex couples. Results of the research suggest that qualities of family relationships are more tightly linked with child outcomes than is parental sexual orientation.  相似文献   

Various studies have reported adjustment problems experienced by gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) adolescents. A primary purpose of this paper is to critically review this literature. Difficulties that have been studied include past suicide attempts, substance use and abuse, conduct problems, and academic concerns. For example, a considerable number of GLB youth report a history of suicide attempts, with prevalence rates ranging from 11 to 42%. However, among other methodological concerns, studies in this area have not used a comparison sample of heterosexual youths. Characteristics of development particular to GLB adolescents are described, the empirical research on adjustment issues is reviewed, and potential risk and protective factors for GLB youths are discussed.  相似文献   

Narrative therapy with parents as they are coming to terms with their adolescent sons’ and daughters’ coming-out as lesbian or gay provides a framework for reauthoring stories and revisioning identities as they negotiate the challenge of becoming lesbian/gay-membered families. Recognized for complementing the elements of multicultural practice, narrative therapy offers therapeutic interventions that are culturally sensitive and acknowledge the role of power and privilege in socially imaging what it means to be lesbian or gay. In this article the familiar storylines that these families bring into therapy are illustrated, and family work with parents of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents is conceptualized using a narrative therapy lens.  相似文献   

The authors examined relationships among recalled and current bullying, shame‐focused coping, and fear of negative evaluation in an adult lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) sample. Findings indicated that attack self, withdrawal, and attack other shame‐focused coping fully mediated the relationship between recalled bullying and fear of negative evaluation. Fear of negative evaluation and current bullying victimization were predicted by shame‐focused coping. Findings suggested the importance of addressing histories of school‐related bullying and shame‐focused coping when counseling LGBT persons.  相似文献   

对北京市389名儿童入学准备的类型进行研究,探讨不同入学准备类型儿童的特点,并通过追踪数据考察儿童入学准备类型对其一学期后学校适应的影响。结果表明:(1)入学准备可以分为入学准备良好、身体健康和动作技能准备不足、身体健康和动作技能突出/其他领域准备不足和入学准备综合不足四种类型;(2)女生入学准备良好型的比例显著高于男生,而身体健康和动作技能准备不足型、入学准备综合不足型的比例显著低于男生;(3)城区儿童入学准备良好型的比例显著高于郊区,而入学准备综合不足型的比例显著低于郊区;(4)入学准备良好型儿童的学校适应好于身体健康和动作技能准备不足型和入学准备综合不足型,入学准备综合不足型的学校适应最差。  相似文献   

李莉 《社会心理科学》2005,20(5):126-130,133
初中生身心发展的种种特殊矛盾和表现使初中生与父母的关系发生了微妙的变化,本文描述了父母与子女沟通的必要性,列举了初中生与父母沟通的障碍,并分别针对父母和初中生给出了调适建议。  相似文献   

张进辅  赵永萍 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1222-1225
从与其父母间具有差异的价值观的角度出发,本研究自编了重庆市中学生价值观量表,并对重庆市的中学生及其家长进行了调查。结果显示:(1)自编的问卷具有良好的信效度;(2)重庆市中学生的价值观具有显著的性别主效应和年级主效应,学校区域和学校类型均不存在主效应;父亲职业、母亲职业在某些维度上存在主效应。(3)中学生与其父母的价值观在多个维度上都存在差异。在六个主因素中,学生最看重自我方面,而家长最看重家庭。次因素中,学生最看重的是家庭气氛、平等、独立和隐私,家长最看重的是家庭气氛、家庭责任、平等、知识价值。  相似文献   

This survey research examined relationships among self‐esteem, shame proneness, and forgiveness of self, situations, and others in a sample of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals (N= 657). Findings indicate that LGBTQ self‐esteem was largely predicted by higher self‐forgiveness and lower shame proneness. Forgiveness of self, others, and situations each partially mediated the relationship between shame proneness and self‐esteem. Implications for counseling include the importance of forgiveness as a psychological mechanism to reduce LGBTQ shame and enhance self‐esteem.  相似文献   

以群体偏爱的IAT测验为实验材料,结合社会支持和学校适应问卷,考察初中流动儿童在内隐群体偏爱、社会支持上与本地儿童之间的差异,并探讨这两种变量对流动儿童学校适应的影响.结果表明:(1)流动儿童存在内隐外群体偏爱,对自身所属群体表现出内隐的消极认同;本地儿童存在内隐内群体偏爱,对流动儿童具有内隐的消极认知;(2)流动儿童在父亲、教师以及同性朋友的社会支持上显著差于本地儿童;(3)在对流动儿童学校适应的影响上,社会支持的主效应显著,内隐群体偏爱和社会支持的交互作用显著;高内隐群体偏爱组中,高社会支持流动儿童的学校适应优于低社会支持儿童.  相似文献   

We studied associations among parents’ gender role attitudes, gender stereotyping in children’s environments, and children’s gender role attitudes and whether these associations were similar for families with lesbian and heterosexual parents. Fifty-seven 4- to 6-year-olds and 114 parents from the US participated. Parents completed self-report questionnaires and responded to interview questions. Researchers collected data regarding the child’s environment and attitudes about gender. Results revealed that children with lesbian mothers had less stereotyped environments and less traditional attitudes. Parental attitudes were associated with stereotyping in children’s environments and with children’s attitudes about gender. Both for lesbian and heterosexual parents, the impact of parents’ attitudes on children’s attitudes was partially mediated by the nature of children’s environments.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考查残疾儿童家长亲职压力的特点, 并探讨亲职压力、社会支持对生活质量的影响。使用《亲职压力指标简表》、《社会支持评定量表》和《世界卫生组织生活质量测定简表》(中文版)对孤独症、智力残疾、听力残疾、视力残疾以及脑瘫5种残疾类型儿童的369名家长进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)残疾儿童家长亲职压力及其各维度在不同残疾儿童类型中差异显著, 孤独症儿童家长在总分及各维度中均最高, 听力残疾儿童家长均最低;(2)亲职压力各维度与社会支持各维度以及生活质量各维度均呈显著负相关, 社会支持各维度与生活质量各维度之间均呈显著正相关;(3)亲职压力与生活质量的典型相关分析表明两者的整体相关显著;(4)社会支持在亲职压力和生活质量间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

We describe the level of behavior problems, academic skill delays, and school failure among school-aged children in foster care. We also examine how behavior problems are associated with academic problems, and explore how these outcomes are related to children's placement characteristics. Foster parent and child home interviews, as well as teacher telephone interviews were conducted from a randomly selected sample of 302 children aged 6 through 12 years living in out-of-home placement. Interviews included standardized screening measures. Results showed that 27% of the children scored in the clinical range for a behavior problem, and 34% were rated as having at least one behavior problem in the classroom. Twenty-three percent of the children had severe delays in reading or math, 13% had repeated a grade, and 14% had a history of school suspension and/or expulsion. Behavior problems by foster parent report were related to child suspension and/or expulsion from school, but were not associated with severe academic delays or grade retention. Placement characteristics were only sometimes related to these outcomes. Future studies examining the mental health and educational needs of this population should take into account the child's sociodemographic and placement characteristics.  相似文献   

A model is proposed and explored that links the coming-out process to the psychological functioning (i.e., self-esteem and distress) and sexual behaviors of gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths recruited from gay-focused community-based and college organizations in New York City. The coming-out process is multidimensional, consisting, as defined here, of involvement in gay/lesbian activities, attitudes toward homosexuality, comfort with homosexuality, self-disclosure of sexual identity to others, and sexual identity. The coming-out dimensions were related to self-esteem, distress, and unprotected sexual behaviors. In addition, the relations between the coming-out dimensions and unprotected sexual behaviors were explained by psychological functioning. In particular, limited involvement in gay/lesbian activities was associated with more unprotected sex. Negative attitudes toward homosexuality were related directly to more unprotected sex, and they were related indirectly to more unprotected sex by means of increasing emotional distress. These and other findings have implications for designing preventive interventions to increase the youths' psychological functioning and reduce their unprotected sexual behaviors.  相似文献   

小学儿童尊重行为与人格、班级环境的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以356名北京市两所小学三、四、五年级的小学儿童为被试,采用自编的小学儿童尊重行为问卷、国内修订的学生人格五因素问卷和班级环境问卷,考察小学儿童尊重行为的特点,并探讨人格和班级环境对尊重行为的影响.结果发现:(1)小学儿童的总体尊重行为和其中的理解欣赏具有显著的性别差异和城郊差异;(2)尊重行为与人格各维度具有显著的相关,与班级环境中除了竞争气氛之外的其他四个维度都有显著相关;(3)人格的宜人性、谨慎性、情绪性和开放性以及班级环境中的同学关系能够显著预测尊重行为,人格和班级环境的不同维度对于尊重行为不同维度具有不同的预测力;(4)小学儿童的班级环境可以归为三种类型:积极型、一般型和问题型,不同类型的班级环境在尊重行为上具有显著差异.  相似文献   

为深入探讨小学儿童的数学态度、学业拖延、数学元认知与数学成就之间的纵向联系及内在作用机制,对515名三、五年级小学生进行为期半年的追踪研究。结果表明:(1)学业拖延在儿童的数学态度与数学成就之间发挥着即时和纵向中介作用;(2)不同水平数学元认知个体在纵向中介模型中“数学态度→数学成就”这一路径上存在差异。这意味着较积极的数学态度有利于减少小学儿童的学业拖延行为,进而提高其数学成就,而高数学元认知则能够监控和调节个体的数学态度,使其发挥积极作用,从而提高数学成就。该发现为有效促进儿童的数学学习提供了重要实践启示。  相似文献   

采用整群取样法, 选取387名小学儿童, 采用问卷法、同伴提名法和成绩评定, 考察了其社会创造性与其同伴关系、学业成绩的关系。结果表明:(1)小学儿童的社会创造性与学业成绩、社会喜好、社会影响, 学业成绩与社会喜好均呈显著正相关;(2)社会喜好在社会创造性与学业成绩之间、学业成绩在社会创造性与社会喜好之间、社会创造性在社会喜好与学业成绩之间均具有显著的中介效应, 社会影响在社会创造性对学业成绩的影响中具有显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

采用序列学习的研究范式,对大中小学生的序列反应时和序列生成成绩进行测量,结果表明:(1)大中小学生均能在序列学习中获得序列规则。(2)采用比例测量方法,大中小学生的序列反应时无显著差异。(3)大中小学生的序列生成成绩是不同的,包含成绩随着年级升高而上升,排除成绩则不随年级变化;小学生包含和排除成绩无显著差异,而中学生和大学生的差异逐渐加大。说明序列学习的意识成分随年级的升高而增加。  相似文献   

研究探索了青少年自我管理能力在父母情感温暖与学校投入之间的中介作用,以及学校氛围对上述中介效应的调节作用。采用父母情感温暖量表、青少年自我管理量表、学校氛围量表和学校投入量表对1033名中小学生进行测查。结果表明:(1)父母情感温暖可以正向预测学校投入;(2)自我管理在其中起中介作用,即父母情感温暖可以通过自我管理间接影响学校投入;(3)父母情感温暖影响学校投入的有调节的中介模型成立,其中学校氛围在前半段和后半段路径中均起调节作用,但作用有所不同。  相似文献   

以891名河北省衡水市某小学4~6年级学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方式,考察了亲子间教育期望差异对小学生情感幸福感的影响,以及学业成绩和学业自我效能感的多重中介作用。结果发现:(1)亲子间教育期望差异影响小学生情感幸福感,与感知到的父母教育期望和自我教育期望一致相比,当感知到的父母教育期望高于自我教育期望时,小学生的积极情感水平更低而消极情感水平更高;(2)学业成绩和学业自我效能感在“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”这一差异方向与积极情感间起部分中介作用,在“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”与消极情感间起完全中介作用。具体而言,“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”可直接影响积极情感,还可通过学业成绩和学业自我效能感的链式中介作用以及学业自我效能感的独立中介作用间接影响积极情感;同时,“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”可通过学业成绩和学业自我效能感的链式中介作用、学业自我效能感的独立中介作用以及学业成绩的独立中介作用影响消极情感。  相似文献   

The focus of this research review is to determine what factors increase the likelihood that positive individual and systemic changes occur for children and adolescents following discharge from residential treatment. Residential treatment outcome studies from 1993 to 2003 that fulfilled predetermined criteria were located through 4 on-line databases using key word combinations. The research selected was: (a) 7 studies that measured outcome immediately upon completion of treatment and discharge, and (b) 11 studies where outcome progress was assessed at one or more follow-up dates after discharge. Results showed that children and adolescents with severe emotional and behaviour disorders can benefit and sustain positive outcomes from residential treatment that is multi-modal, holistic and ecological in its approach. Similar to the clinical child psychotherapy research, conclusions must be tempered due to the limited number of studies and methodological weaknesses. Future considerations highlight how research results can more realistically reflect intervention effectiveness when elements of the ecological and systemic landscape of care are addressed.  相似文献   

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